92 research outputs found

    La moltiplicazione del melo con la tecnica della micropropagazione. Variazione del pH in substrati diversi durante la fase di moltiplicazione

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    10 páginas, 2 figuras, 5 tablas, 9 referencias.-- Esta revista es continuación de Rivista della Societa Toscana di Orticoltura y continuada por Advances in horticultural science.I numerosi studi condotti in questi ultimi 20 anni sulla applicazione della coltura in vitro a diverse specie coltivate, hanno focalizzato principalmente la messa a punto dei terreni nutritivi, il ruolo dei fitoregolatori nelle diverse fasi di crescita ed il controllo ormonale sulla morfogenesi. Quasi del tutto trascurata, come appare dai lavori riportati in bibliografia, sono state invece le indagini su altri fattori che probabilmente esercitano un ruolo di primo piano sulla crescita e sui processi morfogenetici che avvengono in vitro.Peer reviewe

    The origins of metallurgy and the social value of metals

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    [EN] The origins of metallurgy is probably one of the most significant technological innovations and one of the most debated questions of Prehistory in Eurasia. Broadly speaking there are two elements which have brought about the interest of this topic. On the one hand the debate on multiple origins against diffusionist perspectives that posit a unique place of invention, and on the other hand the role played by metallurgy as a technological innovation in social development and more specifically in the process of social stratification leading to the formation of early states.[ES] El origen de la metalurgia es probablemente una de las innovaciones tecnológicas más significativas y más debatidas de la Prehistoria en Eurasia. A grandes rasgos son dos los elementos que han determinado el interés de este tema. Por un lado el debate sobre la posibilidad de un origen múltiple frente a perspectivas difusionistas que postulan un único lugar de invención, y por otro el papel jugado por la metalurgia como innovación tecnológica en el desarrollo social y más concretamente en el proceso de la estratificación social que desemboca en la formación de los primeros estados

    Dependencia vs. competencia o emulación. Sobre la naturaleza de las relaciones del mundo argárico y su entorno. Comentario a Peres y Risch

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    En el artículo, los autores tratan de abordar las dinámicas poblacionales del cuadrante centro-oriental de la península ibérica entre 2200-1550 a. n. e., donde observan un patrón de dispersión y enrocamiento de la población. Para el estudio, se parte de una extensa base de datos en la que se recogen evidencias arqueológicas de 1.445 yacimientos, de los que “solamente el 8 % presenta ocupaciones anteriores a ca. 2300/2200 a. n. e.” y “la superficie del 83 % de los sitios es inferior a 0.3 ha”, lo cual supone un aparente sólido punto de partidaPeer reviewe

    Amber in prehistoric Iberia: New data and a review.

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    Provenancing exotic raw materials and reconstructing the nature and routes of exchange is a major concern of prehistoric archaeology. Amber has long been recognised as a key commodity of prehistoric exchange networks in Europe. However, most science-based studies so far have been localised and based on few samples, hence making it difficult to observe broad geographic and chronological trends. This paper concentrates on the nature, distribution and circulation of amber in prehistoric Iberia. We present new standardised FTIR analyses of 22 archaeological and geological samples from a large number of contexts across Iberia, as well as a wide scale review of all the legacy data available. On the basis of a considerable body of data, we can confirm the use of local amber resources in the Northern area of the Iberian Peninsula from the Palaeolithic to the Bronze Age; we push back the arrival of Sicilian amber to at least the 4th Millennium BC, and we trace the appearance of Baltic amber since the last quarter of the 2nd Millennium BC, progressively replacing Sicilian simetite. Integrating these data with other bodies of archaeological information, we suggest that the arrival of Baltic amber was part of broader Mediterranean exchange networks, and not necessarily the result of direct trade with the North. From a methodological perspective, thanks to the analyses carried out on both the vitreous core and the weathered surfaces of objects made of Sicilian simetite, we define the characteristic FTIR bands that allow the identification of Sicilian amber even in highly deteriorated archaeological samples

    Determinación de procedencia mediante análisis por Espectroscopía FTIR, del ámbar de una cuenta de collar del sepulcro megalítico de La Velilla (Osorno, Palencia)

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    We present the results of the analysis through Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) of one of the five amber beads recovered at the megalitic tomb of La Velilla (Osorno, Palencia). According to them, the amber from this tomb, or at least the bead under study, is not of exotic origin but it comes from local sources placed in Northern Iberia. In particular, it probably originated from the natural deposits of Cretaceous amber located in Cantabrian Spain. This fact, in tandem with what we already know about the origin of other items unearthed on the same site, is to confirm the integration of the Velilla's community in half and long-distance exchange networks of prestige goods.Presentamos los resultados de los análisis llevados a cabo por Espectroscopía de Infrarrojos por Transformada de Fourier (FTIR) de una de las cinco cuentas de ámbar recuperadas en el sepulcro megalítico de La Velilla. Según ellos, puede considerarse que el ámbar recogido en esta sepultura –al menos el correspondiente a la cuenta analizada- no tiene un origen lejano sino realmente próximo, del norte peninsular, y que probablemente procede de los afloramientos naturales de ámbar cretácico de la Cornisa Cantábrica. Todo ello, unido a cuanto sabemos del origen de otros materiales, confirma la integración de la comunidad titular de La Velilla en redes de intercambio de bienes de prestigio, de medio y largo alcance

    The earliest Baltic amber in Western Europe

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    This study has been supported by the R&D Project 'Metal y Ámbar II: Circulación de bronce y ámbar en el Sureste peninsular durante la Edad del Bronce' (PID2019-108289GB-I00/AEI/10.13039/501100011033) and the R&D Project ‘Social and Exchange Networks in the Argaric Society’ (PID2022-137494NB-I00/AEI/10.13039/501100011033) funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation. The contribution of M.M.T. was supported by funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (Grant agreement No. 101021480, Project REVERSEACTION). We want to thank D. Pérez L’Huiller for editing Fig. , and M. Vilar Welter for editing Fig. . We are also grateful to J.F. Gibaja Bao, M.E. Subirà and M. Fontanals-Colls, who kindly shared the AMS radiocarbon dates funded by their respective projects. Date CF-X30-C4-134 was obtained in the framework of the R&D Project ‘Aproximación a las primeras comunidades neolíticas del NE peninsular a través de sus prácticas funerarias’ (HAR2011-23149) funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, IP: J. Gibaja and M.E. Subirà. Date CF-S19-C4R-56 was obtained in the framework of the R&D Project ‘NEOMEDIS: Neolithic Mediterranean diet through stable Isotope analysis’, funded in the framework of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellowship (ID: 792130), IP: M. Fontanals.The online version contains supplementary material available at https://doi. org/10.1038/s41598-023-41293-0The occurrence of Baltic amber through Europe has traditionally been associated to the spread of the Bell Beaker culture during the 3rd millennium BC. In Iberia, this phenomenon is particularly noticeable in the southern half. Here we present an amber bead recovered in a Late Neolithic funerary cave (3634–3363 cal BC) from northeastern Iberia where more than 12 individuals had been buried. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy results of four samples revealed their complete resemblance with Baltic succinite reference spectra. Despite being a single bead, this finding provides the earliest evidence for the arrival of Baltic amber to the Mediterranean and Western Europe, before the Bell Beaker phenomenon and more than a millennium earlier than traditionally thought. This finding has implications for our understanding of early exchange networks of exotic materials, and their associated social structures.Social and Exchange Networks in the Argaric Society PID2022-137494NB-I00/AEI/10.13039/501100011033Horizon 2020 Framework Programme 101021480, 792130, HAR2011-23149 H2020European Research Council ERCMinisterio de Ciencia e Innovación MICIN

    Effect of succesive applications of urban compost on soil potassium availability

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    10 páginas, 1 figura, 6 tablas, 22 referencias.[EN]: The effect of successive applications of urban compost (up to 150 and 400 t ha-1 in six applications over eight years) on the status of K in a calcareous soil was tested in a greenhouse experiment. An 8-15-15 complex fertilizer was also applied for comparison. Five years of ryegrass and three of horticultural plants (tomato and eggplant) were successively cropped during the experiment. Increases of soluble- and available-K were observed with both organic and inorganic fertilization, although statistical differences between treatments were not significant. On the contrary, total-K does not increase when compost is added. Values of total-K when compost is added at maximum rate tend to be even lower than those in the control, which could be related with the observed lowering of tite soil's bulk density. Highest plant K-uptake corresponds to the application of the maximum compost dosage, and is much higher than the amount of K applied with compost.[ES]: Se estudia a nivel de invernadero el efecto de aplicaciones sucesivas de compost urbano (hasta 150 y 400 t ha-1 en seis aplicaciones, a lo largo de ocho años) sobre niveles de K de un suelo calcáreo. A efectos comparativos se utilizó un abono inorgánico complejo, 8-15-15. Durante los cinco primeros años se cultivó ryegrass y plantas hortícolas (tomate y berenjena) durante los tres años restantes. La fertilización orgánica e inorgánica incrementó los niveles de K soluble y disponible en el suelo, aunque sin diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre tratamientos. Los niveles de K total no se incrementaron como consecuencia de la adición de compost. Resultaron incluso algo más bajos que en el control cuando se aplicó la dosis más alta de compost, lo que podría estar relacionado con la reducción de densidad aparente que ocasiona este tratamiento en el substrato. La máxima absorción vegetal de K correspondió al tratamiento con dosis mayor de compost, siendo la cantidad absorbida superior a la aportada por el compost.Peer reviewe

    Aproximación a la distribución del espacio funerario en El Argar (Antas, Almería)

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    El Argar (Antas, Almería) is the main reference site for the study of the Bronze Age in the Iberian Peninsula. The burial assemblages of more than 1000 excavated tombs show the social diversity of the interred. This article analyses the spatial distribution of the burials, considering the multiple variables of the funerary ritual in relation to their location. The aim is to try to understand whether socioeconomic patterns can explain their location. For this, based on the documentation from the Siret Archive, we have been able to situate a considerable number of graves on the plateau that forms the site and we have considered the variability of funerary containers, the burial assemblages and the physical characteristics of the interred.Statistical significance tests do not show a relation between sex, age and location, but they indicate one between rich grave assemblages and spatial distribution, which cluster in a particular area of the site.El Argar (Antas, Almería) es el yacimiento de referencia para el estudio de la Edad del Bronce en la península ibérica. Los ajuares de las más de 1000 tumbas excavadas muestran la diversidad social de los inhumados. Este trabajo analiza su distribución espacial considerando las múltiples variables del ritual funerario en relación a su ubicación. El objetivo es tratar de comprender si existe algún patrón socioeconómico en su localización. Para ello, a partir de la documentación del Archivo Siret, se ha logrado posicionar un número importante de sepulturas en la meseta del yacimiento y se ha considerado la variabilidad de los contenedores funerarios, los ajuares y las características antropológicas de los individuos inhumados. Las pruebas de significación estadística no muestran ninguna asociación entre sexo o edad y ubicación, pero sí entre los ajuares de prestigio y su distribución espacial, concentrándose en una determinada zona del yacimiento