3,830 research outputs found

    Applications of control theory

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    Applications of control theory are considered in the areas of decoupling and wake steering control of submersibles, a method of electrohydraulic conversion with no moving parts, and socio-economic system modelling

    Nominal Henkin Semantics: simply-typed lambda-calculus models in nominal sets

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    We investigate a class of nominal algebraic Henkin-style models for the simply typed lambda-calculus in which variables map to names in the denotation and lambda-abstraction maps to a (non-functional) name-abstraction operation. The resulting denotations are smaller and better-behaved, in ways we make precise, than functional valuation-based models. Using these new models, we then develop a generalisation of \lambda-term syntax enriching them with existential meta-variables, thus yielding a theory of incomplete functions. This incompleteness is orthogonal to the usual notion of incompleteness given by function abstraction and application, and corresponds to holes and incomplete objects.Comment: In Proceedings LFMTP 2011, arXiv:1110.668

    Electrochemical Solutions for Advanced Life Support

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    The Oxygen Generating Assembly (OGA) on-board the International Space Station (ISS) employs a polymer electrolyte membrane (PEM) water electrolysis cell stack to electrochemically dissociate water into its two components oxygen and hydrogen. Oxygen is provided to the cabin atmosphere for crew respiration while the hydrogen is delivered to a carbon dioxide reduction system to recover oxygen as water. The design of the OGA evolved over a number of years to arrive at the system solution that is currently operational on ISS. Future manned missions to space will require advanced technologies that eliminate the need for resupply from earth and feature in-situ resource utilization to sustain crew life and to provide useful materials to the crew. The architects planning such missions should consider all potential solutions at their disposal to arrive at an optimal vehicle solution that minimizes crew maintenance time, launch weight, installed volume and energy consumption demands. Skyre is developing new technologies through funding from NASA, the Department of Energy, and internal investment based on PEM technology that could become an integral part of these new vehicle solutions. At varying stages of Technology Readiness Level (TRL) are: an oxygen concentrator and compressor that can separate oxygen from an air stream and provide an enriched oxygen resource for crew medical use and space suit recharge without any moving parts in the pure oxygen stream; a regenerative carbon dioxide removal system featuring a PEM-based sorbent regenerator; a carbon dioxide reduction system that electrochemically produces organic compounds that could serve as fuels or as a useful intermediary to more beneficial compounds; and an electrochemical hydrogen separator and compressor for hydrogen recycle. The technical maturity of these projects is presented along with pertinent performance test data that could be beneficial in future study efforts

    Bridging Information Security and Environmental Criminology Research to Better Mitigate Cybercrime

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    Cybercrime is a complex phenomenon that spans both technical and human aspects. As such, two disjoint areas have been studying the problem from separate angles: the information security community and the environmental criminology one. Despite the large body of work produced by these communities in the past years, the two research efforts have largely remained disjoint, with researchers on one side not benefitting from the advancements proposed by the other. In this paper, we argue that it would be beneficial for the information security community to look at the theories and systematic frameworks developed in environmental criminology to develop better mitigations against cybercrime. To this end, we provide an overview of the research from environmental criminology and how it has been applied to cybercrime. We then survey some of the research proposed in the information security domain, drawing explicit parallels between the proposed mitigations and environmental criminology theories, and presenting some examples of new mitigations against cybercrime. Finally, we discuss the concept of cyberplaces and propose a framework in order to define them. We discuss this as a potential research direction, taking into account both fields of research, in the hope of broadening interdisciplinary efforts in cybercrime researc

    Process evaluation for complex interventions in health services research: Analysing context, text trajectories and disruptions

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    Background: Process evaluations assess the implementation and sustainability of complex healthcare interventions within clinical trials, with well-established theoretical models available for evaluating intervention delivery within specific contexts. However, there is a need to translate conceptualisations of context into analytical tools which enable the dynamic relationship between context and intervention implementation to be captured and understood. Methods: In this paper I propose an alternative approach to the design, implementation and analysis of process evaluations for complex health interventions through a consideration of trial protocols as textual documents, distributed and enacted at multiple contextual levels. As an example, I conduct retrospective analysis of a sample of field notes and transcripts collected during the ESTEEM study - a cluster randomised controlled trial of primary care telephone triage. I draw on theoretical perspectives associated with Linguistic Ethnography to examine the delivery of ESTEEM through staff orientation to different texts. In doing so I consider what can be learned from examining the flow and enactment of protocols for notions of implementation and theoretical fidelity (i.e. intervention delivered as intended and whether congruent with the intervention theory). Results: Implementation of the triage intervention required staff to integrate essential elements of the protocol within everyday practice, seen through the adoption and use of different texts that were distributed across staff and within specific events. Staff were observed deploying texts in diverse ways (e.g. reinterpreting scripts, deviating from standard operating procedures, difficulty completing decision support software), providing numerous instances of disruption to maintaining intervention fidelity. Such observations exposed tensions between different contextual features in which the trial was implemented, offering theoretical explanations for the main trial findings. Conclusions: The value of following how trial protocols produce new texts is that we can observe the flow of 'the intervention as intended' across a series of events which are enacted to meet specific demands of intervention delivery. Such observations are not solely premised on identifying routines or practices of implementation, but where 'protocols as intended' breaks down. In doing so, I discuss whether it is here where we might expose the 'active ingredients' of interventions in action

    Amplitude dependent frequency, desynchronization, and stabilization in noisy metapopulation dynamics

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    The enigmatic stability of population oscillations within ecological systems is analyzed. The underlying mechanism is presented in the framework of two interacting species free to migrate between two spatial patches. It is shown that that the combined effects of migration and noise cannot account for the stabilization. The missing ingredient is the dependence of the oscillations' frequency upon their amplitude; with that, noise-induced differences between patches are amplified due to the frequency gradient. Migration among desynchronized regions then stabilizes a "soft" limit cycle in the vicinity of the homogenous manifold. A simple model of diffusively coupled oscillators allows the derivation of quantitative results, like the functional dependence of the desynchronization upon diffusion strength and frequency differences. The oscillations' amplitude is shown to be (almost) noise independent. The results are compared with a numerical integration of the marginally stable Lotka-Volterra equations. An unstable system is extinction-prone for small noise, but stabilizes at larger noise intensity
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