24 research outputs found

    Factors affecting the uptake of Exclusive Breastfeeding (EBF) in Kisumu East District, Kenya

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    Exclusive breastfeeding (EBF) the best means of infant nutrition. This is because it offers great benefits to maternal and child health in general, including prevention of vertical transmission of HIV/ AIDS. This study sought to identify the factors associated with the uptake of EBF among mothers with children aged 0-<6 months. Overall, the uptake of EBF was higher than is seen in other countries in Africa and across the globe. Binary logistic regression identified having male children and ownership of certain assets as positive predictors of EBF uptake. Absence of a chronic disease and knowledge of cultural and traditional practices surrounding EBF were shown to be negatively associated with uptake of EBF. Keywords: breastfeeding, child health, maternal healt

    Timing and Determinants of Tuberculosis Treatment Interruption in Nairobi County, Kenya

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    Tuberculosis (TB) treatment is a key pillar in the management and control of TB. Service delivery within the treatment facilities plays an important role in ensuring treatment adherence by TB patients. A prospective cohort study involving 25 health facilities, 25 facility in-charge officers and 291 patients diagnosed as new sputum smear positive (SM+) between December 2014 and July 2015 was undertaken. The aim of the study was to estimate the median time to treatment interruption, associated factors and overall predictors of non-adherence to TB treatment. A total of 19 (6.5%) treatment interruptions were observed. The median time to default was 56 [95% CI, 36-105] days. Treatment in a non-public facility [AOR=0.210, 95% CI (0.046-0.952)] and facilities perceived to have adequate number of health care workers to offer Directly Observed Therapy (DOT) [AOR=0.195, 95% CI (0.068-0.56)] showed a lower odds of treatment interruption whereas attainment of secondary level education [AOR=5.28, 95% CI (1.18-23.59)] indicated a higher odds of treatment interruption. Non-clinical aspects of health care service delivery influence patient adherence to TB treatment. Health seeking behavior of groups considered to be high risk for treatment interruption should be incorporated into the design and delivery of TB treatment

    Lifestyle Factors Influencing Falls among Older People in Central Kenya

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    An estimated one-third of the older people worldwide sustain falls every year, which contributes to over 20% of injuries in this age group. In the central region of (Mount) Kenya, despite increasing awareness about this condition, the magnitude as well as the socio-demographic and lifestyle factors leading to falls in the older people are not well known.  The main objective of this study was to investigate the prevalence of falls, their outcomes, and the factors influencing their occurrence among older persons aged 65 years and above living in Gatanga Sub-County, Murang’a County, central Kenya. An analytical cross-sectional study design was used. Using systematic random sampling, 403 out of 9247 study participants were identified and interviewed at home. Using a structured interview form, data was collected on socio-demographic, socio-economic, lifestyle, and medical factors, as well as on fall or non-fall status from September 2016 to August 2017. Proportions were used to evaluate the occurrence of falls, lifestyle factors and medical conditions. Pearson’s Chi square and logistic regression were used to evaluate associations between lifestyle and medical exposures and falls outcomes.  With 41%, the prevalence of falls amongst the older people in this region is high. The farming lifestyle involving animal husbandry and medical illnesses are significantly associated with falls. To reduce the occurrence of falls, we need to integrate relevant preventive measures that reduce the risk of falls in communities of the older people in Central Kenya

    Utilization and Satisfaction with Community Health Worker Services amongst Caregivers of Children under Five in Mwea West, Kirinyaga County

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    CHWs provide a possible solution for delivery of promotive and preventive interventions which have the potential to improve child health

    Predictors of uptake of eye examination in people living with diabetes mellitus in three counties of Kenya.

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    BACKGROUND: Diabetic retinopathy (DR) is a significant public health concern that is potentially blinding. Clinical practice guidelines recommend annual eye examination of patients with diabetes for early detection of DR. Our aim was to identify the demand-side factors that influence uptake of eye examination among patients already utilizing diabetes services in three counties of Kenya. METHODS: We designed a clinic based cross-sectional study and used three-stage sampling to select three counties, nine diabetes clinics in these counties and 270 patients with diabetes attending these clinics. We interviewed the participants using a structured questionnaire. The two outcomes of interest were 'eye examination in the last 12 months' and 'eye examination ever'. The exposure variables were the characteristics of participants living with diabetes. RESULTS: The participants had a mean age of 53.3 years (SD 14.1) and an average interval of 4 months between visits to the diabetes clinic. Only 25.6% of participants had ever had an eye examination in their lifetime, while 13.3% had it in the preceding year. The independent predictors of uptake were referral by diabetes services, patient knowledge of diabetes eye complications, comorbid hypertension and urban or semi-urban residence. CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that access to retinal examination for DR is low in all three counties. An intervention that increases the knowledge of patients with diabetes about eye complications and promotes referral of patients with diabetes for eye examination may improve access to annual eye examination for DR

    Peer-support to increase uptake of screening for diabetic retinopathy: process evaluation of the DURE cluster randomized trial.

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    BACKGROUND: There is limited evidence on how implementation of peer support interventions influences effectiveness, particularly for individuals with diabetes. We conducted a cluster randomized controlled trial to compare the effectiveness of a peer-led health education package versus usual care to increase uptake of screening for diabetic retinopathy (DR). METHODS: Our process evaluation used a mixed-method design to investigate the recruitment and retention, reach, dose, fidelity, acceptability, and context of implementation, and was guided by the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research (CFIR). We reviewed trial documents, conducted semi-structured interviews with key informants (n = 10) and conducted four focus group discussions with participants in both arms of the trial. Three analysts undertook CFIR theory-driven content analysis of the qualitative data. Quantitative data was analyzed to provide descriptive statistics relevant to the objectives of the process evaluation. RESULTS: The trial had positive implementation outcomes, 100% retention of clusters and 96% retention for participants, 83% adherence to delivery of content of group talks (fidelity), and 78% attendance (reach) to at least 50% (3/6) of the group talks (dose). The data revealed that intervention characteristics, outer setting, inner setting, individual characteristics, and process (all the constructs of CFIR) influenced the implementation. There were more facilitators than barriers to the implementation. Facilitators included the relative advantage of the intervention compared with current practice (intervention characteristics); awareness of the growing prioritization of diabetes in the national health policy framework (outer setting); tension for change due to the realization of the vulnerability to vision loss from DR (inner setting); a strong collective sense of accountability of peer supporters to implement the intervention (individual characteristics); and regular feedback on the progress with implementation (process). Potential barriers included the need to queue at the eye clinic (intervention characteristic), travel inconveniences (inner setting), and socio-political disruption (outer setting). CONCLUSIONS: The intervention was implemented with high retention, reach, fidelity, and dose. The CFIR provided a valuable framework for evaluating contextual factors that influenced implementation and helped to understand what adaptations may be needed during scale up. TRIAL REGISTRATION: Pan African Clinical Trials Registry: PACTR201707002430195 registered 15 July 2017

    Adapting clinical practice guidelines for diabetic retinopathy in Kenya: process and outputs.

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    BACKGROUND: The use of clinical practice guidelines envisages augmenting quality and best practice in clinical outcomes. Generic guidelines that are not adapted for local use often fail to produce these outcomes. Adaptation is a systematic and rigorous process that should maintain the quality and validity of the guideline, while making it more usable by the targeted users. Diverse skills are required for the task of adaptation. Although adapting a guideline is not a guarantee that it will be implemented, adaptation may improve acceptance and adherence to its recommendations. METHODS: We describe the process used to adapt clinical guidelines for diabetic retinopathy in Kenya, using validated tools and manuals. A technical working group consisting of volunteers provided leadership. RESULTS: The process was intensive and required more time than anticipated. Flexibility in the process and concurrent health system activities contributed to the success of the adaptation. The outputs from the adaptation include the guidelines in different formats, point of care instruments, as well as tools for training, monitoring, quality assurance and patient education. CONCLUSION: Guideline adaptation is applicable and feasible at the national level in Kenya. However, it is labor- and time -intensive. It presents a valuable opportunity to develop several additional outputs that are useful at the point of care

    Feasibility of a cluster randomized controlled trial on the effectiveness of peer-led health education interventions to increase uptake of retinal examination for diabetic retinopathy in Kirinyaga, Kenya: a pilot trial.

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    BACKGROUND: People living with diabetes can reduce their risk of vision loss from diabetic retinopathy by attending screening, which enables early detection and timely treatment. The aim of this pilot trial was to assess the feasibility of a full-scale cluster randomized controlled trial of an intervention to increase uptake of retinal examination in this population, as delivered within existing community-based diabetes support groups (DSGs). METHODS: All 16 DSGs in Kirinyaga county were invited to participate in the study. The first two groups recruited took part in the pilot trial. DSG members who met the eligibility criteria were recruited before the groups that were randomized to the two arms. In the intervention group, two peer educators were trained to deliver monthly DSG-based eye health education and individual telephone reminders to attend screening. The control group continued with usual DSG practice which is monthly meetings without eye health education. The recruitment team and outcome assessors were masked to the allocation. We documented the study processes to ascertain the feasibility, acceptability, and potential effectiveness of the intervention. Feasibility was assessed in terms of clarity of study procedures, recruitment and retention rates, level of acceptability, and rates of uptake of eye examination. We set the target feasibility criteria for continuation to the main study to be recruitment of 50 participants in the trial, 80% monthly follow-up rates for individuals, and no attrition of clusters. RESULTS: Of the 122 DSG members who were assessed for eligibility, 104 were recruited and followed up: 51 (intervention) and 53 (control) arm. The study procedures were well understood and easy to apply. We learnt the DSG meeting days were the best opportunities for recruitment. The study had a high acceptance rate (100% for clusters, 95% for participants) and high follow-up and retention rate (100% of those recruited). All clusters and participants were analysed. We observed that the rate of incidence of eye exam was about 6 times higher in the intervention arm as compared to the control arm. No adverse unexpected events were reported in either arm. CONCLUSIONS: The study is feasible and acceptable in the study population. The results support the development of a full-scale cluster RCT, as the success criteria for the pilot were met. TRIAL REGISTRATION: Pan African Clinical Trials Registry PACTR201707002430195 Registered on 25 July 2017

    Effectiveness of peer support to increase uptake of retinal examination for diabetic retinopathy: study protocol for the DURE pragmatic cluster randomized clinical trial in Kirinyaga, Kenya.

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    BACKGROUND: All patients with diabetes are at risk of developing diabetic retinopathy (DR), a progressive and potentially blinding condition. Early treatment of DR prevents visual impairment and blindness. The natural history of DR is that it is asymptomatic until the advanced stages, thus annual retinal examination is recommended for early detection. Previous studies show that the uptake of regular retinal examination among people living with diabetes (PLWD) is low. In the Uptake of Retinal Examination in Diabetes (DURE) study, we will investigate the effectiveness of a complex intervention delivered within diabetes support groups to increase uptake of retinal examination. METHODS: The DURE study will be a two-arm pragmatic cluster randomized clinical trial in Kirinyaga County, Kenya. Diabetes support groups will be randomly assigned to either the intervention or usual care conditions in a 1:1 ratio. The participants will be 700 PLWD who are members of support groups in Kirinyaga. To reduce contamination, the unit of randomization will be the support group. Peer supporters in the intervention arm will receive training to deliver the intervention. The intervention will include monthly group education on DR and individual member reminders to take the eye examination. The effectiveness of this intervention plus usual care will be compared to usual care practices alone. Participant data will be collected at baseline. The primary outcome is the proportion of PLWD who take up the eye examination at six months. Secondary outcomes include the characteristics of participants and peer supporters associated with uptake of eye examination for DR. Intention-to-treat analysis will be used to evaluate the primary and secondary outcomes. DISCUSSION: Eye care programs need evidence of the effectiveness of peer supporter-led health education to improve attendance to retinal screening for the early detection of DR in an African setting. Given that the intervention combines standardization and flexibility, it has the potential to be adopted in other settings and to inform policies to promote DR screening. TRIAL REGISTRATION: Pan African Clinical Trial Registry PACTR201707002430195 , registered 25 July 2017, www.pactr.org

    Insecticide-Treated Nets and Protection against Insecticide-Resistant Malaria Vectors in Western Kenya

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    Insecticide resistance might reduce the efficacy of malaria vector control. In 2013 and 2014, malaria vectors from 50 villages, of varying pyrethroid resistance, in western Kenya were assayed for resistance to deltamethrin. Long-lasting insecticide-treated nets (LLIN) were distributed to households at universal coverage. Children were recruited into 2 cohorts, cleared of malaria-causing parasites, and tested every 2 weeks for reinfection. Infection incidence rates for the 2 cohorts were 2.2 (95% CI 1.9–2.5) infections/person-year and 2.8 (95% CI 2.5–3.0) infections/person-year. LLIN users had lower infection rates than non-LLIN users in both low-resistance (rate ratio 0.61, 95% CI 0.42–0.88) and high-resistance (rate ratio 0.55, 95% CI 0.35–0.87) villages (p = 0.63). The association between insecticide resistance and infection incidence was not significant (p = 0.99). Although the incidence of infection was high among net users, LLINs provided significant protection (p = 0.01) against infection with malaria parasite regardless of vector insecticide resistanc