105 research outputs found

    Fine-tuning of sign language recognition models: a technical report

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    Sign Language Recognition (SLR) is an essential yet challenging task since sign language is performed with the fast and complex movement of hand gestures, body posture, and even facial expressions. %Skeleton Aware Multi-modal Sign Language Recognition In this work, we focused on investigating two questions: how fine-tuning on datasets from other sign languages helps improve sign recognition quality, and whether sign recognition is possible in real-time without using GPU. Three different languages datasets (American sign language WLASL, Turkish - AUTSL, Russian - RSL) have been used to validate the models. The average speed of this system has reached 3 predictions per second, which meets the requirements for the real-time scenario. This model (prototype) will benefit speech or hearing impaired people talk with other trough internet. We also investigated how the additional training of the model in another sign language affects the quality of recognition. The results show that further training of the model on the data of another sign language almost always leads to an improvement in the quality of gesture recognition. We also provide code for reproducing model training experiments, converting models to ONNX format, and inference for real-time gesture recognition

    The reaction ⁴He(γ,p)³H, caused by polarized photons in the giant resonance range

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    The reaction of ⁴He(γ,p)³H in the range of giant resonance was studied by a streamer chamber method in a magnetic field irradiated with polarized photons obtained by plane channeling of electrons by a diamond crystal. The angular and energetic dependences of the asymmetry of the cross section have been measured. The results are explained by the mechanism of direct knock out of nucleons.За методом стримерної камери в магнитному полі, що опромінювалась поляризованими фотонами, які отримано при площинному каналюванні електронів кристалом діаманта, досліджено реакцію ⁴He(γ,p)³H в області її гігантського резонансу. Виміряно кутову та енергетичну залежності асіметрії перерізу. Результати пояснюються механізмом прямого вибивання нуклонів.Методом стримерной камеры в магнитном поле, облученной поляризованными фотонами, полученными при плоскостном каналировании электронов кристаллом алмаза, исследована реакция ⁴He(γ,p)³H в области ее гигантского резонанса. Измерены угловая и энергетическая зависимости асимметрии сечения. Результаты объясняются механизмом прямого выбивания нуклонов

    Investigation of proton relaxation in live plant tissues by the spin echo method

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    The method of spin echo n.m.r. has been used to study the times of proton relaxation and the rate of proton exchange in various plant tissues. We have evaluated the possible mechanisms of the relaxation and shown that the times of proton relaxation in the main are determined by the interactions within the proton system consisting of three fractions exchanging between themselves. It has been established that in the test systems there is rapid (T22k12 > 1) exchange between the protons of the hydrate and free water with slow (k13T23 < 1) exchange between the protons of the OH groups of the cell walls and the protons of water. From the experimental values of the relaxation times we have estimated the amount of hydrate water (V) and its mobility (τC) and from the dependence of the spin relaxation time on tCP-the lifetimes of the protons of the OH groups of the cell walls for various plant tissues. © 1970

    Small and medium-sized business as a factor of development of agroindustrial complex in a region

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    In the paper the problem has been explored on functioning of small and medium-sized agro-businesses in Russia. The role and importance of small business in the Russian regions and administrative areas have been studied. The factors which influenced the increase of the role of small business in the agro-industrial complex in some regions of Russia, and the decline in others have been revealed. The main problems hampering small business to realize the expected potential of its development are determined. Basic factors contributing to solve the problems in formation and development of entrepreneurial business in agro-industrial complex have been revealed. One of the main factors ensuring the solution to the problem of formation and development of entrepreneurial business in agro-industrial complex is agro-industrial integration. The necessity of creating in municipal entities of institutional integration forms of consolidation of small and medium-sized enterprises was noted. The basis for the joint efforts of small and medium enterprises that provides improved survivability, protection of rights, consolidation of resources and formation of a vector for sustainable innovation and investment development can become a "Municipal innovation and integration business center". Similar consolidating structures should be created at regional and federal levels. Formation of such a multi-level institutional integration model upon its system innovation and investment focus would make major adjustments in existing approaches to the pricing for goods and services produced by business entities, since it provides an opportunity to lower barriers created by the enterprisesmonopolists, and bring to the fore the problem of resource saving and improve the quality of goods and services

    Internet marketing as a factor of development of small and medium business in conditions of economic crisis

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    In the article, small and medium business is presented from the point of view of its influence on the parameters of the national economy. Key trends and factors of its development in conditions of crisis were identified, the sector with the most negative and positive dynamics, as well as reducing the scale and scope of state support of small and medium business were noted. A sociological survey of small and medium business is the basis for the formation and argumentation of the author's findings and suggestions. The results of a survey on the subject of identifying the problems and expectations of entrepreneurs of the city of Kazan the Republic of Tatarstan in 2016 were shown and analyzed. The survey results the relationship of the use of technologies of Internet marketing by the subjects of small and medium business and their relations to the economic conditions of doing business in the country and expectations for 2016. Respondents that use Internet technology have a positive attitude to the economic situation in the country; they are seeing an increase in the number of Internet users in Russia, the creation of new tools and applications to promote companies and brands on the Internet, the growth of customer confidence in Internet Commerce. It was concluded that Internet technologies are of great importance not only in the marketing promotion of the projects, but also directly affect the dynamics of development and the psychological state of the entrepreneurs: their relation to the economic crisis and expectations for 2016

    Three-body photodisintegration of ⁴He nucleus by linearly polarized photons

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    Experimental data are reported from studies of the reaction ⁴He(γ, pn)d through the use of the streamer chamber placed in the magnetic field and exposed to a linearly polarized photon beam from the electron linac LUE-2000. A structure has been revealed in the momentum distribution of deuterons. Studies were made into the effects of nucleon-deuteron correlation. The azimuthal distribution of reaction products and the asymmetry of proton production cross-section were measured. The obtained data were analyzed in the framework of the quasideuteron model.Надано експериментальні результати реакції ⁴He(γ, pn)d, які одержано за допомогою стримерної камери в магнітному полі, що опромінювалась пучком лінійно поляризованих фотонів від прискорювача ЛПЕ-2000. В імпульсному розподіленні дейтронів знайдено структуру. Досліджено ефекти кореляції нуклона і дейтрона. Виміряно азимутальне розподілення продуктів реакції та асиметрію перерізу створення протона. Результати проаналізовано в рамках квазідейтронної моделі.Представлены экспериментальные результаты исследования реакции ⁴He(γ, pn)d, полученные с помощью стримерной камеры в магнитном поле, облученной пучком линейно поляризованных фотонов от ускорителя ЛУЭ-2000.В импульсном распределении дейтронов обнаружена структура. Исследованы эффекты корреляции нуклона и дейтрона. Измерено азимутальное распределение продуктов реакции и асимметрия сечения образования протона. Результаты проанализированы в рамках квазидейтронной модели

    Development and Application of Methods of Internal Inspection of District Heating Networks

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    The reliability of heat supply in cities is largely determined by the actual condition of pipelines, for example, corrosive and erosive wear. Comparative analysis of methodological approaches to assessing the technical condition of district heating networks shows that the most innovative and effective approach is internal pipe inspection using non-destructive magnetic testing. The article presents the results of research tests of the method in the context of its use for maintenance and retrofitting of the heating infrastructure in Yekaterinburg, a Russian city with a complex topology of utility networks and extremely uneven tear and wear on some sections of the networks. The authors describe the technical and economic peculiarities of using internal pipe inspection methods at various stages of testing and formulate qualitative and quantitative criteria for assessing the effectiveness of the method being presented. Recommendations have been suggested for the optimum application of the method by heat network operators, especially those operating and servicing district heating systems.The work was supported by Act 211 of the Government of the Russian Federation, contract № 02.A03.21.0006

    Industrial Potential Management On The Basis Of An Engineering And Manufacturing Chain

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    Neoclassical, institutional and planned approaches to the formation and activation of industrial potential are considered. A synthetic approach is proposed that integrates the main elements of neoclassical, institutional and planning directions to the formation and realization of industrial potential on the basis of engineering and manufacturing chains. It is substantiated that the most significant strategic direction of development of a engineering and manufacturing chain should be the formation of its fifth level, namely, high-tech processing of plastics. For the production of plastic products for both consumer and industrial use, the potential demand for which is quite substantial in the economy of the Republic of Tatarstan, high capital intensive production is not required. Accordingly, this niche may well be filled by small and medium-sized enterprises cooperating with enterprises of the third and fourth levels of the engineering and manufacturing chain belonging to the oil and gas chemical complex. The measures on state assistance in the formation of a system of small and medium-sized business entities are considered, and further development of the industrial potential of the oil and gas chemical complex in the Republic of Tatarstan based on the development of engineering and manufacturing chains is expedient to make more active use of public and private interaction. The proposed mechanism of public and private interaction assumes that the state (represented by regional authorities) gratuitously receives a certain additional minority stake in the capital of enterprises participating in the engineering and manufacturing chain of the oil and gas chemical complex in the exchange for the obligation of price compensation

    ⁷Be generation in the reaction of two-particle photodisintegration of ¹⁴N nucleus

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    The reaction of two-particles nitrogen nucleus photodisintegration with ⁷Li and ⁷Be in the final state are investigated using diffusion chamber, which is placed into the magnetic field and filled with 15% nitrogen and helium compound. Chamber was irradiated with gamma rays from electron accelerator. The method of extraction of the reaction from the background two-particle reactions with multi-charged ions in the final state was created. Differential, full and integral cross-section of the reaction were measured. The results were compared with experimental data, where the full isotope ⁷Be output at ¹⁴N photodisintegration reaction was measuredРеакция двухчастичного фоторасщепления ядра азота с выходом изотопов ⁷Li и ⁷Be исследована с помощью диффузионной камеры, заполненной 15% смесью азота с гелием и помещенной в магнитное поле. Камера облучалась тормозными γ-квантами от линейного ускорителя. Разработан метод выделения реакции из фоновых двухчастичных реакций с многозарядными ионами в конечном состоянии. Измерены дифференциальные, полные и интегральное сечения реакции. Проведено сравнение результатов с данными эксперимента, в котором измерен полный выход изотопа ⁷Be при фоторасщеплении ядра ¹⁴N .Реакцiю двочасткового фоторозщеплення азоту з виходом iзотопiв ⁷Li та ⁷Be дослiджено за допомогою дифузiйної камери, яку заповнено 15% сумiшшю азоту та гелiю i розмiщено у магнiтному полi. Камера опромiнювалася гальмiвними γ-квантами вiд лiнiйного прискорювача. Розроблено метод видiлення реакцiї з фонових двочасткових реакцiй з багатозарядними iонами в кiнцевому станi. Вимiряно диференцiйнi, повнi та iнтегральне перерiзи реакцiї. Проведено порiвняння результатiв з даними експерименту, в якому вимiряно повний вихiд iзотопу ⁷Be при фоторозщепленнi ядра ¹⁴N