13,709 research outputs found

    Quality engineering of a traction alternator by robust design

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    Robust design is an engineering methodology for improving productivity during research and development so that high-quality products can be developed and produced quickly and at low cost. A large electrical company was developing traction alternators for a diesel electrical engine. Customer requirement was to obtain very high efficiency which, in turn, was influenced by several design parameters. The usual approach of the 'design-build-test' cycle was considered time-consuming and costly; it used to take anywhere from 4 months to 1 year before finalizing the product design parameters as it involved physical assembly and also testing. Instead, the authors used Taguchi's parameter design approach. This approach took about 8 weeks to arrive at optimum design parameter values; clearly demonstrating the cutting edge of this methodology over the traditional design-build-test approach. The prototype built and tested accordingly gave satisfactory overall performance, meeting and even exceeding customer requirements

    Multi giant graviton systems, SUSY breaking and CFT

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    In this article, we describe giant gravitons in AdS_5 x S^5 moving along generic trajectories in AdS_5. The giant graviton dynamics is solved by proving that the D3-brane effective action reduces to that of a massive point particle in AdS_5 and therefore the solutions are in one to one correspondence with timelike geodesics of AdS_5. All these configurations are related via isometries of the background, which induce target space symmetries in the world volume theory of the D-brane. Hence, all these configurations preserve the same amount of supersymmetry as the original giant graviton, i.e. half of the maximal supersymmetry. Multiparticle configurations of two or more giant gravitons are also considered. In particular, a binary system preserving one quarter of the supersymmetries is found, providing a non trivial time-dependent supersymmetric solution. A short study on the dual CFT description of all the above states is given, including a derivation of the exact induced isometry map in the CFT side of the correspondence.Comment: latex, 27+1 pages. v2: comment on mixing of states in section 4.3 added, reference added, typos corrected, final versio

    Vaccum solutions of five-dimensional Einstein equations generated by inverse scattering method II : Production of black ring solution

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    We study vacuum solutions of five-dimensional Einstein equations generated by the inverse scattering method. We reproduce the black ring solution which was found by Emparan and Reall by taking the Euclidean Levi-Civita metric plus one-dimensional flat space as a seed. This transformation consists of two successive processes; the first step is to perform the three-solitonic transformation of the Euclidean Levi-Civita metric with one-dimensional flat space as a seed. The resulting metric is the Euclidean C-metric with extra one-dimensional flat space. The second is to perform the two-solitonic transformation by taking it as a new seed. Our result may serve as a stepping stone to find new exact solutions in higher dimensions.Comment: 12 pages, to be published in PR

    e+eH+He^+e^-\to H^+H^- signals at LEP2 energies in the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model

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    In this paper we compare H+HH^+H^- and W+WW^+W^- into four-fermion production at centre-of-mass energies typical of LEP2 and somewhat larger. The theoretical framework considered is the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model. The interest in exploiting the e+ee^+e^- CERN collider at values of s\sqrt s greater than 192 GeV could come from the discovery of Supersymmetric signals during runs at lower energy. If these indicate that a charged Higgs boson exists in the mass range \MH\approx95-105 GeV, then a few years of running at s=205215\sqrt s=205-215 GeV and nominal luminosity could make the detection of such scalars feasible, in the purely leptonic channel τνττντ\tau\nu_\tau\tau\nu_\tau and, for small \tb's, also in the semi-hadronic(leptonic) one jjτντ{jj}\tau\nu_\tau. Charged Higgs bosons of the above nature cannot be produced by the beam energies approved at present for LEP2. However, if runs beyond the so-called `192 GeV cryogenic limit' will be approved by the CERN Council, our selection procedure will enable us to establish the presence, or otherwise, of charged Higgs bosons in the mentioned mass rangeComment: 30 pages, latex, epsfig, 12 postscript figures, complete paper available at ftp://axpa.hep.phy.cam.ac.uk/stefano/cavendish_9615 and at http://www.hep.phy.cam.ac.uk/theory/papers

    Multi-black hole solutions in five dimensions

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    Using a recently developed generalized Weyl formalism, we construct an asymptotically flat, static vacuum Einstein solution that describes a superposition of multiple five-dimensional Schwarzschild black holes. The spacetime exhibits a U(1)\times U(1) rotational symmetry. It is argued that for certain choices of parameters, the black holes are collinear and so may be regarded as a five-dimensional generalization of the Israel-Khan solution. The black holes are kept in equilibrium by membrane-like conical singularities along the two rotational axes; however, they still distort one another by their mutual gravitational attraction. We also generalize this solution to one describing multiple charged black holes, with fixed mass-to-charge ratio, in Einstein-Maxwell-dilaton theory.Comment: 23 pages, 6 figure

    A black ring with a rotating 2-sphere

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    We present a solution of the vacuum Einstein's equations in five dimensions corresponding to a black ring with horizon topology S^1 x S^2 and rotation in the azimuthal direction of the S^2. This solution has a regular horizon up to a conical singularity, which can be placed either inside the ring or at infinity. This singularity arises due to the fact that this black ring is not balanced. In the infinite radius limit we correctly reproduce the Kerr black string, and taking another limit we recover the Myers-Perry black hole with a single angular momentum.Comment: 10 page

    The Decay of Magnetic Fields in Kaluza-Klein Theory

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    Magnetic fields in five-dimensional Kaluza-Klein theory compactified on a circle correspond to ``twisted'' identifications of five dimensional Minkowski space. We show that a five dimensional generalisation of the Kerr solution can be analytically continued to construct an instanton that gives rise to two possible decay modes of a magnetic field. One decay mode is the generalisation of the ``bubble decay" of the Kaluza-Klein vacuum described by Witten. The other decay mode, rarer for weak fields, corresponds in four dimensions to the creation of monopole-anti-monopole pairs. An instanton for the latter process is already known and is given by the analytic continuation of the \KK\ Ernst metric, which we show is identical to the five dimensional Kerr solution. We use this fact to illuminate further properties of the decay process. It appears that fundamental fermions can eliminate the bubble decay of the magnetic field, while allowing the pair production of Kaluza-Klein monopoles.Comment: 25 pages, one figure. The discussion of fermions has been revised: We show how fundamental fermions can eliminate the bubble-type instability but still allow pair creation of monopole

    Fuzzy Sphere Dynamics and Non-Abelian DBI in Curved Backgrounds

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    We consider the non-Abelian action for the dynamics of NDpN Dp'-branes in the background of MDpM Dp-branes, which parameterises a fuzzy sphere using the SU(2) algebra. We find that the curved background leads to collapsing solutions for the fuzzy sphere except when we have D0D0 branes in the D6D6 background, which is a realisation of the gravitational Myers effect. Furthermore we find the equations of motion in the Abelian and non-Abelian theories are identical in the large NN limit. By picking a specific ansatz we find that we can incorporate angular momentum into the action, although this imposes restriction upon the dimensionality of the background solutions. We also consider the case of non-Abelian non-BPS branes, and examine the resultant dynamics using world-volume symmetry transformations. We find that the fuzzy sphere always collapses but the solutions are sensitive to the combination of the two conserved charges and we can find expanding solutions with turning points. We go on to consider the coincident NSNS5-brane background, and again construct the non-Abelian theory for both BPS and non-BPS branes. In the latter case we must use symmetry arguments to find additional conserved charges on the world-volumes to solve the equations of motion. We find that in the Non-BPS case there is a turning solution for specific regions of the tachyon and radion fields. Finally we investigate the more general dynamics of fuzzy S2k\mathbb{S}^{2k} in the DpDp-brane background, and find collapsing solutions in all cases.Comment: 49 pages, 3 figures, Latex; Version to appear in JHE

    Fission half-lives of super-heavy nuclei in a microscopic approach

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    A systematic study of 160 heavy and super-heavy nuclei is performed in the Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov approach with the finite range and density dependent Gogny force with the D1S parameter set. We show calculations in several approximations: with axially symmetric and reflexion symmetric wave functions, with axially symmetric and non-reflexion symmetric wave functions and finally some representative examples with triaxial wave functions are also discussed. Relevant properties of the ground state and along the fission path are thoroughly analyzed. Fission barriers, Qα_\alpha-factors and lifetimes with respect to fission and α\alpha-decay as well as other observables are discussed. Larger configuration spaces and more general HFB wave functions as compared to previous studies provide a very good agreement with the experimental data.Comment: 26 pages, 15 figure