188 research outputs found

    Melanoma cells induce LPA gradients that drive chemotactic dispersal and invasion

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    Melanoma is notoriously resistant to immuno- and even targeted chemotherapeutic strategies despite recent advances in drug development. The overall mortality of melanoma correlates with its ability to metastasise. Breslow thickness or the depth of invasion remains the most useful prognostic indicator, thereby linking the ability of the cells to invade with their propensity to metastasise. Invasion occurs early during tumour development, but the factors driving this process remain poorly understood. There is a growing appreciation that chemotaxis plays an important role in driving the migration and invasion of melanoma cells, but the key stimuli are not known. Through the generation and validation of an improved chamber for cancer cell chemotaxis, melanoma cells are shown to create chemotactic gradients that drive or disperse themselves outwards with remarkable efficiency. This process is driven by strikingly positive chemotaxis and depends on the melanoma reaching a critical density to generate the gradient. The principal attractant is the inflammatory signal lysophosphatidic acid (LPA). Unexpectedly, it is active across all stages of melanoma evolution and LPA is both necessary and sufficient for chemotaxis in 2D & 3D assays. Growth Factors were previously considered to play essential roles in driving directed migration, but instead facilitate LPA chemotaxis. Sampling across the margins of melanomas in vivo, gradients of LPA are reliably identified, which are capable of driving accurate chemotaxis. This not only confirms the physiological importance of the results, but also is the first time a chemoattractant gradient has been measured in vivo. The corollary of these findings is that, provided with an external homogenous source of LPA, a large enough melanoma will degrade the local LPA to generate an outward gradient. Therefore it is the ability to degrade the gradient that acts as the signal to drive chemotaxis and invasion rather than the presence of LPA per se. In the chambers, cells are observed dispersing in a wave and in addition to driving efficient melanoma invasion, this may be responsible for the patterning of melanocytes across the skin during embryogenesis. Ultimately, identifying key aspects of and targeting the LPA-axis may prove a novel prognostic indicator and therapeutic target for invasion and metastasis

    Exploring the surface properties of Transneptunian Objects and Centaurs with polarimetric FORS1/VLT observations

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    Polarization is a powerful remote-sensing method to investigate solar system bodies. It is an especially sensitive diagnostic tool to reveal physical properties of the bodies whose observational characteristics are governed by small scatterers (dust, regolith surfaces). For these objects, at small phase angles, a negative polarization is observed, i.e., the electric vector E oscillates predominantly in the scattering plane, contrary to what is typical for rather smooth homogeneous surfaces. The behavior of negative polarization with phase angle depends on the size, composition and packing of the scatterers. These characteristics can be unveiled by modelling the light scattering by the dust or regolith in terms of the coherent backscattering mechanism. We have investigated the surface properties of TNOs and Centaurs by means of polarimetric observations with FORS1 of the ESO VLT. TNOs Ixion and Quaoar, and Centaur Chiron show a negative polarization surge. The Centaur Chiron has the deepest polarization minimum (-1.5 - 1.4%). The two TNOs show differing polarization curves: for Ixion, the negative polarization increases rapidly with phase; for Quaoar, the polarization is relatively small (~ -0.6%), and nearly constant at the observed phase angles. For all three objects, modelling results suggest that the surface contains an areal mixture of at least two components with different single-scatterer albedos and photon mean-free paths.Comment: 11 pages, 7 postscript figures, accepted by A&A; astro-ph abstract has been replaced with a more complete on

    LPP3 mediates self-generation of chemotactic LPA gradients by melanoma cells

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    Melanoma cells steer out of tumours using self-generated lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) gradients. The cells break down LPA, which is present at high levels around the tumours, creating a dynamic gradient that is low in the tumour and high outside. They then also migrate up this gradient, creating a complex and evolving outward chemotactic stimulus. Here we introduce a new assay for self-generated chemotaxis, and show that raising LPA levels causes a delay in migration rather than loss of chemotactic efficiency. Knockdown of the lipid phosphatase LPP3 - but not its homologues LPP1 or LPP2 - diminishes the cell's ability to break down LPA. This is specific for chemotactically active LPAs, such as the 18:1 and 20:4 species. Inhibition of autotaxin-mediated LPA production does not diminish outward chemotaxis, but loss of LPP3-mediated LPA breakdown blocks it. Similarly, in both 2D and 3D invasion assays, knockdown of LPP3 diminishes melanoma cells' ability to invade. Our results demonstrate that LPP3 is the key enzyme in melanoma cells' breakdown of LPA, and confirm the importance of attractant breakdown in LPA-mediated cell steering

    Effectiveness of interventions to support the early detection of skin cancer through skin self-examination: a systematic review and meta-analysis.

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    BACKGROUND: As skin cancer incidence rises, there is a need to evaluate early detection interventions by the public using skin self-examination (SSE); however, the literature focuses on primary prevention. No systematic reviews have evaluated the effectiveness of such SSE interventions. OBJECTIVES: To systematically examine, map, appraise and synthesize, qualitatively and quantitatively, studies evaluating the early detection of skin cancer, using SSE interventions. METHODS: This is a systematic review (narrative synthesis and meta-analysis) examining randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and quasiexperimental, observational and qualitative studies, published in English, using PRISMA and National Institute for Health and Care Excellence guidance. The MEDLINE, Embase and PsycINFO databases were searched through to April 2015 (updated in April 2018 using MEDLINE). Risk-of-bias assessment was conducted. RESULTS: Included studies (n = 18), totalling 6836 participants, were derived from 22 papers; these included 12 RCTs and five quasiexperiments and one complex-intervention development. More studies (n = 10) focused on targeting high-risk groups (surveillance) than those at no higher risk (screening) (n = 8). Ten (45%) study interventions were theoretically underpinned. All of the study outcomes were self-reported, behaviour related and nonclinical in nature. Meta-analysis demonstrated the impact of the intervention on the degree of SSE activity from five studies, especially in the short term (up to 4 months) (odds ratio 2·31, 95% confidence interval 1·90-2·82), but with small effect sizes. Risk-of-bias assessment indicated that 61% of the studies (n = 11) were of weak quality. CONCLUSIONS: Four RCTs and a quasiexperimental study indicate that some interventions can enhance SSE activity and so are more likely to aid early detection of skin cancer. However, the actual clinical impact remains unclear, and this is based on overall weak study (evidence) quality

    PIP3-dependent macropinocytosis is incompatible with chemotaxis

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    In eukaryotic chemotaxis, the mechanisms connecting external signals to the motile apparatus remain unclear. The role of the lipid phosphatidylinositol 3,4,5-trisphosphate (PIP3) has been particularly controversial. PIP3 has many cellular roles, notably in growth control and macropinocytosis as well as cell motility. Here we show that PIP3 is not only unnecessary for Dictyostelium discoideum to migrate toward folate, but actively inhibits chemotaxis. We find that macropinosomes, but not pseudopods, in growing cells are dependent on PIP3. PIP3 patches in these cells show no directional bias, and overall only PIP3-free pseudopods orient up-gradient. The pseudopod driver suppressor of cAR mutations (SCAR)/WASP and verprolin homologue (WAVE) is not recruited to the center of PIP3 patches, just the edges, where it causes macropinosome formation. Wild-type cells, unlike the widely used axenic mutants, show little macropinocytosis and few large PIP3 patches, but migrate more efficiently toward folate. Tellingly, folate chemotaxis in axenic cells is rescued by knocking out phosphatidylinositide 3-kinases (PI 3-kinases). Thus PIP3 promotes macropinocytosis and interferes with pseudopod orientation during chemotaxis of growing cells

    Experimental phase function and degree of linear polarization curve of olivine and spinel and the origin of the Barbarian polarization behaviour

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    We explore experimentally possible explanations of the polarization curves of the sunlight reflected by the Barbarian asteroids. Their peculiar polarization curves are characterized by a large-inversion angle, around 30 degrees, which could be related to the presence of FeO-bearing spinel embedded in Calcium-Aluminum inclusions. In order to test this hypothesis, we have measured the phase function and degree of linear polarization of six samples of Mg-rich olivine and spinel. For each material, we have analysed the light scattering properties of a millimeter-sized grain and of two powdered samples with size distributions in the micrometer size range. The three spinel samples show a well-defined negative polarization branch with an inversion phase angle located around 24 degrees-30 degrees. In contrast, in the case of the olivine samples, the inversion angle is highly dependent on particle size and tends to decrease for larger sizes. We identify the macroscopic geometries as a possible explanation for the evident differences in the polarization curves between olivine and spinel millimeter samples. Although the polarization behaviour in near backscattering of the Barbara asteroid is similar to that of our spinel mm-sized sample in random orientation, this similarity could result in part from crystal retro-reflection rather than composition. This is part of an ongoing experimental project devoted to test separately several components of CV3-like meteorites, representative of the Barbarians composition, to disentangle their contributions to the polarization behaviour of these objects.Peer reviewe

    Statistical inference of the mechanisms driving collective cell movement

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    Numerous biological processes, many impacting on human health, rely on collective cell movement. We develop nine candidate models, based on advection-diffusion partial differential equations, to describe various alternative mechanisms that may drive cell movement. The parameters of these models were inferred from one-dimensional projections of laboratory observations of Dictyostelium discoideum cells by sampling from the posterior distribution using the delayed rejection adaptive Metropolis algorithm (DRAM). The best model was selected using the Widely Applicable Information Criterion (WAIC). We conclude that cell movement in our study system was driven both by a self-generated gradient in an attractant that the cells could deplete locally, and by chemical interactions between the cells

    Melanoma cells break down LPA to establish local gradients that drive chemotactic dispersal.

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    The high mortality of melanoma is caused by rapid spread of cancer cells, which occurs unusually early in tumour evolution. Unlike most solid tumours, thickness rather than cytological markers or differentiation is the best guide to metastatic potential. Multiple stimuli that drive melanoma cell migration have been described, but it is not clear which are responsible for invasion, nor if chemotactic gradients exist in real tumours. In a chamber-based assay for melanoma dispersal, we find that cells migrate efficiently away from one another, even in initially homogeneous medium. This dispersal is driven by positive chemotaxis rather than chemorepulsion or contact inhibition. The principal chemoattractant, unexpectedly active across all tumour stages, is the lipid agonist lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) acting through the LPA receptor LPAR1. LPA induces chemotaxis of remarkable accuracy, and is both necessary and sufficient for chemotaxis and invasion in 2-D and 3-D assays. Growth factors, often described as tumour attractants, cause negligible chemotaxis themselves, but potentiate chemotaxis to LPA. Cells rapidly break down LPA present at substantial levels in culture medium and normal skin to generate outward-facing gradients. We measure LPA gradients across the margins of melanomas in vivo, confirming the physiological importance of our results. We conclude that LPA chemotaxis provides a strong drive for melanoma cells to invade outwards. Cells create their own gradients by acting as a sink, breaking down locally present LPA, and thus forming a gradient that is low in the tumour and high in the surrounding areas. The key step is not acquisition of sensitivity to the chemoattractant, but rather the tumour growing to break down enough LPA to form a gradient. Thus the stimulus that drives cell dispersal is not the presence of LPA itself, but the self-generated, outward-directed gradient

    Impaired neutrophil directional chemotactic accuracy in chronic periodontitis patients

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    Aim: To investigate the chemotactic accuracy of peripheral blood neutrophils from patients with chronic periodontitis compared with matched healthy controls, before and after non-surgical periodontal therapy. Material & Methods: Neutrophils were isolated from patients and controls (n = 18) by density centrifugation. Using the Insall chamber and video microscopy, neutrophils were analysed for directional chemotaxis towards N-formyl-methionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine [fMLP (10 nM), or CXCL8 (200 ng/ml)]. Circular statistics were utilized for the analysis of cell movement. Results: Prior to treatment, neutrophils from patients with chronic periodontitis had significantly reduced speed, velocity and chemotactic accuracy compared to healthy controls for both chemoattractants. Following periodontal treatment, patient neutrophils continued to display reduced speed in response to both chemoattractants. However, velocity and accuracy were normalized for the weak chemoattractant CXCL8 while they remained significantly reduced for fMLP. Conclusions: Chronic periodontitis is associated with reduced neutrophil chemotaxis, and this is only partially restored by successful treatment. Dysfunctional neutrophil chemotaxis may predispose patients with periodontitis to their disease by increasing tissue transit times, thus exacerbating neutrophil-mediated collateral host tissue damage