38 research outputs found

    Genome analysis: mutation analysis using near infrared laser-induced fluorescence (NIR-LIF) and single molecule detection in microfluidic devices

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    A number of genotyping methods have been developed for mutation analysis, each of which has its own unique advantage. DNA amplification via polymerase chain reaction (PCR) provides an unlimited supply of material for subsequent genetic analysis even in case where only a single copy of the DNA molecule is present in the sample. Research presented in this dissertation first examines the efficiency of in vitro amplification of single copy DNA with subsequent sequencing analysis of PCR product. The PCR products (amplicons) were investigated for possible alteration, distortions or mutations due to the amplification process. The sequencing data for single copy amplification indicated a read length of 424 bases could be achieved with read accuracy of 99.3%. A confocal detection system was constructed to monitor the fluorescence signature from single DNA molecule labeled with near infrared (NIR) dyes. The performance of the system was first tested by applying single photon burst technique to detect double-stranded DNA molecules in polymeric devices. Sampling efficiencies were investigated by physically narrowing the channel sizes of the microdevices and by applying electrokinetic focusing. The narrow channels showed 4 times improvement in a 15 µm channel compared to a 50 µm channel. Similar results were demonstrated in the focusing studies. Single molecule sizing of ë-DNA, M13, pUC19 and pBR322 DNA using single photon burst was also demonstrated. In addition single molecule detection of a NIR chromophore NN383 was analyzed in PC devices and a detection efficiency of 94% was achieved. The other application for the NIR system was in a new strategy for analyzing molecular signatures of disease states in real-time using single-pair fluorescence energy transfer (spFRET) coupled with ligase detection reaction (LDR) to rapidly detect single base mutations in codon 12 of K-ras oncogene which has high diagnostic value for colorectal cancer. LDR-spFRET provided the necessary specificity and sensitivity to detect single point mutations in as little 600 copies of human genomic DNA without PCR amplification at a level of 1 in 1000 wildtype sequences. In addition the assay demonstrated analysis times \u3c 5 min

    On unconditional banach space ideal property

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    Paper presented at Strathmore International Math Research Conference on July 23 - 27, 2012Let denote the assignment which associates with each pair of Banach spaces the vector space and be the space of all compact linear operators from . Let and suppose converges in the dual weak operator topology Denote by the finite number given by. The u-norm on is then given by. It has been shown that is a banach operator ideal. We find conditions for to be an unconditional ideal inLet denote the assignment which associates with each pair of Banach spaces the vector space and be the space of all compact linear operators from . Let and suppose converges in the dual weak operator topology Denote by the finite number given by. The u-norm on is then given by. It has been shown that is a banach operator ideal. We find conditions for to be an unconditional ideal i

    Modelling the impact of media coverage on cholera transmission

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    Paper presented at the 4th Strathmore International Mathematics Conference (SIMC 2017), 19 - 23 June 2017, Strathmore University, Nairobi, Kenya.Cholera is a highly infectious disease caused by the bacterium Vibrio cholerae. Its spread is a product of both social and environmental factors. Past and recent cholera outbreaks in Kenya haveled to deaths and hospitalisation. In this study, we investigate the impact of media coverage on the spread of cholera using a mathematical model whose formulation is based on a system of ordinary differential equations. Positivity and boundedness of solutions are established to ensure that the model is well posed. The basic reproduction number is derived using the next generation matrix approach and used in analysing the local stability of the disease free equilibrium. sensitivity analysis of the basic reproduction number with respect to the model parameters is carried out to access the relative impact of each parameter on the spread of the disease. The results show that increasing the efficacy of media coverage is vital in controlling the spread of cholera

    An immuno-epidemiological model linking between-host and within-host dynamics of cholera

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    Cholera, a severe gastrointestinal infection caused by the bacterium Vibrio cholerae, remains a major threat to public health, with a yearly estimated global burden of 2.9 million cases. Although most existing models for the disease focus on its population dynamics, the disease evolves from within-host processes to the population, making it imperative to link the multiple scales of the disease to gain better perspectives on its spread and control. In this study, we propose an immuno-epidemiological model that links the between-host and within-host dynamics of cholera. The immunological (within-host) model depicts the interaction of the cholera pathogen with the adaptive immune response. We distinguish pathogen dynamics from immune response dynamics by assigning different time scales. Through a time-scale analysis, we characterise a single infected person by their immune response. Contrary to other within-host models, this modelling approach allows for recovery through pathogen clearance after a finite time. Then, we scale up the dynamics of the infected person to construct an epidemic model, where the infected population is structured by individual immunological dynamics. We derive the basic reproduction number (R0 \mathcal{R}_0 ) and analyse the stability of the equilibrium points. At the disease-free equilibrium, the disease will either be eradicated if \mathcal{R}_0 < 1 or otherwise persists. A unique endemic equilibrium exists when \mathcal{R}_0 > 1 and is locally asymptotically stable without a loss of immunity

    An Application Of Maximal Numerical Range On Norm Of Basic Elementary Operator In Tensor Product

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    Many researchers in operator theory have attempted to determine the relationship between the norm of basic elementary operator and the norms of its coefficient operators. Various results have been obtained using varied approaches. In this paper, we attempt this problem by the use of the Stampfli’s maximal numerical range in a tensor product


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    Properties of elementary operators have been studied over the past years especially the norm aspect. Various results have been obtained on elementary operators of different lengths using different approaches. In this paper, we determine the norm of an elementary operator of length n in a C*algebra using finite rank operators.We will review known results on Jordan and general elementary operators which are useful in getting our result


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    The norm property of different types of Elementary operators has attracted a lot of researchers due to its wide range applications in functional analysis. From available literature the norm of Jordan elementary operator has been determined in C*-algebras, JB*-algebras,standard operator algebra and prime JB*-triple but not much has been done in tensor product of C*-algebras. This paper, dealt with the norm of Jordan elementary operator in a tensor product of C*-algebras. More precisely, the paper investigated the bounds of the norm of Jordan elementary operator in a tensor product of C*-algebras and obtained that The concept of finite rank operator and properties of tensor product of Hilbert spaces and operators and vectors in Hilbert spaces were used to achieve the paper’s objective


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    Nitrogen is a vital nutrient that enhances plant growth which has motivated the intensive use of nitrogen-based fertilizers to boost crop productivity. However, Pollution by nitrate is a globally growing problem due to the population growth, increase in the demand for food and inappropriate Nitrogen application. The complexities and challenges in quantifying nitrate leaching have led to development of a range of measurement and modeling techniques. However, most of them are not widely applied due to their inaccuracy. This calls for new approaches in which nitrate leaching can be analysed in order to give better understanding of nitrate fate and transport process for proper management of groundwater. This study presents a mathematical model to analyse nitrate leaching into groundwater from the advection-dispersion equation. The advection-dispersion equation is modified by incorporating soil porosity and volumetric water content of the soil. The stability of the model has been performed by the Von Neumann stability condition after performing descritization using the Cranck-Nicolson scheme and finite difference scheme. The model is conditionally stable for all ranges of angle(κ), when Von Neumann stability condition is applied for both the Cranck-Nicolson scheme and finite difference scheme. The results provide science-based input into best alternative mathematical model which can be used to analyse leaching of nitrate into groundwater

    Relationship of Recognition and Staff Performance in Kenya School of Government Baringo Campus, Kenya

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    Staff performance is a critical element in organization function and productivity. It is therefore paramount for the management to ensure that efforts and resources are directed towards ensuring that the human resources attain their full potential. This paper addresses the relationship of recognition on employee performance at the Kenya School of Government Baringo campus. The study employed ex-post facto research design which is a descriptive survey research design. The study population comprised of employees at various departments and sections. Stratified sampling technique was employed to select the required sample size of 23 respondents who were picked through simple random sampling technique. The departments at Kenya School of Government Baringo campus included: Administration, Catering/hospitality, Human resource, Security, Maintenance, Laundry, Library, Registry, Garden/farm, Transport, Research, Training, Accounts, ICT and Reception. A structured self-administered questionnaire was used to collect data. Descriptive statistics i.e percentages were used for data analysis using statistical Package for Social Scientist (SPSS) version 20.  Findings revealed that recognition has a strong relationship with the performance of employees at KSG Baringo campus. Keywords: Recognition, Motivation, staff performance.

    Metric equivalence as an almost similarity property

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    Paper presented at the 5th Strathmore International Mathematics Conference (SIMC 2019), 12 - 16 August 2019, Strathmore University, Nairobi, KenyaVarious results that relate to almost similarity and other classes of operators such as isometry, normal, unitary and compact operators have been extensively discussed. In this paper, we describe the spectral picture of almost similar operators. To be more specific we will describe the spectrum, the spectral radius, the numerical radius as well as the norm of almost similar operators.Chuka University, School of Mathematic