8 research outputs found


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    Introduction. Almost thirty years in the modern history of Ukraine were marked by modest economic and social outcomes. Extremely low rates of economic growth, price and exchange rate instability, technological backwardness of the majority of domestic enterprises, their mass closing, degradation of production and social infrastructure, as well as human capital, low incomes of the vast majority of the population and their significant differentiation, deformations in the work of democratic mechanisms led to the need to revise the existing paradigm of socio-economic development. The purpose of the research is to study the theoretical and practical features of forming and functioning of national model of resource economics.Results. The main methodological approaches for assessing the nature and features of the functioning of the domestic economy are outlined. It is determined that Ukrainian export and GDP are highly dependent on the production and export of hard and soft resources, with the latter replacing the former. We can conclude that there is a long-term trend in the structure of commodity export to the replacement of hard resources export by the export of soft resources, and the calculated correlation coefficient is 0.95. There have been positive trends towards a gradual increase in the gross production of grain, including through the increased productivity of production and labour, which will facilitate medium-term economic growth.Conclusions. The creation of a modern model of competitive economics can help to catch up the level of social and economic development of the leading countries of the world. However, in the medium term, the reform of the national economic model with minimal transformation costs is possible only under the conditions of further development, primarily, of agrarian production, which will act as a medium-term development driver and at the same time will ensure certain macroeconomic stability.Проведен анализ особенностей функционирования национальной модели ресурсной экономики в Украине. Очерчены основные методические подходы к оценке характера и особенностей функционирования отечественной экономики. Определено, что украинский экспорт и ВВП имеет высокую зависимость от производства и экспорта тяжелых и легких ресурсов, причем последние замещают первые. Выявлено наличие долгосрочной тенденции в структуре товарного экспорта в замещении экспорта тяжелых ресурсов экспортом легких, что подтверждено высоким значением рассчитанного коэффициента корреляции. Полученные результаты позволяют утверждать, что в среднесрочной перспективе реформирование национальной модели экономики с минимальными трансформационными издержками возможно лишь при условии дальнейшего развития аграрного производства, которое будет выступать среднесрочным драйвером развития и одновременно обеспечивать определенную макроэкономическую стабильность.Майже тридцять років у новітній історії України ознаменувались досить скромними як економічними, так і соціальними результатами. Украй низькі темпи економічного зростання, цінова та курсова нестабільність, технологічна відсталість більшості вітчизняних підприємств, їх масове закриття, деградація виробничої та соціальної інфраструктури зумовили необхідність перегляду наявної парадигми соціально-економічного розвитку.Метою роботи є дослідження теоретичних положень і практичних особливостей формування та функціонування національної моделі ресурсної економіки.Окреслено основні методичні підходи до оцінки характеру та особливостей функціонування вітчизняної економіки. Визначено, що український експорт і ВВП мають високу залежність від виробництва та експорту важких і легких ресурсів, причому останні заміщують перші. Виявлено наявність довгострокової тенденції у структурі товарного експорту до заміщення експорту важких ресурсів експортом легких, що підтверджено високим значенням розрахованого коефіцієнта кореляції, який становить 0,95. Описані позитивні тенденції до поступового збільшення валового виробництва зернових, у тому числі за рахунок підвищення продуктивності виробництва і праці, що сприятиме середньостроковому економічному зростанню. На відміну від виробництва сталі, Україна має всі перспективи до нарощення своєї частки на глобальних ринках зернових та інших видів легких ресурсів.Трансформація внутрішніх механізмів функціонування національної моделі ресурсної економіки не означає якісної зміни самої системи організації економічних відносин в Україні, де динаміка національного ВВП визначається виробництвом та експортом важких і легких ресурсів. Лише завдяки створенню сучасної моделі конкурентоспроможної економіки можна наздогнати за рівнем соціально-економічного розвитку провідні країни світу.Отримані результати дозволяють стверджувати, що в середньостроковій перспективі реформування національної моделі економіки з мінімальними трансформаційними витратами можливе лише за умов подальшого розвитку аграрного виробництва, яке виступатиме середньостроковим драйвером розвитку та одночасно забезпечуватиме певну макроекономічну стабільність

    Efficiency of seeds' germination in pre-sowing irradiation by UV- light of different spectral composition

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    One of the main tasks of the agricultural complex is to increase the quantity and quality of crop production. Great interest in stimulating growth and increasing the resistance of plants to external factors and increasing the productivity of agricultural crops is the pre-sowing processing of seeds of crops by UV radiation. The influence of UV-light with three different spectral regions C (200–280 nm), B (280–320 nm) and A (320–400 nm) of irradiation on the biological processes in seeds has been investigated. In series of laboratory experiments it has been shown that UV irradiation positively affects germination energy and germination capacity. Particularly, it has been demonstrated that UV-light with a dose of 120 J/m2 increases the germination energy and germination capacity by 23–31 % and by 14–25 % (depending on the chosen spectral region), correspondingly, compared to control samplesMykola Marenych, Anatoliy Semenov, Tamara Sakhno, Nikolay Barashkov. Efficiency of seeds' germination in pre-sowing irradiation by UV- light of different spectral composition. American Chemical Society ASC FALL 2021 «Resilience of Chemistry», august 22-26, 2021, C

    Participation of γ-aminobutyric acid in cell signaling processes and plant adaptation to abiotic stressors

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    Adaptation of plants to stress factors occurs with the participation of stress phytohormones, signaling network and plant neurotransmitters. Among the latter, in particular, γ-aminobutyric acid (γ-aminobutyric acid – GABA) is a non-proteinogenic four-carbon amino acid found in many prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms. Its functions in plants have been actively studied only in the past decade. During this period, a lot of information has been accumulated about the protective effect of exogenous GABA on plants of various taxonomic groups under the influence of stress factors of various nature. The first national review is devoted to the analysis and generalization of data on the mechanisms of stress-protective action of GABA in plants. The ways of synthesis and metabolism of GABA in plant cells and the mechanisms of activation of these processes under stressful conditions are described. It is noted that the main way of GABA formation in plants is decarboxylation of glutamate by means of glutamate decarboxy­lase. Possible mechanisms of GABA reception and signal transmission to the genetic apparatus are discussed. Special attention is paid to the analysis of new data on the role of calcium in the activation of GABA synthesis and the realization of its physiological effects. Possible mechanisms of GABA’s influence on the functioning of mitochondria, its role in maintaining redox homeostasis under stressful conditions are discussed. At the same time, data on the increase in the expression of genes encoding the catalytic subunit of NADPH oxidase under the influence of GABA are presented. Functional connections between GABA and nitric oxide as a signaling mediator are considered. The effect of exogenous GABA on the main protective reactions of plants is characte­rized: the state of the antioxidant system, the accumulation of multifunctional low-molecular protectors, the synthesis of dehydrins and chaperones. The data on the phenomeno­logy of the effects of GABA under the main abiotic stresses are presented: the effects of extreme temperatures, drought and salinity on plants. The prospects for the practical use of GABA as a compound that combines the functions of an energy metabolite and a signaling mediator are noted

    Signaling and protection systems in the adaptation of plants to cold

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    Global climate change increases the urgency of the problem of plant resistance to stress temperatures. Due to temperature instability in winter, as well as the earlier onset of meteorological spring with frosts, the likelihood of lowtemperature damage to plants increases. Adaptive strategies of the different plant species have their own specific features. The review uses mainly the examples of cultivated plants to analyze the current understanding of the mechanisms of cold stress signal perception and transmission to genetic apparatus. Emphasis is placed on the participation of new signal mediators (gasotransmitters) – nitric oxide and hydrogen sulfide – in the formation of plant defense reactions under hypothermia. Data on the role of antioxidant and osmoprotective systems as well as specific proteins in plant adaptation to cold are summarized. The issues of functional interaction between the components of stress-protective systems during cold adaptation are discussed. The opportunities are outlined for the practical use of gasotransmitter donors as agents for plant priming in order to increase their resistance to hypothermia. The possibilities of using indicators of the state of stress-protective systems to search for donors of resistance are also critically analyzed

    Effect of UV-C radiation on basic indices of growth process of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) seeds in pre-sowing treatment

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    Abstract: An investigation of the effects of UV-C radiation from source having the power of 20 W on improvement of seed quality of Ukrainian winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) six cultivars: ‘Gratsіia Myronivska’, ‘Trudivnytsia Myronivska’, ‘Vezha Myronivska’, ‘Mudrist Odeska’, ‘Nyva Odeska’ and ‘Lira Odeska’, has been done. In the performed experiment the UV-C irradiation in the range of 50-1000 J m-2 was applied. Based on the experimental results it is concluded that irradiation of UV-C on wheat seeds stimulated the seed vigour and germination. It has been established the optimal irradiation dose of UV-C radiation - 250 J m-2 for ‘Trudіvnitsia Myronіvska’, ‘Mudrіst Odeska’, ‘Nyva Odeska’, ‘Lіra Odeska’ cultivars and 500 J m-2 for ‘Hratsіia Myronіvska’ and ‘Vezha Myronіvska’ cultivars, which leads to maximum effect. The highest biometric indices of seedling structural elements were obtained from the seeds of all wheat cultivars, for which the values of seed vigour and germination were also maximum ones, i.e. at the same irradiation dose.SEMENOV et al. Effect of UV-C radiation on basic indices of growth process of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) seeds in pre-sowing treatment. Acta agriculturae Slovenica, 116/1, Ljubljana 202

    Formation of the Quality Indicators of Hemp ( Cannabis Sativa L.) Seeds Sown under Organic Growing Technology

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    The oil content of hemp seeds is controlled by the genotype and in the conducted studies did not depend on the growing technology, but this factor had a synergistic effect with others. The protein content of hemp seeds during the years of research did not depend on weather conditions. Like other quality indicators, it had a slight variation, which indicates the significant role of the genetic characteristics of the varieties. On average, over the years of research, the protein content of variants grown according to conventional technology was 25.2%, and according to transitional technology, it was 0.03% higher, which was within the limits of statistical error. The organic technology ensured the protein content at the level of 25.3%, and the use of the microbial biodegrader - biodestructor BioStymix-Niva contributed to the further growth of the indicator to 25.4%. The oil content of hemp seeds is not limited by other important characteristics, such as the yield of the hemp stems or the fiber content. Only the Glyana variety showed inverse correlations with plant height, hemp stems and seed productivity, they were of medium strength (r = –0.60… –0.43). In the Zolotoniski 15 variety, only one inverse relationship was recorded - plant height (r = –0.57). No correlation was established between protein content and oil content in seeds. Correlations may change depending on other factors of cultivation, including weather conditions, elements of technology, etc., but the evaluation of varieties for cultivation according to these characteristics can significantly increase the efficiency of the production of cannabis products

    The Evaluation Technological and Stability Approach for Electric Traction Forces and Opposite Ones of Rolling Stock Contactors

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    Маренич, А. А. Метод технологической стабильности электротяговой и противодействующей сил контакторов подвижного состава / А. А. Маренич, Н. А. Костин // Вісник Дніпропетр. нац. ун-ту залізн. трансп. ім. акад. В. Лазаряна. — 2011. — Вип. 37. — С. 93—99. УДК 621.3.04:629.423.02RU: Предлагается новый, более точный метод определения дисперсии нелинейной функции нескольких случайных величин-аргументов в применении к тяговой и противодействующей характеристикам электромагнитных контакторов подвижного состава. Определен параметр, наиболее существенно влияющий на стабильность тяговой и противодействующей характеристик электромагнитных клапанных контакторов.UK: Пропонується новий, покращений метод визначення дисперсії нелінійної функції декількох випадкових величин-аргументів у застосуванні до тягової та протидіючої характеристики електромагнітних контакторів рухомого складу. Визначено параметр, що найістотніше впливає на стабільність тягової та протидіючої характеристик електромагнітних клапанних контакторів.EN: The new improved method of determination of the nonlinear function of several random variables-arguments as applied to traction and counteracting characteristics of the rolling stock electromagnetic contactors is proposed. A parameter which has the most substantial influence on the stability of traction and counteracting characteristics of the electromagnetic valve contactors is determined