31 research outputs found

    The Role of Sensory Experiences and Information on the Willingness to Pay for Organic Wheat Bread

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    This study examined the size and the determinants of the price premium a sample of Edmonton-area consumers was willing to pay for organic wheat bread. The development of these premiums included consideration of providing information on health or environmental advantages of organic production and consideration of sensory (taste) acceptance. To do this conventional and organic wheat was grown under similar conditions and milled and baked into 60% whole wheat bread under identical conditions. Samples of these breads were presented to consumers for sensory acceptance and a survey of their attitudes, behaviours and characteristics. The survey included a closed-ended contingent valuation question to examine consumers' willingness-to-pay (WTP) premiums for the organic bread. A trained sensory panel was used to quantify differences in the sensory characteristics of the two breads. The results suggest that in the absence of taste information respondents' WTP when environmental information was provided was greater than WTP when health information was given. When sensory taste information was included, however, the WTP estimates under the health information treatment were about twice those under the environmental information. The trained sensory panel observed the two treatments of bread to differ in texture but not in flavor, aroma or colour characteristics. The implications of these findings are that successful marketing of organic foods depends on circumstance - in the absence of sensory experience the environmental benefits of organic production appear to be more appealing than potential health benefits. Health claims are only viewed positively when the product can be tasted. Sensory scientists should use caution in interpreting WTP estimates in that they must take into account the type of information and placement of WTP questions in their study designs. We also found that sensory variables when included in the regression model had statistically significant effects on WTP estimates. The economic significance of including these variables in the logit model was limited, however. Nevertheless we feel that under some circumstances economists may find it advantageous to include sensory information in their models of food demand.Organic foods, price premium, willingness to pay, taste, health, environment, Demand and Price Analysis, Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety, Q13, Q18,

    Result Prediction Using K-Nearest Neighbor Algorithm For Student Performance Improvement

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    Abstract—The examination results have become an integral part of every student’s life. The educational institution’s ranking is greatly influenced by the university results. This paper mainly focuses on the prediction of a student’s university result by making use of different attributes. These attributes might be of quantitative and qualitative type. The quantitative attributes used are Internal Assessments, Attendance percentage, Number of On-Duties taken and Overall Assignments completed. The qualitative attributes include Subject feedback, Faculty feedback, and whether the student is a Day Scholar/Hosteller. Here, we make use of k-Nearest Neighbor algorithm (or k-NN for short) against the historical data of students for more accurate prediction of results. In this method all the attributes considered are converted to the same scale. This algorithm makes use of the Euclidean distance formula which is used to find the nearest record. This algorithm predicts better results which help students maximize their academic output

    The effect of salient stimuli on neural oscillations, isometric force, and their coupling.

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    Survival in a suddenly-changing environment requires animals not only to detect salient stimuli, but also to promptly respond to them by initiating or revising ongoing motor processes. We recently discovered that the large vertex brain potentials elicited by sudden supramodal stimuli are strongly coupled with a multiphasic modulation of isometric force, a phenomenon that we named cortico-muscular resonance (CMR). Here, we extend our investigation of the CMR to the time-frequency domain. We show that (i) both somatosensory and auditory stimuli evoke a number of phase-locked and non-phase-locked modulations of EEG spectral power. Remarkably, (ii) some of these phase-locked and non-phase-locked modulations are also present in the Force spectral power. Finally, (iii) EEG and Force time-frequency responses are correlated in two distinct regions of the power spectrum. An early, low-frequency region (∼4 Hz) reflects the previously-described coupling between the phase-locked EEG vertex potential and force modulations. A late, higher-frequency region (beta-band, ∼20 Hz) reflects a second coupling between the non-phase-locked increase of power observed in both EEG and Force. In both time-frequency regions, coupling was maximal over the sensorimotor cortex contralateral to the hand exerting the force, suggesting an effect of the stimuli on the tonic corticospinal drive. Thus, stimulus-induced CMR occurs across at least two different types of cortical activities, whose functional significance in relation to the motor system should be investigated further. We propose that these different types of corticomuscular coupling are important to alter motor behaviour in response to salient environmental events

    Does Health-Care Spending Crowd Out Other Provincial Government Expenditures?

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    Health spending, the largest component of provincial government spending, has risen significantly over the past decade. It has been asserted that larger health expenditures have caused provincial governments to spend less on other types of government services. Using a panel of province-level data for the period 1988/89 to 2003/04, this study provides a test of the hypothesis that health spending has crowded out other types of spending. The results indicate that, for the period studied, there is no evidence that increased provincial government health expenditures resulted in lower levels of spending on other categories of government provided goods and services.

    Formation Control and Trajectory Tracking of Nonholonomic Mobile Robots

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    The Role of Sensory Experiences and Information on the Willingness to Pay for Organic Wheat Bread

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    This study examined the size and the determinants of the price premium a sample of Edmonton-area consumers was willing to pay for organic wheat bread. The development of these premiums included consideration of providing information on health or environmental advantages of organic production and consideration of sensory (taste) acceptance. To do this conventional and organic wheat was grown under similar conditions and milled and baked into 60% whole wheat bread under identical conditions. Samples of these breads were presented to consumers for sensory acceptance and a survey of their attitudes, behaviours and characteristics. The survey included a closed-ended contingent valuation question to examine consumers' willingness-to-pay (WTP) premiums for the organic bread. A trained sensory panel was used to quantify differences in the sensory characteristics of the two breads. The results suggest that in the absence of taste information respondents' WTP when environmental information was provided was greater than WTP when health information was given. When sensory taste information was included, however, the WTP estimates under the health information treatment were about twice those under the environmental information. The trained sensory panel observed the two treatments of bread to differ in texture but not in flavor, aroma or colour characteristics. The implications of these findings are that successful marketing of organic foods depends on circumstance - in the absence of sensory experience the environmental benefits of organic production appear to be more appealing than potential health benefits. Health claims are only viewed positively when the product can be tasted. Sensory scientists should use caution in interpreting WTP estimates in that they must take into account the type of information and placement of WTP questions in their study designs. We also found that sensory variables when included in the regression model had statistically significant effects on WTP estimates. The economic significance of including these variables in the logit model was limited, however. Nevertheless we feel that under some circumstances economists may find it advantageous to include sensory information in their models of food demand

    Mass spectrometry based characterization of Hb Beckman variant in a falsely elevated HbA(1c) sample

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    Glycated hemoglobin (HbA(1c)) is a `gold standard' biomarker for assessing the glycemic index of an individual. HbA(1c) is formed due to nonenzymatic glycosylation at N-terminal valine residue of the P-globin chain. Cation exchange based high performance liquid chromatography (CE HPLC) is mostly used to quantify HbA(1c), in blood sample. A few genetic variants of hemoglobin and post-translationally modified variants of hemoglobin interfere with CE HPLC-based quantification,. resulting in its false positive estimation. Using mass spectrometry, we analyzed a blood sample with abnormally high HbA(1c) (52.1%) in the CE HPLC method. The observed HbA(1c) did not corroborate the blood glucose level of the patient. A mass spectrometry based bottom up proteomics approach, intact globin chain mass analysis, and chemical modification of the proteolytic peptides identified the presence of Hb Beckman, a genetic variant of hemoglobin, in the experimental sample. A similar surface area to charge ratio between HbA(1c) and Hb Beckman might have resulted in the coelution of the variant with HbA(1c) in CE HPLC. Therefore, in the screening of diabetes mellitus through the estimation of HbA(1c), it is important to look for genetic variants of hemoglobin in samples that show abnormally high glycemic index, and HbA(1c) must be estimated using an alternative method. (C) 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved