6 research outputs found

    Comparison of Signal Strength Prediction Models for Indoor-to-Outdoor and Outdoor-to-Indoor Wireless Communications

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    In wireless communication system, the propagation characteristics of the radio coverage areas such as indoor, outdoor, indoor-to-outdoor and outdoor-to-indoor are very important to acquire the accurate received signal strength. In this paper, the experiments are conducted for both indoor-to-outdoor and outdoor-to-indoor wireless communication environments to investigate how much the received signal strength values are different between them. To obtain the accurate received signal strength between the outdoor-to-indoor and indoor-to-outdoor areas, the COST 231 radio wave propagation model is extended by including additional path loss factors (Af) such as the building parameters, the heights of the transmitter and receiver, the distance between the transmitter and the receiver for each scenario. The proposed received signal strength prediction models for indoor-to-outdoor and outdoor-to-indoor wireless communication are validated by comparing with the experimental and predicted the received signal strength indicator (RSSI) values. According to the comparison results, the received signal power from the outdoor to indoor communication is higher than that of indoor-to-outdoor ones about -2 dBm or -3 dBm

    Enhancement of Cluster-based Routing Protocol with Parameters Consideration in Wireless Sensor Network

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    A wireless sensor network (WSN) consists of large number of battery operated sensor nodes which are generally deployed in different environments. These sensor nodes have limited energy to sense, process and transmit information. Therefore, there is a need to design an energy efficient routing protocol to extend the lifetime of a WSN. Low Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy (LEACH) protocols are considered to optimize the energy consumption. In this paper, a cluster based routing protocol called Enhancement of Cluster-based Routing Protocol with Parameter Consideration (ECRP-PC) is proposed, in which an assistant Cluster Head called Vice Cluster Head (VCH) is introduced in addition to Cluster Head (CH).  In a cluster, the node with the highest residual energy among all nodes is selected as the CH, and the node with second highest residual energy is selected by the CH as the VCH when the cluster head distance is longer than the specified distance. VCH will serve as a backup node of the CH. The selected VCH will be in a sleep mode as long as the energy of CH is above a threshold, and it will become active when the energy of CH is below a threshold. According to the results, the proposed ECRP-PC protocol is able to increase the average lifetime of nodes up to 56% compared to the original LEACH

    Clinical Study of Oestrogen Reception, Progesterone Receptor and HER2/ NEU Receptor Expression Status in Breast Cancer Patients

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    Hospital-based descriptive study was done from January 2017 to December 2017. The study was carried out in 100 breast cancer patients, attending the Medical Oncology Department of Yangon General Hospital by using convenience non-probability sampling method. The positive expression rate of ER, PR receptors observed were 53% and 57 % respectively. Her2/neu positive expression was 34% and equivocal (8%). The mean age of breast cancer patients was 51.1 years with the youngest being 26 and the oldest,78