1,137 research outputs found

    Change management and implementation of total productive maintenance: an exploratory study of Malaysian manufacturing companies

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    This study examines the effects of change management towards the implementation of productivity and quality improvement programs through the concept of Total Productive Maintenance (TPM), in manufacturing firms in Malaysia. The factors measured are management commitment, training and education, employee empowerment, team culture and company policies and goals for change management. Autonomous maintenance and planned maintenance factors were used to measure TPM. The findings of the study provide empirical evidence that change management factors significantly enhances the extent of TPM implementatio

    Growth and Yield of Pearl Millet (\u3cem\u3ePennisetum glaucum\u3c/em\u3e L.R. Br.) As Influenced by Downey Mildew and Smut Diseases in Kabuga Area of Kano State, Nigeria

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    The performance of four Pearl millet varieties comprising three improved varieties and one local variety was investigated in terms of their yield and response to natural infestation of Downy mildew (DM) and smut diseases. Data on yield parameters, disease score and weather were collected over the two year period of the investigation. The investigation revealed the existence of inherent differences among the four varieties tested and the influence of biotic and abiotic factors on some of the yield parameters. The variety ICMN IS 88224 was found to be the most susceptible to DM and smut disease while two improved varieties (ICMn IS series) were found to be tolerant. The local variety, INMV 55 was found to be the most tolerant and as such, ICMN IS 88212 is recommended for this location

    Coral reef and associated habitat mapping using ALOS satellite imagery

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    Coral reefs are rich in biodiversity and ecosystem services. However increase in degradation are still occurring at an alarming rate. In management of this ecosystem, determination of its spatial distribution is of importance. Satellite imageries can be used to map distribution extent using spectral characteristics which is a fundamental parameter in mapping. The aims of this study were to determine the spectral characteristics of corals and associated habitats and to map its spatial distribution using 2009 ALOS advanced visible and near infrared radiometer type 2 (AVNIR-2) satellite imagery. Results indicated that coral and habitats surrounding the area display variation in the spectral characteristics magnitude but displays similar spectral curve. Spectral characteristics from the corals and surrounding habitats were determined by presence of benthic microalgae and calcium carbonate. Maximum likelihood classification on the image produced five main classes. Spatial distribution of coral and associated habitats indicated five main zones which are sandy shore zone, sandy intertidal zone, seagrass zone, coral/submerged sandy zone and rocky zone. Distribution of live corals indicated coverage of 0.54 km2, sea grass (0.94 km2), sandy bottom (1.31 km2) and rocky shores (0.19 km2). The results of this study indicated that ALOS satellite data was able to determine variation in spectral characteristics of coral reefs and other habitats thus is capable of mapping the ecosystems spatial distribution

    Characterization Studies and Yield Attributes of Some Varieties of Cowpea (\u3cem\u3eVigna unguiculata\u3c/em\u3e L.)

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    Investigations were carried out on sixteen improved varieties of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L walp) obtained from International Institute for Tropical Agriculture, Ibadan. These varieties were grown in the Department of Biological Sciences Garden, of the University of Ilorin. Qualitative and quantitative characters were observed for the study. Positive correlations were obtained between leaf number and stem diameter, leaf number and number of seeds per pod, number of branches and plant height. Negative correlation existed between number of pods per plant and number of seed per pod. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) showed significant difference in all the quantitative characters analyzed among the varieties. Each character was also analyzed using Duncan test and F-LSD. The result showed that IT99K-529-1, IT99K – 429 – 2, IT97K – 461 – 4, IT98K – 506 – 1 and IT99K- 1122 were outstanding in term of vegetative and yield performances in Ilorin, Kwara State of Nigeria

    Meiotic Chromosome Count for Chlorophytum sabiense Omok

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    Chlorophytum sabiense Omok (the newly identified taxon in the family Asparagaceae from the Western Tropical Africa) exhibits some exceptional characteristics having; three ovaries, each with a distinct style and stigmas with few lobes. These features separate Chlorophytum sabiense from most species reported in West Africa. Significance of floral characters in taxonomy cannot be overemphasis; as the most reliable morphological feature. In view of this, evidences are required to ascertain true taxonomic statue of the species. In the present contribution, meiotic study was employed as a veritable tool; to investigate pairing pattern of the haploid chromosomes of the species and also to determine the haploid chromosome number for the species. Flower buds at the right age were collected, treated using the conventional method and studied from pachytene to full metaphase. At diakinesis seven bivalents (7 II) were obtained, thus indicate that the species belong to n=7 series of the genus. Seven bivalents (7 II) were however less prevalent (31.9%) compared with multivalents, which indicates high incidence of chromosome stickiness at metaphase I of the species

    Fuzzy Logic Based Controller for Maintaining Human Comfort within Intelligent Building System

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    This paper presents an intelligent control approach for air handling unit (AHU) which is an integral part of heat, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system. In the past years various control design for HVAC have been proposed as this system remarkably consumes very high energy. But most of the proposed designs were focused on the control flow of heat-transfer medium such as chilled or heated water while the importance of the efficient mixture of outdoor and indoor enthalpies is sometimes ignored. These enthalpies invariably determine the best strategy to overcome thermal load in a controlled environment to satisfy human comfort, hence a control design strategy must be able to efficiently regulate the flow and mixture of outdoor and indoor enthalpies by a proper control of AHU dampers and fans. This approach requires sensors to measure temperature and relative humidity of both outdoor and indoor environments. However, unpredictable level of disturbances coming from many sources including heat generated by occupants, electrical items and air leaking and the continuous changes of outdoor enthalpy makes it difficult to model the process. Consequently, conventional controllers are not suitable, hence the use of fuzzy logic controller (FLC) is proposed in this paper. This proposed controller operates in a master and slave control loop so as to control the AHU dampers and fans with adjustable output membership function whilst at the same time a scaling-factor method is used to drive the master operation. To implement the proposed system, a small scale prototype has been designed and fabricated. This prototype is an AHU model which consists of ductwork, temperature and humidity sensors, dampers, air cooling and heating systems. A small box is used as a conditioning space in which a room temperature is measured. The control algorithm is programmed using National Instrument (NI) LabVIEW and executed using NI FieldPoint. Experimental results reveal that proper control of AHU dampers and fans is an effective and practical means to satisfy human comfort with minimum energy consumption

    Quasi-Monte Carlo sparse grid Galerkin finite element methods for linear elasticity equations with uncertainties

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    We explore a linear inhomogeneous elasticity equation with random Lam\'e parameters. The latter are parameterized by a countably infinite number of terms in separated expansions. The main aim of this work is to estimate expected values (considered as an infinite dimensional integral on the parametric space corresponding to the random coefficients) of linear functionals acting on the solution of the elasticity equation. To achieve this, the expansions of the random parameters are truncated, a high-order quasi-Monte Carlo (QMC) is combined with a sparse grid approach to approximate the high dimensional integral, and a Galerkin finite element method (FEM) is introduced to approximate the solution of the elasticity equation over the physical domain. The error estimates from (1) truncating the infinite expansion, (2) the Galerkin FEM, and (3) the QMC sparse grid quadrature rule are all studied. For this purpose, we show certain required regularity properties of the continuous solution with respect to both the parametric and physical variables. To achieve our theoretical regularity and convergence results, some reasonable assumptions on the expansions of the random coefficients are imposed. Finally, some numerical results are delivered

    k-Efficient Partitions of Graphs

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    A set S = {u1, u2,..., ut} of vertices of G is an efficient dominating set if every vertex of G is dominated exactly once by the vertices of S. Letting Ui denote the set of vertices dominated by ui, we note that {U1, U2,... Ut} is a partition of the vertex set of G and that each Ui contains the vertex ui and all the vertices at distance 1 from it in G. In this paper, we generalize the concept of efficient domination by considering k-efficient domination partitions of the vertex set of G, where each element of the partition is a set consisting of a vertex ui and all the vertices at distance di from it, where di ∈ {0, 1,..., k}. For any integer k ≥ 0, the k-efficient domination number of G equals the minimum order of a k-efficient partition of G. We determine bounds on the k-efficient domination number for general graphs, and for k ∈ {1, 2}, we give exact values for some graph families. Complexity results are also obtained
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