47 research outputs found

    Development of Anti-Bacterial and Anti-Viral Nonwoven Surgical Masks for Medical Applications

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    This article aims to investigate the development of surgical masks for medical applications by incorporating biocidal silver nanoparticles. Medical masks were developed in three layers of a nonwoven fabric, where the outer and inner layers were made of a spun-bond polypropylene nonwoven fabric and the middle layer con­sisted of a melt-blown nonwoven polypropylene fabric. In this study, silver nanoparticles in the concentrations of 1–5% were applied to masks with the pad-dry-cure method. The samples were cured at room temperature and subsequently examined for antimicrobial properties. Scanning electron microscopy, energy dispersive spectroscopy and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy were used to investigate the morphological charac­teristics and chemical composition of the samples. Microbial cleanliness, bacterial filtration efficiency, antiviral effect and breathability tests were performed according to standard test protocols. The results revealed that the application of silver nanoparticles to a three-layer mask rendered the end product with outstanding anti­microbial and antiviral properties with poor breathability (air permeability) results

    Coupling process / mechanical characterization of sandwich materials Metal / Hybrid composite based on jute fabrics

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    Dans cette étude, les propriétés mécaniques des FML renforcés de jute tissé 3D et hybrides de jute tissé 3D renforcé ont été étudiées. Le renfort tissé 3D à quatre couches a été fabriqué avec du fil de jute en utilisant quatre types de motifs imbriqués, par ex. Orthogonal Through Thickness OTT et Orthogonal Layer to Layer OLL imbriqué. La technique d'infusion sous vide a été utilisée pour la fabrication de FML avec renfort en jute tissé 3D. Après l'optimisation du renforcement tissé 3D, les FML renforcés hybrides ont été développés dans lesquels le tissu tissé OTT 3D a été pris en sandwich entre une peau tissée 2D. Quatre types de fibres différents ont été utilisés pour fabriquer une peau tissée 2D, par ex. jute, aramide, carbone et verre tandis que trois types différents de matrice ont été utilisés, par ex. époxy, PVB et PP. La presse à chaud par compression a été utilisée pour développer des FML hybrides renforcés. L'aluminium utilisé pour fabriquer tous les FML a été anodisé avant d'être utilisé pour la fabrication. Les propriétés adhésives ont été étudiées pour vérifier la qualité du traitement de surface, la liaison métal-composites et l'effet des fibres et de la matrice. Les propriétés monotones et dynamiques ont également été étudiées. Les propriétés adhésives ont été caractérisées à l'aide de tests de pelage en T et de pelage au rouleau flottant. Les propriétés monotones ont été analysées à l'aide d'essais de traction et de flexion. Les performances d'impact à faible vitesse ont été déterminées en utilisant un test d'impact à faible vitesse. Les résultats ont montré que la surface en aluminium anodisé avait une énergie libre de surface élevée, de sorte que le meilleur mouillage de l'aluminium peut être obtenu par anodisation par rapport à d'autres types de préparations de surface. Les résultats de l'analyse du collage ont montré que les propriétés de délaminage étaient principalement influencées par la nature du matériau adhésif plutôt que par le type de structures de renforcement. La nature de la matrice influence également le type de défaillance car avec l'époxy, la défaillance dominante était cohésive tandis qu'avec la matrice thermoplastique, elle s'est transformée en défaillance adhésive et intra-laminaire. La plasticité et la ductilité de la matrice ont plus influencé les propriétés finales que le type de rupture, malgré la rupture cohésive de l'époxy, la matrice thermoplastique avait plus de force de délamination. Les propriétés de traction et de flexion des FML renforcées de jute tissé OTT 3D étaient supérieures à celles des FML renforcées tissées OLL 3D en raison de la fraction de volume de métal plus élevée, ce qui était possible grâce à une construction plus serrée du tissu OTT. Les propriétés de traction et de flexion des composites hybrides renforcés et des FML ont été influencées par le type de matrice et le matériau de la peau 2D. Les propriétés globales plus élevées ont été obtenues avec une matrice époxy suivie d'une matrice PVB. Les FML à base de PVB ont montré que leurs propriétés étaient comparables à celles de l'époxy. Le test de flexion a montré que les FML hybrides à base de PP échouaient prématurément en raison d'une délamination entre la peau synthétique et l'âme tissée 3D. L'époxy et le PVB ont montré une meilleure imprégnation du renfort contrairement au PP dans lequel seul un verrouillage mécanique a été observé. Les propriétés d'impact dynamique des composites hybrides et des FML ont montré que les caractéristiques de dissipation d'énergie étaient influencées par la matrice et l'hybridation du renforcement.In current study the mechanical properties of 3D woven jute reinforced and hybrid 3D woven jute reinforced FMLs were investigated. The four-layered 3D woven reinforcement was made with jute yarn using four types of interlocking patterns e.g. Orthogonal Through Thickness OTT and Orthogonal Layer to Layer OLL interlocking. The vacuum infusion technique was used for the fabrication of FMLs made with 3D woven jute reinforcement. After the optimization of 3D woven reinforcement the hybrid reinforced FMLs were developed in which OTT 3D woven fabric was sandwiched between 2D woven skin. Four different kinds of fibres were used to make 2D woven skin e.g. jute, aramid, carbon, and glass while three different kinds of matrix were employed, e.g. epoxy, PVB and PP. The compression hot press was used to develop hybrid reinforced FMLs. Aluminium used to make all FMLs was anodized before using for fabrication. The adhesive properties were investigated to check the quality of surface treatment, metal-composites bonding and effect of fibres and matrix. Both monotonic and dynamic properties were also investigated. The adhesive properties were characterized using t-peel and floating roller peel tests. The monotonic properties were analyzed using tensile and flexural tests. The low velocity impact performance was determined using drop weight low velocity impact test. The results showed that the anodized aluminium surface had high surface free energy so the better wetting of aluminium can be achieved by anodizing as compared to other type of surface preparations. The adhesive bonding analysis results showed that the delamination properties were mainly influenced by the nature of adhesive material rather than the type of structures of reinforcement. The nature of the matrix also influences the type of failure as with the epoxy the dominant failure was cohesive while with thermoplastic matrix it changed to adhesive and intra-laminar failure. The plasticity and ductility of matrix influenced the final properties more than the type of failure, in spite of cohesive failure of epoxy the thermoplastic matrix had more delamination force. The tensile and flexural properties of OTT 3D woven jute reinforced FMLs were higher than the OLL 3D woven reinforced FMLs due to the higher metal volume fraction, this was possible due to tighter construction of OTT fabric. The tensile and flexural properties of hybrid reinforced composites and FMLs were influenced by the type of matrix and material of 2D skin. The overall higher properties were achieved with an epoxy matrix followed by PVB matrix. The PVB-based FMLs showed that their properties were comparable with the epoxy. The flexural test showed that hybrid FMLs based on PP were failed prematurely due to delamination between synthetic skin and 3D woven core. Both epoxy and PVB showed better impregnation of the reinforcement unlike PP in which only mechanical interlocking was seen. The dynamic impact properties of hybrid composites and FMLs showed that the energy dissipation characteristics were influenced by matrix and hybridization of reinforcement

    Couplage procédé / propriétés mécaniques des matériaux sandwiches Métal / Composite hybride à base de tissus en jute

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    In current study the mechanical properties of 3D woven jute reinforced and hybrid 3D woven jute reinforced FMLs were investigated. The four-layered 3D woven reinforcement was made with jute yarn using four types of interlocking patterns e.g. Orthogonal Through Thickness OTT and Orthogonal Layer to Layer OLL interlocking. The vacuum infusion technique was used for the fabrication of FMLs made with 3D woven jute reinforcement. After the optimization of 3D woven reinforcement the hybrid reinforced FMLs were developed in which OTT 3D woven fabric was sandwiched between 2D woven skin. Four different kinds of fibres were used to make 2D woven skin e.g. jute, aramid, carbon, and glass while three different kinds of matrix were employed, e.g. epoxy, PVB and PP. The compression hot press was used to develop hybrid reinforced FMLs. Aluminium used to make all FMLs was anodized before using for fabrication. The adhesive properties were investigated to check the quality of surface treatment, metal-composites bonding and effect of fibres and matrix. Both monotonic and dynamic properties were also investigated. The adhesive properties were characterized using t-peel and floating roller peel tests. The monotonic properties were analyzed using tensile and flexural tests. The low velocity impact performance was determined using drop weight low velocity impact test. The results showed that the anodized aluminium surface had high surface free energy so the better wetting of aluminium can be achieved by anodizing as compared to other type of surface preparations. The adhesive bonding analysis results showed that the delamination properties were mainly influenced by the nature of adhesive material rather than the type of structures of reinforcement. The nature of the matrix also influences the type of failure as with the epoxy the dominant failure was cohesive while with thermoplastic matrix it changed to adhesive and intra-laminar failure. The plasticity and ductility of matrix influenced the final properties more than the type of failure, in spite of cohesive failure of epoxy the thermoplastic matrix had more delamination force. The tensile and flexural properties of OTT 3D woven jute reinforced FMLs were higher than the OLL 3D woven reinforced FMLs due to the higher metal volume fraction, this was possible due to tighter construction of OTT fabric. The tensile and flexural properties of hybrid reinforced composites and FMLs were influenced by the type of matrix and material of 2D skin. The overall higher properties were achieved with an epoxy matrix followed by PVB matrix. The PVB-based FMLs showed that their properties were comparable with the epoxy. The flexural test showed that hybrid FMLs based on PP were failed prematurely due to delamination between synthetic skin and 3D woven core. Both epoxy and PVB showed better impregnation of the reinforcement unlike PP in which only mechanical interlocking was seen. The dynamic impact properties of hybrid composites and FMLs showed that the energy dissipation characteristics were influenced by matrix and hybridization of reinforcement.Dans cette étude, les propriétés mécaniques des FML renforcés de jute tissé 3D et hybrides de jute tissé 3D renforcé ont été étudiées. Le renfort tissé 3D à quatre couches a été fabriqué avec du fil de jute en utilisant quatre types de motifs imbriqués, par ex. Orthogonal Through Thickness OTT et Orthogonal Layer to Layer OLL imbriqué. La technique d'infusion sous vide a été utilisée pour la fabrication de FML avec renfort en jute tissé 3D. Après l'optimisation du renforcement tissé 3D, les FML renforcés hybrides ont été développés dans lesquels le tissu tissé OTT 3D a été pris en sandwich entre une peau tissée 2D. Quatre types de fibres différents ont été utilisés pour fabriquer une peau tissée 2D, par ex. jute, aramide, carbone et verre tandis que trois types différents de matrice ont été utilisés, par ex. époxy, PVB et PP. La presse à chaud par compression a été utilisée pour développer des FML hybrides renforcés. L'aluminium utilisé pour fabriquer tous les FML a été anodisé avant d'être utilisé pour la fabrication. Les propriétés adhésives ont été étudiées pour vérifier la qualité du traitement de surface, la liaison métal-composites et l'effet des fibres et de la matrice. Les propriétés monotones et dynamiques ont également été étudiées. Les propriétés adhésives ont été caractérisées à l'aide de tests de pelage en T et de pelage au rouleau flottant. Les propriétés monotones ont été analysées à l'aide d'essais de traction et de flexion. Les performances d'impact à faible vitesse ont été déterminées en utilisant un test d'impact à faible vitesse. Les résultats ont montré que la surface en aluminium anodisé avait une énergie libre de surface élevée, de sorte que le meilleur mouillage de l'aluminium peut être obtenu par anodisation par rapport à d'autres types de préparations de surface. Les résultats de l'analyse du collage ont montré que les propriétés de délaminage étaient principalement influencées par la nature du matériau adhésif plutôt que par le type de structures de renforcement. La nature de la matrice influence également le type de défaillance car avec l'époxy, la défaillance dominante était cohésive tandis qu'avec la matrice thermoplastique, elle s'est transformée en défaillance adhésive et intra-laminaire. La plasticité et la ductilité de la matrice ont plus influencé les propriétés finales que le type de rupture, malgré la rupture cohésive de l'époxy, la matrice thermoplastique avait plus de force de délamination. Les propriétés de traction et de flexion des FML renforcées de jute tissé OTT 3D étaient supérieures à celles des FML renforcées tissées OLL 3D en raison de la fraction de volume de métal plus élevée, ce qui était possible grâce à une construction plus serrée du tissu OTT. Les propriétés de traction et de flexion des composites hybrides renforcés et des FML ont été influencées par le type de matrice et le matériau de la peau 2D. Les propriétés globales plus élevées ont été obtenues avec une matrice époxy suivie d'une matrice PVB. Les FML à base de PVB ont montré que leurs propriétés étaient comparables à celles de l'époxy. Le test de flexion a montré que les FML hybrides à base de PP échouaient prématurément en raison d'une délamination entre la peau synthétique et l'âme tissée 3D. L'époxy et le PVB ont montré une meilleure imprégnation du renfort contrairement au PP dans lequel seul un verrouillage mécanique a été observé. Les propriétés d'impact dynamique des composites hybrides et des FML ont montré que les caractéristiques de dissipation d'énergie étaient influencées par la matrice et l'hybridation du renforcement

    Auxetic behavior of 3D woven warp, weft, and bidirectional interlock structures

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    Natural fibers are gaining importance due to environmental concerns and sustainability issues. However, their mechanical performance is not up to the mark. To overcome this problem, natural fiber-based 3D woven structures are used in structural applications. The mechanical performance of 3D woven structures can be further enhanced by adding auxetic mechanisms to the structures. Auxetic structures have exceptional mechanical properties due to a negative Poisson’s ratio. In the present study, 3D woven orthogonal warp, weft, and bidirectional interlock structures were developed with jute yarn, and the effect of interlocking pattern on the auxeticity and different mechanical properties (tensile, stiffness, tear) of the structures was investigated. The results revealed that the 3D warp interlock structure showed the highest auxeticity, while the bidirectional interlock depicted the least auxeticity. Due to higher auxeticity, the thickness of the warp interlock structure was increased after applying force to it. The change in the thickness of the woven structure also increases its energy dissipation capability. Furthermore, structures having higher auxeticity also manifest higher tensile, stiffness, and tear properties as compared to other structures. The results are also statistically analyzed using one-way ANOVA (Tukey)

    Biochemical and Structural Characterization of Ferulated Arabinoxylans Extracted from Nixtamalized and Non-Nixtamalized Maize Bran

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    Maize bran is a good source of non-starch polysaccharides, having various bioactive compounds. In the current research, we extracted the ferulated arabinoxylans from nixtamalized maize bran (NMB) and non-nixtamalized maize bran (NNMB) and explored their biochemical composition (monosaccharides, phenolic compounds) and structural characteristics (FTIR, SEM and XRD) as well as antioxidant activity. Results showed that contents of ferulated arabinoxylans were 8.1 ± 0.04% and 6.8 ± 0.02 in NMB and NNMB, respectively. Moreover, the purity of arabinoxylans was 60.1 ± 0.8% and 57.04 ± 0.7% in NMB and NNMB ferulated arabinoxylans. Furthermore, ferulated arabinoxylans have higher arabinose, xylose and ferulic acid contents. FTIR spectra of NMB and NNMB ferulated arabinoxylans depicted the presence of polysaccharide compounds and the corresponding band was observed at 993 cm−1, which is due to glycosidic bond vibration. In addition, absorbance regions of arabinoxylans between 900 cm−1 to 1200 cm−1 were observed. Moreover, SEM micrographs of ferulated arabinoxylans had visible rough and porous surface morphology. Further, ferulated arabinoxylans of NMB and NNMB did not exhibit any sharp peaks in XRD graphs, attributed to their amorphous nature. However, XRD 2θ showed peaks at 20.0°, which predominantly indicated that the material has an amorphous state with small crystalline regions in the sample, which shows the presence of xylans (small and narrow sharp peaks)

    A critical analysis of legal responses to water pollution in Pakistan

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    AbstractWater pollution faces an environmental crisis that makes water unhealthy or decreases the availability of water resources. Water pollution refers to the presence of dangerous chemical compounds and biological agents in water that may exceed certain compounds in water, which may endanger freshwater resources, human health, and the environment as well. Water is a necessary component for all living things to survive. Fresh water exists in the form of groundwater, lakes, and rivers. Apart from the physical scarcity of water, Pakistan is a country facing economic disaster. With the growing population, the pressure on the limited source of fresh water is increasing every day and the state of affairs is getting worse. Water quality and quantity are decreasing with the growing populace and due to climate change. In Pakistan, water quantity has decreased by 400 from 5,600 cubic meters in 1947 to 1,038 cubic meters in 2021. In these situations, water pollution is a threat to water resources. In this context, our study has been conducted to assess the national laws and regulations for water pollution prevention in Pakistan and to establish their extent and effectiveness. This study points out their flaws and barriers and offers potential solutions

    Prospective effect of vitamin E and selenium supplementation on colostrum quality in Beetal goats

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    AbstractThis study was aimed to explore whether vitamin E (Vit-E) and selenium (Se) injections improve colostrum quality in goats. Twenty-four, healthy pregnant Beetal goats were randomly allocated into control (n = 12) and treated (n = 12) groups respectively. The injectable form of Vit-E 2.5 mg/kg BW and Se 2.2 mg/kg BW was administered fortnightly, while normal saline (0.9% NaCl) was used and served as a control group. Colostrum samples were collected immediately after parturition and subjected to biochemical analysis. Colostrum enzymatic and non-enzymatic antioxidants and total soluble proteins were investigated using a spectrophotometer. Antioxidants with enzymatic activities including superoxide dismutase (SOD) and peroxidases (POD) and ascorbic acid remained significantly higher in treated animals (P <0.05) in contrast to the control group. The Total antioxidant capacity (TAC) and total soluble proteins (TSP) levels were noted higher (P<0.05), however; the level of MDA existed significantly lesser in the treated group (P <0.05) in comparison with the control group. Overall, results showed that parental exposure to antioxidants (Vit-E and Se) improved antioxidant status in colostrum and upgrade its quality

    Simultaneous Optimization of Woven Fabric Properties Using Principal Component Analysis

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    The yarn structure and fabric interlacing pattern are determining parameters for fabric properties. The current study focusses on the multi-response optimization of certain fabric properties like shrinkage, areal density, thickness, flexural rigidity, and bending modulus using principal component analysis for optimum properties. Yarn twist (four different levels), fabric weave design (plain and twill), and yarn type (carded and combed) were the variables of the study. The Taguchi approach of the orthogonal array was sued for designing the experiments, and eight different samples were produced. The yarn twist and fabric weave design were found to have significant effect on these properties of the fabric. Furthermore, using analysis of the variance method, contribution% of parameters to these properties was determined

    Circularity in Materials: A Review on Polymer Composites Made from Agriculture and Textile Waste

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    Agriculture and textiles have the highest production yields among all sectors to meet mankind’s basic needs, i.e., feeding and clothing; however, they are top contributors to environmental pollution and global waste generation. Their wastes and byproducts are precious organic materials, they have great potential as raw materials for the manufacturing of valuable products. This review sheds light on various textile and agricultural wastes, waste management issues, and their existing utilization. Current waste processing methods are mostly based on waste-to-energy routes or material reclamation; however, both methods are hazardous for the environment and are inefficient. During the past decade, many researchers have utilized agriculture and textile wastes in the fabrication of composites. Textile and agricultural wastes and byproducts can be efficiently used for composite fabrication and can be suitable alternatives to existing raw materials. Using textiles and agricultural wastes for composite manufacturing can not only address waste management issues and replace non-eco-friendly materials in the composite industry but also significantly improve composite properties

    Biochemical and nutritional profile of maize bran‐enriched flour in relation to its end‐use quality

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    Abstract The core objective of current research was determined to nutritional and bioactive profile of maize bran (MB)‐enriched flour in relation to its end‐use product quality. Furthermore, rheological properties of MB‐enriched flour at different levels (5%, 10%, and 15%) were explicated through farinograph and mixograph. Moreover, bread was prepared with the addition of MB‐enriched flour and was characterized for nutritional and textural properties. Results showed that MB‐enriched flour having high water absorption and water retaining potential up to 4%–7% as compared to wheat flour (WF). Moreover, dough height gradually decreased with the addition of MB due to water‐binding ability of bran which causes a decrease in gas retention during fermentation. This resulted in bread volume decrease (4%–7%) as compared to WF. Furthermore, the moisture content and hardness increased with the addition of MB. The water activity of bread slightly increased with the addition of maize bran after 4‐day storage. Conclusively, MB‐enriched flour improved nutritional, textural, and sensorial properties of final product