335 research outputs found

    Impact of external debt on economic growth in Nigeria

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    The objective of this study is to examine the long run and short run impact of external debt and external debt service on the economic growth of Nigeria over the period 1980-2013. This study employs Johansen cointegration approach and Vector Error Correction Model for analyzing long-run and short-run relationships among the selected variables. The causality among the external debt, external debt service and economic growth has also been examined using Granger causality test for the period under consideration. The empirical results show that external debt has a significant negative effect on the economic growth in the long run. External debt service has a significant positive effect on growth in the long run, suggesting no crowding out effect on investment. There is no significant short run relationship among the variables under consideration except for the first lag of real exchange rate, but the error correction term has a moderate speed of adjustment with correct sign and it is significance. The study also finds uni-directional causality running from economic growth to external debt. It is found that there is no causality between external debt service and economic growth. Finally, external debt service has been found to Granger cause external debt, but there was no feedback. Therefore, as policy suggestions, projects to be financed by external debt should be well-appraised and must be self-liquidating, while the guidelines for external debt acquisition and approval should be strengthened

    Stochastic power system optimisation algorithm with applications to distributed generation integration

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    PhD ThesisThe ever increasing level of penetration of Distributed Generation (DG) in power distribution networks is not without its challenges for network planners and operators. Some of these challenges are in the areas of voltage regulation, increase of network fault levels and the disturbance to the network protection settings. Distributed generation can be beneficial to both electricity consumers and if the integration is properly engineered the energy utility. Thus, the need for tools considering these challenges for the optimal placement and sizing of DG units cannot be over emphasized. This dissertation focuses on the application of a soft computing technique based on a stochastic optimisation algorithm (Particle Swarm Optimisation or PSO) for the integration of DG in a power distribution network. The proposed algorithm takes into consideration the inherent nature of the control variables that comprise the search space in the optimal DG sizing/location optimisation problem, without compromising the network operational constraints. The developments of the proposed Multi-Search PSO algorithm (MSPSO) is described, and the algorithm is tested using a standard, benchmarking 69-bus radial distribution network. MSPSO results and performance are compared with that of a conventional PSO algorithm (and other analytical and stochastic methods). Both single-objective (minimising network power loss) and multi-objective (considering nodal voltages as part of the cost function) optimisation studies were conducted. When compared with previously published studies, the proposed MSPSO algorithm produces more realistic results since it accounts for the discrete sizes of commercially available DG units. The new MSPSO algorithm was also found to be the most computationally efficient, substantially reducing the search space and hence the computational cost of the algorithm compared with other methods, without loss of quality in the obtained solutions. As well as the size and location of DG units, these studies considered the operation of the generators to provide ancillary voltage support to the network (i.e. with the generators operating over a realistic range of lagging power factors, injecting reactive power into the network). The algorithm was also employed to optimise the integration of induction generation based DG into the network, considering network short-circuit current ratings and line loading constraints. A new method for computing the reactive power requirement of the Abstract V induction generator (based on the machine equivalent circuit) was developed and interfaced with the MSPSO to solve the optimization problem, including the generator shunt compensation capacitors. Finally, the MSPSO was implemented to carry out a DG integration problem for a real distribution network and the results validated using a commercial power system analysis tool (ERACS).Petroleum Technology Development Fund (PTDF) Overseas Scholarship Schem

    Ikrar pelajar baru

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    Seramai 220 pelajar baru Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) melafazkan ikrar untuk mematuhi segala peraturan di hadapan Naib Canselor sempena Program Minggu Suaikenal di Kolej Kelima, universiti itu, semalam

    Dua beranak dapat ijazah serentak

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    Kesibukan dengan tugas harian tidak menghalang seorang Ahli Majlis Perbandaran Kajang (MPKj) mendalami ilmu pengetahuan di menara gading, malah tabah mengharungi cabaran di antara tugas kemasyarakatan dan pelajaran

    Intelligent Adaptive Tunnel Lighting System

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    Intelligent adaptive tunnel lighting system is a design approach in which the tunnel interior lighting system adapts to the real time roadway environment conditions. More specifically, the tunnel lighting illumination levels are adjusted based on the needs of the motorists. The level of tunnel lighting can be reduced or dimmed when the intensity of tunnel exterior -daylight- is decreased. Moreover, it can also be reduced when traffic on access road to the tunnel is absent. Dimming the luminaries to meet the minimum requirements would save on power consumption as well as maintenance costs. The basis of this project is to develop adaptive tunnel lighting system with the purpose of providing sufficient tunnel interior luminance so that motorist can access and exit the tunnel with maximum comfort and confidence. Three levels were developed with integration of motion and light sensors. The results indicate that average of 20.51 % of power consumption can be reduced by using this system. Furthermore, LED is highly recommended to be used in the system due to its luminous efficiency and long lifecycle

    The practice and challenges of e-Government in Nigeria in the 21st century

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    This paper investigates the state of the present condition of e-government commitment in Nigeria. It also, examines the difficulties encountered in the implementation process.Layne and Lee (2001) “Stages of growth theory” was adopted to explain the position of Nigeria in the implementation and the challenges it faced on e-government.To do this,this paper used secondary data as a source to collect different articles and report.This paper finds that while e-government is present in Nigeria, it is still in its initial stage.Not only have that, the environment lacked many prerequisites for the survival and continued maintenance of e-governance due to many factors such as inadequate electricity, technical expertise etcetera.It is therefore suggested that both the government and the stakeholders should take it up as a challenge to find quick and lasting solutions to them. There must also be political will and government should have its administrative staff retrained in IT to properly manage the facilities and infrastructure necessary for e-government


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    The study investigated the perception of education stakeholders on teachers’ skills and competence in private secondary schools in Kaduna State, Nigeria in relation to its implication for curriculum implementation. The objectives of the study was to determine the skills and competencies that teachers in private secondary schools have for effective curriculum implementation in Kaduna State, Nigeria, and ascertain the relevance of teachers’ skills and competencies in curriculum implementation in private secondary schools in Kaduna State, Nigeria. Descriptive survey research design was adopted for the study. The population of the study consisted of 278 principals, 1183 teachers and 168 ministry of education officials. Out of these, a sample size of 29 principals, 118 teachers and 17 ministry of education officials making the total of 164 respondents used in the study. This sample size represented 10% of the entire population. The sample size was arrived at using random sampling technique in order to ensure ample representation. A researcher made instrument titled “Teachers’ Skills and Competence Questionnaire (TSCQ)” was used for data collection. The validated instrument was pilot tested and a reliability value of 0.84 was obtained. The respondents’ opinions were analysed using frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation. The null hypotheses formulated in the study were tested using Kruskal-Wallis at 0.05 level of significance. Findings from the study revealed that only very few teachers in private secondary schools demonstrated the required and necessary skills and competencies for effective curriculum implementation. Finding also revealed that to a great extent teacher’ skills and competencies is relevant in curriculum implementation in private secondary schools. Recommendations made include that secondary school teachers should be encouraged to regularly update their knowledge. However, such updating should not involve just subject-based knowledge, but include professional competencies in communication, pedagogy, counselling and ICT.  Article visualizations

    An Assessment of Peer Influence on Youth Involvement on Crime in Maiduguri Metropolitan Council

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    Peer group influence on youth crime is largely an area of interaction physically and impersonally. Physically interaction can take place in a compound, wards, schools or other socially organised activities such as youth camps, football clubs or other game activities, boys scout,   girls guide, man ‘o’ war and debating society etc and specifically to assess peer influence on youth involvement on crime in Maiduguri Metropolitan Council. And specifically to examine the demographic characteristics of youth in Maiduguri, assess whether peer have influence on youth involvement in crime in Maiduguri. The study reviewed relevant theories and in particular Differential Association Theory which explained that criminal behaviour is learnt through interaction with other individual in a process of communication. The data were obtained from primary and secondary sources which involved the use of questionnaires and review of relevant literatures. The study interviewed 180 respondents. The data were analysed using descriptive statistics. The findings revealed that most of the crimes committed are mostly by Males, so Males are prone to committing crime, and they are between the ages of 18 to 25years and have secondary or degree qualification. It also revealed that crime committed by youths were due to influence of bad friends and those youth were from large family size, and their parents don’t allow outsiders to discipline them and they are unemployed and have poor parental upbringing which characterised by poverty, homelessness and frustration among others. The study recommends that parents, government and community organisations could provide adequate jobs and enabling environments for business to thrive, as this will curb crime among the youth in Maiduguri Metropolis. Keywords: Assessment, Peer Influence, Youth Involvement and Criminal Behaviou

    A Microstrip based RF Filter for Biosensor Applications

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    PhD ThesisThere is need in medical diagnostics for accurate, fast, and inexpensive devices, which can be routinely used. In this context, micro-biosensors are considered to provide viable solutions to the problems posed by the current healthcare industry. This is because these biosensing devices offer considerable advantages, such as specificity, small size, faster response, and low cost. Hence, innovative technique is desirable such as microstrip technology, which is a good means of employing planar and miniaturized high frequency filter designs. The advantages of implementing a high frequency filter design using microstrip technology includes low cost, light weight, compact size, planar structure and easy fabrication and integration with other components when deployed as a biosensor. Designing a highly sensitive and selective sensing element of a Biosensor is the aim of this research. To achieve this task a 5 th and 7th order Chebyshev type low pass filter possessing a passband ripple of 1dB and a 3rd and 5th order Chebyshev type Bandpassfilter possessing a bandwidth of 0.5GHz, a fractional Bandwidth of 20% and a centre frequency of 2.5GHz were designed. A second fabrication run was used to fine tune the device design and test point on the device. Three sets of microstrip filters were produced, two of these were on a quartz substrate using two distinct materials, one of these materials is the chemically reduced graphene oxide (rGO), produced from the hydrazine reduction of graphene oxide, while the second filter produced on a quartz substrate is the one made from a nano gold film material this was being produced by gold deposition technique on the quartz substrate, the third of the three set is the microstrip filter produced on an FR4, this was made from a laser ablation technique resulting in a laser inscribed graphene (LIG). For the first two cases, mask of the designed geometry was used to precisely implement the filter design on the substrate, while for the LIG microstrip filter, the design was engraved on a Kapton tape using a laser machine. The conductivity of the rGO was observed to have a maximum value of 8.7mS/m, while that of the gold film material is known to be 45.2 x106 S/m, and the conductivity of the LIG was observed to be 0.28mS/mm. The sensor’s RF characteristics was investigated using a vector network analyser (VNA), while ANSYS and Sonnet Lite simulation tools indicate the potential for rGO material, but very good results were recorded for the gold film material, while the LIG results indicated the need for improved conductivity. The gold 5 th order bandpass filter (5BPF) filter showed best repeatability with a frequency of 2.38GHz and standard deviation in the resonant frequency measurements of a single device of +/- 0.19MHz. Its initial functionalisation and then monolayer coverage of the sensor with a layer mouse IgG indicated that the corresponding shift in frequency response occasioned by the presence and volume of the target sample is an indication of the system’s selectivity and suitability for deployment for biological sensing application. Plans are currently on the way to test more biological samples with lower concentration levels to verify the filter’s sensitivity, selectivity, and wide range applicability as a biosensor sensing element. The future areas to be addressed are to enhance the fabricated material’s property and sensor device miniaturisation

    Sasar 60,000 miliki PhD: Usaha capai wawasan negara berasaskan pengetahuan

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    PUTRAJAYA: Kerajaan menyasar untuk melahirkan 60,000 pemegang Ijazah Doktor Falsafah (PhD) menjelang 2023, kata Menteri Pengajian Tinggi, Datuk Seri Mohamed Khaled Nordin