13 research outputs found

    Magnetic Resonance Cholangiopancreatography in Biliary Lithiasis

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    Section II Biliary Ductscap.

    Reorienting of spatial attention in gaze cuing is reflected in N2pc

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    Research has shown that gaze cuing of attention is reflected in the modulation of P1 and N1 components of ERPs time-locked to target onset. Studies focusing on cue-locked analyses have produced mixed results. The presentstudy examined ERP reflections of gaze cuing in further detail by recording electric brain activity from the scalp of participants engaged in a spatial cuing paradigm with noninformative gaze cues embedded in fearful, disgusted, or neutral faces. Unlike previous work, we focused on N2pc, a recent ERP index of attention shifting over space. Behavioral data showed that gaze-driven orienting was not influenced by facial expression. Importantly, electrophysiological data showed a significant amplitude modulation of the N2pc time-locked to target onset as a function of cue\u2013target spatial congruence. This pattern, however, was independent of facial expression. The results are interpreted as evidence that N2pc can be used as a marker of reorienting of attention in spatially incongruent trials due to gaze cuing. The overall findings support the idea that the effects of facial expression on gaze cuing are weak and likely context-dependent