72 research outputs found

    Political engagement among students in UiTM Shah Alam / Alma Mustaza Mohd Suhaimi

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    This study aims to measure the level of political engagement among the students in UiTM Shah Alam. In Malaysia political landscape, the involvement of youth had been increased. Even though they were restricted by the University and University College Act, they resisted to stop. The purpose of this study is to identify the factors that contribute to the political engagement of the students. By using the quantitative method, the questionnaires were distributed to the 380 respondents who are the students of UiTM Shah Alam. Descriptive analysis, Pearson Correlation and Multiple Regression were used to achieve the research objective. Thus, this study found that the level of political engagement among the students in UiTM Shah Alam is moderate. Furthermore, there is relationship between parental influence, peer influence, social media influence, educational environment and political engagement among the students in UiTM Shah Alam. In addition, this study found that the most influential factor is the peer influence. Unlike the previous studies, most of the studies found the social media as the most influential factor due to the fast pace of information delivery through the social media nowadays. Finally, this study can be extended to cover a wider group of youth in Malaysia

    Carbon Nanotube-Activated Thin Film Transparent Conductor Applications

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    Carbon nanotubes are an exciting nanomaterial system that exhibit exceptional mechanical and electrical properties. Due to its small diameter of ∼1 nm and high aspect ratio in order of 103, they can readily form interconnected conducting network of continuous film with high transparency. Transparent conductor based on carbon nanotube can be grown directly into a thin-film structure, or can be processed after the growth process. Post-growth arrangement of carbon nanotube into transparent conducting thin films can be achieved by several methods. Most of the methods involve solution-processed approach, while dry-processed approach is also possible. This chapter presents a comprehensive review and methods for fabricating transparent carbon nanotube-activated thin film, which generally demonstrate high conductivity and mechanical flexibility. Comparison on the optical and electrical performance of the carbon nanotube-activated transparent conductors fabricated via different methods is presented in the chapter

    Drivers of Green Supply Chain Management (GSCM) among Halal Food Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs) / Aiman Naeim Mustaza

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    In order to achieve Malaysia’s goal of becoming a Halal hub, one main area that we must emphasize is regarding environmental sustainability. As we are busy producing and promoting our Halal industry to the world, we must ensure the preservation of our environment. This is to make sure that our ventures continue to prosper and the environment is sustainable for our future generation. Due to the concern of sustaining the environment, many companies, worldwide have taken measures to preserve the environment. One of the popular method these days is the implementation of green supply chain management. Green supply chain management may contribute to the sustainability of the environment through waste reduction and the use of a less hazardous material or ‘green’ material along the supply chain process. However, in the scope of this country, very few have realized the benefits that green supply chain management has to offer. There are several main drivers that influence the implementation of green supply chain management. Therefore, the objective of this study is to study the relationship between the drivers; government rules and regulations, cost reduction, customer awareness and global climate pressure towards the implementation of green supply chain management among Halal food small medium enterprises in Seremban. This study was also conducted to indicate the main driver of GSCM. A set of questionnaire was developed by adapting questions from other past studies and also self-generated by the researcher from the literature review. The questionnaire was then distributed among Halal food small medium enterprises in Seremban. Data gathered were generated in the Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) and findings were analyzed. The research objectives and questions were then answered. This study was then concluded and several recommendations were provided for the purpose of future research in this particular topic

    Distribusi Koefisien Perpindahan Panas Konveksi Daerah Entrance dan Fully Developed Perbandingan Empiris dan Eksperimen pada Double Pipe Heat Exchanger

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    Penelitian tentang distribusi koefisien konveksi pada daerah entrance dan fully developed sangat diperhitungkan dalam dunia industri makanan, minuman, proses kimia dan farmasi. Penelitian ini dilakukan secara eksperimental dengan menggunakan Double Pipe Heat Exchanger. Hal ini dikarenakan konstruksi yang sederhana, murah, yang tidak memerlukan permukaan perpindahan panas yang besar. Penelitian ini dikaji tentang distribusi koefisien konveksi yang terjadi di daerah entrance dan fully developed. Fluida yang digunakan air yang mengalir secara paralel. Debit aliran panas divariasikan pada 5 kecepatan aliran mulai dari 6,7 lpm hingga 20 lpm dengan laju aliran 0,11 kg/s hingga 0,33 kg/s menggunakan temperatur dijaga pada 60oC. Sedangkan debit fluida dingin divariasikan 4 kecepatan aliran mulai 10 lpm hingga 20 lpm dengan laju aliran 0,17 kg/s hingga 0,33 kg/s dengan temperatur 32oC. Hasil yang didapatkan pada penelitian ini adalah distribusi koefisien perpindahan panas konveksi yang terjadi pada daerah entrance dan fully developed. Batas daerah entrance pada Doubel Pipe Heat Exchanger ini adalah 30 cm. Selanjutnya masuk pada daerah fully developed, seiring dengan bertambah tebalnya boundary layer termal hingga mencapai konsta

    Personaliti Grit dan Kesejahteraan Subjektif Pelajar Universiti

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    Sikap tabah, ketekunan serta bersedia berhadapan dengan perubahan di luar jangka adalah nilai penting yang perlu wujud dalam diri seseorang mahasiswa. personaliti grit dan kesejahteraan subjektif mempengaruhi kualiti pembelajaran pelajar. Reka bentuk kajian kuantitatif berbentuk tinjauan dipilih bagi mengenal pasti tahap personaliti grit dan kesejahteraan subjektif pelajar dan hubungan antara kedua-dua pemboleh ubah tersebut turut di lihat. Sejumlah 387 orang responden dalam kalangan pelajar UKM dipilih dengan menggunakan teknik persampelan rawak berkelompok. Instrumen kajian Short Grit Scale (Grit-S) dan College Student Subjective Wellbeing Questionnaire yang diadaptasi digunakan bagi tujuan pengumpulan data.. Hasil analisis menunjukkan pelajar mempunyai tahap grit yang sederhana tinggi (s.p. =0.866) dan mempunyai tahap kesejahteraan subjektif yang tinggi (s.p. = 1.064). Manakala, hubungan korelasi menunjukkan terdapat hubungan yang positif dan signifikan antara personaliti grit terhadap kesejahteraan subjektif (r = 0.357, p< 0.01). Model analisis regresi linear menunjukkan grit secara kolektif menyumbang 12.5% terhadap konstruk kesejahteraan subjektif pelajar. Kajian ini memberikan gambaran bahawa tahap kesejahteraan subjektif pelajar akan meningkat sekiranya tahap personaliti grit meningkat. Personaliti grit dan Kesejahteraan subjektif pelajar adalah penting kerana ia memberikan gambaran terhadap kemampuan pelajar menghadapi pembelajaran sepanjang musim pandemik yang sangat mencabar. Selain itu juga, aspek personaliti grit mampu di jadikan sebagai petunjuk kepada kesejahteraan subjektif pelajar. Dapatan ini juga menambahkan lagi maklumat dan pengetahuan berkenaan topik personaliti grit yang masih kurang dikaji secara menyeluruh

    Comparison of Various Properties of a Silorane Based Dental Composite with Two Methacrylate Based Dental Composites

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    The synthesis of a new monomer system named silorane (obtained from the reaction of oxirane and siloxane molecules) gave way to the production of a novel low shrinkage silorane based composite. Objectives: The purpose of this study was to compare some physical properties of a silorane based composite (Filtek Silorane, 3MESPE) to those of two well-known low shrinkage methacrylate-based composites (Filtek Supreme XT, 3MESPE; Esthet X HD, Dentsply). The study also includes the effect of external media (food simulating solutions; distilled water, artificial saliva, 25% ethanol, coconut oil and Coke) on the three composites. Methods: Cured samples underwent water absorption (with immersion in food simulating solutions) and desorption. The data were analysed; the water absorption and desorption profiles were mapped, the diffusion coefficients and solubility of each sample were calculated. Curing efficiency was measured on the top and bottom surfaces of cured composite samples using Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy. Finally, the temperature profile during polymerisation of each composite sample was mapped, allowing the calculation of the sample‘s maximum exotherm. Results: From the results obtained from these experiments, overall, the properties of Filtek Silorane are comparable with those of Filtek Supreme XT and Esthet X HD

    Respon positif: Khalid Nazri puas hati

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    Biarpun tanpa pelakon dan slot terkenal, namun ia tidak menghalang pengarah, Khalid Nadzri untuk tampil dengan karya istimewa

    Mobile IM as a Text Messaging Alternative Using Mobile Phone through the Development of Message Conveying System (MCS)

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    The development ofMessage Conveying System (MCS) as a mobile instant messenger application system is to provide a text messaging alternative using mobile phone. MCS is a mobileinstantmessengerapplication that is a part of global Jabberâ„¢ messaging networks. It meansthat you can chat and checkpresence of any user of any Jabberâ„¢ networks in the world just by using your mobile phone.MCScan run on any Javaenabled mobile phones that supportGeneral Packet Radio System (GPRS). Mobile phone users needMCSto bring the abilities of desktopIMmtotheir mobile phones.MCS enables real-time communicationbetween people. It also allowspresence information to be available to others. This givesMCSan advantage over SMS because SMS does not provide the users' presence information to be available to others. MCS is also cheaper than SMS becauseits usage charges are based on the amountof data transferred through GPRS, not like SMS' pay per use charges. Apart from that,MCS accepts communication from differentIM application that uses the JabberXMPPprotocol. It meansthat users whoare using Jabber clients (e.g. GoogleTalk, Meebo, Spark, Exodus etc)can "talk" and see thepresence information of anMCSuser. MCS is seento become the newmain stream of text messaging because of the wide acceptance ofIMamong the people nowadays andthe low usage charges that it provides which is way cheaper than the conventional SMS. Keywords: Short Message Service (SMS), Instant Messaging (IM), presence, Message Conveying System (MCS) I

    Ceritera Mat London

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    Demi memastikan industri seni negara sentiasa hadir dengan pelapis baru, Mat London mengambil inisiatif untuk berkongsi pengalamannya selama 30 tahun dalam bidang pengarahan kepada bakat-bakat baru
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