158 research outputs found

    Play Ionesco (drama i predstava) – posebna Rektorova nagrada Sveučilišta u Zagrebu 2010.

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    (Redateljice predstave i voditeljice projekta Mira Muhoberac i Vesna Muhoberac; glume studenti triju fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu.

    Iron, Ferritin, Hereditary Ferritinopathy, and Neurodegeneration

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    Cellular growth, function, and protection require proper iron management, and ferritin plays a crucial role as the major iron sequestration and storage protein. Ferritin is a 24 subunit spherical shell protein composed of both light (FTL) and heavy chain (FTH1) subunits, possessing complimentary iron-handling functions and forming three-fold and four-fold pores. Iron uptake through the three-fold pores is well-defined, but the unloading process somewhat less and generally focuses on lysosomal ferritin degradation although it may have an additional, energetically efficient pore mechanism. Hereditary Ferritinopathy (HF) or neuroferritinopathy is an autosomal dominant neurodegenerative disease caused by mutations in the FTL C-terminal sequence, which in turn cause disorder and unraveling at the four-fold pores allowing iron leakage and enhanced formation of toxic, improperly coordinated iron (ICI). Histopathologically, HF is characterized by iron deposition and formation of ferritin inclusion bodies (IBs) as the cells overexpress ferritin in an attempt to address iron accumulation while lacking the ability to clear ferritin and its aggregates. Overexpression and IB formation tax cells materially and energetically, i.e., their synthesis and disposal systems, and may hinder cellular transport and other spatially dependent functions. ICI causes cellular damage to proteins and lipids through reactive oxygen species (ROS) formation because of high levels of brain oxygen, reductants and metabolism, taxing cellular repair. Iron can cause protein aggregation both indirectly by ROS-induced protein modification and destabilization, and directly as with mutant ferritin through C-terminal bridging. Iron release and ferritin degradation are also linked to cellular misfunction through ferritinophagy, which can release sufficient iron to initiate the unique programmed cell death process ferroptosis causing ROS formation and lipid peroxidation. But IB buildup suggests suppressed ferritinophagy, with elevated iron from four-fold pore leakage together with ROS damage and stress leading to a long-term ferroptotic-like state in HF. Several of these processes have parallels in cell line and mouse models. This review addresses the roles of ferritin structure and function within the above-mentioned framework, as they relate to HF and associated disorders characterized by abnormal iron accumulation, protein aggregation, oxidative damage, and the resulting contributions to cumulative cellular stress and death

    The Hvar Theater: the First Public European Theater (Tradition and Modernity).

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    Specifičnost otočne egzistencije hrvatske književnosti nastale na Hvaru povezuje se s nastankom po svemu avangardnoga hvarskoga kazališta. Hvarsko se kazalište uspoređuje s antičkim i talijanskim kazalištima, sa Shakespeareovim i s dubrovačkim kazalištem u arsenalu, nastalim 1682. Gradnja prvoga komunalnoga kazališta u Europi, i to u sklopu arsenala u Hvaru 1612. dovodi se u vezu s kazališnim i književnim putovanjima i sa stvarnim plovidbama Hvarana po cijelome svijetu. Budućnost obnovljena hvarskoga kazališta pronalazi se u spoju baštinske, (po)morske i virtualne plovidbe, u kreiranju pametne zgrade, pametnoga hvarskoga kazališta te u strukturiranju novoga humanističkoga kazališta s kazališnim akademijama, školama, radionicama i sa stalnim ansamblom u središtu, tj. u stvaranju naraštaja glumaca, umjetnika i gledatelja koji bi se školovali i svoje predstave prikazivali na temeljima i u srcu hvarskoga kazališta.The specificity of the island existence of Croatian literature originating from Hvar is associated with the emergence of avant-garde Hvar theater. The Hvar theater is compared to the ancient and Italian theaters, to Shakespeare’s and to the Dubrovnik theater in the arsenal, created in 1682. The construction of the first communal theater in Europe, as part of the arsenal in Hvar in 1612, is linked to the theatrical and literary voyages and the actual voyages of Hvar people around the world. The future of the reconstructed Hvar theater lies in the combination of heritage, sea/maritime and virtual navigation, in the creation of a smart building, a smart Hvar theater and in the structuring of a new humanistic theater with theater academies, schools, workshops and with a permanent ensemble in the center, in the creation generations of actors, artists and spectators who would be educated and present their performances on the foundations and in the heart of the Hvar theater