7 research outputs found

    Odonates of Coimbatore District, Tamil Nadu, India

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    Odonates were surveyed in Coimbatore District from September 2012 to January 2016.  The survey sites covered three major rivers—the Noyyal, Bhavani and Aliyar.  Aquatic habitats such as forest streams, riverine sites, irrigational tanks and paddy fields were surveyed in the study.  A total of 70 species of odonates were recorded in the survey, which brings the list of odonates in Coimbatore to 87 species.  Eighteen species are first time records to the district.  In this paper, we catalogue odonates and their distribution from the present survey and pre-existing records

    Automated lung disease detection, classification and prediction using RNN framework

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    Lung diseases are widespread throughout the globe. This group of illnesses includes chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, pneumonia, asthma, TB, fibrosis, and others. The earliest possible diagnosis of lung illness is crucial. Numerous image processing and artificial intelligence models have been created with this goal in mind. Several types of research have been initiated around the world since the arrival of the novel Covid-19 for its reliable estimation. The earlier respiratory disease pneumonia is linked to Covid-19 because several patients died as a result of severe chest congestion (pneumonic condition). Medical experts find it pulmonary illnesses caused by pneumonia and Covid-19 are difficult to differentiate. Chest CT-Scan imaging is the most accurate approach for predicting lung disease. Recently, a number of academics reported using AI-based methods to classify medical images using training data from CT scans. Deep learning is a very effective technique for understanding difficult cognitive difficulties, and more and more challenges are using and evaluating it. Recurrent neural network method, a deep learning system that can accurately detect COVID from CT-scan pictures, was employed in this study. Detect various lung illnesses like pneumonia and TB by using Multi-class RNN. The experimental findings demonstrate the suggested approach increases the precision of disease prediction and also gives information on the diagnoses of the illnesses under study

    Cytochrome P450 BM3 of Bacillus megaterium - a possible endosulfan biotransforming gene

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    Computing chemistry was applied to understand biotransformation mechanism of an organochlorine pesticide, endosulfan. The stereo specific metabolic activity of human CYP-2B6 (cytochrome P450) on endosulfan has been well demonstrated. Sequence and structural similarity search revealed that the bacterium Bacillus megaterium encodes CYP-BM3, which is similar to CYP-2B6. The functional similarity was studied at organism level by batch-scale studies and it was proved that B. megaterium could metabolize endosulfan to endosulfan sulfate, as CYP-2B6 does in human system. The gene expression analyses also confirmed the possible role of CYP-BM3 in endosulfan metabolism. Thus, our results show that the protein structure based in-silico approach can help us to understand and identify microbes for remediation strategy development. To the best of our knowledge this is the first report which has extrapolated the bacterial gene for endosulfan biotransformation through in silico prediction approach for metabolic gene identification