1,416 research outputs found

    Dietary fiber and gut microbiota in renal diets

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    Nutrition is crucial for the management of patients affected by chronic kidney disease (CKD) to slow down disease progression and to correct symptoms. The mainstay of the nutritional approach to renal patients is protein restriction coupled with adequate energy supply to prevent malnutrition. However, other aspects of renal diets, including fiber content, can be beneficial. This paper summarizes the latest literature on the role of different types of dietary fiber in CKD, with special attention to gut microbiota and the potential protective role of renal diets. Fibers have been identified based on aqueous solubility, but other features, such as viscosity, fermentability, and bulking effect in the colon should be considered. A proper amount of fiber should be recommended not only in the general population but also in CKD patients, to achieve an adequate composition and metabolism of gut microbiota and to reduce the risks connected with obesity, diabetes, and dyslipidemia

    Interleukin-13 induces expression and release of interleukin-1 decoy receptor in human polymorphonuclear cells.

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    The aim of this study was to examine whether interleukin-13 (IL-13), a cytokine with anti-inflammatory activities, affected expression of interleukin-1 (IL-1) receptors (R) in human polymorphonuclear cells (PMN). Treatment with IL-13 augmented both type I and type II (decoy) R transcripts, with the latter being by far the most represented. The transcriptional inhibitor actinomycin D blocked the induction of IL-1 R mRNAs by IL-13. Nuclear run-off experiments demonstrated an augmented transcriptional rate of IL-1 decoy R in IL-13-treated B lymphoblastoid cells. The protein synthesis inhibitor cycloheximide blocked type I R expression but superinduced decoy R expression. IL-13 augmented the binding of radiolabeled IL-1 beta on the PMN surface with an increased number of IL-1 receptors and no change in Kd values. IL-13 induced the surface expression of IL-1 decoy R and the release by PMN of an IL-1-binding protein identified as a soluble version of the IL-1 decoy R. These results show that PMN is an important target for IL-13 and that induction of expression and release of the IL-1 decoy R, in concert with inhibition of cytokine synthesis, may represent an important mechanism by which IL-13 blocks IL-1, a central mediator of inflammatory reactions

    Beyond head and neck cancer: The relationship between oral microbiota and tumour development in distant organs

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    An altered oral microbiota has been linked with the development of several oral diseases, such as dental caries, periodontal disease, and oral stomatitis. Moreover, poor oral health has been linked to head and neck cancer, particularly oral cancer. In recent years a growing number of studies indicate that oral microbiota could be involved in the development of primary tumours outside of head and neck region. The aim of this article is to review the recent studies based on high-throughput technology to present evidences of a relationship between oral microbiota and \u201cnon-head and neck tumours.\u201d Oral dysbiosis seem to be more pronounced in patients with tumours of gastrointestinal tract, in particular oesophageal, gastric, pancreatic, and colorectal cancers, paving the way for developing specific oral microbiota test to allow early cancer detection. Regarding other tumour types, the results are promising but highly preliminary and still debated. Currently, there are several factors that limit the generalization of the results, such as the small sample size, the lack of adequate clinical information about patients, the different sequencing techniques used, and biological sample heterogeneity. Although only at the beginning, the analysis of oral microbiota could be the next step in the evolution of cancer therapy and will help clinicians to develop individualised approaches to cancer prevention and treatment

    Peripheral giant cell granuloma: immunohistochemical analysis of different markers. Study of three cases

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    El granuloma periférico de células gigantes (GPCG) es una lesión de tejido blando no neoplásica ocasionada por una reacción hiperplásica a consecuencia de un traumatismo o inflamación. Es una lesión reactiva del tejido blando que se desarrolla exclusivamente en la cavidad oral y con una ligera predilección en el sexo femenino. La localización habitual de GPCG es en la región de los premolares y la mucosa de la cresta alveolar edéntula. Se presentan tres casos con GPCG (dos hombres y una mujer) con una edad comprendida entre los 25 y 35 años. Todos los pacientes se trataron con resección quirúrgica y ninguno sufrió recidivas. Con el propósito de determinar el posible origen de las células estromales mononucleares y de las células gigantes multinucleares, las muestras de cada caso se estudiaron mediante inmunohistoquímica (marcadores CD-68, CD-34 y α-1 antitripsina) con el fin de evaluar la expresión del linaje endotelial y del linaje monocito/macrófago. Los resultados inmunohistoquímicos mostraron una marcada positividad difusa de CD-68 en las células estromales mononucleares y en las células gigantes multinucleadas. Estas últimas resultaron ser inmunonegativas para CD-34 y sólo puntualmente positivas para α-1 antitripsina. Estos resultados sugieren que las cιlulas gigantes multinucleares poseen un fenotipo osteoclαstico, proviniendo del linaje monocito/macrσfago, y que no derivan del linaje de las células endoteliales de los capilares. Se establece la importancia de un exhaustivo diagnóstico y de una exéresis quirúrgica completa de la lesión (curetaje óseo) con el propósito de evitar la reabsorción del diente y hueso adyacente

    Oral dysplastic complications after HSCT: Single case series of multidisciplinary evaluation of 80 patients

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    Oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) is the most common secondary solid malignancy after hematopoietic stem‐cell transplantation (HSCT). OSCC following HSCT is frequently preceded by chronic graft‐versus‐host disease (cGVHD). The aim of this study was to describe a cohort of post‐HSCT patients and to evaluate the onset of oral epithelial dysplasia and/or OSCC over time. In this retrospective cohort study, we present a cohort of hematological patients that underwent HSCT. Demographic variables, clinical hematological data, data regarding acute graft‐versus‐host disease (aGVHD) and cGVHD, and oral clinical features were analyzed. We focused on clinicopathological features of a subgroup of 22 patients with oral cGVHD and OSCC after HSCT. Among 80 included patients, 46 patients (57,5%) developed aGVHD and 39 patients (48,7%) developed cGVHD. Oral mucosa was involved in 17 patients with aGVHD (36,9%) and in 22 patients (56,4%) with cGVHD. Out of a total of 22 oral biopsies, roughly 40% revealed mild to moderate dysplasia, and 32 % were OSCC. In the absence of international agreement on the best timing of oral follow‐up after HSCT, it is mandatory to establish a close multidisciplinary evaluation in order to prevent the onset of HSCT-related OSCC and to reduce post‐transplant mortality due to secondary tumors

    Biomolecular, histological, clinical, and radiological analyses of dental implant bone sites prepared using magnetic mallet technology: A pilot study in animals

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    Background. A new instrumentation exploiting magneto-dynamic technology (mallet) proposed for implant site preparation was investigated. Methods. In the tibias of three minipigs, two sites were prepared by mallet and two by drill technique. Primary stability (ISQ) was detected after implant positioning (T0) and at 14 days (T14). X-rays and computed tomography were performed. At T14, bone samples were utilized for histological and biomolecular analyses. Results. In mallet sites, histological evaluations evidenced a significant increase in the newly formed bone, osteoblast number, and a smaller quantity of fibrous tissue. These results agree with the significant BMP-4 augmentation and the positive trend in other osteogenic factors (biological and radiological investigations). Major, albeit IL-10-controlled, inflammation was present. For both techniques, at T14 a significant ISQ increase was evidenced, but no significant difference was observed at T0 and T14 between the mallet and drill techniques. In mallet sites, lateral bone condensation was observed on computed tomography. Conclusions. Using biological, histological, clinical, and radiological analyses, this study first shows that the mallet technique is effective for implant site preparation. Based on its ability to cause osseocondensation and improve newly formed bone, mallet technology should be chosen in all clinical cases of poor bone quality

    Computational analysis of TP53 mutational landscape unveils key prognostic signatures and distinct pathobiological pathways in head and neck squamous cell cancer

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    Background: Mutations of the tumour-suppressor gene TP53 are the most frequent somatic genomic alterations in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC). However, it is not yet clear whether specific TP53 mutations bear distinct clinical and pathophysiological significance in different HNSCC subgroups. Methods: A systematic bioinformatics appraisal of TP53 mutations was performed on 415 HNSCC cases available on The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA). The following features were analysed and correlated with known clinicopathological variables: mutational profile of TP53, location (within secondary structure and predicted domains of p53 protein) and well-known hotspot mutations. Interactome–genome–transcriptome network analysis highlighted different gene networks. An algorithm was generated to develop a new prognostic classification system based on patients’ overall survival. Results: TP53 mutations in HNSCCs exhibited distinct differences in different anatomical sites. The mutational profile of TP53 was an independent prognostic factor in HNSCC. High risk of death mutations, identified by our novel classification algorithm, was an independent prognostic factor in TCGA HNSCC database. Finally, network analysis suggested that distinct p53 molecular pathways exist in a site- and mutation-specific manner. Conclusions: The mutational profile of TP53 may serve as an independent prognostic factor in HNSCC patients, and is associated with distinctive site-specific biological networks

    The Prognostic Role of miR-31 in Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis with Trial Sequential Analysis

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    Background: Head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) is the sixth most common cancer worldwide with high recurrence, metastasis, and poor treatment outcome. Prognostic survival biomarkers can be a valid tool for assessing a patient’s life expectancy and directing therapy toward specific targets. Recent studies have reported microRNA (miR) might play a critical role in regulating different types of cancer. The main miR used as a diagnostic and prognostic biomarker and reported in the scientific literature for HNSCC is miR-21. Other miRs have been investigated to a lesser extent (miR-99a, miR-99b, miR-100, miR-143, miR-155, miR-7, miR-424, miR-183), but among these, the one that has attracted major interest is the miR-31. Methods: The systematic review was conducted following the PRISMA guidelines using electronic databases, such as PubMed, Scopus, and the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, with the use of combinations of keywords, such as miR-31 AND HNSCC, microRNA AND HNSCC, and miR-31. The meta-analysis was performed using the RevMan 5.41 software (Cochrane Collaboration, Copenhagen, Denmark). Results: This search produced 721 records, which, after the elimination of duplicates and the application of the inclusion and exclusion criteria, led to 4 articles. The meta-analysis was conducted by applying fixed-effects models, given the low rate of heterogeneity (I2 = 40%). The results of the meta-analysis report an aggregate hazard ratio (HR) for the overall survival (OS), between the highest and lowest miR-31 expression, of 1.59, with the relative intervals of confidence (1.22 2.07). Heterogeneity was evaluated through Chi2 = 5.04 df = 3 (p = 0.17) and the Higgins index I2 = 40; testing for the overall effect was Z = 3.44 (p = 0.00006). The forest plot shows us a worsening HR value of OS, in relation to the elevated expression of miR-31. Conclusions: In conclusion, the data resulting from the current meta-analysis suggest that miR-31 is associated with the prognosis of patients with HNSCC and that elevated miR-31 expression could predict a poor prognosis in patients with this type of neoplasm