16 research outputs found

    On the Lebesgue nonlinear transformations

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    In this paper, we introduce a quadratic stochastic operators on the set of all probability measures of a measurable space. We study the dynamics of the Lebesgue quadratic stochastic operator on the set of all Lebesgue measures of the set [0,1]. Namely, we prove the regularity of the Lebesgue quadratic stochastic operatorsComment: 11 page

    Gipergeometrik qatorlar haqida ayrim mulohazalar

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    Maqolada gipergeometrik qatorlarning kelib chiqish tarixi va gipergometrik differensial tenglamalar haqida ma’lumotlar berilgan. Gipergeometrik qatorning bir nechta xossalari bayon qilingan va uning xususiy qiymatlari orqali ayrim funksiyalarning ifodalanishi bo’yicha misollar keltirilgan. Qatorning yaqinlashish hollari qisqacha tasniflangan


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    The article deals with the problems and tasks of cognitive linguistics. The purpose of the work is to reveal the essence of cognitive linguistics and the concept as its basic concept, as well as the study of linguistic processes, linguistic units and categories, etc. in their correlation with memory, imagination, perception, and thinking

    Importance of external labor migration in raising employment of the population

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    In this article it is revealed the role and importance of external labor migration in increasing the employment of the country\u27s population is disclosed. Also, the author, based on the analysis of the processes of external labor migration in our republic, developed proposals and recommendations for its organization and improvement

    Features that Increase Efficiency in the Provision of Medical Services and Factors Affecting Them

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    The.article.presents.econometric.and.empirical.models.of.medical.care.for.patients living in remote areas. A scheme for systematic.imitation of econometric.modeling of the sphere of Public Services has.been developed. One of the medical.services is the health insurance of the population. The article.provides an overview of the functions of health.insurance options. The.development of econometric models of medical.services in order to determine the optimal solutions for the provision of medical.services in our country, technological progress, the.solution of painful problems in medicine, the improvement of human life

    On Lebesgue nonlinear transformations

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    In this paper, we introduce a quadratic stochastic operators on the set of all probability measures of a measurable space. We study the dynamics of the Lebesgue quadratic stochastic operator on the set of all Lebesgue measures of the set [0, 1]. Namely, we prove the regularity of the Lebesgue quadratic stochastic operator


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    In this article, the hydrographic descriptions and hydrological characteristics of small mountain rivers in the Ferghana valley is described

    Hydrological Description of Some Small Mountain Rivers in the Fergana Valley

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    In this article, the hydrographic descriptions and hydrological characteristics of small mountain rivers in the Ferghana valley is described

    Assessment of the universities impact on global competitiveness based on rankings

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    The paper analyzes the ranking positions of universities in leading countries in comparison with the most popular ratings of overall country and digital competitiveness. This analysis is carried out in order to understand whether there is a relationship between the aggregate high rating of universities with the same position of general and digital competitiveness. Conclusions based on the results of the analysis are important for studying the impact of universities on the development of territories, the pace of structural transformation of the analog economy into a digital one, and ensuring the transfer of knowledge. In addition, the comparison of the methods of rating formation allows us to understand its applicability for making strategic government management decisions