18 research outputs found

    Astronomical silicate nanoparticle analogues produced by pulsed laser ablation on olivine single crystals

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    Silicate nanoparticles, otherwise referred to as very small grains (VSGs) [1], occur in various astrophysical environments. These grains experience substantial processing (e.g., amorphization) during their lifetime in the diffuse interstellar medium due to events such as grain-grain collisions and irradiation [2]. Moreover, several studies have pointed out that the main building blocks of these silicates are O, Si, Fe, Mg, Al and Ca, all elements that are among the principal constituents of the Earth’s surface [3], thus leading to the name “astronomical silicates”. However, the structure and chemical evolution together with the origin of these grains are still poorly understood and intensively debated [4,5]. The aim of this study is the simulation of space weathering processes on olivine single crystals by liquid phase pulsed laser ablation (LP-PLA). The study of the resulting structure of both the target and the ablated material together with their chemical evolution has been carried out by a multiple technique characterization. In particular, spectroscopy and dynamic light scattering measurements, analyses of the electrostatic properties and reactivity to acids and bases on the obtained colloidal solutions of the ablated nanoproducts have been performed and coupled with highresolution transmission electron microscopy (HR-TEM). Selected olivine target crystals (Fo87) from the São Miguel island (Azores) were analyzed by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Energy Dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX). LP-PLA experiments were performed with a Nd:YAG laser focused via a singlet lens onto the surface of the target, which was fixed at the bottom of a polystyrene box filled with 4 ml of deionized water (type 1) to immerge it completely. Laser pulses of 5 ns and 100 mJ simulate the timeframe and energy exchange occurring during grain-grain interstellar collisions [6] and they generate a plasma plume at the crystal/liquid interface. The rapid cooling induced by the confining liquid layer brings about the condensation of the chemical vapor it contains with production of a colloidal solution of nanoparticles. These solutions were analyzed by dynamic light scattering techniques and optical absorption spectroscopy in the range from 200 nm to 1100 nm (6.20 eV - 1.13 eV). Absorption measurements on the colloidal solutions have been compared against reference colloidal solutions dispersed in deionized water (i.e. mesoporous silica [SiO2] nanoparticles, brucite [Mg(OH)2] nanoparticles, aluminum hydroxide [Al(OH)3] nanoparticles, chrysotile [Mg3Si2O5(OH)4] nanotubes, and synthetic forsterite [Mg2SiO4] nanoparticles). Moreover, additional absorption analyses have been carried out as a function of the addition of known aliquots of sulfuric acid and sodium hydroxide solutions. TEM/EDS analyses were then performed on the ablated nanoparticles deposited via electrophoresis on C-coated Cu grids and compositional variations of the ablated target were determined by X-ray photo-emission spectroscopy analyses. The size distribution of LP-PLA synthesized nanoparticles is typically multimodal due to aggregation phenomena. Aggregation is consistent with the measured ζ-potential, which is negative with a relatively low absolute value, within the range 30-50 mV. Nonetheless, a recurrent mode is centered at about 2 nm (hydrodynamic diameter) and it is consistent with the measured size distribution obtained by transmission electron microscopy analysis (average nanoparticles diameter around 3-5 nm). Optical absorption measurements on the ejected material show a main band around 215 nm. This feature is very similar to the “B2 band” reported in several studies on silica glass [7] and ascribed to oxygen vacancies, but its nature is still far to be fully understood. We also found that this feature at 215 nm is very common among both Si and Mg compounds (e.g., Sioxide, Mg-hydroxide, chrysotile). Moreover, additional absorption bands in the range 240-350nm are observed suggesting the formation of new space weathering products as result of the ablation process. Therefore, these results suggest that substantial chemical processing might be expected during space weathering of “typical” interstellar grains into VSGs. Moreover, coupling these experimental results with remote sensing datasets will provide fundamental information about the origin and evolution of these silicate grains


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    Silicate nanoparticles, otherwise referred to as very small grains (VSGs) [1], occur in the interstellar medium. These grains experience a strong structural modification during their lifetime in the diffuse interstellar medium, due to events such as grain-grain collisions and irradiation. Grain amorphization is one of the major effects, transforming crystalline dust concentrated in star envelopes into amorphous silicate grains populating the interstellar medium [2]. Moreover, several studies have pointed out that the main building blocks of these silicates are O, Si, Fe, Mg, Al and Ca, all elements that are among the principal constituents of the Earth’s surface [3], thus leading to the name “astronomical silicates”. However, the structure and chemical evolution together with the origin of these grains are still poorly understood and intensively debated [4,5]. The aim of this study is the simulation of space weathering processes by liquid phase pulsed laser ablation (LP-PLA) on olivine single crystals. We adopt a multiple technique characterization, taking advantage of optical spectroscopy analyses and high- resolution transmission electron microscopy (HR-TEM), to shed light on the structure and chemical evolution of the ablated material

    Cooling history and emplacement of a pyroxenitic lava as proxy for understanding Martian lava flows

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    Terrestrial analogues are often investigated to get insights into the geological processes occurring on other planetary bodies. Due to its thickness and petrological similarities, the pyroxenitic layer of the 120m-thick magmatic pile Theo’s Flow (Archean Abitibi greenstone belt Ontario, Canada), has always been regarded as the terrestrial analogue for Martian nakhlites. However, its origin and cooling history and, as a consequence those of nakhlites, have always been a matter of vigorous debate. Did this lava flow originate from a single magmatic event similar to those supposed to occur on Mars or do the different units derive from multiple eruptions? We demonstrate, by a combination of geothermometric constraints on augite single crystals and numerical simulations, that Theo’s Flow has been formed by multiple magma emplacements that occurred at different times. This discovery supports the idea that the enormous lava flows with similar compositions observed on Mars could be the result of a process where low viscosity lavas are emplaced during multiple eruptions. This has profound implications for understanding the multiscale mechanisms of lava flow emplacement on Earth and other planetary bodies

    Quantifying hexagonal stacking in diamond

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    Diamond is a material of immense technological importance and an ancient signifier for wealth and societal status. In geology, diamond forms as part of the deep carbon cycle and typically displays a highly ordered cubic crystal structure. Impact diamonds, however, often exhibit structural disorder in the form of complex combinations of cubic and hexagonal stacking motifs. The structural characterization of such diamonds remains a challenge. Here, impact diamonds from the Popigai crater were characterized with a range of techniques. Using the MCDIFFaX approach for analysing X-ray diffraction data, hexagonality indices up to 40% were found. The effects of increasing amounts of hexagonal stacking on the Raman spectra of diamond were investigated computationally and found to be in excellent agreement with trends in the experimental spectra. Electron microscopy revealed nanoscale twinning within the cubic diamond structure. Our analyses lead us to propose a systematic protocol for assigning specific hexagonality attributes to the mineral designated as lonsdaleite among natural and synthetic samples

    Fossil subduction recorded by quartz from the coesite stability field

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    Metamorphic rocks are the records of plate tectonic processes whose reconstruction relies on correct estimates of the pressures and temperatures (P-T) experienced by these rocks through time. Unlike chemical geothermobarometry, elastic geobarometry does not rely on chemical equilibrium between minerals, so it has the potential to provide information on overstepping of reaction boundaries and to identify other examples of non-equilibrium behavior in rocks. Here we introduce a method that exploits the anisotropy in elastic properties of minerals to determine the unique P and T of entrapment from a single inclusion in a mineral host. We apply it to preserved quartz inclusions in garnet from eclogite xenoliths hosted in Yakutian kimberlites (Russia). Our results demonstrate that quartz trapped in garnet can be preserved when the rock reaches the stability field of coesite (the high-pressure and hightemperature polymorph of quartz) at 3 GPa and 850 \ub0C. This supports a metamorphic origin for these xenoliths and sheds light on the mechanisms of craton accretion from a subducted crustal protolith. Furthermore, we show that interpreting P and T conditions reached by a rock from the simple phase identification of key inclusion minerals can be misleading

    Anharmonic Effects on the Thermodynamic Properties of Quartz from First Principles Calculations

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    The simple chemistry and structure of quartz together with its abundance in nature and its piezoelectric properties make convenient its employment for several applications, from engineering to Earth sciences. For these purposes, the quartz equations of state, thermoelastic and thermodynamic properties have been studied since decades. Alpha quartz is stable up to 2.5 GPa at room temperature where it converts to coesite, and at ambient pressure up to 847 K where it transforms to the beta phase. In particular, the displacive phase transition at 847 K at ambient pressure is driven by intrinsic anharmonicity effects (soft-mode phase transition) and its precise mechanism is difficult to be investigated experimentally. Therefore, we studied these anharmonic effects by means of ab initio calculations in the framework of the statistical thermodynamics approach. We determined the principal thermodynamic quantities accounting for the intrinsic anharmonicity and compared them against experimental data. Our results up to 700 K show a very good agreement with experiments. The same procedures and algorithms illustrated here can also be applied to determine the thermodynamic properties of other crystalline phases possibly affected by intrinsic anharmonic effects, that could partially invalidate the standard quasi-harmonic approach