3 research outputs found

    Prediction of Safety Performance by Using Machine Learning Algorithms: Evidence from Indian Construction Project Sites

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    The construction industry in India happens to be the second most contributor to its gross domestic product (GDP) but high rates of accidents and fatalities have tarnished the image of the industry in India. To enhance the importance and alertness among the stakeholders in construction project sites, the present study proposes a framework for predicting safety performance. In this retrospective study, the data pertaining to the 69 construction project sites across India from January, 2021, to July, 2022 was analysed. The data analysis was conducted in two phases, in the first phase of the study the efficiency of project sites was computed by implementing data envelopment analysis (DEA). In the second phase, the results of the first phase are utilized to predict the safety performance of construction sites by applying four machine learning (ML) algorithms. In the first phase of the study, three input and three output variables were considered to compute the efficiency of the project sites. Results of four ML classifiers revealed that the random forest classifier with high recall percentage of 95.0 is considered the best in predicting the safety performance. Finally, the results indicate that the ML classifiers enable a good accuracy level in predicting the safety performance of project sites. Among the four ML classifiers, notably the Random Forest Classifier enables identifying the inefficient project sites and advising the site management to implement control measures. Finally, a safety performance prediction tool was developed to understand the results

    Hybrydowa struktura g艂臋bokiego uczenia do modelowania kr贸tkoterminowych prognoz globalnego nat臋偶enia napromienienia poziomego elektrowni s艂onecznej w Indiach

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    The rapid development of grid integration of solar energy in developing countries like India has created vital concerns such as fluctuations and interruptions affecting grid operations. Improving the consistency and accuracy of solar energy forecasts can increase the reliability of the power grid. Although solar energy is available in abundance around the world, it is viewed as an unpredictable source due to uncertain fluctuations in climate conditions. Global horizontal irradiance (GHI) prediction is critical to efficiently manage and forecast the power output of solar power plants. However, developing an accurate GHI forecasting model is challenging due to the variability of weather conditions over time. This research aims to develop and compare univariate LSTM models capable of predicting GHI in a solar power plant in India over the short term. The present study introduces a deep neural network-based (DNN) hybrid model with a combination of convolutional neural network bi-directional long short-term memory (CNN BiLSTM) to predict the one minute interval GHI of a solar power plant located in the southern region of India. The model鈥檚 effectiveness was tested using data for the month of January 2023. In addition, the results of the hybrid model were compared to the long short-term memory (LSTM) and BiLSTM deep-learning (DL) models. It has been observed that the proposed hybrid model framework is more accurate compared to the LSTM and BiLSTM architectures. Finally, a GHI prediction tool was developed to understand the trend of the results.Szybki rozw贸j integracji energii s艂onecznej z sieci膮 elektroenergetyczn膮 w krajach rozwijaj膮cych si臋, takich jak Indie, wywo艂a艂 istotne obawy, m.in. zwi膮zane z wahaniami i przerwami wp艂ywaj膮cymi na dzia艂anie sieci. Poprawa sp贸jno艣ci i dok艂adno艣ci prognoz dotycz膮cych energii s艂onecznej mo偶e zwi臋kszy膰 niezawodno艣膰 sieci energetycznej. Chocia偶 energia s艂oneczna jest dost臋pna w du偶ych ilo艣ciach na ca艂ym 艣wiecie, jest ona postrzegana jako nieprzewidywalne 藕r贸d艂o ze wzgl臋du na niepewne wahania warunk贸w klimatycznych. Prognozowanie globalnego nat臋偶enia napromienienia horyzontalnego (GHI) ma kluczowe znaczenie dla efektywnego zarz膮dzania i prognozowania mocy elektrowni s艂onecznych. Jednak opracowanie dok艂adnego modelu prognozowania GHI jest trudne ze wzgl臋du na zmienno艣膰 warunk贸w pogodowych w czasie. Badania te maj膮 na celu opracowanie i por贸wnanie modeli LSTM zdolnych do przewidywania GHI w elektrowni s艂onecznej w Indiach w kr贸tkim czasie. W niniejszym badaniu wprowadzono hybrydowy model oparty na g艂臋bokiej sieci neuronowej (DNN) z kombinacj膮 dwukierunkowej konwolucyjnej sieci neuronowej z d艂ug膮 pami臋ci膮 kr贸tkotrwa艂膮 (CNN BiLSTM) w celu przewidywania jednominutowych interwa艂贸w GHI elektrowni s艂onecznej zlokalizowanej w po艂udniowym regionie Indii. Skuteczno艣膰 modelu zosta艂a przetestowana przy u偶yciu danych za stycze艅 2023 roku. Ponadto wyniki modelu hybrydowego por贸wnano z modelami uczenia g艂臋bokiego (DL) z d艂ug膮 pami臋ci膮 kr贸tkotrwa艂膮 (LSTM) i BiLSTM. Zaobserwowano, 偶e proponowany model hybrydowy jest dok艂adniejszy w por贸wnaniu do architektur LSTM i BiLSTM. Ostatecznie opracowano narz臋dzie do przewidywania GHI, aby zrozumie膰 trend wynik贸w

    Influence of vitamin B3 on morphosynthesis of CaCO3, BaCO3 and SrCO3 micro and nano structures

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    Influence of vitamin B3, nicotinic acid has been investigated on crystallization of CaCO3, BaCO3 and SrCO3 as a growth modifier. Well-defined crystals with size range from micro-scale to nano-scale can be easily obtained. Different polymorphs of CaCO3, aggregates of hexagonal rods to nano fibers of BaCO3 and dendrimeric nano structures of SrCO3 could be formed, depending on the reaction conditions. Mineralization of alkali metal carbonates controlled by nicotinic acid is a simple and versatile method for production of materials with different morphologies. The concentration of nicotinic acid has significant influence on the size and growth of the final product. The synthesized products were characterized by X-ray diffraction, FT-IR and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM)