88 research outputs found

    A valuable shift in the reproductive behavior of the provincial population

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    © 2016 Murtazina.The urgency of the investigated problem is caused by the fact that in Russian society family values are gradually being replaced by values of individualism, rationalism and hedonism. The intensity of the taking place changes leads to essential changes in marriage and family relations, sexual practices of the provincial cities population. With changing values and normative foundation of the family, marriage, children it leads to transformation of reproductive behavior, the crisis of the family as a social institution. The purpose of the article is to subject to sociological analysis the changes of valuable shift in the reproductive behavior of the provincial population. The leading method of the research is the method of triangulation, which is reflected in the use of quantitative and qualitative collection methods. The sociological analysis of changes of valuable shift in the reproductive behavior of the provincial population allowed to reveal the social consequences of cross-conflict marriage values, family and children in the structure of value orientations, which have led to valuable shift in the reproductive behavior of the provincial population and changes (at the level of values) practices of everyday relations of individuals in the matrimonial and sexual spheres. The results of research can be used by public authorities in the development of projects and programs for the development of population and family planning. The practical value of the results related with the possibility of their use in the teaching of the humanities, such as the courses on sociology, demography, as well as special courses on the family sociology of the family, mass communication, literature; gender, economic sociology

    Special aspects of development of business in the knowledge-based economy

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    The article deals with the questions of development of the theory of business in the knowledge-based economy or information economy and substantiates the new direction of research of questions, connected with the category "business", from positions of the information components influencing it. © IDOSI Publications, 2013

    Estudio de las características de la educación familiar en el proceso de adaptación social de niños

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    The article reveals the features of family education as the most important factor in the child’s social adaptation. The results of an empirical study of the influence of the characteristics of the parental attitude on individual indicators of the child’s social adaptation are presented. Revealed the relationship between types of family education and the main components of social adaptation. The most influenced by the family are the parameters that reflect the child’s interaction with other people, his emotional response to social situations, and the child’s performance of the program of actions proposed by adults. It is noticed that the parental relationship can both facilitate and exacerbate the basic, psycho-physiological level of development of the child. Thus, certain neuropsychological features of children with cognitive and emotional-volitional (and behavioral) difficulties are identified.El artículo revela las características de la educación familiar como el factor más importante en la adaptación social del niño. Se presentan los resultados de un estudio empírico sobre la influencia de las características de la actitud de los padres en los indicadores individuales de la adaptación social del niño. Reveló la relación entre los tipos de educación familiar y los principales componentes de la adaptación social. Los más influenciados por la familia son los parámetros que reflejan la interacción del niño con otras personas, su respuesta emocional a las situaciones sociales y el desempeño del niño del programa de acciones propuesto por los adultos. Se observa que la relación parental puede facilitar y exacerbar el nivel básico de desarrollo psicofisiológico del niño. Por lo tanto, se identifican ciertas características neuropsicológicas de los niños con dificultades cognitivas y emocional-volitivas (y conductuales)

    Shaping of a musical culture of youth in a small town

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    © 2016 Yavgildina ZM, et al.The article considers the shaping of a musical culture of youth in a small town of the Republic of Tatarstan, as one of the leading Russian regions. The authors offer insight substantial characteristic of a musical culture concept, identify the major trends in the development of folk instrumental creativity and define features of the sociocultural space of a small town. The main trends of folk instrumental creativity, such as listening, performing, conducting, improvisation and composition, education, as well as musicological, pedagogical, methodical, productive, publishing, and managerial trends, proposed and justified in the article, made it possible to reveal its pedagogical potential in the shaping of a listening culture associated with the comprehension of intonation and visual thinking, genre, and stylistic properties of folk music; introduction to folk instrumental traditions, expanding musical horizons, an accumulation of musical and auditory experiences, the development of creative and organizational skills, teaching tolerance, and the improvement in performance skills. The authors propose original model as the mechanism of a musical culture shaping in youth in terms of cultural and leisure institutions, which serves a pedagogical system, representing unity of goals, objectives, principles, contents, methods and tools. The results of experimental approbation of the proposed model under conditions of cultural and leisure institutions of a small town in the Republic of Tatarstan prove the effectiveness of the conducted research

    Aqueous and salt solutions of quinine of low concentrations: Self-organization, physicochemical properties and actions on the electrical characteristics of neurons

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    © 2014, Pleiades Publishing, Inc. Self-organization, the physicochemical properties of aqueous and salt solutions of quinine and the effects of salt quinine solutions in a wide range of concentrations (1 · 10−22−1 · 10−3 M) on the electrical characteristics of the edible snail’s identified neurons were studied. Similar non-monotonic concentration dependencies of physicochemical properties of aqueous and salt quinine solutions at low concentrations are obtained. This allows of predicting the occurrence of biological effects at low concentrations of quinine solutions. Intrinsic (within 5% of the interval) changes in membrane potential, the amplitude and duration of the neuron action potential under the influence of quinine salt solutions at concentrations of quinine of 1 · 10−20, 1 · 10−18, 1 · 10−10 M are found. For these concentrations the extreme values of specific conductivity and pH are shown

    Disperse aqueous systems based on (S)-lysine in a wide range of concentrations and physiologically important temperatures

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    © 2017, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature. It was shown for the first time using a complex of physicochemical methods (dynamic and electrophoretic light scattering, nanoparticle tracking analysis, transmission electron and atomic force microscopy, conductometry, pH-metry) that in a temperature range of 25—60 °С (S)-lysine aqueous solutions (1•10 –17 —1•10 –2 mol L –1 ) are disperse systems, where the nature and parameters of the disperse phase change with dilution, which affects the nonmonotonic dependences of the specific conductivity and pH of the system. Nanoassociates hundreds of nanometers in size were found to contain ordered water structures that are responsible for the size and ζ-potential of the disperse phase in the aqueous systems and also participate in the formation of spatially organized systems on the support

    Green manure - corn rotation and phosphorus adsorption in an Oxisol

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    Este estudo teve como objetivos quantificar a capacidade máxima de adsorção de P em sistemas de cultivo com adubos verdes e avaliar a influência da taxa de decomposição do adubo verde e de algumas propriedades químicas do solo sobre esta adsorção. Avaliou-se a camada de 0 a 20 cm de um Latossolo Vermelho-Escuro sob dois tratamentos: solo sob cerrado nativo e solo descoberto (cinco anos); e os seguintes adubos verdes cultivados na entressafra após o milho (cv. Pioneer 3072): crotalária (Crotalaria juncea), guandu (Cajanus cajan), mucuna preta (Mucuna aterrima) e braquiária (Brachiaria ruziziensis). Os valores de adsorção foram ajustados à isoterma de Langmuir para determinação da capacidade máxima de adsorção de P (CMAF). Os tratamentos em ordem decrescente de adsorção máxima foram: solo descoberto > guandu > crotalária > mucuna preta > braquiária > cerrado nativo. O teor de matéria orgânica e a taxa de decomposição dos adubos verdes apresentaram correlação negativa com a adsorção máxima de P, com coeficientes de correlação, respectivamente, de 0,705 (P Cajanus cajan > Crotalaria juncea > Mucuna aterrima > Brachiaria ruziziensis > native cerrado. Soil organic matter amount and green manure decomposition rate had negative correlation with the P maximum adsorption, with correlation coefficients of 0.705 (P < 0.06) and 0.983 (P < 0.01), respectively. The PAMC for the deepest layer was 56% higher than that of the superficial layer, suggesting the importance of organic matter on reducing P adsorption

    Effect of self-organization and properties of aqueous disperse systems based on the moss peptide PpCLE2 in a low concentration range on the growth of Arabidopsis thaliana roots

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    © 2017, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature. It is shown for the first time using a complex of physicochemical methods (dynamic and electrophoretic light scattering, conductometry, pH-metry) that below a threshold concentration of 1.0•10 –7 mol L –1 the disperse phase of the aqueous systems based on moss peptide PpCLE2 undergoes the domain—nanoassociate rearrangement, which affects the nonmonotonic concentration dependences of the specific electrical conductivity and pH and can result in a multidirectional profile of the dependence of the growth of the primary and lateral roots of the Arabidopsis thaliana seed plant in the range of calculated concentrations from 1.0•10 –6 to 1.0•10 –12 mol L –1

    The relationship between self-organization and membrane effects of aqueous dispersion systems of the thyroliberin oligopeptide

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    © 2017, Pleiades Publishing, Ltd. The relationship between rearrangement of the dispersed phase inducing considerable changes in the pH and nonmonotonic concentration dependences of membrane effects in aqueous systems of the endogenous regulatory peptide, thyroliberin (thyrotropin-releasing hormone), in 10 –3 –10 –16 mol/L concentration range was demonstrated for the first time. The membrane structure modification in the 10 –13 –10 –16 mol/L range was found to be due to accumulation of nanoassociates, while the oppositely directed pronounced structural changes in the 10 –6 –10 –12 mol/L range may be associated with the coexistence and rearrangement of dispersed phases of various nature (domains and associates) whose action on membrane lipid components is regulated in this concentration range by the correlated changes in the dispersed phase parameters and pH

    Specifics of self-organization and properties of highly dilute aqueous solutions of polyoxidonium

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    © 2016, Springer Science+Business Media New York.Using a combination of physicochemical methods (dynamic and electrophoretic light scattering (DLS and ELS, respectively), nanoparticle tracking analysis, atomic force and transmission electron microscopy (AFM and TEM, respectively), UV spectroscopy, conductometry, pH-metry, dielcometry), it was found that dilute solutions of a multicomponent drug immunomodulator polyoxidonium (PO) are nanoheterogeneous disperse systems, with their disperse phase undergoing considerable restructurings when diluting the solution in the range of calculated concentrations from 1∙10–1 to 1∙10–16 mg mL–1, which is reflected in the non-monotonous concentration dependencies of specific electroconductivity, dielectric permittivity, and pH of the solutions. Using ELS, AFM, TEM, and UV spectroscopy methods, it was found that the disperse phase with a size of hundreds of nanometers which forms at concentrations of ≤1∙10–5 mg mL–1, contains organized water structures substantiating the negative values of ζ-potential, which vary non-monotonously from–5 to–16 mV. Radioprotective properties of dilute solutions of PO (1∙10–1 and 1∙10–9 mg mL–1) were demonstrated for the first time when exposing the test mutant bacterial strain Salmonella typhimurium TA 100 (Ames test) to X-ray radiation in a dose of 7.50 mGy used for medical diagnostics