1,198 research outputs found

    3 case studies: a hybrid educational strategy for ART/SCI collaborations

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    In this paper we report on a transdisciplinary university course designed to bring together fine art/visual communication design and computer science students for the creation and implementation of collaborative visual/audio projects that draw upon the specialized knowledge of both these disciplines. While an overview of the syllabus and the teaching methodologies is undertaken in the introduction, the focus of the paper concentrates upon an in-depth discussion and analysis of 3 specific projects that were developed by 3 distinct teams of students comprised of one artist/designer and one engineer each

    Weight-length relationships of 28 fish species in the Sea of Marmara

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    Weight-length relationships (WLRs) for 28 fish species were investigated in an enclosed basin in the Sea of Marmara. Due to low sample sizes ( 0.05). In this study, WLRs for Pomatoschistus marmoratus are presented for the first time in Turkish waters. Additionally, this study represents the first results for the entire Sea of Marmara and carries significant importance for the WLR database in light of previous studies, which only provided information for limited parts of this sea

    Hyperpresent avatars

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    This paper will discuss two student projects, which were developed during a hybrid course between art/design and computer sciences at Sabancı University; both of which involve the creation of two avatars whose visual attributes are determined by data feeds from ‘Real Life’ sources by following up from Biocca's concept of the Cyborg’s Dilemma, we will describe the creative and technological processes which went into the materialization of these two avatars

    Changes in wood properties of chestnut wood structural elements with natural aging

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    Knowing the effects of natural aging on wood properties is important both for the conservation of historical wooden material and for reuse of aged wood. The aim of this study was to investigate the wood properties of old wooden elements not impregnated with any protective chemicals and taken from different parts of Zeytinlik houses in Giresun, Turkey. Test samples were prepared from old wooden elements and freshly cut chestnut timber. The anatomical, chemical, physical and mechanical properties were determined according to standard procedure, and the results were compared with those of recent wood specimen. As a result of the anatomical identification, it was determined that the wooden elements used in traditional Zeytinlik houses belong to species of Anatolian chestnut (Castanea sativa), and after an average service life of 88, 113 and 120 years, there was no change in the anatomical structure of the old wooden elements. Fourier transform infrared band characterization of old wood specimens revealed that hemicelluloses degraded and lignin structure changed on the surface of almost all specimens. Especially, the wood density values of the facade elements were smaller than that of recent wood specimen. Except for the modulus of rupture of window sill and rafter, all mechanical properties were significantly greater compared with those of recent wood specimen. The results of this research showed that old wood not damaged by fungi and insects could be evaluated for reuse

    Simple methanesulfonates are hydrolyzed by the sulfatase carbonic anhydrase activity.

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    This study was financed by Turkish Republic Prime Ministry State Planning Organization (DPT), (Project no: 2010K120440) for (MS). Work from Supuran lab was financed by an FP 7 EU grant (Metoxia project)

    Kahverengi ticari yumurtacı hibritlerle (Hy-line Brown) yapılan üretimde optimal üretim süresinin tayini

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    This research was conducted to determine the optimal laying period in commercial egg production. The research, which was carried out on 34900 Hy-line Brown chicks in a commercial enterprise, is completed between December 2002 and July 2004. The first twenty week period of the study occurred as chick growth, and 21st-80th weeks occurred as egg yield period. The optimal laying period was determined according to the Law of Diminishing Returns. In laying period, mortality was 8.17%; FCR 2.55; egg output 72%; total egg yield 302 number/hen and broken and fissured egg rate was 1.70%. In this period, components of costs as pullet were 15.16%; feed 58.50%; labor 1.87%; veterinary and medicine 2.31%; energy 2.01%; viol 4.22%; general management costs 1.83%; maintenance-repair 1.66%; built-equipment depreciation 2.78%; hen depreciation were 9.66%. Estimated financial profitability was -0.01, with a profitability factor -0.01, and O/I rate were 0.96. The enterprise has made a profit (break-even point) between 40th and 41st weeks and reached maximum profitability between 54th with 55th weeks. After this point, continuing the production caused a loss for the enterprise. Therefore, input and yield prices should be considered in market and the production should be completed according to profitability of enterprise within the limits of the Law of Diminishing Returns. Key words: Commercial egg production, marginal cost, marginal income, profitabilityBu araştırma, ticari yumurta tavukçuluğunda optimal üretim süresinin tespit edilmesi amacıyla yapılmıştır. Özel bir ticari işletmede 34900 adet kahverengi hibritlerle (Hy-line Brown) yürütülen araştırma, Aralık 2002-Temmuz 2004 arasında tamamlanmıştır. Üretimin ilk 20 haftası civciv büyütme, 21-80. haftalar arası yumurta verim dönemi olarak gerçekleşmiştir. Optimum üretim süresinin tayininde Azalan Marjinal Verimler Kanunu dikkate alınmıştır. Yumurta verim döneminde mortalite %8.17; FCR 2.55 kg, yumurta randımanı %72, toplam yumurta verimi 302 adet/tavuk ve kırık-çatlak yumurta oranı %1.70 olarak tespit edilmiştir. Bu dönemde maliyet unsurlarından yarka %15.16; yem %58.50; işçilik %1.87; veteriner-sağlık %2.31; enerji %2.01; viyol %4.22; genel idare giderleri %1.83; bakım-onarım %1.66; bina-ekipman amortismanı %2.78 ve canlı demirbaş amortismanı %9.66 olarak hesaplanmıştır. Mali rantabilite -0.01, rantabilite faktörü -0.01 ve masraf hasıla oranı da 0.96 değerinde bulunmuştur. İşletme 40 ile 41. haftalar arasında kara geçmiş (başabaş noktası), 54 ile 55. haftalarda maksimum karlılığa ulaşmıştır. Üretimin bu noktadan sonra sürdürülmesi işletmenin bu üretim dönemini zararla kapatmasına neden olmuştur. Bu nedenle piyasadaki girdi ve ürün fiyatları da dikkate alınarak, üretimin Azalan Marjinal Verimler Kanunu çerçevesinde sonlandırılması işletme karlılığı açısından oldukça önemlidi

    A Two-Stage Multi-Criteria Decision Making Approach for Green Supplier Selection

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    Awareness of environmental protection and sustainability in the manufacturing industry has grown making the green image a more critical factor in the supplier selection process. Supplier evaluation and selection are well studied in the literature. However, studies with a green focus are relatively limited. In order to fill this gap, this paper proposes a green supplier evaluation and selection (GSES) method that evaluates suppliers according to their green competencies and environmental performances. In this regard, a combined multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) approach capable of handling imprecise quantitative and qualitative data is proposed. To demonstrate the functionality of the approach, a case study is conducted on a U.S. based company that manufactures and distributes plastic closures and dispensing systems, internationally. The results of the approach along with the discussion for future research are also provided

    Çocuk Güvenliği Açısından Çocuk Oyun Alanlarının Değerlendirilmesi

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    Play provides the spiritual and the bodily development of a child, his/her recognition of surroundings, identity development by some trial and error methods, getting rid of his/her fears, development of the cooperation and solidarity feelings and focusing his/her attention on other subjects. In this sense, the playgrounds have an important role in the spiritual and bodily health of children. However, providing these areas possibility to the development of the children it is also important for them to be safe. In this respect in the sample of Tekirdağ (Turkey) in order to put forward the safety of the playgrounds; a four stage study has been carried out as the selection of the area, survey, questionnaire and the conformity to NPPS criteria. Together with this study it has been determined that only 2 (%10) 19 parks examined within the province are safe. It has been determined that the recommended maximum tool height is appropriate in 95% of the playgrounds but it has also been determined that only 10% of the ground material and the surface width are appropriate. Consequently it has been determined that the parks in province general constitute danger in respect of the child safety therefore it has also been determined that the structural and the plant material should be reevaluated as appropriate to the safety standards and designed.Oyun, çocuğun ruhsal ve bedensel gelişimini, çevresini tanımasını, birtakım deneme yanılma yöntemleriyle kimlik gelişimini, korkularından kurtulmasını, işbirliği ve dayanışma duygularının gelişmesini ve dikkatini başka konulara odaklaştırmasını sağlar. Bu anlamda çocuk oyun alanlarının, çocuğun ruh ve beden sağlığında önemli bir rolü vardır. Ancak bu alanların çocukların gelişimlerine olanak tanımalarının yanısıra güvenli olmaları da önemli bir konudur. Bu kapsamda Tekirdağ (Türkiye) örneğinde çocuk oyun alanlarının güvenliğini ortaya koymak için; alan seçimi, sörvey, anket çalışması ve NPPS kriterlerine uygunluk şeklinde dört aşamalı bir çalışma yapılmıştır. Bu çalışma ile kent içinde irdelenene 19 parktan sadece 2?sinin (% 10) güvenli olduğu saptanmıştır. Oyun alanlarının %95?inde önerilen maksimum alet yüksekliğine uyulduğu ancak zemin materyali ve yüzey genişliği konusunda sadece %10?unun önerilen materyal ve genişliğe sahip olduğu saptanmıştır. Sonuç olarak, kent genelinde çocuk güvenliği açısından parkların tehlike oluşturduğu, bu nedenle yapısal ve bitkisel donatıların güvenlik standartlarına uygun olarak yeniden değerlendirilip tasarlanması gerektiği belirlenmiştir