30 research outputs found

    Taxonomic Study on Fagaceous Trees from Upper Chindwin

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    The Fagaceous trees from Upper Chindwin of Sagaing Region mostly covered by Semi evergreen forest, had been collected, recorded and studied. Totally 10 species belonging to 3 genera of the Family Fagaceae occur abundantly. The resulting species can be easily distinguished by the characteristics of the leaves and fruits. Saucer-shaped or cup-shaped cupules bearing the nuts are found in species of Lithocarpus and Quercus while that is totally enclosing the fruits and spiny or scaly in Castanopsis. An artificial key to the species and diagnostic characters are briefly described with figures of the fruits

    Defensive Analysis on Web-Application Input Validation for Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) Attack `

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    Nowadays, any kinds of cyber-attacks arefirstly attacked to web site and the site containsinformation about business, government andother organizations. So, the role of web pagesecurity is becoming the essential part of cybersecurity. Most of the web pages are suffered fromattacks such as Advanced Persistent Threat(APT). An APT is an extended campaigntargeted at a specific organization to achieve aclear objective. Most of the web pages havemuch vulnerability due to insecure source codes.In this paper, it will be defined web pagevulnerabilities on PHP source code. It will becollected the attacks from the scenarios. Theresult can be concluded the attack vectors via thesource code. Each level of source code can begenerated by the attributes of source code. Theseattributes can be measured in order to securesource codes and can be evaluated by measuringthe vulnerabilities metrics

    Piloting the river basin management in the Bago Sub-basin Area, experiences and recommendations

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    Project manager Ingrid NesheimThe aim of the IWRM project has been to pilot the development of a coordinated River Basin Management Plan. The report presents the procedures applied and the experiences gained as part of this pilot in the Bago River Sub-basin during the period 2015 - 2018. The report explains the basic principles for River Basin Management Approach and provides a brief overview of the history of water management in Myanmar including public participation. The report describes and reflects on, the efforts undertaken in the project to delineate the administrative Sittaung River Basin Area with Sub-basin Areas. The processes and the experiences of establishing platforms for coordination and non-governmental stakeholder participation for IWRM are presented. The theories and perspectives of environmental management and decision making which have guided main practical management steps as undertaken in the project for the development of the Bago Sub-basin Management Plan are described and reflected on.Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation Myanmar; The Norwegian embassy in Yangon, MyanmarpublishedVersio

    Underweight Prevalence Among Young Adults from Rural Areas, Salin Township, Magwe Region

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    Maintaining a normal body mass index (BMI) throught the life-span of a person may reduce occurence as well as the burden of non-communicable diseases (NCDs), in terms of years lived with disability and premature death. Lifestyle and socioeconomic factors like physical activity and availability of healthy or unhealthy food may contribute to both extremes of BMI, namely under-weight and overweight/ obesity

    Contribution of focal haemorrhage and microvascular fibrin deposition to fatal envenoming by Russell's viper (Vipera russelli siamensis) in Burma.

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    In Burma, clinicopathological studies were carried out in three young farmers who died 15, 52 and 36 h after being bitten by Russell's vipers. Clinical features included local swelling, spontaneous systemic bleeding, defibrination, shock, cardiac arrhythmia, hypoglycaemia, coma and oliguria. On admission to hospital, 15, 48 and 21 h after the bites, serum venom antigen concentrations ranged from 50 to 130 ng/ml. Autopsies revealed widespread congestion and bleeding in the lungs, gastrointestinal and renal tracts, adrenals, heart, brain and anterior pituitary. There was histopathological evidence of focal haemorrhage and fibrin deposition at the site of the bite and in the pituitary, lungs and kidneys and acute tubular necrosis. Deposition of fibrin microthrombi results from the action of venom procoagulants. Shock was attributed to increased capillary permeability, revealed clinically by conjunctival oedema. Acute pituitary/adrenal failure in one case was explained by fibrin deposition and haemorrhage in the anterior pituitary--resembling Sheehan's syndrome. Acute tubular necrosis resulted from ischaemia caused by fibrin deposition and to prerenal factors. An intractable cardiac tachyarrhythmia may have been caused by subendocardial and myocardial haemorrhages

    Integrating data from different survey types for population monitoring of an endangered species: the case of the Eld’s deer

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    Despite its value for conservation decision-making, we lack information on population abundances for most species. Because establishing large-scale monitoring schemes is rarely feasible, statistical methods that combine multiple data sources are promising approaches to maximize use of available information. We built a Bayesian hierarchical model that combined different survey data of the endangered Eld’s deer in Shwesettaw Wildlife Sanctuary (SWS) in Myanmar and tested our approach in simulation experiments. We combined spatially-restricted line-transect abundance data with more spatially-extensive camera-trap occupancy data to enable estimation of the total deer abundance. The integrated model comprised an ecological model (common to both survey types, based on the equivalence between cloglog-transformed occurrence probability and log-transformed expected abundance) and separate observation models for each survey type. We estimated that the population size of Eld’s deer in SWS is c. 1519 (1061–2114), suggesting it is the world’s largest wild population. The simulations indicated that the potential benefits of combining data include increased precision and better sampling of the spatial variation in the environment, compared to separate analysis of each survey. Our analytical approach, which integrates the strengths of different survey methods, has widespread application for estimating species’ abundances, especially in information-poor regions of the world

    Integrating data from different survey types for population monitoring of an endangered species: the case of the Eld’s deer

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    Despite its value for conservation decision-making, we lack information on population abundances for most species. Because establishing large-scale monitoring schemes is rarely feasible, statistical methods that combine multiple data sources are promising approaches to maximize use of available information. We built a Bayesian hierarchical model that combined different survey data of the endangered Eld’s deer in Shwesettaw Wildlife Sanctuary (SWS) in Myanmar and tested our approach in simulation experiments. We combined spatially-restricted line-transect abundance data with more spatially-extensive camera-trap occupancy data to enable estimation of the total deer abundance. The integrated model comprised an ecological model (common to both survey types, based on the equivalence between cloglog-transformed occurrence probability and log-transformed expected abundance) and separate observation models for each survey type. We estimated that the population size of Eld’s deer in SWS is c. 1519 (1061–2114), suggesting it is the world’s largest wild population. The simulations indicated that the potential benefits of combining data include increased precision and better sampling of the spatial variation in the environment, compared to separate analysis of each survey. Our analytical approach, which integrates the strengths of different survey methods, has widespread application for estimating species’ abundances, especially in information-poor regions of the world