384 research outputs found

    Emergentism revisited

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    The “explanatory gap” is proposed to be the “hard problem” of\ud consciousness research and has generated a great deal of recent\ud debate.\ud Arguments brought forward to reveal this gap include the\ud conceivability of zombies or the “super-neuroscientist” Mary. These\ud are supposed to show that the facts of consciousness are not a priori\ud entailed by the microphysical facts.\ud Similar arguments were already proposed by emergence theories in\ud the context of the debate between mechanism and vitalism.\ud According to synchronic emergentism, the property of a system is\ud emergent, when it cannot - in principle - be deduced from a complete\ud description of the system’s components.\ud Here, I argue that apart from phenomenal properties there are many\ud other properties that, even though they are clearly physical, are not\ud reductively explainable either. The explanatory gap of consciousness\ud is therefore only a part of a much more general problem

    Self-face perception: individual differences and discrepancies associated with mental self-face representation, attractiveness and self-esteem

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    Self-face perception plays an important role in self-consciousness and personal identity as well as in social exchanges and well-being. Despite its significance, little is known about how individuals represent their faces internally. This study explored mechanisms of self-face perception in three experiments. First, participants chose from two images (self-face image vs. self-image with manipulated facial features) which one was their veridical image and which one they liked most. Afterwards, participants could (digitally) manipulate their facial features to increase their attractiveness (either to themselves or to an imagined other/s). Results showed that self-face recognition was better when veridical faces were paired with 'clones' with larger facial features or when all facial features were enlarged concurrently. Moreover, up to half of the participants preferred smaller noses and larger eyes and manipulated their self-images accordingly. State (but not trait) self-esteem was inversely correlated with eye, mouth and nose size manipulations made to increase one's attractiveness. The results indicate that a certain tolerance for error in self-face recognition might be required to maintain a consistent facial identity during one's lifespan. The discovered preference for neotenous features and discrepancies between one's perceived and one's veridical face and their link to state self-esteem are discussed

    Non-commercial Partnership as an Efficient Instrument of Inclusion of Physically Challenged People into the Educational Environment of a University (Analysis Conducted in Ryazan, Russian Federation)

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    AbstractThe article addresses problematic issues of accessible high-quality higher education. Research reveals incongruity between legal guarantees and implementation of inclusive practices in Russia. The work describes use of low-cost and easily applied technologies (including mediaeducation) that facilitate involvement of physically challenged people in university studies, develop empathy towards such students, stimulate their socialization; provide students with practice-oriented education, and improve lecturers’ competence in dealing with disabled students, through training and professional development system. The analysis discusses a 9-year-long research of inclusion of physically challenged people into tertiary academic environment, promoted by social partnership of educational institutions, businesses and NCOs, which jointly formed a platform to reduce maladjustment cases for students with disabilities; this is a key factor in development of inclusive education in Ryazan Region, Russian Federation. The investigated approach allows developing a comprehensive solution to inclusion problems

    Targeted next-generation sequencing of cancer genes in poorly differentiated thyroid cancer

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    Poorly differentiated thyroid carcinoma (PDTC) is a rare malignancy with higher mortality than well-differentiated thyroid carcinoma. The histological diagnosis can be difficult as well as the therapy. Improved diagnosis and new targeted therapies require knowledge of DNA sequence changes in cancer-relevant genes. The TruSeq Amplicon Cancer Panel was used to screen cancer genomes from 25 PDTC patients for somatic single-nucleotide variants in 48 genes known to represent mutational hotspots. A total of 4490 variants were found in 23 tissue samples of PDTC. Ninety-eight percent (4392) of these variants did not meet the inclusion criteria, while 98 potentially pathogenic or pathogenic variants remained after filtering. These variants were distributed over 33 genes and were all present in a heterozygous state. Five tissue samples harboured not a single variant. Predominantly, variants in P53 (43% of tissue samples) were identified, while less frequently, variants in APC, ERBB4, FLT3, KIT, SMAD4 and BRAF (each in 17% of tissue samples) as well as ATM, EGFR and FBXW7 (each in 13% of tissue samples) were observed. This study identified new potential genetic targets for further research in PDTC. Of particular interest are four observed ERBB4 (alias HER4) variants, which have not been connected to this type of thyroid carcinoma so far. In addition, APC and SMAD4 mutations have not been reported in this subtype of cancer either. In contrast to other reports, we did not find CTNNB1 variants

    Expression and Secretion of Endostatin in Thyroid Cancer

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    Background: In thyroid cancer (TC) endostatin was identified as a powerful negative regulator of tumor angiogenesis in vitro. It is currently being evaluated in phase I trials for antiangiogenic therapy in various solid tumors. The aim of this study was to evaluate endostatin expression in archival TC specimens and its secretion following stimulation with thyrotropin (TSH) and epidermal growth factor (EGF) in TC cell lines. Methods: Tissue microarrays of 44 differentiated and 7 anaplastic TC and their metastasis were immunostained for endostatin protein expression and compared with corresponding non-neoplastic thyroid tissue (NT). In vitro, six differentiated (FTC133, FTC236, HTC, HTCTSHr, XTC, and TPC1) and three anaplastic (C643, Hth74, Kat4.0) TC cell lines were evaluated for basal as well as TSH (1-100 mU/ml) and EGF stimulated (1-100 ng/ml) endostatin. Results: Endostatin was detected in all TC and more than half of the NT. Endostatin expression was more frequent and intense in differentiated as compared to anaplastic TC. In vitro, basal endostatin secretion varied between 33 ± 5 pg/ml (FTC236) and 549 ± 65 pg/ml (TPC1) and was doubled in FTC, when the ''primary'' (FTC133) was compared with the metastasis (FTC236). Some cell lines showed TSH-induced (e.g., 60% in XTC) or EGFinduced (e.g., 120% in TPC1) upregulation of endostatin secretion, while others did not, despite documented receptor expression. Conclusion: This study demonstrates endostatin expression in TC, metastasis and-less frequently and intensely-in NT, suggesting a possible association to tumor progression. In vitro, endostatin secretion of some cell lines is regulated by TSH and EGF, however the individual differences deserve further functional studies. These results support rather tumorspecific than histotype-specific expression and regulation of endostatin in TC

    Klinisches Assessment Basiswissen fĂĽr Pflegefachpersonen und Hebammen : Arbeitsheft Haut und Hautanhangsgebilde

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    Die Studierenden - können gezielt eine symptomfokussierte Anamnese und die körperliche Untersuchung durchfuhren, anschliessend die gesammelten Daten zusammenfassen / analysieren und das weitere Vorgehen planen, gemäss SOAP-Schema (Subjective-Objective-Analyse-Plan); - können gezielt und systematisch eine Anamnese zur Haut und zu den Hautanhangsgebilden erheben, inklusive: Grunddaten, Hauptbeschwerden, symptomfokussierter Anamnese anhand der Leitsymptome Haut und Hautanhangsgebilde. erweiterter Anamnese Haut und Hautanhangsgebilde, medizinischer Vorgeschichte, Familienanamnese, Sozialanamnese - führen eine systematische körperliche Untersuchung der Haut und der Hautanhangsgebilde in folgender Reihenfolge durch und setzen Untersuchungshilfsmittel ein: Allgemeinzustand (AZ), Vitalzeichen (VZ), wichtige systemrelevante Parameter, Inspektion, Palpation - führen zusätzliche Untersuchungen durch, wie zum Beispiel die Beurteilung von Naevi in Hinblick auf eine mögliche Malignität; - erkennen die physiologischen Befunde und / oder deren Abweichungen; - interpretieren diese und stellen eine Arbeitshypothese auf; - beurteilen die Dringlichkeit und planen weitere Interventionen; - rapportieren die Befunde gemäss dem Rapportraster Identifikation – Situation – Background – Assessment – Recommendation (ISBAR) in Fachsprache an das interprofessionelle Team (Arzt / Ärztin – Pflegefachpersonen / Hebammen) und - dokumentieren die Ergebnisse des klinischen Assessments in Fachsprache

    Laparoscopy versus open adrenalectomy in patients with solid tumor metastases: results of a multicenter European study

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    Background: The outcome of adrenalectomy carried out by laparoscopy or open surgery for solid tumor metastases was assessed. Methods: A total of 317 patients with histologically confirmed adrenal metastatic disease collected from 30 centres in Europe underwent adrenalectomy by laparoscopy (n=146) or open laparotomy (n=171). Differences between laparoscopic and open adrenalectomy were assessed by a single Cox analysis for both procedures. Results: The median overall survival was 24.0 [95% confidence interval (CI): 21.4-26.6] months for open adrenalectomy and 45.0 (95% CI: 22.6-67.4) for laparoscopic adrenalectomy (P=0.008). Survival rates were 68%, 49%, 35% and 29% at 1, 2, 3 and 5 years for open surgery vs. 88%, 62%, 52% and 46% for laparoscopy, respectively. In the subgroup of R0 resections, the difference in survival in favor of laparoscopy (median 46 vs. 27 months) was marginally significant (P=0.073). Renal cancer [hazard ratio (HR) 0.42; 95% CI: 0.23-0.76, P=0.005], surgery of the primary tumor (HR 0.33; 95% CI: 0.19-0.54), and use of chemotherapy (HR 0.62; 95% CI: 0.43-0.88) were associated with a better survival, whereas type of resection (R1/R2 vs. R0) was associated with a worse prognosis (HR 2.29; 95% CI: 1.52-3.44, P<0.001). Conclusions: Laparoscopic adrenalectomy patients showed a longer survival than open adrenalectomy individuals, as minimally invasive approach was attempted more common in less advanced disease which led to higher number of R0 resections

    Klinisches Assessment Basiswissen fĂĽr Pflegefachpersonen und Hebammen : Arbeitsheft Geriatrie

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    Die Studierenden - können gezielt eine symptomfokussierte Anamnese und die körperliche Untersuchung durchführen, anschliessend die gesammelten Daten zusammenfassen / analysieren und das weitere Vorgehen planen, gemäss SOAP-Schema (Subjective-Objective-Analyse-Plan) - können gezielt und systematisch eine Anamnese beim alten Menschen erheben, inklusive: Grunddaten, Hauptbeschwerden, Symptomfokussierte Anamnese anhand der Leitsymptome in der Geriatrie, Erweiterte Anamnese in der Geriatrie, Medizinische Vorgeschichte, Familienanamnese, Sozialanamnese - führen eine systematische körperliche Untersuchung beim alten Menschen in folgender Reihenfolge durch und setzen Untersuchungshilfsmittel ein: Allgemeinzustand (AZ), Vitalzeichen (VZ), wichtige systemrelevante Parameter, Inspektion, Palpation - führen zusätzliche Untersuchungen durch, wie zum Beispiel: Barthel-Index, Timed Up and Go-Test, Uhrentest - erkennen die physiologischen Befunde und / oder deren Abweichungen unter Berücksichtigung des physiologischen Alterungsprozesses - interpretieren diese und stellen eine Arbeitshypothese auf - beurteilen die Dringlichkeit und planen weitere Interventionen - rapportieren die Befunde gemäss dem Rapportraster Identifikation – Situation – Background – Assessment – Recommendation (ISBAR) in Fachsprache an das interprofessionelle Team (Ärztin / Arzt – Pflegefachpersonen / Hebammen) und - dokumentieren die Ergebnisse des klinischen Assessments in Fachsprache

    The practical other : teleology and its development

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    We argue for teleology as a description of the way in which we ordinarily understand others’ intentional actions. Teleology starts from the close resemblance between the reasoning involved in understanding others’ actions and one’s own practical reasoning involved in deciding what to do. We carve out teleology’s distinctive features more sharply by comparing it to its three main competitors: theory theory, simulation theory, and rationality theory. The plausibility of teleology as our way of understanding others is underlined by developmental data in its favour
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