151 research outputs found

    Allopurinol causing generalized exfoliative dermatitis: a case report

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    Erythroderma is a scaly, erythematous dermatitis of the skin, which occurs in drug allergy, malignancy and underlying skin disorders. The diagnosis is challenging because the extent of skin involvement does not always correlate with the extent of internal organ involvement. Therefore, early recognition of symptoms is vital to minimize morbidity and mortality. Case report: A 52 years old man had asymptomatic hyperuricemia and prescribed allopurinol 300mg, daily. One month later, the rashes started to appear on his trunk and then progressed to the face and upper limbs. Then it continued to spread to the lower extremities. Management involves prompt cessation of the culprit drug, administration of corticosteroids and supportive treatment. It is Concluded that Allopurinol is commonly used in clinical practice for the treatment of symptomatic hyperuricemia and gout. It has been associated with erythroderma especially when used indiscriminately

    Authentications of Myanmar National Registration Card

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    The automatic identification system of Myanmar national registration card (NRC) holder is presented in this paper. The proposed system can be handled the identification by the extracted low quality face image and fingerprint image from Myanmar NRC. Both of the facial recognition and fingerprint recognition system are developed for Myanmar citizenship confirmation. Age invariant face recognition algorithm is performed based on combination of DiaPCA (Diagonal principal Component Analysis) and KNN (Kth nearest neighbor classifier) approaches. An algorithm of the fingerprint recognition is proposed for recognition of the poor quality fingerprint image with fabric background.  Several experiments have been done for confirming the effectiveness of the proposed approach

    Allopurinol causing generalized exfoliative dermatitis: a case report

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    Erythroderma is a scaly, erythematous dermatitis of the skin, which occurs in drug allergy, malignancy and underlying skin disorders. The diagnosis is challenging because the extent of skin involvement does not always correlate with the extent of internal organ involvement. Therefore, early recognition of symptoms is vital to minimize morbidity and mortality. Case report: A 52 years old man had asymptomatic hyperuricemia and prescribed allopurinol 300mg, daily. One month later, the rashes started to appear on his trunk and then progressed to the face and upper limbs. Then it continued to spread to the lower extremities. Management involves prompt cessation of the culprit drug, administration of corticosteroids and supportive treatment. It is Concluded that Allopurinol is commonly used in clinical practice for the treatment of symptomatic hyperuricemia and gout. It has been associated with erythroderma especially when used indiscriminately

    Effect of Body Positions on Lungs Volume in Asthmatic Patients: A Cross-sectional Study

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    Aim: The purpose of our research was to investigate the effect of different body positions on lungs volume by conducting pulmonary function test (PFT) values of the asthmatic patients. The objectives were (1) to assess the correlation between pulmonary function and posture in adult patients with asthma, (2) to determine the best position with higher lungs volume that was preferable for the asthmatic patients to relieve the asthma attack and for rehabilitation approach. Study Design: Cross-sectional study. Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted in the Reconstructive and Rehabilitative Center at University Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS) between December 2015 and June 2016. Methodology: The total of 30 participants was recruited in this study. Among them, 15 participants were asthmatic patients and 15 participants were non-asthmatic, control persons. All theparticipants were between 19-25 years of age and they were enrolled after they had signed a written consent. Participants were selected using the inclusion criteria and Spiro Excel PC based pulmonary function test (PFT Medicaid Systems) were administered. Spirometer measurements (FVC, FEV1) were taken in the standing, sitting and supine positions. Each measurement was taken two times and the average values were analyzed. The order of the body positions was randomized. Results: In the asthmatic group, the best position was supine with a mean±standard deviation (SD) of FEV1/FVC, 77.93±17.37. Whereas, in control group, the best position was standing with a mean±SD of FEV1/FVC, 90.12±5.97. The second best positions were sitting position in the asthmatic group (75.37±16.37) and supine position in control group (89.70±8.79). Finally, the standing position had the lowest lungs function in the asthmatic group (73.63±17.08) and sitting position in control group (88.53±11.17). Conclusion: Our study showed that supine was the best position for measuring FEV1 and FVC of asthmatic participants. Therefore, supportive positions such as supine or leaning to the wall are suggested to improve pulmonary function of the patients, especially during asthmatic attack

    Morpheme-Based Myanmar Word Segmenter

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    "Myanmar script has no fixed delimiters between words or syllables. Therefore, to achieve meaningful and correct segmented words from the text is a challenging task. This paper has proposed a morpheme-based Myanmar word tokenizer which combines rule-based syllable breaking and dictionary lookup syllable merging methods with longest string matching approach. The proposed approach is tested on a Monolingual dictionary that contains useful information for the word segmentation. It also contains above 32,581 words including headwords, stop words and essential words with Myanmar3 font. These words are collected from Myanmar and Essential Words dictionaries. According to the experimental results, it can provide the promising segmentation accuracy of Myanmar text. KEYWORDS: Syllable breaking; Morpheme;

    Penicillin resistance in Streptococcus pneumoniae: Threat, Treatment, and Future trends in Management

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    Emergence of antibiotic resistance is a global concern in this era to combat infectious diseases. Streptococcus pneumoniae is one of the most common causes of communityacquired respiratory tract infections and the drug of choice for treatment was penicillin. However, the first clinically significant penicillin-non-susceptible pneumococcus (PNSP) was documented in 1967. Since then, penicillin resistance strain had been identified in different continents of the world. Among 94 serotypes of S. pneumoniae, ―paediatric serotypes‖ (6A, 6B, 9V, 14, 15A, 19A, 19F and 23F) were found to have the highest resistance to penicillin and erythromycin globally. The mechanism of penicillin resistance in S. pneumoniae is conveyed by the alternation of the structure of penicillin binding proteins (PBPs), which leads to reducing the affinity for penicillin. There is a relationship between antibiotic consumption and dissemination of antibiotic resistant pneumococcal clones in Southern and Eastern Europe, America, and Asia. Therefore, rational use of antibiotics is important in order to decrease the development and spread of resistant strains. After the introduction of Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV) 7 vaccines, non-vaccine serotypes like 6C, 11A, 15A, and 15B/C have increased in prevalence. Since the changes in serotype prevalence due to selective pressure have been observed, it is necessary to monitor the prevalent serotypes. Optimal coverage may be achieved by using vaccines with a wide range of serotype coverage in the future. In managing pneumococcal infections, sensitivity tests are important to choose the appropriate antibiotics. In severe pneumonia or hospital-acquired pneumonia patients at the area of high prevalence of PNSP, the initial antibiotics must include intravenous carbapenems, ceftriaxone, cefotaxime or newer quinolones, meanwhile, penicillin-resistant pneumococcal meningitis (≥ 2 µg/ml) is vancomycin and ceftriaxone or cefotaxime. Judicious use of antibiotics, modification of the treatment duration and encouragement for adherence by patients are recommended to prevent antibiotic resistance. Development of new classes of drugs and novel therapeutic regimen is essential to overcome the hazard of penicillin resistance pneumococcal infection in future. Keywords: Penicillin resistance, β-Lactams, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Communityacquired respiratory tract infections

    Medical and nursing students’ knowledge of accurate blood pressure measurement procedure in University Malaysia Sarawak

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    Blood pressure measurement is a basic, frequently-used clinical procedure. Nowadays with increasing use of automatic devices, blood pressure measurement procedure is the most inaccurately performed by the healthcare professionals. The medical and nursing students need good knowledge of accurate measurement procedure for correct diagnosis of hypertension. Our study assessed the knowledge of blood pressure measurement procedure among medical and nursing students in Faculty of Medicine and Health Science of University Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS). This was a quantitative, cross-sectional study. Data were collected from total 242 students (171 medical and 71 nursing programmes) with a pre-tested questionnaire including patient’s position, application of instruments, and measurement technique and blood pressure reading. Of 16 items tested, correct answers for 9 items were less than 70%: proper patient’s position (66.9%), choice of the arm (59.1%), appropriate cuff size(51.2%), chest piece (bell or diaphragm) of stethoscope used for listening of Korotkoff sound(11.6%), estimated inflation cuff pressure(66.1%), recommended deflation rate(65.3%), preference of last digit of blood pressure reading(60.7 %), awareness of the auscultatory gap (31.0 %), and habit of palpatory method (27.7%). 51.7% of total students (n= 242) had good knowledge scores. There was no significantly different between the medical and nursing students’ mean knowledge scores (p value=0.099). Our study found that the students need subsequent learning and practices to improve their knowledge for accurate blood pressure resul

    Evaluation of physicochemical characteristics and genetic diversity of widely consumed rice varieties in Kyaukse area, Myanmar

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    Consumer preferences are greatly influenced by eating and cooking qualities of rice grains, along with the economic value of a specific rice variety. This study was to evaluate ten rice varieties including the check variety IR64 on their physicochemical, cooking and eating qualities as well as to identify their genetic diversity using SSR markers. Most rice varieties are medium-grain types based on length-breadth ratio, whereas the famous Myanmar rice variety, Paw San Bay Kyar, (PSBK) is bold. PSBK showed the best cooking and eating quality traits with intermediate amylose content (AC), intermediate gelatinization temperature (GT), soft gel consistency (GC), and the highest elongation ratio among the studied rice varieties. Seventeen SSR markers linked with cooking and eating traits were used to assess the extent of polymorphism and genetic variation among ten rice varieties. There were 49 alleles in total, with an average of 2.88 alleles per locus. RM592 had the maximum number of alleles. The average PIC value ranged from 0.22 (RM540) to 0.77 (RM592). Cluster analysis with UPGMA method based on Jaccard’s similarity coefficient divided ten rice varieties into two main groups and four sub-clusters. In multiple regression analysis, RM190 and Wx primers were discovered to be significantly associated with AC, GC and GT of cooking and eating quality traits. This study could contribute to the choice of rice varieties with superior cooking and eating qualities for rice breeding programs by implementing physicochemical characteristics and molecular analysis

    The Relationship between Usage of Digital Devices and Musculoskeletal Symptoms: A Cross-Sectional Study among University Students in Sarawak

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    Digital devices such as mobile phone, personal computer and laptop are playing a major role in students’ life, but if overused they can bring certain impacts on the musculoskeletal system. Objective: To determine the relationship between usage of digital devices and musculoskeletal symptoms among the university students. Methods: A self-administered questionnaire consist of digital devices use items and the Cornell Musculoskeletal Discomfort Question (CMDQ) were administered among 363 311 university students. Correlation analysis was done by using the SPSS software. Results: The mean age of study respondents was 21.6 years old (SD=1.0). A majority of respondents use mobile phone (94.9%) on a prolonged sitting position ranging from 5.0 to 7.5 hours per day. About 32% to 60% of respondents experienced musculoskeletal discomfort in at least one body part at least one on their body parts, with higher prevalence on the neck, shoulder, lower back, and upper back. Females are more prone to experience musculoskeletal symptoms. Time spent on digital devices, eye-to-screen distance, body posture, and age of first use were significantly correlated with musculoskeletal symptoms. Conclusions: University students are at a higher risk to experience musculoskeletal symptoms related to the usage of a handheld digital device. If these musculoskeletal symptoms are not prevented, it may further cause dysfunction and disability. To mitigate these problems, some form of targeted health promotion initiative need to be implemented in the university