96 research outputs found

    Neurosains dan Spiritualitas dalam Pendidikan Islam

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    Advances in information and communication technology in the Digital Revolution Era, in addition to positive impacts, also had a negative impact on human character, such as individualist, materialist attitudes, and even rejecting spiritual aspects. Therefore, we need the concept of Strengthening Character Education by optimizing the role of Islamic Religious Education in Schools to educate students who have faith, taqwa, and have good character according to their fitrah. To answer this need, a library research study was conducted which analyzed several papers that were relevant to the hermeneutic approach and content analysis method. This article finds that the optimization of Islamic Religious Education in Strengthening of Character Education in schools can be done by: first, strengthening the character of Muslim teachers who emulate the character of the Prophet SAW as a true educator; secondly, optimization of Islamic Religious Education in Class-based Strengthening Character Education with a tauhid-based science paradigm, integrating Islamic values in learning, and strengthening Islamic Religious Education materials in schools; third, optimization of Islamic Religious Education in school-based Strengthening Character Education by implementing the concept of taqwa-based Islamic education and making surau as a character labor; and fourth, the optimization of Islamic Religious Education in community-based Strengthening Character Education by organizing Islamic parenting and school collaboration with parents and the community in strengthening the character of students


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    A good curriculum is a curriculum that follows its era and is able to have a major influence on improving the quality of education. The concept of independent learning is the latest development of the curriculum currently used in Indonesia. The concept of independent learning is related to the learning theory, learning theory is an integral part of the educational process; one of the existing theories is the humanistic learning theory. The method used in this article is literature study. The concept of independent learning and humanistic learning theory have similarities, both emphasize aspects of freedom, independence and flexibility and have the same goal of humanizing humans. Both of these concepts hold the view that learning can take place anywhere, both outside the classroom and in the classroom. Learning is meaningful when educators are able to provide students with hands-on experience and adapt learning to their needs. Learners are not limited to exploring the environment and do not set load goals and achievement targets. The concept of independent learning in the perspective of humanistic learning theory is relevant and consistent with its goals, implementation and evaluation

    Urgensi Pendidikan Seks melalui Pendidikan Karakter bagi Anak Usia SD

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    Sex education is very important for elementary school age students if it is implemented properly, but there are still many teachers and parents who are still unable to implement it. Characteristics of students who tend to be stubborn and difficult to advise will find it difficult to absorb important knowledge given by teachers and parents. If students lack knowledge about sex education, it is possible that sexual violence can occur. Sexual violence against children can occur if the child does not know at all about sex education. This study aims to describe the problems found regarding the urgency of sex education through character education at the age of elementary school children. This article uses a qualitative method with a case study approach model. Research that uses the case study method, carried out an in-depth examination of a case by using systematic methods of observing, collecting data, analyzing information, and reporting the results. The results of the study can be concluded that sex education can be applied in learning at school by providing knowledge about the function of the reproductive organs by instilling moral, ethical, and religious commitments, so as to avoid abuse of reproductive organs. If the child already understands about sex education, then it can be ascertained that the child can be protected from sexual violence


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    A good curriculum is a curriculum that follows its era and is able to have a major influence on improving the quality of education. The concept of independent learning is the latest development of the curriculum currently used in Indonesia. The concept of independent learning is related to the learning theory, learning theory is an integral part of the educational process; one of the existing theories is the humanistic learning theory. The method used in this article is literature study. The concept of independent learning and humanistic learning theory have similarities, both emphasize aspects of freedom, independence and flexibility and have the same goal of humanizing humans. Both of these concepts hold the view that learning can take place anywhere, both outside the classroom and in the classroom. Learning is meaningful when educators are able to provide students with hands-on experience and adapt learning to their needs. Learners are not limited to exploring the environment and do not set load goals and achievement targets. The concept of independent learning in the perspective of humanistic learning theory is relevant and consistent with its goals, implementation and evaluation

    Ekstraksi Ciri Polip dan Pendarahan Berdasarkan Citra Endoskopi Kolorektal

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    Cancer is one of the main causes of mortality in the world. Colorectal cancer, also known as colon cancer, is a malignant tumor of the colon and rectum that begins with a polyp. Early inspection is needed to prevent and cure of colorectal cancer because in the early stages colorectal cancer showed no symptoms. At this time the development of information technology allows the quick information retrieval from an image. The aim of this research is to produce a preliminary work in the stages of information analyzing on colorectal endoscopic image extraction result in the form of polyp and bleeding by utilizing extraction technique of image information based on shape and texture. This research aimed can be the basis for the development of colorectal cancer detection system framework. The research that has been carried out gives result of characteristics that can be differentiate between colon bleeding, colon polyp, and normal colon conditions, they are aspect ratio, triangle, correlation, and energy


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis berbagai strategi dan upaya yang dapat dilakukan untuk optimalisasi implementasi standar pendidikan nasional dalam pola kebijakan kurikulum di Indonesia, termasuk identifikasi hambatan-hambatan yang mungkin dihadapi serta solusi untuk mengatasinya. Dengan melakukan pendekatan literatur review yang komprehensif, penelitian ini mengidentifikasi tantangan kompleks dalam mengintegrasikan standar pendidikan nasional ke dalam kebijakan kurikulum di Indonesia. Hambatan tersebut antara lain meliputi perubahan teknologi, keterbatasan infrastruktur pendidikan, kurangnya sumber daya manusia terlatih, dan perbedaan kondisi sosial-budaya di berbagai daerah. Melalui analisis terhadap penelitian sebelumnya, ditemukan bahwa peningkatan kapasitas sumber daya manusia, sinergi antara pemerintah, lembaga pendidikan, dan masyarakat, serta investasi yang memadai dalam infrastruktur pendidikan menjadi kunci dalam mengatasi hambatan-hambatan tersebut. Implikasi dari penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan panduan praktis bagi para pembuat kebijakan dan praktisi pendidikan dalam merancang dan melaksanakan kebijakan kurikulum yang lebih efektif dan relevan dengan kebutuhan pendidikan nasional. Dengan mengimplementasikan solusi-solusi tersebut, diharapkan bahwa pendidikan di Indonesia dapat mencapai standar yang lebih tinggi, mencerdaskan kehidupan bangsa, dan membentuk karakter serta peradaban bangsa yang bermartabat

    Inflammatory Cell Extraction in Pap smear Images: A Combination of Distance Criterion and Image Transformation Approach

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    In order to obtain a diagnosis of cervical cancer information, the characteristics of each cell nucleus must be identified and evaluated properly through a Pap smear test. The presence of inflammatory cells in Pap smear images can complicate the process of identification of cell nuclei in the early detection of cervical cancer. Inflammatory cells need to be eliminated to assist pathologists in reading Pap smear slides. In this work, we developed a novel method to extract the inflammatory cells that allow detection of cell nuclei more accuracy. The proposed algorithm consists of two stages: extraction of inflammatory cells using the distance criterion and image transformation. This experiment applied to the 1358 cells comprising 378 nuclei cells and 980 inflammatory cells from 25 Pap smear images. The results showed that our method can significantly reduce the amount of inflammation that can disrupt the cell nuclei in the detection process. The proposed method has promising results with a sensitivity level of 97% and a specificity of 84.38%


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    The position of green open space determines environmental balance, especially for city parks, as a form of green open space in urban areas. Provision of green open space is necessary to improve the quality of an adequate green environment. The position of green open space determines the balance of the environment because green open space is the lungs of the city. Sidoarjo Regency Square is one of the most visited city parks by the public because it is equipped with various public facilities. The provision of green open space is necessary in advancing the area of ​​Sidoarjo Regency, but with limited land it is one of the obstacles to creating balanced and harmonious green open spaces. Based on Law Number 26 of 2007 mandates that each Regency/City must have a Green Open Space (GOS) of 30%, of which 20% is public green open space and 10% private green open space. Descriptive qualitative research is used with information collected through interviews, observation and documentation. Gardening section staff, policy analysis functional officers, field supervisors, planning and community support staff are key components of Van Meter Van Horn's policy implementation theory, which forms the theoretical foundation for this research. The visible results still have deficiencies in the activity of providing green open space which includes land provision. Lack of human resources and finances that are still not met. There needs to be a communication approach so that the coordination of activities is in accordance with the SOP.Kedudukan ruang terbuka hijau menjadi penentu keseimbangan lingkungan hidup terlebih untuk taman kota, sebagai salah satu bentuk RTH di kawasan perkotaan. Penyediaan ruang terbuka hijau diperlukan untuk meningkatkan kualitas lingkungan hijau yang memadai. Kedudukan ruang terbuka hijau menjadi penentu keseimbagan lingkungan hidup karena RTH merupakan paru-paru kota. Alun-alun Kabupaten Sidoarjo merupakan salah satu taman kota yang paling banyak dikunjungi masyarakat karena dilengkapi degan berbagai fasilitas umum.  Penyediaan RTH diperlukan dalam memajukan wilayah Kabupaten Sidoarjo, namun dengan adanya keterbatasan lahan menjadi salah satu kendala untuk terciptanya ruang terbuka hijau yang seimbang serasi dan selaras. Berdasarkan Undang-Undang Nomor 26 tahun 2007 mengamanatkan bahwa setiap Kabupaten/Kota harus memiliki Ruang Terbuka Hijau (RTH) sebesar 30%, dimana 20% RTH publik dan 10% RTH privat. Penelitian kualitatif deskriptif digunakan dengan informasi yang dikumpulkan melalui wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Staff seksi pertamanan, pejabat fungsional analisis kebijakan, pengawas lapangan, staff perencanaan dan dukungan masyarakat adalah komponen kunci dari teori implementasi kebijakan Van Meter Van Horn, yang menjadi landasan teoritis untuk penelitian ini. Hasil yang terlihat masih memiliki kekurangan dalam kegiatan penyediaan RTH yang meliputi penyediaan lahan. Kurangnya SDM dan finansial yang masih belum terpenuhi. Perlu adanya pendekatan komunikasi agar koordinasi kegiatan sesuai dengan SOP

    Overlapping Cervical Nuclei Separation using Watershed Transformation and Elliptical Approach in Pap Smear Images

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    In this study, a robust method is proposed for accurately separating overlapping cell nuclei in cervical microscopic images. This method is based on watershed transformation and an elliptical approach. Since the watershed transformation process of taking the initial seed is done manually, the method was developed to obtain the initial seed automatically. Total initial seeds at this stage represents the number of nuclei that exist in the image of a pap smear, either overlapping or not. Furthermore, a method was developed based on an elliptical approach to obtain the area of each of the nuclei automatically. This method can successfully separate several (more than two) clustered cell nuclei. In addition, the proposed method was evaluated by experts and was proven to have better results than methods from previous studies in terms of accuracy and execution time. The proposed method can determine overlapping and non-overlapping boundaries of nuclei fast and accurately. The proposed method provides better decision-making on areas with overlapping nuclei and can help to improve the accuracy of image analysis and avoid information loss during the process of image segmentation


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    MUHIMMAH HASIBUAN (2023) ; PENERAPAN STRATEGI PEMBELAJARAN QUESTION STUDENT HAVE UNTUK MENINGKATKAN KEMAMPUAN MENGEMUKAKAN PENDAPAT SISWA PADA MUATAN PELAJARAN IPA DI KELAS V SDIT AL FITYAH PEKANBARU Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peningkatan kemampuan mengemukakan pendapat siswa pada muatan pelajaran IPA melalui penerapan strategi pembelajaran question student have di kelas V SDIT Al Fityah pekanbaru. Penelitian ini di latarbelakangi oleh rendahnya kemampuan mengemukakan pendapat siswa pada muatan pelajaran IPA. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian tindakan kelas yang subjek penelitiannya adalah 1 orang guru dan 22 orang siswa kelas V SDIT Al Fityah Pekanbaru, dan objek penelitian ini adalah penerapan strategi pembelajaran question student have dan kemampuan mengemukakan pendapat siswa. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dalam dua siklus dan setiap siklus terdiri dari dua kali pertemuan. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan menggunakan teknik observasi, tes, dan dokumentasi. Sedangkan teknik analisis data yang digunakan yaitu analisis deskriptif dengan presentase. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penerapan strategi pembelajaran question student have dapat meningkatkan kemampuan mengemukakan pendapat siswa. Hal ini dapat diketahui dari grafik peningkatannya sebelum dilakukan tindakan perbaikan hingga tindakan perbaikan pada siklus II. Sebelum tindakan perbaikan pembelajaran dilakukan, nilai rata-rata kemampuan mengemukakan pendapat siswa hanya mencapai 40,63 dengan kategori kurang baik. Kemudian dilakukan tindakan pada siklus I, kemampuan mengemukakan pendapat siswa meningkat menjadi 59,38 atau berada pada kategori cukup baik. Kemudian pada siklus II, kemampuan mengemukakan pendapat siswa mengalami peningkatan menjadi 78,69 atau berada pada kategori baik. Hal ini berarti sudah mencapai indikator keberhasilan yang telah ditetapkan. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa melalui penerapan strategi pembelajaran question student have pada muatan pelajaran IPA dapat meningkatkan kemampuan mengemukakan pendapat siswa di kelas V SDIT AL Fityah Pekanbaru. Kata Kunci: Strategi Pembelajaran Question Student Have, Kemampuan Mengemukakan Pendapat Sisw
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