80 research outputs found

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    Background and purpose - There is no consensus on the association between global femoral offset (FO) and outcome after total hip arthroplasty (THA). We assessed the association between FO and patients? reported hip function, quality of life, and abductor muscle strength. Patients and methods - We included 250 patients with unilateral hip osteoarthritis who underwent a THA. Before the operation, the patient?s reported hip function was evaluated with the Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis (WOMAC) index and quality of life was evaluated with EQ-5D. At 1-year follow-up, the same scores and also hip abductor muscle strength were measured. 222 patients were available for follow-up. These patients were divided into 3 groups according to the postoperative global FO of the operated hip compared to the contralateral hip, as measured on plain radiographs: the decreased FO group (more than 5 mm reduction), the restored FO group (within 5 mm restoration), and the increased FO group (more than 5 mm increment). Results - All 3 groups improved (p < 0.001). The crude results showed that the decreased FO group had a worse WOMAC index, less abductor muscle strength, and more use of walking aids. When we adjusted these results with possible confounding factors, only global FO reduction was statistically significantly associated with reduced abductor muscle strength. The incidence of residual hip pain and analgesics use was similar in the 3 groups. Interpretation - A reduction in global FO of more than 5 mm after THA appears to have a negative association with abductor muscle strength of the operated hip, and should therefore be avoided

    Aspekter på behandling av lårbensfrakturer

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    Femoral neck fracture (FNF) is a great challenge for today´s health care and is associated with high mortality and morbidity in the elderly.  In the short term several studies in the literature have demonstrated improved hip function, quality of life and fewer re-operations in elderly patients treated with total hip arthroplasty (THA) instead of internal fixation (IF). There are few reports on the long-term outcome comparing IF and THA. The vast majority of orthopaedic departments in Sweden use the direct lateral (DL) or posteriolateral (PL) approaches for hip arthroplasty. The PL approach has been linked to an increased risk of dislocation of the prosthesis and a higher rate of revision surgery in comparison to the DL approach. There are few reports focusing on radiological risk factors for prosthetic dislocation and patient reported hip function comparing the two surgical approaches for hip arthroplasty in FNF. The randomized controlled trial (RCT) is the gold standard for evaluating medical or surgical interventions. An RCT of high quality has to be internally and externally valid. Internal validity refers to a correct study design to avoid bias skewing the results. External validity (EV) refers to whether the results will be clinically relevant to a definable group of patients and can be extrapolated to the general health care situation. There are only a few reports in the orthopaedic literature focusing on the EV of published studies and none in the field of hip fractures. Study I: This is a RCT of 100 patients with a displaced FNF comparing THA and IF. Follow-up evaluations were performed at three months and 1, 2, 4, 11 and 17 years. It was found that the Harris hip score (HHS) was higher and the rate of reoperations lower for patients treated with THA. Study II: This is a prospective cohort study of 185 hips, comparing the DL and the PL approaches in patients treated with a hemiarthroplasty (HA) for a displaced FNF. Follow-up was after 1 year. There was no difference in patient reported outcome between the groups measured with the HHS and WOMAC index. The PL approach resulted in a higher re-operation rate while the DL approach in a higher incidence of limping. Study III: This is a retrospective cohort study of 373 patients with a cemented bipolar HA using a PL approach for a FNF with a follow-up ranging from 6 months to 7 years. Radiographs and all surgical records were reviewed regarding femoral offset (FO), leg length discrepancy (LLD) and Wiberg angle. Patients with recurrent dislocations had a decreased postoperative FO, LLD and shallower acetabulum on the operated side compared with their controls. Study IV: This is a prospective cohort study of 840 hips comparing patients included in a RCT with those that did not give their informed consent (NC) or did not fulfill the criteria for participating in the trial (MS). Patients in the NC and MS groups had an increased mortality rate in comparison to those included in the study. We did not find any differences in hip function between these groups. The main conclusions of this thesis are: Healthy and lucid elderly patients with good hip function preoperatively, should be treated with THA for a displaced FNF. The DL approach is favourable in treating displaced FNF with HA due to its decreased risk of reoperation but with an identical hip function outcome as the PL approach. Care should be taken to restore the LLD and FO otherwise this may increase the risk of recurrent dislocation of a HA. Our findings suggest that trial participants had a lower mortality rate than non-participants but the functional outcome of non-participants appeared to be satisfactory. This is important to take into consideration when extrapolating study results to a health care system.Lårbenshalsfrakturer (FNF) är en utmaning för dagens sjukvård och förknippad med hög mortalitet i den äldre befolkningen. FNF orsakas främst av lågenergitrauma efter fall i samma plan hos patienter med benskörhet. Total höftledsprotes (THA) har visat sig ge en bättre höftfunktion, livskvalitet med färre omoperationer hos äldre patienter än sluten reposition samt fixering med skruvar (IF) under de första två-fyra åren efter operation. Få studier har publicerats med långtidsuppföljning av THA jämfört med IF. Vid behandling av felställd FNF med halv höftledsplastik (HA) eller THA finns olika kirurgiska metoder (snittföring) för implantation av protesen. Majoriteten av ortopedkliniker i Sverige använder direkt lateral (DL) eller posteriolateral (PL) snittföring. PL har kopplats till en ökad risk för luxation av protesen (urledsvridning), vilket i sin tur genererat en högre risk för omoperation jämfört med DL. Få studier har utvärderat höftfunktion med avseende på snittföring. Detsamma gäller vilka radiologiska faktorer som påverkar risken förprotesluxation. Det finns olika typer av studiedesigner för utvärdering av medicinska och kirurgiska behandlingsmetoder. Studiedesignen med högst bevisvärde anses vara den randomiserade kontrollerade studien (RCT). För att en RCT skall hålla hög kvalitet krävs intern och extern validitet. Intern validitet syftar på ett korrekt studieupplägg som mäter det som avses och undviker påverkan av icke önskvärda faktorer. Extern validitet (EV) innebär att erhållna resultat från studien är generaliserbara och kan extrapoleras till andra grupper än den studerade. Det inga rapporter i ortopediska litteraturen med fokus på EV med patienter som drabbats av FNF. Studie I: Prospektiv randomiserad studie av 100 patienter med en felställd FNF jämförs THA med IF med avseende på höftfunktion och reoperationer. Uppföljning gjordes efter tre månader samt 1, 2, 4, 11 och 17 år. HHS som mått på höftfunktion var högre och andelen reoperationer lägre för patienter som behandlades med THA. Studie II: Prospektiv kohortstudie med 183 patienter med felställd FNF behandlade med HA och antingen DL eller PL. Vi fann ingen skillnad i patientrapporterad höftfunktion utvärderat med HHS och WOMAC efter 1 år men en ökad förekomst av hälta vid DL. Studie III: Retrospektiv kohortstudie av 373 patienter opererade med en cementerad bipolär HA och PL. Postoperativa röntgenbilder granskades avseende femoral offset (FO), postoperativ benlägdsskillnad (LLD) samt acetabulär Wibergvinkel och relaterades till återkommande protesluxationer. Detta relaterades till återkommande luxationer. Uppföljningstiden varierade mellan 6 månader och 7 år. Patienter med återkommande luxationer hade en minskad postoperativ global FO, förkortad LLD och grundare acetabulum på den opererade sidan jämfört med kontroller. Studie IV: Prospektiv kohortstudie av 840 patienter med felställd FNF där patienter som ingick i en RCT jämförs med de som inte gav sitt samtycke för deltagande eller ej inkluderats i screeningprocessen. De patienterna som inte gav sitt samtycke hade ökad dödlighet, men ingen skillnad i höftfunktion jämfört med deltagare. Slutsatser • Friska och kognitivt vitala äldre patienter med god höftfunktion innan en felställd lårbenshalsfraktur bör behandlas med total höftledsprotes. • DLsnittföring ger ett lika bra patientrapporterad höftfunktion men en ökad förekomst av hälta jämfört med PL snitt vid behandling med halvprotes på grund av en felställd lårbenshalsfraktur. • Ansträngning bör göras för att återställa benlängdsskillnad samtfemoral offset och därigenom minska risken för återkommande luxation. • Våra resultat tyder på att patienter som deltar i en randomiserad studie har lägre dödlighet än patienter som avböjt att delta samt de som missats i screeningprocessen. Det är viktigt att ta hänsyn till när extrapolerar studieresultat till ett hälso-och sjukvårdssystem. Detta bör vägas in i värderingen av studieresultatens externa validitet

    Aspekter på behandling av lårbensfrakturer

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    Femoral neck fracture (FNF) is a great challenge for today´s health care and is associated with high mortality and morbidity in the elderly.  In the short term several studies in the literature have demonstrated improved hip function, quality of life and fewer re-operations in elderly patients treated with total hip arthroplasty (THA) instead of internal fixation (IF). There are few reports on the long-term outcome comparing IF and THA. The vast majority of orthopaedic departments in Sweden use the direct lateral (DL) or posteriolateral (PL) approaches for hip arthroplasty. The PL approach has been linked to an increased risk of dislocation of the prosthesis and a higher rate of revision surgery in comparison to the DL approach. There are few reports focusing on radiological risk factors for prosthetic dislocation and patient reported hip function comparing the two surgical approaches for hip arthroplasty in FNF. The randomized controlled trial (RCT) is the gold standard for evaluating medical or surgical interventions. An RCT of high quality has to be internally and externally valid. Internal validity refers to a correct study design to avoid bias skewing the results. External validity (EV) refers to whether the results will be clinically relevant to a definable group of patients and can be extrapolated to the general health care situation. There are only a few reports in the orthopaedic literature focusing on the EV of published studies and none in the field of hip fractures. Study I: This is a RCT of 100 patients with a displaced FNF comparing THA and IF. Follow-up evaluations were performed at three months and 1, 2, 4, 11 and 17 years. It was found that the Harris hip score (HHS) was higher and the rate of reoperations lower for patients treated with THA. Study II: This is a prospective cohort study of 185 hips, comparing the DL and the PL approaches in patients treated with a hemiarthroplasty (HA) for a displaced FNF. Follow-up was after 1 year. There was no difference in patient reported outcome between the groups measured with the HHS and WOMAC index. The PL approach resulted in a higher re-operation rate while the DL approach in a higher incidence of limping. Study III: This is a retrospective cohort study of 373 patients with a cemented bipolar HA using a PL approach for a FNF with a follow-up ranging from 6 months to 7 years. Radiographs and all surgical records were reviewed regarding femoral offset (FO), leg length discrepancy (LLD) and Wiberg angle. Patients with recurrent dislocations had a decreased postoperative FO, LLD and shallower acetabulum on the operated side compared with their controls. Study IV: This is a prospective cohort study of 840 hips comparing patients included in a RCT with those that did not give their informed consent (NC) or did not fulfill the criteria for participating in the trial (MS). Patients in the NC and MS groups had an increased mortality rate in comparison to those included in the study. We did not find any differences in hip function between these groups. The main conclusions of this thesis are: Healthy and lucid elderly patients with good hip function preoperatively, should be treated with THA for a displaced FNF. The DL approach is favourable in treating displaced FNF with HA due to its decreased risk of reoperation but with an identical hip function outcome as the PL approach. Care should be taken to restore the LLD and FO otherwise this may increase the risk of recurrent dislocation of a HA. Our findings suggest that trial participants had a lower mortality rate than non-participants but the functional outcome of non-participants appeared to be satisfactory. This is important to take into consideration when extrapolating study results to a health care system.Lårbenshalsfrakturer (FNF) är en utmaning för dagens sjukvård och förknippad med hög mortalitet i den äldre befolkningen. FNF orsakas främst av lågenergitrauma efter fall i samma plan hos patienter med benskörhet. Total höftledsprotes (THA) har visat sig ge en bättre höftfunktion, livskvalitet med färre omoperationer hos äldre patienter än sluten reposition samt fixering med skruvar (IF) under de första två-fyra åren efter operation. Få studier har publicerats med långtidsuppföljning av THA jämfört med IF. Vid behandling av felställd FNF med halv höftledsplastik (HA) eller THA finns olika kirurgiska metoder (snittföring) för implantation av protesen. Majoriteten av ortopedkliniker i Sverige använder direkt lateral (DL) eller posteriolateral (PL) snittföring. PL har kopplats till en ökad risk för luxation av protesen (urledsvridning), vilket i sin tur genererat en högre risk för omoperation jämfört med DL. Få studier har utvärderat höftfunktion med avseende på snittföring. Detsamma gäller vilka radiologiska faktorer som påverkar risken förprotesluxation. Det finns olika typer av studiedesigner för utvärdering av medicinska och kirurgiska behandlingsmetoder. Studiedesignen med högst bevisvärde anses vara den randomiserade kontrollerade studien (RCT). För att en RCT skall hålla hög kvalitet krävs intern och extern validitet. Intern validitet syftar på ett korrekt studieupplägg som mäter det som avses och undviker påverkan av icke önskvärda faktorer. Extern validitet (EV) innebär att erhållna resultat från studien är generaliserbara och kan extrapoleras till andra grupper än den studerade. Det inga rapporter i ortopediska litteraturen med fokus på EV med patienter som drabbats av FNF. Studie I: Prospektiv randomiserad studie av 100 patienter med en felställd FNF jämförs THA med IF med avseende på höftfunktion och reoperationer. Uppföljning gjordes efter tre månader samt 1, 2, 4, 11 och 17 år. HHS som mått på höftfunktion var högre och andelen reoperationer lägre för patienter som behandlades med THA. Studie II: Prospektiv kohortstudie med 183 patienter med felställd FNF behandlade med HA och antingen DL eller PL. Vi fann ingen skillnad i patientrapporterad höftfunktion utvärderat med HHS och WOMAC efter 1 år men en ökad förekomst av hälta vid DL. Studie III: Retrospektiv kohortstudie av 373 patienter opererade med en cementerad bipolär HA och PL. Postoperativa röntgenbilder granskades avseende femoral offset (FO), postoperativ benlägdsskillnad (LLD) samt acetabulär Wibergvinkel och relaterades till återkommande protesluxationer. Detta relaterades till återkommande luxationer. Uppföljningstiden varierade mellan 6 månader och 7 år. Patienter med återkommande luxationer hade en minskad postoperativ global FO, förkortad LLD och grundare acetabulum på den opererade sidan jämfört med kontroller. Studie IV: Prospektiv kohortstudie av 840 patienter med felställd FNF där patienter som ingick i en RCT jämförs med de som inte gav sitt samtycke för deltagande eller ej inkluderats i screeningprocessen. De patienterna som inte gav sitt samtycke hade ökad dödlighet, men ingen skillnad i höftfunktion jämfört med deltagare. Slutsatser • Friska och kognitivt vitala äldre patienter med god höftfunktion innan en felställd lårbenshalsfraktur bör behandlas med total höftledsprotes. • DLsnittföring ger ett lika bra patientrapporterad höftfunktion men en ökad förekomst av hälta jämfört med PL snitt vid behandling med halvprotes på grund av en felställd lårbenshalsfraktur. • Ansträngning bör göras för att återställa benlängdsskillnad samtfemoral offset och därigenom minska risken för återkommande luxation. • Våra resultat tyder på att patienter som deltar i en randomiserad studie har lägre dödlighet än patienter som avböjt att delta samt de som missats i screeningprocessen. Det är viktigt att ta hänsyn till när extrapolerar studieresultat till ett hälso-och sjukvårdssystem. Detta bör vägas in i värderingen av studieresultatens externa validitet

    Outcome following soft tissue coverage with a medial gastrocnemius flap of an exposed or infected total knee arthroplasty

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    BACKGROUND: Soft tissue defects or periprosthetic infections after total knee arthroplasty (TKA) are severe complications that may lead to loss of the arthroplasty or the limb. Reconstructions with medial gastrocnemius flaps (MGF) are occasionally used to provide soft tissue coverage around the knee. AIMS: The study aimed to establish the rate of implant survivorship after MGF reconstruction for soft tissue coverage in the treatment of exposed or infected TKA and to establish functional outcome. METHODS: A retrospective analysis was performed on all patients who received soft tissue coverage with an MGF of an exposed or infected TKA between 2000 and 2017 at the Department of Hand and Plastic Surgery at Umeå University Hospital. The outcomes were implant survivorship and patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) using the five-level EQ-5D version and The Knee Injury and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score. RESULTS: Forty-seven patients (mean age = 67 years, 30 women) were included. The mean time between flap coverage and follow-up was 6.7 (±3.4) years. Implant survivorship was observed in 28 of 47 (59.6%) patients at follow-up. Flap failure was rare, with only 3 of 47 (6.4%) cases. Of the 20 patients who answered the PROMs, 10 of 20 experienced moderate to severe pain or discomfort. CONCLUSIONS: Due to unfavorable underlying conditions, MGF reconstruction after TKA is often associated with a compromised functional outcome. Because donor site morbidity is limited and flap failure is unusual, the procedure can be considered prophylactically in a small subset of patients with risk factors to prevent soft tissue defects and periprosthetic joint infection

    Epidemiology, classification and treatment of olecranon fractures in adults : an observational study on 2462 fractures from the Swedish Fracture Register

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    Purpose: This nationwide study aims to describe the epidemiology, fracture classification and current treatment regimens of olecranon fractures in adults. Methods: We performed a descriptive study based on registered data from the Swedish Fracture Register (SFR). All non-pathological olecranon fractures reported between 1 January 2014 and 31 December 2018 in patients aged ≥ 18 years were included. Data on age, sex, injury mechanism, fracture classification (according to the modified Mayo classification system), primary treatment and seasonal variation were analyzed. We compared patients < 65 with those > 65 years regarding injury mechanism, distribution of fracture types and subsequent treatment. Results: In total, 2462 olecranon fractures were identified in the SFR. Median age was 66 years and 65% were women. Of all fractures, 303 (12%) were proximal avulsion, 1044 (42%) simple central, 717 (29%) comminuted central and 398 (16%) distal olecranon fractures. Nonoperative treatment was performed in 21% of the patients < 65 and 35% of the patients > 65 years. Tension band wiring was used for most simple central fractures. Plate fixation was used in almost half of the operatively treated fractures classified as unstable comminuted central and distal olecranon fractures. Men show a higher proportion of high-energy trauma than women in both age groups. Conclusion: Isolated fractures of the olecranon occur after a low-energy trauma, especially in older women (> 65 years). Non-operative treatment is common in uncomplicated fractures and operative treatment in more complex fractures nationwide. A shift to plate fixation in the more unstable fracture patterns is observed. These results may help health care providers and clinicians gain a better understanding of isolated olecranon fractures

    Epidemiology, classification and treatment of patella fractures : an observational study of 3194 fractures from the Swedish Fracture Register

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    BACKGROUND: Basic epidemiological data on patella fractures derived from large nationwide and multicenter studies are scarce. This observational register study describes patient epidemiology, fracture classification and treatment of patella fractures in adults in a Swedish population. METHODS: We conducted an observational study on data derived from the Swedish Fracture Register (SFR) on all patella fractures classified as non-periprosthetic and non-pathological, registered between 2014 and 2018 in individuals aged ≥ 18years. Epidemiological data on sex, age, side, seasonal variation, trauma mechanism, fracture classification (according to AO/OTA), and treatment were analyzed. RESULTS: 3194 patella fractures were analyzed, occurring at a median age of 67 (range 19-100) years. 64% of all patients were female. Most fractures were caused by low-energy trauma, with 70% due to falling from a standing height. 1796 (56%) of the fractures were transverse compared to 845 (26%) vertical fractures. Most fractures (N=2148, 67%) were treated non-operatively. Operative treatment consisted mainly of Tension Band Wiring (TBW) performed in 774 (24%) patients. CONCLUSIONS: Patella fractures mainly occur in elderly women (> 65 years), commonly caused by low-energy trauma. The main treatment is non-operative (67%), except for transverse (AO/OTA C3) fractures. TBW remains the most used operative treatment of choice. These results may help health care providers, researchers and clinicians better understand the panorama of patella fractures in Sweden

    Marginal secondary displacement in fractures of the distal radius at follow-up - an important predictor for late displacement and malunion

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    Treatment recommendations in fractures of the distal radius are often based on the degree of displacement and functional demands. The fracture may be within an acceptable radiological range, but a marginal deterioration in alignment then occurs between the initial visit and follow-up. This may pose a risk for late displacement that may require further treatment. We secondarily analysed prospectively collected data and included 165 patients. We found that marginal secondary displacement (odds ratio (OR) 9.7), anterior comminution (OR 8.8), loss of anterior apposition (OR 6.8) and dorsal comminution (OR 2.6) were predictors of late displacement. Marginal secondary displacement is an important predictor of late displacement and malunion in fractures of the distal radius. Clinicians should not unequivocally accept general guidelines on alignment but also assess a deterioration in fracture alignment on radiographic follow-up and be aware of the potential need for surgery to avoid malunion in cases that show early secondary displacement, even when radiographic measures are within acceptable limits.Level of evidence: III

    Dual mobility cups for preventing early hip arthroplasty dislocation in patients at risk: experience in a county hospital

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    Dislocation remains a major concern after hip arthroplasty. We asked whether dual mobility cups (DMC) would improve early hip stability in patients with high risk of dislocation. We followed 34 patients (21 females, 13 males) treated between 2009 and 2012 with cemented DMC for hip revisions caused recurrent hip prosthetic dislocation or as a primary procedure in patients with high risk of instability. Functional outcome and quality of life were evaluated using Harris Hip Score and EQ-5D respectively. We found that the cemented DMC gave stability in 94%. Seven patients (20%) were re-operated due to infection. One patient sustained a periprosthetic fracture. At follow-up (6 to 36 months, mean 18), the mean Harris hip score was 67 (standard deviation: 14) and mean EQ-5D was 0.76 (standard deviation: 0.12). We concluded that treating patients with high risk of dislocation with DMC can give good stability. However, complications such as postoperative infection can be frequent and should be managed carefully

    Do bisphosphonate-related atypical femoral fractures and osteonecrosis of the jaw affect the same group of patients? : a pilot study

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    Bisphosphonates (BPs) are commonly used drugs in clinical practice. In this pilot study, we investigated whether bisphosphonate-related atypical femoral fractures (AFF) and osteonecrosis of the jaw (ONJ) occurred simultaneously in the same group of patients. Six ONJ patients were examined by an orthopedic surgeon and 5 AFF patients were examined by a dentist to look for manifestations of simultaneous occurrence of AFF in ONJ patients and vice versa. The required radiological investigations and previous medical and dental records were available. No simultaneous occurrence of AFF and ONJ was found in the examined patients. In this pilot study with limited sample size, no manifestations of simultaneous occurrence of AFF and ONJ were found. This could be an indication that these complications have different pathophysiologies and affect different subgroups of patients on long-term BP treatment