8 research outputs found

    The closure of the Rocas Verdes Basin and early tectono-metamorphic evolution of the Magallanes Fold-and-Thrust Belt, southern Patagonian Andes (52–54°S)

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    The hinterland Western Domain of the Magallanes Fold-and-Thrust Belt (MFTB) between 52°-54°S is part of a poorly studied region of the southernmost Andean Cordillera. This domain consists of NNW-SSE trending tectonic slices of pre-Jurassic basement units and Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous ophiolitic complexes and volcano-sedimentary successions of the Rocas Verdes Basin (RVB). New detrital zircon UPb ages of metatuffs and metapsammopelites constrain episodes of Late Jurassic rift-related volcanism (ca. 160 Ma) followed by Early Cretaceous sedimentation (ca. 125 Ma) during the opening of the RVB. Shear bands developed in the RVB units further record the initial phases of the Andean Orogeny. The 30-km wide thrust stack located on top of the Eastern Tobífera Thrust consists of mylonitic metatuffs, metapelites and metabasalts with a NE-verging brittle-ductile S1* foliation. Phengite-bearing metatuffs commonly record pressure-temperature (P-T) conditions between ~3–6 kbar and ~ 210–460 °C, consistent with underthrusting of the RVB beneath the parautochthonous magmatic arc in the west. Peak metamorphic conditions of ~6 kbar and 460 °C are derived from a metapsammopelitic schist with textures of contact metamorphism overprinting early mylonitic structures (at least S1*). A back-arc quartz-diorite, intruded at ca. 83 Na, is in contact with the metapsammopelites and constrain the minimum age of deformation at deep crustal depths. Campanian-Maastrichtian (ca. 70–73 Ma) 40Ar/39Ar phengite dates from a mylonitic metapelite indicate the timing of thrusting and backthrusting during the initial uplift of the underthrusted crustal stack. These findings reveal a ~ 400 km along-strike connection of mylonite belts in a continent-verging thrust structure that became active at the onset of the Andean orogeny during the closure of the Rocas Verdes back-arc marginal basin

    Coupled surface to deep Earth processes: Perspectives from TOPO-EUROPE with an emphasis on climate- and energy-related societal challenges

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    Understanding the interactions between surface and deep Earth processes is important for research in many diverse scientific areas including climate, environment, energy, georesources and biosphere. The TOPO-EUROPE initiative of the International Lithosphere Program serves as a pan-European platform for integrated surface and deep Earth sciences, synergizing observational studies of the Earth structure and fluxes on all spatial and temporal scales with modelling of Earth processes. This review provides a survey of scientific developments in our quantitative understanding of coupled surface-deep Earth processes achieved through TOPO-EUROPE. The most notable innovations include (1) a process-based understanding of the connection of upper mantle dynamics and absolute plate motion frames; (2) integrated models for sediment source-to-sink dynamics, demonstrating the importance of mass transfer from mountains to basins and from basin to basin; (3) demonstration of the key role of polyphase evolution of sedimentary basins, the impact of pre-rift and pre-orogenic structures, and the evolution of subsequent lithosphere and landscape dynamics; (4) improved conceptual understanding of the temporal evolution from back-arc extension to tectonic inversion and onset of subduction; (5) models to explain the integrated strength of Europe's lithosphere; (6) concepts governing the interplay between thermal upper mantle processes and stress-induced intraplate deformation; (7) constraints on the record of vertical motions from high-resolution data sets obtained from geo-thermochronology for Europe's topographic evolution; (8) recognition and quantifications of the forcing by erosional and/or glacial-interglacial surface mass transfer on the regional magmatism, with major implications for our understanding of the carbon cycle on geological timescales and the emerging field of biogeodynamics; and (9) the transfer of insights obtained on the coupling of deep Earth and surface processes to the domain of geothermal energy exploration. Concerning the future research agenda of TOPO-EUROPE, we also discuss the rich potential for further advances, multidisciplinary research and community building across many scientific frontiers, including research on the biosphere, climate and energy. These will focus on obtaining a better insight into the initiation and evolution of subduction systems, the role of mantle plumes in continental rifting and (super)continent break-up, and the deformation and tectonic reactivation of cratons; the interaction between geodynamic, surface and climate processes, such as interactions between glaciation, sea level change and deep Earth processes; the sensitivity, tipping points, and spatio-temporal evolution of the interactions between climate and tectonics as well as the role of rock melting and outgassing in affecting such interactions; the emerging field of biogeodynamics, that is the impact of coupled deep Earth – surface processes on the evolution of life on Earth; and tightening the connection between societal challenges regarding renewable georesources, climate change, natural geohazards, and novel process-understanding of the Earth system


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    Um relato sobre os festivais de música que aconteceram ao longo dos anos da ditadura militar

    Climatic control on the location of continental volcanic arcs

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    International audienceOrogens and volcanic arcs at continental plate margins are primary surface expressions of convergent plate tectonics. Although it is established that climate affects the shape, size, and architecture of orogens via orographic erosion gradients, the ascent of magma through the crust and location of volcanoes along magmatic arcs have been considered insensitive to erosion. However, available data reveal westward migration of late-Cenozoic volcanic activity in the Southern Andes and Cascade Range where orography drives an eastward migration of the topographic water divide by increased precipitation and erosion along west-facing slopes. Thermomechanical numerical modeling shows that orographic erosion and the associated leeward topographic migration may entail asymmetric crustal structures that drive the magma ascent toward the region of enhanced erosion. Despite the different tectonic histories of the Southern Andes and the Cascade Range, orographic erosion is a shared causal mechanism that can explain the late-Cenozoic westward migration of the volcanic front along both magmatic arcs

    Effects of asthenospheric flow and orographic precipitation on continental rifting

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    International audienceAsthenosphere-lithosphere interactions modulated by surface processes generate outstanding topographies and sedimentary basins, but the nature of these interactions and the mechanisms through which they control the evolution of extensional tectonic settings are elusive. Basal lithospheric shearing due to plume-related mantle flow leads to extensional lithospheric rupturing and associated magmatism, rock exhumation, and topographic uplift away from the plume axis by a distance inversely correlated to the lithospheric elastic thickness. When moisturized air encounters a topographic barrier, it rises, decompresses, and saturates, leading to enhanced erosion on the windward side of the uplifted terrain. Orographic precipitation and asymmetric erosional unloading facilitate strain localization and lithospheric rupturing on the wetter and more eroded side of an extensional system. This simple analytical model is validated against thermo-mechanical numerical experiments where a rheologically stratified lithosphere above an asthenospheric plume is subject to fluvial erosion proportional to stream power during extension. Our modeling results are consistent with Paleogene mantle upwelling and flood basalts in Ethiopia synchronous to distal initiation of lithospheric stretching/rupturing in the Gulf of Aden, which progressively propagates into the Red Sea. The present-day asymmetric topography and extensional structures in the Main Ethiopian Rift may also be an effect of a Neogene-to-present orographic erosional gradient. Although inherently related to the lithosphere rheology, the evolution of continental rifts appears even more conditioned by the mantle and surface dynamics than previously thought

    Coupled surface to deep Earth processes: Perspectives from TOPO-EUROPE with an emphasis on climate- and energy-related societal challenges

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    International audienceUnderstanding the interactions between surface and deep Earth processes is important for research in many diverse scientific areas including climate, environment, energy, georesources and biosphere. The TOPO-EUROPE initiative of the International Lithosphere Program serves as a pan-European platform for integrated surface and deep Earth sciences, synergizing observational studies of the Earth structure and fluxes on all spatial and temporal scales with modelling of Earth processes. This review provides a survey of scientific developments in ourquantitative understanding of coupled surface-deep Earth processes achieved through TOPO-EUROPE. The most notable innovations include (1) a process-based understanding of the connection of upper mantle dynamics and absolute plate motion frames; (2) integrated models for sediment source-to-sink dynamics, demonstrating the importance of mass transfer from mountains to basins and from basin to basin; (3) demonstration of the key role of polyphase evolution of sedimentary basins, the impact of pre-rift and pre-orogenic structures, and the evolution of subsequent lithosphere and landscape dynamics; (4) improved conceptual understanding of the temporal evolution from back-arc extension to tectonic inversion and onset of subduction; (5) models to explain the integrated strength of Europe’s lithosphere; (6) concepts governing the interplay between thermal upper mantle processes and stress-induced intraplate deformation; (7) constraints on the record of vertical motions from highresolution data sets obtained from geo-thermochronology for Europe’s topographic evolution; (8) recognition and quantifications of the forcing by erosional and/or glacial-interglacial surface mass transfer on the regional magmatism, with major implications for our understanding of the carbon cycle on geological timescales and the emerging field of biogeodynamics; and (9) the transfer of insights obtained on the coupling of deep Earth and surface processes to the domain of geothermal energy exploration.Concerning the future research agenda of TOPO-EUROPE, we also discuss the rich potential for further advances, multidisciplinary research and community building across many scientific frontiers, including research on the biosphere, climate and energy. These will focus on obtaining a better insight into the initiation andevolution of subduction systems, the role of mantle plumes in continental rifting and (super)continent break-up, and the deformation and tectonic reactivation of cratons; the interaction between geodynamic, surface and climate processes, such as interactions between glaciation, sea level change and deep Earth processes; the sensitivity, tipping points, and spatio-temporal evolution of the interactions between climate and tectonics as well as the role of rock melting and outgassing in affecting such interactions; the emerging field of biogeodynamics,that is the impact of coupled deep Earth – surface processes on the evolution of life on Earth; and tightening the connection between societal challenges regarding renewable georesources, climate change, natural geohazards, and novel process-understanding of the Earth system