52 research outputs found

    Political Persuasion: The Birth of a Field of Study

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    Ideological Labels in America

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    This paper extends Ellis and Stimson’s (Ideology in America. New York: Cambridge UniversityPress, 2012) study of the operational-symbolic paradox using issue-level measures of ideological incongruence based on respondent positions and symbolic labels for these positions across 14 issues. Like Ellis and Stimson, we find that substantial numbers—over 30 %—of Americans experience conflicted conservatism. Our issue-level data reveal, furthermore, that conflicted conservatism is most common on the issues of education and welfare spending. In addition, we also find that 20 % of Americans exhibit conflicted liberalism. We then replicate Ellis and Stimson’s finding that conflicted conservatism is associated with low sophistication and religiosity, but also find that it is associated with being socialized in a post-1960s generation and using Fox News as a main news source. Finally, we show the important role played by identities, with both conflicted conservatism and conflicted liberalism linked with partisan and ideological identities, and conflicted liberalism additionally associated with ethnic identities

    Voto econômico retrospectivo e sofisticação política na eleição presidencial de 2002

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    Este artigo aborda o tema do voto econômico a partir da perspectiva da desigualdade de sofisticação política entre os eleitores. Diversos estudos mostram que os eleitores brasileiros tendem a se basear na economia para votar e avaliar os presidentes. Essas evidências algumas vezes servem de suporte para a afirmação de que, mesmo não utilizando os partidos, os rótulos ideológicos e outras questões politicamente relevantes como referências para suas escolhas, o eleitorado de massa no Brasil seria capaz de tomar decisões criteriosas na política. Utilizando dados de pesquisa de painel coletados ao longo de 2002 em Caxias do Sul e Juiz de Fora, o artigo testa até que ponto o efeito da avaliação retrospectiva da economia (tanto do país quanto pessoal) sobre o voto para presidente depende do nível de sofisticação política do respondente. Os resultados mostram que a avaliação da economia tende a ser uma opinião instável ao longo do período analisado, e tem impacto sobre a escolha do candidato a presidente apenas entre os eleitores mais politicamente sofisticados. As implicações dos achados são discutidas e aponta-se para a relevância de se levar em conta o impacto da desigualdade de sofisticação política entre os eleitores no entendimento da dinâmica das eleições e da opinião pública no Brasil

    The Association of Religiosity and Political Conservatism: The Role of Political Engagement

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    Some argue that there is an organic connection between being religious and being politically conservative. We evaluate an alternative thesis that the relation between religiosity and political conservatism largely results from engagement with political discourse that indicates that these characteristics go together. In a combined sample of national survey respondents from 1996 to 2008, religiosity was associated with conservative positions on a wide range of attitudes and values among the highly politically engaged, but this association was generally weaker or nonexistent among those less engaged with politics. The specific political characteristics for which this pattern existed varied across ethno-religious groups. These results suggest that whether religiosity translates into political conservatism depends to an important degree on level of engagement with political discourse
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