70 research outputs found

    2-[(4-Chloro­benzo­yl)­hydrazono]­propionic acid monohydrate

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    In the title compound, C10H9ClN2O3·H2O, the water mol­ecule is a hydrogen-bond donor to the amide and carbonyl O atoms of two acid mol­ecules; it is also a hydrogen-bond acceptor to the acid OH group and the amide H atom. The hydrogen-bonding inter­actions give rise to a two-dimensional array

    (Benzohydrazidato-κ2 N′,O)­[2-(benzoyl­hydrazono-κ2 N,O)propion­ato-κO]oxido­vanadium(V)

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    The VV atom in the title compound, [VO(C7H7N2O)(C10H8N2O3)], is N,O-chelated by the benzohydrazidate anion and O,N,O′-chelated by the 2-(benzoyl­hydrazono)propionate dianion. The distorted octa­hedral trans-N2O4 coordination geometry is completed by the vandadyl O atom. Mol­ecules are linked by N—H⋯O hydrogen bonds into a supra­molecular chain structure parallel to [010]

    (4-Methyl­benzohydrazidato-κ2 N′,O)[2-(4-methyl­benzoyl­hydrazinyl­idene-κ2 N,O)-3-phenyl­propionato(2−)]oxido­vanadium(V) methanol monosolvate

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    The VV atom in the title compound, [V(C8H9N2O)(C17H14N2O3)O]·CH3OH, is N,O-chelated by the benzoyl­hydrazidate anion and O,N,O′-chelated by the (benzoyl­hydrazono)propionate dianion. The octa­hedral trans-N2O4 coordination geometry is completed by the vanadyl O atom. Two mononuclear complexes and two solvent mol­ecules are linked by O—H⋯O and O—H⋯N hydrogen bonds, generating a centrosymmetric aggregate

    Bis(μ-methano­lato-κ2 O:O)bis­{[4-bromo-N′-(1-methyl-3-oxidobut-2-en-1-yl­idene-κO)benzohydrazidato-κ2 N′,O]oxido­vanadium(V)}

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    The dinuclear compound, [V2(C12H11BrN2O2)2(CH3O)2O2], lies on a center of inversion. The doubly-deprotonated Schiff base O,N,O′-chelates to the VV atom; two metal atoms are bridged by the methoxide units. The coordination geometry is a distorted octa­hedron. Weak inter­molecular C—H⋯N hydrogen bonding is present in the crystal structure. The bromo­phenyl unit is disordered over two positions, with the major component being in a 0.909 (6) proportion

    (4-Chloro­benzohydrazidato-κ2 N′,O)[2-(4-chloro­benzoyl­hydrazinyl­idene-κ2 N 1,O)-3-phenyl­propionato(2−)-κO 1]oxidovanadium(V) methanol monosolvate

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    The VV atom in the title compound, [V(C7H6ClN2O)(C16H11ClN2O3)O]·CH3OH, is N,O-chelated by the benzoyl­hydrazidate anion and O,N,O′-chelated by the (benzoyl­hydrazinyl­idene)propionate dianion. The distorted octa­hedral trans-N2O4 coordination geometry is completed by the vanadyl O atom. The mononuclear and solvent mol­ecules are linked by N—H⋯O and O—H⋯O hydrogen bonds about a center of inversion, generating a dimer

    (Acetyl­acetone 3-hy­droxy-2-naphtho­yl­hydrazonato-κ3 O,N′,O′)(methoxo-κO)oxidovanadate(V)

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    The tridentate Schiff base ligand in the title compound, [V(C16H14N2O3)(CH3O)O], has its O, N and O′ atoms spanning three basal positions of the square-based-pyrimidally VV atom. The fourth basal site is occupied by a methoxo ligand, which results from a deprotonated methanol solvent molecule, and the oxido ligand occupies the apical position. The hy­droxy H atom forms an intra­molecular O—H⋯N hydrogen bond with an N-atom acceptor site

    (Acetyl­acetone isonicotinoylhydrazonato-κ3 O,N′,O′)dioxidovanadate(V) monohydrate

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    The hydrazone anion in the title compound, [V(C11H12N3O2)O2]·H2O, is zwitterionic as its pyridyl N atom is protonated; the O, N and O′ atoms span the axial–equatorial–axial positions of the trigonal-bipyramidal coord­in­ation polyhedron of the metal atom. All non-H atoms lie on a crystallographic mirror plane apart from the oxide ligands, which are related by mirror symmetry. The pyridinium N atom acts as a hydrogen-bond donor to the solvent water mol­ecule, which is in turn a hydrogen-bond donor to the both oxide ligands. These hydrogen-bonding inter­actions give rise to a three-dimensional network motif

    Buddhist approaches to counselling and psychotherapy:Exploratory discussions from different traditions

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    Three authors from differing Buddhist backgrounds share their approaches to using Buddhism in psychotherapy. The authors argue that Buddhism itself is fundamentally a psychotherapy approach because it is essentially a prescription to end discontent and misery. This chapter provides basic points on how Buddhism can be used in counselling by discussing how different Buddhist traditions might approach counselling. This chapter also brings up reflections on how practice may differ according to experience in the fields of counselling and clinical psychology. Overall, the chapter is subdivided into six parts: (1) introduction; (2) basic tenets of Buddhism relevant to psychotherapy; (3) case study illustrations of applied Buddhism in counselling and psychotherapy; (4) discussion on reconciling differing Buddhist schools of thought in the practice of counselling and psychotherapy; (5) discussion on compatibility of Buddhist principles with applied Western philosophies and therapeutic approaches; and (6) suggestions of future directions given the current research literature patterns

    Poly[μ-aqua-aqua­{μ-6-eth­oxy-2-[(2-isonicotinoylhydrazinyl­idene)meth­yl]phenolato-κ3 O,N,O′}dioxidosodium­vanadate(V)]

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    The VV atom in the polymeric title compound, [NaV(C15H13N3O3)O2(H2O)2]n, is O,N,O′-chelated by the Schiff base dianion and is five-coordinated in a trigonal–bipramidal coordination geometry. The oxide O atoms occupy the equatorial sites and one oxide O atom is connected to the NaI atom. The ligand simultaneously O,O′-chelates to the water-coordinated NaI atom; its coordination number is seven owing to an Na⋯Npyrid­yl bond. The two independent formula units, which are disposed about a false center of inversion, are connected into a layer. Adjacent layers are consolidated into a three-dimensional network by O—H⋯O and O—H⋯N hydrogen bonds

    2-[(4-Methyl­benzo­yl)hydrazono]­propionic acid monohydrate

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    In the title compound, C11H12N2O3·H2O, the water mol­ecule is a hydrogen-bond donor to the double-bond amide and the carbonyl O atoms of two acid mol­ecules; it is also a hydrogen-bond acceptor to the acid –OH and amide –NH– groups. These hydrogen-bonding inter­actions give rise to a layer structure, with the layers parallel to the ab plane