17 research outputs found

    La gestion integral de residuos sólidos y la responsabilidad juridica del representante de la Municipalidad Distrital de Villa Maria del Triunfo

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    La presente investigación estableció connotación jurídica ambiental, se indicó como objetivo principal, el determinar de qué manera la gestión integral de residuos sólidos influye en la responsabilidad jurídica que asume el representante de la Municipalidad Distrital de Villa María del Triunfo. Asimismo, tuvo una metodología de Tipo Básica, de alcance descriptivo; contrastándose la Hipótesis con el método Inductivo; con un diseño no experimental y con un tipo de muestreo no probabilístico. La muestra se basó en 30 sujetos encuestados, entre ellos, funcionarios y servidores públicos de la Municipalidad Distrital de Villa María del Triunfo, a quienes se les encuesto con un instrumento de 20 preguntas. Se analizó en general el Marco Normativo Ambiental y por ende la Gestión Integral de Residuos Sólidos, así como la Ley Orgánica de Municipalidades, el Código Procesal Penal para identificar la responsabilidad Penal, en la que incurre el Representante Legal de la Municipalidad de Villa María del Triunfo, así como también brevemente, la responsabilidad administrativa que tienen los funciones y servidores públicos de la mencionada Municipalidad y la responsabilidad Social de la población del distrito de Villa María del Triunfo. Para el procesamiento estadístico se utilizó el procesador Excel con la formula ALFA DE CRONBACH en una escala Likert, el cual tuvo un valor aproximado de 0.8, esto quiere decir bueno en cuanto a la confiabilidad y consistencia del instrumento de investigación que se aplicó. Finalmente de los resultados obtenidos se concluyó que el representante legal de la Municipalidad Distrital de Villa María del Triunfo no cumple con una adecuada Gestión Integral de Residuos Sólidos, lo cual lo hace sujeto de responsabilidad penal y posterior vacancia por la inacción ante la acumulación de Residuos Sólidos en dicho distrito, asimismo, se concluyó que la carencia de lineamientos normativos, como directivas y ordenanzas de la Municipalidad Distrital de Villa María del Triunfo, no ayuda a que se efectivice la Gestión Integral de Residuos Sólidos en dicho distrito, asimismo, que una de las consecuencias de que se haya declarado hace no mucho en estado de emergencia ambiental, esto es en el 2018 de debe a la falta de actualización de su Plan de Gestión Integral de Residuos Sólidos (PIGARS), instrumento que es obligatorio conforme lo establece la Ley de Gestión Integral de Residuos Sólidos. En cuanto a la poca sensibilización por parte de los pobladores del referido distrito, se ha evidenciado, que, si bien la entidad Edil aplica multas por votar la basura como por ejemplo en mercados y de transportes en pleno movimiento, también lo es, que falta implementar y precisar el cuadro de infracciones que establece dichas multas. Finalmente, el hecho de que la Municipalidad Distrital de Villa María del Triunfo no cuente con un relleno sanitario propio genera mayor gasto y presupuesto en el traslado de los Residuos Sólidos recolectados a otras plantas de tratamiento que se ubican en otros distritos

    New non-breeding colonies of the South American fur seal in central Chile. Is the distribution in the southeastern Pacific waters extending?

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    The South American fur seal (SAFS), Arctocephalus australis, has an estimated abundance of 219,000 individuals. The distribution range of this top marine predator along the Pacifc coast of South America is discontinuous, with a gap between 29°02’S-43°36’S, whereas the Atlantic coast presents a continuous distribution. Little is known aboutthe population dynamics of the species in Chile, as there have been few observations of vagrant individuals within the distribution gap and partial population censuses on dates that do not fit with the reproductive season in northern andsouthern Chile. The aim of this study is to identify the presence of A. australis colonies and summarize the sightings in central Chile. Aerial censuses were performed between 32°12’S-39°24’S during the austral winter and summer (2015) and between 41°44’S-44°55’S during summer (2013, 2016-2018). Official stranding records were also included to complementthe research sightings. We registered a total of 54 SAFS in the Chilean distribution gap, most of them during winter (89%) and with a higher proportion of females (72%). Two non-breeding colonies were found in the Biobío Region during the winter of 2015, Islote del Trabajo (38°25’S) and Islote Quechol (38°26’S), with 27 ± 1 and 16 ± 0 individuals, respectively. The sightings of adult individuals suggest their arrival at these latitudes to carry out foraging and resting activities, probably from Guafo Island (43°36’S). The last Pleistocene glaciation, hunting activities during the eighteenth century and ENSO events could have conditioned the current abundance and range of distribution of A. australis in South America; therefore, the establishment of new non-breeding colonies in the gap of distribution could lead to new breeding grounds in thefuture

    Diet composition of an opportunistic predator from an upwelling area in the Southeastern Pacific

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    The aim of this study was to use scat analysis to analyse the dietary composition of the South American sea lion (SASL,Otaria byronia) over a short temporal scale and in different but closely located colonies in the Humboldt Current System of northern Chile. Scat samples were collected at Arica (18 degrees 34 ' S), Iquique (20 degrees 48 ' S) and Mejillones (23 degrees 04 ' S) during the summer (January to March) and winter (July) of 2015. A total of 16 595 individual prey items from nine species were found in 194 of the 215 scat samples. In general, squat lobster (Pleuroncodes monodon) was the most important prey item for the sea lion diet, both by number and according to the index of relative importance (%IRI), followed by anchovy (Engraulis ringens), which was the most frequent prey item in the scats and the most important by weight. Patagonian squid (Loligo gahi) ranked third in importance in the sea lion diet. However, some spatiotemporal variations in the consumption of prey were found. Squat lobster was the most important prey for sea lions in Arica and Iquique, while anchovy was the dominant prey in Mejillones. Regarding seasonal variation, squat lobster was more important in winter than in summer in the three localities, while anchovy was also more important during winter, except in Mejillones where the levels of consumption of this prey were similar in both seasons. These results show that SASL adjust their dietary preferences, modifying the contribution of different prey both spatially and temporally. Spatiotemporal variations in the SASL diet can be explained by temporal changes in the distribution and abundance of their prey.doctoral scholarship of the project 'Fortalecimiento, consolidacion y proyeccion del Programa de Doctorado en Ciencias Aplicadas mencion Sistemas Marinos Costeros de la Facultad de Recursos del Mar. Universidad de Antofagasta' ANT0711-MECESUP FIPA Project 2014-28 Iniciativa Cientifica Milenio from Chiles Ministerio de Economia, Fomento y Turismo CONICYT-PCHA/Doctorado Nacional PhD scholarship 2016-2116110

    TRPA1 channels promote astrocytic Ca2+ hyperactivity and synaptic dysfunction mediated by oligomeric forms of amyloid-β peptide

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    Abstract Background Excessive synaptic loss is thought to be one of the earliest events in Alzheimer’s disease (AD). However, the key mechanisms that maintain plasticity of synapses during adulthood or initiate synapse dysfunction in AD remain unknown. Recent studies suggest that astrocytes contribute to functional changes observed during synaptic plasticity and play a major role in synaptic dysfunction but astrocytes behavior and involvement in early phases of AD remained largely undefined. Methods We measure astrocytic calcium activity in mouse CA1 hippocampus stratum radiatum in both the global astrocytic population and at a single cell level, focusing in the highly compartmentalized astrocytic arbor. Concurrently, we measure excitatory post-synaptic currents in nearby pyramidal neurons. Results We find that application of soluble Aβ oligomers (Aβo) induced fast and widespread calcium hyperactivity in the astrocytic population and in the microdomains of the astrocyte arbor. We show that astrocyte hyperactivity is independent of neuronal activity and is repaired by transient receptor potential A1 (TRPA1) channels blockade. In return, this TRPA1 channels-dependent hyperactivity influences neighboring CA1 neurons triggering an increase in glutamatergic spontaneous activity. Interestingly, in an AD mouse model (APP/PS1–21 mouse), astrocyte calcium hyperactivity equally takes place at the beginning of Aβ production, depends on TRPA1 channels and is linked to CA1 neurons hyperactivity. Conclusions Our experiments demonstrate that astrocytes contribute to early Aβo toxicity exhibiting a global and local Ca2+ hyperactivity that involves TRPA1 channels and is related to neuronal hyperactivity. Together, our data suggest that astrocyte is a frontline target of Aβo and highlight a novel mechanism for the understanding of early synaptic dysregulation induced by soluble Aβo species

    Amelogenesis imperfecta: Next-generation sequencing sheds light on Witkop’s classification

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    Amelogenesis imperfecta (AI) is a heterogeneous group of genetic rare diseases disrupting enamel development (Smith et al., Front Physiol, 2017a, 8, 333). The clinical enamel phenotypes can be described as hypoplastic, hypomineralized or hypomature and serve as a basis, together with the mode of inheritance, to Witkop’s classification (Witkop, J Oral Pathol, 1988, 17, 547–553). AI can be described in isolation or associated with others symptoms in syndromes. Its occurrence was estimated to range from 1/700 to 1/14,000. More than 70 genes have currently been identified as causative.Objectives: We analyzed using next-generation sequencing (NGS) a heterogeneous cohort of AI patients in order to determine the molecular etiology of AI and to improve diagnosis and disease management.Methods: Individuals presenting with so called “isolated” or syndromic AI were enrolled and examined at the Reference Centre for Rare Oral and Dental Diseases (O-Rares) using D4/phenodent protocol (www.phenodent.org). Families gave written informed consents for both phenotyping and molecular analysis and diagnosis using a dedicated NGS panel named GenoDENT. This panel explores currently simultaneously 567 genes. The study is registered under NCT01746121 and NCT02397824 (https://clinicaltrials.gov/).Results: GenoDENT obtained a 60% diagnostic rate. We reported genetics results for 221 persons divided between 115 AI index cases and their 106 associated relatives from a total of 111 families. From this index cohort, 73% were diagnosed with non-syndromic amelogenesis imperfecta and 27% with syndromic amelogenesis imperfecta. Each individual was classified according to the AI phenotype. Type I hypoplastic AI represented 61 individuals (53%), Type II hypomature AI affected 31 individuals (27%), Type III hypomineralized AI was diagnosed in 18 individuals (16%) and Type IV hypoplastic-hypomature AI with taurodontism concerned 5 individuals (4%). We validated the genetic diagnosis, with class 4 (likely pathogenic) or class 5 (pathogenic) variants, for 81% of the cohort, and identified candidate variants (variant of uncertain significance or VUS) for 19% of index cases. Among the 151 sequenced variants, 47 are newly reported and classified as class 4 or 5. The most frequently discovered genotypes were associated with MMP20 and FAM83H for isolated AI. FAM20A and LTBP3 genes were the most frequent genes identified for syndromic AI. Patients negative to the panel were resolved with exome sequencing elucidating for example the gene involved ie ACP4 or digenic inheritance.Conclusion: NGS GenoDENT panel is a validated and cost-efficient technique offering new perspectives to understand underlying molecular mechanisms of AI. Discovering variants in genes involved in syndromic AI (CNNM4, WDR72, FAM20A … ) transformed patient overall care. Unravelling the genetic basis of AI sheds light on Witkop’s AI classification