36 research outputs found

    Penerapan metode Active Learning Strategi Kuis Tim pada pembelajaran Al-Qur’an Hadits kelas VIII C Di MTs Ar-Rahmah Papar Kediri

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    ABSTRAK Dalam pembelajaran terdapat beberapa komponen yang berpengaruh dalam proses pembelajaran pendidikan agama, yang salah satunya adalah “metode pembelajaran agama”. Apabila ditinjau dari karakteristik setiap individu dari anak didik pasti memiliki perbedaan dalam hal kemampuan siap, gaya belajar, perkembangan moral, perkembangan kepercayaan, perkembangan kognitif, sosial budaya dan sebagainya. Untuk itu guru harus mampu menjadikan mereka semua terlibat, merasa senang selama proses pembelajaran. Adapun yang menjadi fokus dari studi ini adalah mencari keterangan sedetail-detailnya tentang penerapan metode active learning kuis tim pada pembelajaran Al Qur‟an Hadits kelas VIII C di MTs Arrahmah papar Kediri, yang penulis jabarkan dalam rumusan masalah berikut ini: 1) Bagaimana penerapan metode active learning strategi kuis tim dalam pembelajaran Al Qur‟an hadits di MTS Ar-Rahmah Papar Kediri? 2) Faktor-faktor apa yang menjadi kendala dalam pembelajaran Al Qur‟an Hadits di MTS Ar-Rahmah Papar Kediri? 3) Upaya apa yang dilakukan guru dalam megatasi kendala pembelajaran Al Qur‟an Hadits Kelas VIII C MTS Ar-Rahmah Papar Kediri? Dan tujuan penelitian ini adalah: 1).Untuk mengetahui Bagaimana penerapan metode active learning strategi dalam pembelajaran Al Qur‟an hadits di MTS Ar-Rahmah Papar Kediri. 2). Untuk mengetahui apa saja Faktor-faktor apa yang menjadi kendala dalam pembelajaran Al Qur‟an Hadits di MTS Ar-Rahmah Papar Kediri. 3). Untuk mengetahui apa saja Upaya apa yang dilakukan guru dalam megatasi kendala pembelajaran Al Qur‟an Hadits Kelas VIII C MTS Ar-Rahmah Papar Kediri. Studi ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif rancangan studi kasus. Teknik Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui: (1) interview (wawancara); (2) observasi (pengamatan); (3) dokumentasi. Penentuan informan dilakukan dengan menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Sedangkan keabsahan data menggunakan teknik triangulasi. Adapun analisis datanya dilakukan dengan (1)pengambilan keputusan; (2) pembatasan kajian yang diperoleh; (3) pengembangan pertanyaan- pertanyaan; (4) perencanaan tahapan-tahapan pengumpulan data dan (5) penulisan catatan bagi diri sendiri mengenai hal yang dikaji. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di MTs Ar Rahmah Papar Kediri delapan minggu, yaitu mulai tanggal 10 Januari sampai dengan 7 Maret 201. Pada pelaksanaan penelitian ini dilaksanakan dalam tiga siklus. Pada siklus pertama berlangsung selama dua kali pertemuan yaitu pada tanggal 10 januari sampai dengan 24 januari 2011, siklus kedua di laksanakan pada tanggal 7 februari sampai dengan 21 Februari 2011, dan siklus ketiga di laksanakan pada tanggal 7 Maret 2011. Dalam proses pembelajaran ternyata dengan menerapkan metode active learning kuis tim belum dapat maksimal meningkatkan semangat siswa karena siswa terlalu banyak dan pengetahuan guru sangat terbatas terhadap pembelajaran materi Al Qur‟an Hadits. peneliti paparkan selama pemberian tindakan pada siklus pertama, kedua dan ketiga bahwasanya didapatkan kendala-kendala dalam pelaksanaan metode active learning antara lain guru sulit menerima dan memahami metode yang baru dengan metode ini selanjutnya untuk gendala siswa belum terbiasa pelajaran dengan menggunakan metode active learning, sehingga mereka masih banyak yang mengalami kebingungan, kemudian pelaksanaan metode active learning kuis tim membutuhkan waktu yang banyak dan siswa terlalu banyak perkelompok dan seterusnya. Kesimpulan dan saran bahwa pembelajaran tidak sesui dengan rencana karena guru kurang menguasai metode dan di masyarakat tradisional seperti ini belum layak untuk di terapkan metode aktif karena masyarakat nya masih belum bisa menerima ha yang baru selain kebiasaan mereka, selayaknya peneliti meneliti suatu yang sudah biasa di laksanakan oleh masyarakat tradisional. ABSTRACT In a learning, thera are few of components influencing of religion’s education learning process, which one of them is “ The method of religion’s education”. If being considered from the character of every single student, the students must have the difference in ability, behavior, studying style, moral, trust, and cognitive development, culture and social and others. Therefore, a teacher is supposed to be able to make them involved in and happy on a learning process. Considering about the focus of this study is to look up deeply detail information about the application of active learning method team quiz on al-qur’an and al-hadits for grade VIII C in Islamic Junior High School Ar-Rahmah of Papar, Kediri, that the author can define the problem’s formulae such as: 1) How to apply the active learning method strategy team quiz on al-qur’an and al-hadits learning in Islamic Junior High School Ar-Rahmah of Papar,Kediri ? 2) what factors can be the obstacles for al-qur’an and al-hadits learning in Islamic high School Ar-Rahmah of Papar Kediri? 3) what do the teachers do for solving the obstacles of al-qur’an and al-hadits learning for grade VIII C in Islamic Junior High School Ar-Rahmah of Papar Kediri? and the purpose of this research is: 1) to know how to apply the active learning method strategy on al- qur’an and al-hadits learning in Islamic Junior High School Ar-Rahmah of Papar Kediri. 2) to know what factors to become the obstacles for al-qur’an and al-hadits learning in Islamic Junior High School Ar-Rahmah of Papar Kediri. 3) to know what do the teachers do for solving the obstacles of al-qur’an and al-hadits learning for grade VIII C MTS Ar-rahmah of Papar Kediri. This research uses a study-case plan-qualitative-descriptive method. The technique to amass the data is by (1) an interview; (2) an observation; (3) a documentation. The determination of the informant has been done by use of a purposive sampling technique. Whereas validating the data is by use of a triangulation technique. And the analysis of the data is by (1) taking decision; (2) limiting the knowledge we got; (3) developing quations; (4) planning the step to amass the data and (5) taking notes about thing we examine for ourselves. This research has been done at Islamic Junior High School Ar-rahmah of Papar Kediri for eight weeks, begun on January 10 to March 07, 2011. The research was done by three cycles. The first cycle has been done for twice meeting, that was on January 10 to 24 , 2011, the second cycle was done on February 07 to 21, 2011, and the third cycle was done on March 07, 2011. Applying an active learning method quiz team on the learning process cannot apparently improve the spirit of the students maximally as long as the number of students is too many and the teacher’s knowledge of the al-qur’an and al-hadits materials is little. The researcher defines that the time when giving an action for the first, second, and third cycle the teacher found obstacles of applying active learning method, those are the teacher cannot accept and understand a new method of this method. And the obstacle for the students is that they are not used to studying with this active learning method, with the result that they often get confused. Then, applying this method needs a long time and the students’ groups are many and so on. The conclusion and the suggestion are that the learning process cannot be appropriate to plan since the teacher is less mastering of the method and this active learning method can be properly applied in traditional society because of them not having been able to accept something new that is contrary to their culture, it’ is suggested the researcher researches something done by a traditional society

    Pembelajaran Akidah Akhlak untuk MI dan MTS

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    Efektivitas penggunaan aplikasi Fiqhline dalam meningkatkan motivasi belajar materi tata cara shalat jenazah

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    The cause of the students' lack of understanding of the material presented is that the teacher explains the material only using the lecture method, e-learning is difficult to access and in delivering the material only uses PPT (Power Point) media which makes students less understanding and less enthusiastic in participating. learning activities because they seem monotonous and saturated in the explanation of the material. The results of the development of the FIQHLINE application after being tested on class X Religion 1 MAN 1 students above, it can be concluded that the average pre-test and post-test is 8.706. Furthermore, based on the results of the t-test analysis obtained T count of 13.356 with a significance of 0.000. The T table value with 5% significance is 2.032 with a significant value less than 0.05 (p = 0.000). From the explanation above, it can be interpreted that there is a significant increase in student learning outcomes for class X Religion 1 MAN 1 Ponorogo .. So it can be interpreted that the FIQHLINE application learning media can improve student learning outcomes so that it is effective for growing student learning motivation

    Ta’arudh al-adillah : problem solving methods of Islamic law

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    The rapid development of the science of fiqh certainly has a correlation with the understanding of the propositions sourced in the Qur'an and Hadith. For instance, there is a legal proposition that when faced with certain problems will find a solution, but not a few laws that come from the Qur'an in the same context cause different arguments in understanding them. The contradiction here is ta'arudh arguments that contradict each other. So in the process of this research using a qualitative approach by prioritizing normative juridical aspects, there is no perspective misalignment. This paper examines the process of solving the problems of Islamic law specifically, considering the development of Islamic law is always dynamic by the conditions of the times. In addition, in understanding the law, of course, it must be correct and by the legal provisions of the arguments, as well as other arguments that have intersecting pros and cons, then in the process of settling Islamic law in this paper, it focuses on solving the problems of Islamic law

    Model pembinaan moderasi beragama era society 5.0 di perguruan tinggi (studi multikasus di Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang dan di Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Bandung)

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    The purpose of this study is to analyze the approach to fostering religious moderation in tertiary institutions. The method used is a qualitative case study type method. Data collection techniques are carried out through interviews, observation and documentation. The data analysis technique used consists of three activity flows that occur simultaneously, namely; data reduction, data presentation, conclusion or verification. The results showed that the characteristics of cultivating religious moderation using general courses (MKU) and university specific courses (MKKU) were incorporated into the tri dharma activities of higher education. To implement it using a scientific approach, bersanad, and dissemination. The dominant aspect of the approach to fostering religious moderation is using dissemination at UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang. The dissemination of moderate Islamic values is explained in the course SLP, instilled in the introduction of campus academic culture (PBAK), and developed in student work practice (KKM)

    Pendampingan digitalisasi arsip keluarga pada siswa siswi madrasah ibtidaiyah terdampak banjir bandang Kota Batu (sertifikat hak cipta)

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    Kota batu sendiri merepakan daerah yang dikelilingi beberapa gunung seperti gunung arjuno dan welirang disisi utara dan pengunungan kawi disebalah selatan. Tentu hal ini menjadikan Kota Batu rawan akan bencara banjir dan longsor. Bencana yang terbaru yang dialami oleh kota batu adalah banjir bandang bulan November 2021 di Kecamatan Bumiaji Kota Batu. Bencana ini tentu memberikan efek baik pada perekonomian maupun bagi psikologis warga. Ketika terjadi bencana sedikit sekali warga sering mengabaikan keberadaan arsip atau surat penting seperti KTP, KK, SHM atas tanah, atau arsip keluarga. Padahal keberadaan arsip sama pentingnya dengan harta benda yang lain. Oleh karena itu, tim UIN Mengabdi ini menganggap penting untuk mengetahui tata kelola arsip dari penyimpanan, penyelamatan, sampai tahap pendigitalisasian. Setrategi pengabdian yang kami lakukan adalah menggunakan metode (Participatory Action Research). Beberapa tahanan pengabdian yang kami lakukan terdiri dari membuat strategi, mengambil Tindakan mengawasi jalanannya kegiatan dan refleksi serta evaluasi. Pengabdian ini berhasil meningkatkan pemahaman peserta akan pentingnya arsip keluarga dan bagaimana menjaganya dalam bentuk digital. Selain itu kemampuan peserta untuk menyimpan dokumen mereka dalam bentuk digital juga bertambah