215 research outputs found


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    Historic districts of Doha, the capital of Qatar, have been deteriorating due to the city’s recent uncontrolled rapid urban growth. Consequently, heritage value inherit in their urban fabric is under threat. Recent conservation attempts have helped revive several districts; nevertheless, many other still continue to deteriorate. This thesis develops a set of principles for sustainable urban conservation projects in Qatar’s historic districts. The principles are derived from the study of the relevant literature and critical analysis of a sample of urban conservation projects. They can be classified in six main aspects: conservation, project governance, environmental sustainability, social sustainability, type of use, and building and open spaces rehabilitation. The principles are then applied to propose an urban conservation project design for Fareej Al-Najada, a historic district of Doha. The proposal aims to revive Al-Najada as a commercial and cultural destination by conserving its heritage value. Finally, recommendations are made for Qatar to develop a national urban conservation strategy

    Wound physiology and experimental wound models: Traditional review

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    Yara, vücuda gelebilecek bir yaralanma sonucu cildin epidermisinde hasar oluşması ve derinin normal anatomisinin ve fonksiyonlarının bozulması olarak tanımlanır. Yara iyileşmesi, kazayla veya kasıtlı olarak meydana gelen travma sonrası derinin bütünlüğünü korumak için önemli bir fizyolojik süreçtir. Normal yara iyileşmesi, hemostaz/inflamatuar faz, inflamasyon, proliferatif faz ve yeniden şekillenme fazı dâhil olmak üzere birbirini takip eden ve üst üste binen 4 fazı içerir. Yara iyileşmesi; yaş, eşlik eden hastalık, beslenme ve hijyen gibi birçok faktör tarafından etkilenmektedir. Aşırı yara iyileşmesi (hipertrofik skar ve keloid) veya kronik yara (ülser), bozulmuş fizyolojik yara iyileşme süreçlerinin göstergesidir. Yaraların temelde akut/kronik olarak ayrılmasının yanında, oluştuğu bölge (ağız, göz, deri vb.) ve oluşumuna göre (travmaya bağlı yara, diyabetik yara ve yanık yaraları) sınıflandırılması, bakımı ve tedavisi açısından farklılıklar oluşturmaktadır. Genel olarak topikal antiseptikler ile yapılan geleneksel yara bakımının yanında günümüzde otogreftler, allogreftler, kültürlü epitelyal otogreftler ve biyouyumlu ve biyobozunur polimerlere dayalı yara pansumanları gibi tedavi seçenekleri de bulunmaktadır. Deneysel yara modelleri, terapötik potansiyele sahip yeni ajanları test etmek, doku onarım mekanizmasının patogenezini incelemek ve yeni biyobelirteçleri saptamak için gereklidir. İn silico, in vitro ve in vivo dâhil olmak üzere yara iyileşme sürecini incelemek için çeşitli modeller kullanılmıştır. Bunun yanında, hiçbir deneysel yara modeli fizyolojik yara iyileşmesini tam olarak temsil etmediği için farklı modelleri içeren uygun bir kombinasyon kullanılmalıdır. Bu derlemede; yara tipleri, yara iyileşmesi, in vitro ve in vivo deneysel yara modelleri tartışılmaktadır.Wound is defined as damage to the epidermis of the skin and disruption of the normal anatomy and functions of the skin as a result of an injury to the body. Wound healing is an important physiological process to preserve the integrity of the skin after accidental or intentional trauma. Normal wound healing includes four consecutive and overlapping phases, including the hemostasis/inflammatory phase, the inflammation, the proliferative phase, and the remodeling phase. Wound healing; it is affected by many factors such as age, concomitant disease, nutrition and hygiene. Excessive wound healing (hypertrophic scar and keloid) or chronic wound (ulcer) is indicative of impaired physiological wound healing processes. In addition to the acute/chronic division of wounds, the classification according to the region (mouth, eye, skin etc.) and formation (traumatic wound, diabetic wound and burn wounds) creates differences in terms of care and treatment. In addition to traditional wound care with topical antiseptics in general, treatment options such as autografts, allografts, cultured epithelial autografts and wound dressings based on biocompatible and biodegradable polymers are now available. Experimental wound models are required to test new agents with therapeutic potential, to study the pathogenesis of tissue repair mechanism, and to detect new biomarkers. Various models have been used to study the wound healing process, including in silico, in vitro, and in vivo. In addition, an appropriate combination of different models should be used, as no experimental wound model is fully representative of physiological wound healing. In this review, wound types, wound healing, in vitro and in vivo experimental wound models are discussed

    Carotid intima‐media thickness in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and survival: a multicenter prospective study

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    Introduction: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is associated withincreased cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. Carotid intima-media thickness(CIMT) is a noninvasive method assessing atherosclerosis.Objective: It was aimed to determine relationship and survival between COPD andCIMT.Methods: CIMT was measured using Doppler ultrasound (USG) in 668 stable COPDpatients at 24 centers. Patients were followed-up for 2 years.Results: There were 610 patients who completed the study. There were 200 patientsCIMT with 0.05).Conclusion: This study is the first regarding CIMT with combined GOLD assessmentgroups. It has revealed important findings supporting the increase in atherosclerosisrisk in COPD patients. We recommend Doppler USG of the carotid artery inCOPD patients at severe stages

    Two Infant Cases Admitted with Atypical Presentation and Diagnosed as Type IV Hiatal Hernia

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    Type IV paraesophageal hiatal hernias are diaphragmatic hernias that are extremely rare in the pediatric age group in which the stomach and other intra-abdominal organs herniate from the esophageal hiatus of the diaphragm into the mediastinum. Since the defect in the hiatus is large, serious complications such as gastric volvulus may develop in these giant hernias as a result of the passage of a large part of the stomach into the thoracic cavity. Patients may present with atypical clinical manifestations such as growth retardation, not gaining weight, and recurrent pulmonary infections. In this report, two cases in the pediatric age group who were admitted with different clinical course and were diagnosed as type IV paraesophageal hiatal hernia who were successfully treated with surgical intervention are presented

    How to perform and interpret the lung ultrasound by the obstetricians in pregnant women during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic

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    Objective: Evidence for the use of lung ultrasound scan (LUS) examinations in coronavirus 2019 pneumonia is rapidly growing. The safe and non-ionizing nature of LUS drew attention, particularly for pregnant women. This study aimed to contribute to the interpretation of LUS findings in pregnant women for the obstetricians. Materials and Methods: LUS was performed to pregnant women suspected of or diagnosed as having Severe Acute Respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) in the first 24 hours of admission. Fourteen areas (3 posterior, 2 lateral, and 2 anterior) were scanned per patient for at least 10 seconds along the indicated anatomical landmarks. The scan was performed in supine, right-sided and left-sided positions, respectively. Each area was given a score between 0 and 3 according to the specific pattern. Results: In this study, 21 still images and 21 videoclips that enabled dynamic and real-time evaluation were provided. Pleural line assessment, physiologic A-lines, pathologic B-lines, light beam pattern, white lung pattern, and specific patterns for quick recognition and evaluation are described. Conclusion: The potential advantages and limitations of LUS and its areas of use for obstetricians are discussed. LUS is a promising supplementary imaging tool during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. It is easy to perform and may be feasible in the hands of obstetricians after a brief didactic course. It may be a firstline imaging modality for pregnant women

    Sepsisli Hastalarda Transfüzyonu Belirlemede Şok İndekslerinin Rolü

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    Amaç: Şok indeksleri özellikle hemorajik şok durumunda transfüzyonu ön görmede kullanılmaktadır. Ancak sepsis hastalarında transfüzyonu belirlemek için şok indekslerinin kullanımı konusunda yeterli çalışma yoktur. Çalışmamızda Yoğun bakım ünitesine (YBÜ) yatan sepsis ve septik şoktaki hastalarda şok indeksi (SI), modifiye şok indeksi (MSI) ve yaş şok indeksinin (YSI) hastaların eritrosit transfüzyonunu ön görmede kullanılabilirliğinin araştırılması amaçlanmıştır. Gereç ve Yöntem: Çalışmamız Anesteziyoloji ve Yoğun Bakım Ünitesi Kliniğinde 1 Kasım 2017 ile 31 Aralık 2018 tarihleri arasında retrospektif hasta verileri değerlendirilerek yapıldı. Hastaların yaşları, cinsiyetleri, eşlik eden hastalıkları, akut fizyoloji ve kronik sağlık değerlendirme (APACHE II) skoru, mekanik ventilasyon süresi, yatış süresi, hemoglobulin değerleri, SI, MSI, YSI, eritrosit transfüzyon verileri kayıt edildi. Bulgular: Çalışmaya 225 hasta dahil edildi. Şok indeksi, MSI, YSI düzeyleri eritrosit transfüzyonu gerektiren hastalarda gerektirmeyen hastalara göre istatistiksel olarak anlamlı yüksekti (p<0,05). Şok indeksi için ROC (receiver operating characteristic) eğrisi altındaki alan 0,691'dir (% 95 güven aralığı (GA): 0,626 - 0,751 P = 0,0002). Transfüzyon için SI eşik değeri 0,98’dir (duyarlılık: %86,8, %95 GA: 71,9-95,5, özgüllük: %46,52, %95 GA: 39,2-53,9). MSI için ROC eğrisi altındaki alan 0,666’dır (% 95 GA: 0,601-0,728 P = 0,0012). Transfüzyon için MSI eşik değeri 1,67’dir (duyarlılık: %57,9 %95 GA: 40,8-73,7, özgüllük: %72,7, %95 GA: 65,7-79). Yaş SI için ROC eğrisi altındaki alan 0,639’'dur (% 95 GA: 0,572-0,702 P = 0,0076). Transfüzyon için YSI eşik değeri 102,85’tir (duyarlılık: %39,5, %95 GA: 21,4-56,6, özgüllük: %89,8, %95 GA: 84,6-93,8). Sonuç: Sepsis hastalarında şok indeksleri transfüzyon ihtiyacını belirlenmede kullanılabilir. Ancak şok indeksleri ile beraber ek parametrelerin kullanılması gerekmektedir

    DNA Product Formation in Female Sprague–Dawley Rats Following Polyhalogenated Aromatic Hydrocarbon (PHAH) Exposure

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    DNA oxidation damage has been regarded as one of the possible mechanisms for the hepatic carcinogenesis of dioxin-like compounds (DLCs). In this study, we evaluated the toxic equivalency factor (TEF) from the standpoint of induced DNA oxidation products and their relationship to toxicity and carcinogenicity. Nine DNA oxidation products were analyzed in the liver of female Sprague-Dawley rats exposed to 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-pdioxin (TCDD) alone or the tertiary mixture of TCDD, 3,3',4,4',5-pentachlorobiphenyl (PCB 126), and 2,3,4,7,8-pentachlorodibenzofuran (PeCDF) by gavage for 14, 31, and 53 weeks (5 days/week) by LC-MS/MS: 8-oxo-7,8-dihydro-2'-deoxyguanosine (8-oxo-dGuo); 1,N6-etheno-2'-deoxyadenosine (1,N6-εdAdo); N2,3-ethenoguanine (N2,3-εG); 7-(2-oxoethly)guanine (7-OEG); 1,N2-etheno-2'-deoxyguanosine (1,N2-εdGuo); malondialdehyde (M1dGuo); acrolein (AcrdGuo); crotonaldehyde (CrdGuo); and 4-hydroxynonenal (HNEdGuo) derived 2'-deoxyguanosine adducts. Exposure to TCDD (100 ng/kg/day) significantly induced 1,N6-εdAdo at 31 and 53 weeks, while no increase of 8-oxo-dGuo was observed. Significant increases were observed for 8-oxo-dGuo and 1,N6-εdAdo at all time points following exposure to the tertiary mixture (TEQ 100 ng/kg/day). Exposure to TCDD for 53 weeks only significantly increased 1,N6-εdAdo, while increases of N2,3-εG and 7-OEG were only found in the highest dose group (100 ng/kg/day). Exposure to the tertiary mixture for 53 weeks had no effect on N2,3-εG in any exposure group (TEQ 0, 22, 46, or 100 ng/kg/day), while significant increases were observed for 1,N6-εdAdo (all dose groups), 8-oxo-dGuo (46 and 100 ng/kg/day), and 7-OEG (100 ng/kg/day). While no significant increase was observed at 53 weeks for 1,N2-εdGuo, M1dGuo, AcrdGuo, or CrdGuo following exposure to TCDD (100 ng/kg/day), all of them were significantly induced in animals exposed to the tertiary mixture (TEQ 100 ng/kg/day). This oxidation DNA product data suggest that the simple TEF methodology cannot be applied to evaluate the diverse patterns of toxic effects induced by DLCs

    Relation of maternal vitamin D status with gestational diabetes mellitus and perinatal outcome

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    Objective: To investigate the relationship between maternal vitamin D status and glucose intolerance, and its impact on pregnant women and their newborns. Methods: A cohort of pregnant women were divided into three groups: women with gestational diabetes mellitus, ones with normal results both after the 50 gr and 100 gr OGTT (CG-1) and ones having a positive result after the 50 gr OGTT screening but negative results for gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) after the 100 gr OGTT (CG-2) Results: The newborn length in CG-1 was greater than in GDM and CG-2 (p= 0.002 and p= 0.02). Fasting blood glucose and insulin resistance (IR) were negatively correlated with length of the newborns (r=-0.3, p=0.03 and r=-0.3, p=0.01). The newborns of women with GDM had lower APGAR-1 and 5 scores than those of CG-1 and CG-2 (APGAR-1 p= 0.001 and p= 0.004, APGAR-5 p=0.005 and p=0.007, respectively). APGAR scores were correlated negatively with IR (APGAR-1 r=- 0.32, p=0.01, APGAR-5 r=-0.3, p=0.03) and positively with 25OHD levels (APGAR-1 r=0.3, p=0.01, APGAR-5 r=0.3, p=0.02). Conclusion: Vitamin D deficiency, gestational diabetes and insulin resistance are interrelated. Severe vitamin D deficiency during pregnancy is associated with poor pregnancy and neonatal outcome

    The Effect of Leachate on the Compacted and Consolidated Clay Soils

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    Solid waste landfills constitute a potential major threat to groundwater quality. Water present in the waste, rainwater infiltration during and/or after the landfilling process and groundwater penetration can result in the generation of leachate. Leachate is a kind of waste liquid consisting of waste contaminants. Clay soils are natural matters to minimize the permeability of natural soil liners in landfill areas. Some contaminants in the leachate can alter compacted clay soils and cause increasing or decreasing permeability. This study investigates effects of leachate on the permeability of the compacted and consolidated clay soils, thereby evaluating the effectiveness of these clay soils as liners in preventing groundwater contamination. To determine removal capability of compacted and consolidated clay soils, some metal ions (Fe(II), Mn(II)) are also measured in influent and effluent of the lab-scale reactor. According to results of this study, Fe(II) and Mn(II) removal efficiency increases with time. Fe(OH)3 and MnO2 precipitations on the clay soil particles increase oxidation rate depending on the autocatalytic effect. Also, in the beginning, some decrease has been observed in the compacted and consolidated clay soils permeability associated with the contamination. However, as time goes by, these results show that leachates may cause an increase in the permeability

    Mutagenicity and Pollutant Emission Factors of Solid-Fuel Cookstoves: Comparison with Other Combustion Sources

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    BACKGROUND: Emissions from solid fuels used for cooking cause ~4 million premature deaths per year. Advanced solid-fuel cookstoves are a potential solution, but they should be assessed by appropriate performance indicators, including biological effects. OBJECTIVE: We evaluated two categories of solid-fuel cookstoves for eight pollutant and four mutagenicity emission factors, correlated the mutagenicity emission factors, and compared them to those of other combustion emissions. METHODS: We burned red oak in a 3-stone fire (TSF), a natural-draft stove (NDS), and a forced-draft stove (FDS), and we combusted propane as a liquified petroleum gas control fuel. We determined emission factors based on useful energy (megajoules delivered, MJd) for carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides (NOx), black carbon, methane, total hydrocarbons, 32 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, PM2.5, levoglucosan (a wood-smoke marker), and mutagenicity in Salmonella. RESULTS: With the exception of NOx, the emission factors per MJd were highly correlated (r ≥ 0.97); the correlation for NOx with the other emission factors was 0.58-0.76. Excluding NOx, the NDS and FDS reduced the emission factors an average of 68 and 92%, respectively, relative to the TSF. Nevertheless, the mutagenicity emission factor based on fuel energy used (MJthermal) for the most efficient stove (FDS) was between those of a large diesel bus engine and a small diesel generator. CONCLUSIONS: Both mutagenicity and pollutant emission factors may be informative for characterizing cookstove performance. However, mutagenicity emission factors may be especially useful for characterizing potential health effects and should be evaluated in relation to health outcomes in future research. An FDS operated as intended by the manufacturer is safer than a TSF, but without adequate ventilation, it will still result in poor indoor air quality. CITATION: Mutlu E, Warren SH, Ebersviller SM, Kooter IM, Schmid JE, Dye JA, Linak WP, Gilmour MI, Jetter JJ, Higuchi M, DeMarini DM. 2016. Mutagenicity and pollutant emission factors of solid-fuel cookstoves: comparison with other combustion sources. Environ Health Perspect 124:974-982; http://dx.doi.org/10.1289/ehp.1509852