315 research outputs found

    Women in Medieval Bergen. Gender and Material Culture

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    Han sa hva vi skulle gjøre, og så gjorde vi det etterpå. Barns opplevelse av å være med på et langsiktig kunstprosjekt i skolen.

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    Sammendrag Tittel: Han sa hva vi skulle gjøre, og så gjorde vi det etterpå. Barns opplevelse av å være med på et langsiktig kunstprosjekt i skolen. Det overordna utgangspunktet for denne oppgaven har vært de visuelle kunstfagenes kvalitet og plass i skolen, og hvordan disse kan nyttiggjøres i tilpassa opplæring. Jeg har innhentet kunnskap om dette ved å undersøke ei gruppe barn sin opplevelse av å delta i et langsiktig kunstprosjekt. Elevene går på en liten skole i ei bygd sør i Norge. Prosjektet gjennomføres i klassen deres over en periode på 10 år, og de var i tidsrommet for min undersøkelse kommet fire år inn i prosjektet. Prosjektet er organisert slik at det hvert skoleår kommer en kunstner til klassen og leder dem gjennom to perioder med arbeid med visuelle kunstformer. Da løses den ordinære timeplanen opp, og elevene arbeider sammen med kunstneren både med eget arbeid og med kunstnerens arbeid. Kunstneroppholdet munner ut i et kunstverk som gis tilbake til bygda. Målsettingen er kunst for kunstens skyld. Jeg ønsket å undersøke elevenes opplevelse av å delta i dette prosjektet, og formulerte på dette grunnlaget følgende problemstilling: Kunst som erfaring. Hva kan elevers opplevelse av fordypning i visuell kunst tilføre det metodiske repertoaret i tilpassa opplæring? Denne har jeg forsøkt å finne svar på sett i lys av estetiske læringsteorier og dybdelæring, samt styringsdokumenter for grunnskolen. Basert på dette har jeg gjort en kvalitativ, fenomenologisk – hermeneutisk studie. Det epistemologiske grunnlaget la jeg gjennom gruppeintervju av elevene, skriftlig individuelt intervju av elevene, intervju med rektor og observasjon av to kunst - økter. Dette materialet har så vært gjenstand for analyse, og målt opp mot problemstilling og følgende forskningsspørsmål: på hvilke måter uttrykker elevene opplevelser av mestring, på hvilke måter kan estetiske læringsteorier kaste lys over mestringsopplevelsenes betydning for læring og hvordan kan elevenes erfaringer nyttiggjøres i tilpassa opplæring. Jeg fant at det var en nær forbindelse mellom elevenes opplevelse av mestring og opplevelse av mening. Elevene opplevde at de lærte mye, og de uttrykte særlig stolthet over å kunne noe ikke alle andre kan. Jeg fant også at de ikke knyttet læring i kunstfag direkte til læring i teorifag, og at et flertall skilte på dette ved å si at det var gøy å lære av en kunstner, mens av en lærer lærte de kjedelige ting. Elevene uttrykte videre positive forventninger til videre læring i kunstperiodene, og denne forventningen syntes å bli forsterket av utsikten til at oppgavene kom til å ha høyere vanskelighetsgrad. Dette syntes i seg selv å forsterke elevenes glede ved å lære. Elevene viste velutviklet evne til analytisk tenkning, en viktig målsetting for dybdelæring slik det er formulert i Kunnskapsløftet 2020. Øktene deres med kunstneren viste meg også estetiske læringsprosesser i praksis og hvordan denne tilnærmingen bidro til at elevene satte seg sine egne mål for læringsprosessen. Dette viste seg også å være en viktig motivasjonsfaktor. Det samme var god klasseledelse og klare rammer for oppgavene. Dette så ut til å motivere best når elevene opprettholdt opplevelsen av å arbeide for å nå sine egne målsettinger. Det kan være uheldig å generalisere ut fra en studie med så få informanter, men flere av disse funnene vil kunne være overførbare til tilpassa opplæring. I særlig grad gjelder dette motivasjonsfaktorene og deres betydning for elevenes opplevelse av mestring. Undersøkelsen munnet ut i to retninger som kunne være interessante å forfølge videre. Den ene er den visuelle kunstens verdi for tilpassing i seg selv, og hvordan dette kan utvikle grunnleggende ferdigheter hos elevene. Arbeidet med visuell kunst vil kunne gi elevene flere mestringserfaringer, som kanskje vil danne positive forventninger til videre læring. Kanskje vil dette på sikt også overføres til læring i teorifag. Den andre retningen er knyttet opp mot de estetiske læringsprosessenes verdi som metode også i teoretiske fag. Ved å legge undervisningen til rette ut fra et estetisk læringsperspektiv vil kanskje elevene bli mer tilgjengelige for læring. I begge disse ligger det et potensial for videre forskning basert på prosjektet.Abstract Title: He told us what to do, and then we did it. Children's experience being part of a long-term art project in school. The overall starting point for this master thesis has been the quality and significance of visual arts in schools, and how these can be utilized in adapted teaching. I have gained knowledge about this by examining a group of children's experience of participating in a long-term art project. These pupils attend a small school in a village in the south of Norway. The project is scheduled to be implemented in their class over a period of 10 years. At the time of my research, they were four years into the project. During the project artists come to the class each school – year and conduct two periods of work with visual art forms. During these periods the students’ ordinary schedule is dissolved, and they work together with the artist both with their own projects and participating in the artist's work. The artist residency culminates in a work of art that is given back to the village. The goal is art for art's sake. I wanted to investigate the students' experience of participating in this project, and on this basis formulated the following main question: Art as experience. What can pupils' experience of in-depth study of visual arts add to the methodological repertoire in adapted teaching? I have tried to find answers to this based on aesthetic learning theories and deep learning, as well as governing documents for primary and lower secondary schools. Based on this, I have done a qualitative, phenomenological – hermeneutic study. I laid the epistemological foundation through a group interview of the students, individual interviews of the students in writing, an interview with the principal and observation of two art sessions. This material has then been the subject of analysis and measured against the research question and the following research questions: in what ways do the students express experiences of coping, in what ways can aesthetic learning theories elucidate the importance of coping - experiences for learning, and how can the students' experiences be utilized in adapted teaching. I found that there was a close connection between the students' perception of coping and their sense of meaning. The pupils felt that they learned a lot, and they expressed pride in knowing something not everyone else can. I also found that they did not link learning in the arts directly to learning theoretical subjects, and that a majority distinguished this by saying that it was fun to learn from an artist, while from a teacher they learned boring things. The pupils further expressed positive expectations for future learning during the art periods, and this expectation seemed to be reinforced by the prospect that the tasks would have a higher level of difficulty. This seemed to enhance the students' joy of learning. The pupils demonstrated well-developed analytical thinking, an important objective for deep learning as formulated in “Kunnskapsløftet 2020”. Their sessions with the artist also allowed me to experience aesthetic learning processes in practice and how this approach helped students set their own goals for the learning process. This also proved to be an important motivating factor. As was good classroom management and clear framework for the tasks. This seemed to motivate the most when students maintained the experience of working to achieve their own learning - goals. It may be unfortunate to generalize based on a study with so few informants, but several of these findings nevertheless may be transferable to adapted learning. This applies particularly to the motivational factors and their significance for the students' perception of coping. The investigation resulted in two directions that would be interesting to pursue further. One is the visual arts' value for adaptation, and how this can develop student’ basic skills. Working with visual arts might expand the pupils’ range of coping - experiences, which in its turn form positive expectations for further learning. In the long run this will perhaps also be transferred to learning in theoretical subjects. The second direction is linked to the value of aesthetic learning processes as a method also in theoretical subjects. By facilitating teaching from an aesthetic learning perspective, students may become more available for learning. Both directions form a potential for further research based on the project

    Verdsettelse av Color Line AS

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    Masteroppgave økonomi og administrasjon BE501 - Universitetet i Agder 2018Konfidensiell til / confidential until 01.07.202

    Stable or unstable associations between learning environment factors, study approaches and exam grades: cross-sectional analyses across two consecutive program years

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    Studies into the relationships between learning environment perceptions, approaches to studying, and academic outcomes have largely followed cross-sectional designs. As a result, knowledge is sparse with regards to whether, or to what degree, the established associations are consistent across years of study. This study aimed to (i) examine associations between occupational therapy students’ academic performance, their approaches to studying and perceptions of the learning environment, while in their second and third years of study, and (ii) evaluate the consistency of the results across years of study. Occupational therapy students in Norway were assessed annually with regards to their perceptions of the learning environment, study approaches, and academic performance. Associations between variables, measured within each study year, were analyzed with linear regression analyses, and then compared year-overyear. In the second study year (n=162), better academic performance was associated with lower student autonomy, and higher scores on strategic approach. In the third study year (n=189), better academic performance was associated with being female and lower scores on surface approach. Having occupational therapy as the preferred line of education at enrollment was associated with better grades in both study years. Associations between grades and gender, perceptions of student autonomy, and study approaches were somewhat different between the two years. Implications for educational practice is discussed and various contents and emphasis in educational programs are proposed.publishedVersio

    Stable or Unstable Associations Between Learning Environment Factors, Study Approaches and Exam Grades: Cross-Sectional Analyses Across Two Consecutive Program Years

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    Studies into the relationships between learning environment perceptions, approaches to studying, and academic outcomes have largely followed cross-sectional designs. As a result, knowledge is sparse with regards to whether, or to what degree, the established associations are consistent across years of study. This study aimed to (i) examine associations between occupational therapy students’ academic performance, their approaches to studying and perceptions of the learning environment, while in their second and third years of study, and (ii) evaluate the consistency of the results across years of study. Occupational therapy students in Norway were assessed annually with regards to their perceptions of the learning environment, study approaches, and academic performance. Associations between variables, measured within each study year, were analyzed with linear regression analyses, and then compared year-over-year. In the second study year (n=162), better academic performance was associated with lower student autonomy, and higher scores on strategic approach. In the third study year (n=189), better academic performance was associated with being female and lower scores on surface approach. Having occupational therapy as the preferred line of education at enrollment was associated with better grades in both study years. Associations between grades and gender, perceptions of student autonomy, and study approaches were somewhat different between the two years. Implications for educational practice is discussed and various contents and emphasis in educational programs are proposed

    Enhancement of cranial nerves in Lyme neuroborreliosis: incidence and correlation with clinical symptoms and prognosis

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    Purpose Symptoms of cranial neuritis are a common presentation of Lyme neuroborreliosis (LNB). Imaging studies are scarce and report contradictory low prevalence of enhancement compared to clinical studies of cranial neuropathy. We hypothesized that MRI enhancement of cranial nerves in LNB is underreported, and aimed to assess the prevalence and clinical impact of cranial nerve enhancement in early LNB. Methods In this prospective, longitudinal cohort study, 69 patients with acute LNB were examined with MRI of the brain. Enhancement of cranial nerves III–XII was rated. MRI enhancement was correlated to clinical fndings of neuropathy in the acute phase and after 6 months. Results Thirty-nine of 69 patients (57%) had pathological cranial nerve enhancement. Facial and oculomotor nerves were most frequently afected. There was a strong correlation between enhancement in the distal internal auditory canal and parotid segments of the facial nerve and degree of facial palsy (gamma=0.95, p<.01, and gamma=0.93, p<.01), despite that 19/37 nerves with mild-moderate enhancement in the distal internal auditory canal segment showed no clinically evident palsy. Oculomotor and abducens nerve enhancement did not correlate with eye movement palsy (gamma=1.00 and 0.97, p=.31 for both). Sixteen of 17 patients with oculomotor and/or abducens nerve enhancement had no evident eye movement palsy. Conclusions MRI cranial nerve enhancement is common in LNB patients, but it can be clinically occult. Facial and oculomotor nerves are most often afected. Enhancement of the facial nerve distal internal auditory canal and parotid segments correlate with degree of facial palsy.publishedVersio

    Enhancement of cranial nerves in Lyme neuroborreliosis: incidence and correlation with clinical symptoms and prognosis

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    Purpose Symptoms of cranial neuritis are a common presentation of Lyme neuroborreliosis (LNB). Imaging studies are scarce and report contradictory low prevalence of enhancement compared to clinical studies of cranial neuropathy. We hypothesized that MRI enhancement of cranial nerves in LNB is underreported, and aimed to assess the prevalence and clinical impact of cranial nerve enhancement in early LNB. Methods In this prospective, longitudinal cohort study, 69 patients with acute LNB were examined with MRI of the brain. Enhancement of cranial nerves III–XII was rated. MRI enhancement was correlated to clinical findings of neuropathy in the acute phase and after 6 months. Results Thirty-nine of 69 patients (57%) had pathological cranial nerve enhancement. Facial and oculomotor nerves were most frequently affected. There was a strong correlation between enhancement in the distal internal auditory canal and parotid segments of the facial nerve and degree of facial palsy (gamma = 0.95, p < .01, and gamma = 0.93, p < .01), despite that 19/37 nerves with mild-moderate enhancement in the distal internal auditory canal segment showed no clinically evident palsy. Oculomotor and abducens nerve enhancement did not correlate with eye movement palsy (gamma = 1.00 and 0.97, p = .31 for both). Sixteen of 17 patients with oculomotor and/or abducens nerve enhancement had no evident eye movement palsy. Conclusions MRI cranial nerve enhancement is common in LNB patients, but it can be clinically occult. Facial and oculomotor nerves are most often affected. Enhancement of the facial nerve distal internal auditory canal and parotid segments correlate with degree of facial palsy.publishedVersio

    Six versus 2 weeks treatment with doxycycline in European Lyme neuroborreliosis: a multicentre, noninferiority, double-blinded, randomised and placebocontrolled trial

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    Background There is limited evidence regarding optimal duration of antibiotic treatment in neuroborreliosis. We aimed to compare efficacy and safety of oral doxycycline for 2 and 6 weeks in European Lyme neuroborreliosis (LNB). Methods The trial had a randomised, double-blinded, placebo-controlled, non-inferiority design. Patients with LNB were recruited from eight Norwegian hospitals and randomised to doxycycline 200 mg once daily for 2 weeks, followed by 4 weeks of placebo, or doxycycline 200 mg once daily for 6 weeks. The primary endpoint was clinical improvement as measured by difference in a Composite Clinical Score (0–64 points) from baseline to 6 months. The non-inferiority margin was predetermined to 0.5 points. Results One hundred and twenty-one patients were included. Fifty-two treated for 2 weeks and 53 for 6 weeks were included in the intention-to-treat analyses, and 52 and 51 in per-protocol analysis. Mean difference in clinical improvement between the groups was 0.06, 95% CI −1.2 to 1.2, p=0.99 in the intention-to-treat population, and −0.4, 95% CI −1.4 to 0.7, p=0.51 in the per-protocol population and non-inferiority could not be established. There were no treatment failures and no serious adverse events. The groups did not differ in secondary outcomes including clinical scores at 10 weeks and 12 months, cerebrospinal fluid data and patient-reported outcome measures. Patients receiving 6 weeks doxycycline reported slightly more side effects in week 5. Conclusion Our results strongly indicate that there are no benefits of doxycycline treatment beyond 2 weeks in European LNB.publishedVersio

    Human seroprevalence of antibodies to tick-borne microbes in southern Norway

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    The tick Ixodes ricinus is widespread along the coastline of southern Norway, but data on human exposure to tick-borne microbes are scarce. We aimed to assess the seroprevalence of IgG antibodies to various tick-borne microbes in the general adult population living in a Norwegian municipality where ticks are abundant. Søgne is a coastline municipality in the southernmost part of Norway, and has a high density of ticks. All individuals aged 18-69 years with residential address in Søgne municipality (n = 7424) were invited to give a blood sample and answer a questionnaire. Blood samples from 3568 individuals were available for analysis. All samples were analyzed for IgG antibodies to Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato (Bbsl), and around 1500 samples for IgG antibodies to other tick-borne microbes. Serum IgG antibodies to Bbsl were present in 22.0% (785/3568) of the tested samples, tick-borne encephalitis virus (TBEV) in 3.1% (45/1453), Anaplasma phagocytophilum in 11.0% (159/1452), Babesia microti in 2.1% (33/1537), Bartonella henselae/B. quintana in 0.1% (2/1451) and Rickettsia helvetica/R. conorii in 4.2% (60/1445). Serum IgG antibodies to A. phagocytophilum and R. helvetica/R. conorii were significantly more prevalent (p = 0.010 and p = 0.016, respectively) among individuals with serum IgG antibodies to Bbsl than among individuals without. In conclusion, our study showed a high exposure to Bbsl in the general adult population living in a coastline municipality in the southernmost part of Norway. The population is also exposed to A. phagocytophilum, R. helvetica/R. conorii, B. microti and TBEV, but very rarely B. henselae/B. quintana.acceptedVersio