1,491 research outputs found

    HIL real-time simulation of a digital fractional order PI controller for time delay processes

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    Fractional order control has been used extensively in the last decade for controlling various types of processes. Several design approaches have been proposed so far, the closed loop performance results obtained being tested using different simulation conditions. The hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) real-time simulation offers a more reliable method for evaluating the closed loop performance of such controllers prior to their actual implementation on the real processes, such HIL simulation being highly suitable especially for complex, hazardous processes in which human and equipment errors should be avoided. The present paper proposes a hardware-in-the-loop real-time simulation setting for a digital fractional order PI controller in a Smith Predictor structure. The designed control strategy and fractional order controller is then tested under nominal and uncertain conditions, considering a time delay process

    Atypical moral judgment following traumatic brain injury

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    Previous research has shown an association between emotions, particularly social emotions, and moral judgments. Some studies suggested an association between blunted emotion and the utilitarian moral judgments observed in patients with prefrontal lesions. In order to investigate how prefrontal brain damage affects moral judgment, we asked a sample of 29 TBI patients (12 females and 17 males) and 41 healthy participants (16 females and 25 males) to judge 22 hypothetical dilemmas split into three different categories (non-moral, impersonal and personal moral). The TBI group presented a higher proportion of affirmative (utilitarian) responses for personal moral dilemmas when compared to controls, suggesting an atypical pattern of utilitarian judgements. We also found a negative association between the performance on recognition of social emotions and the proportion of affirmative responses on personal moral dilemmas. These results suggested that the preference for utilitarian responses in this type of dilemmas is accompanied by difficulties in social emotion recognition. Overall, our findings suggest that deontological moral judgments are associated with normal social emotion processing and that frontal lobe plays an important role in both emotion and moral judgment

    Traumatic brain injury patients: does frontal brain lesion influence basic emotion recognition?

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    Adequate emotion recognition is relevant to individuals' interpersonal communication. Patients with frontal traumatic brain injury (TBI) exhibit a lower response to facial emotional stimuli, influencing social interactions. In this sense, the main goal of the current study was to assess the ability of TBI patients in recognising basic emotions. Photographs of facial expressions of five basic emotions (happiness, sadness, fear, anger, and surprise) were presented to 32 TBI patients and 41 healthy controls. Emotion recognition was measured by accuracy and reaction time. Overall performance of the TBI group was poorer than control group for emotion recognition, both in terms of accuracy and reaction time. It is suggested that TBI patients show impairment on emotion recognition, and this relation seems to be moderated by the lesion localization

    Transcriptionally active chromatin loops contain both ‘active’ and ‘inactive’ histone modifications that exhibit exclusivity at the level of nucleosome clusters

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    Chromatin state is thought to impart regulatory function to the underlying DNA sequence. This can be established through histone modifications and chromatin organisation, but exactly how these factors relate to one another to regulate gene expression is unclear. In this study, we have used super-resolution microscopy to image the Y loops of Drosophila melanogaster primary spermatocytes, which are enormous transcriptionally active chromatin fibres, each representing single transcription units that are individually resolvable in the nuclear interior. We previously found that the Y loops consist of regular clusters of nucleosomes, with an estimated median of 54 nucleosomes per cluster with wide variation. In this study, we report that the histone modifications H3K4me3, H3K27me3, and H3K36me3 are also clustered along the Y loops, with H3K4me3 more associated with diffuse chromatin compared to H3K27me3. These histone modifications form domains that can be stretches of Y loop chromatin micrometres long, or can be in short alternating domains. The different histone modifications are associated with different sizes of chromatin clusters and unique morphologies. Strikingly, a single chromatin cluster almost always only contains only one type of the histone modifications that were labelled, suggesting exclusivity, and therefore regulation at the level of individual chromatin clusters. The active mark H3K36me3 is more associated with actively elongating RNA polymerase II than H3K27me3, with polymerase often appearing on what are assumed to be looping regions on the periphery of chromatin clusters. These results provide a foundation for understanding the relationship between chromatin state, chromatin organisation, and transcription regulation – with potential implications for pause-release dynamics, splicing complex organisation and chromatin dynamics during polymerase progression along a gene

    Changes in social emotion recognition following traumatic frontal lobe injury

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    WOS:000299915100004Changes in social and emotional behaviour have been consistently observed in patients with traumatic brain injury. These changes are associated with emotion recognition deficits which represent one of the major barriers to a successful familiar and social reintegration. In the present study, 32 patients with traumatic brain injury, involving the frontal lobe, and 41 age- and education-matched healthy controls were analyzed. A Go/No-Go task was designed, where each participant had to recognize faces representing three social emotions (arrogance, guilt and jealousy). Results suggested that ability to recognize two social emotions (arrogance and jealousy) was significantly reduced in patients with traumatic brain injury, indicating frontal lesion can reduce emotion recognition ability. In addition, the analysis of the results for hemispheric lesion location (right, left or bilateral) suggested the bilateral lesion sub-group showed a lower accuracy on all social emotions

    Studies Regarding the Increase in Hydrophilicity of Some Textile Fabrics through Treatment by Cold Plasma and Grafting with Vinyl Monomers

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    The polyamide and polyester fabrics have been treated by glow discharge plasma and grafted with 2- hydroxyethylmethacrylate (HEMA) in order to increase the hydrophilicity and to improve the soil release properties. The plasma treatments were carried out at different exposure times. Grafting was obtained with gaseous HEMA and with alcohol or aqueous solution of HEMA at different concentrations. The physical and chemical surface changes were studied using scanning electron microscopy, infrared spectroscopy, colour measurements. The hydrophilicity was assessed through the absorption time of a water drop and the soil removal through washing by remission values
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