865 research outputs found

    Growth effects of government expenditure in Nigeria: Does the level of corruption matter?

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    A strand of literature suggests that an efficient government can complement private capital formation and boost the overall productivity of private economic agents. Nigeria has experienced uneven growth performance in the last three decades despite growing government expenditure. This paper carried out an empirical analysis of direct and indirect links among growth, government expenditure and corruption in Nigeria using annual time series data for the period from 1990 to 2020. The autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) model was used to explore the long-run interacting effect of corruption on the nexus between growth and government expenditure. For the robustness check, the fully modified ordinary least squares (FMOLS) and dynamic ordinary least squares (DOLS) were used as alternative techniques of estimation. Directly, an increase in government expenditure and a reduction in corruption has a significant increasing effect in the short-term and long-term growth. Indirectly, reducing corruption enhances the increasing effect of government expenditure on economic growth. However, corruption reduction up to the 42.25 threshold and beyond diminishes the increasing effect of government expenditure on economic growth. This suggests that attaining sustained growth is possible by raising government expenditure and minimizing corruption. Thus, minimizing corruption associated with expenditure policy should be a top policy priority

    The effect of large-scale interannual variations in the Gulf of Guinea

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    The Gulf of Guinea is an important region of tropical Atlantic variability, and embedded within it are the Atlantic Ni~no and the seasonal tropical instability waves. Although, the dynamics of this region are accepted to modulate the monsoon system by the scientific community, it is still debated what controls temperatures and the exact coupling mechanism with the atmosphere. Here, I present the results of temperature advection, variability of the Equatorial Undercurrent (EUC) in relation to atmospheric forcing, influence of Gulf of Guinea sea surface temperature (SST) to rainfall variability over West Africa and the Sahel, spatio-temporal variability of nonseasonal ocean-atmosphere processes and the coupling of winds and SST. The central aim is to understand how anomalous currents advect temperatures, and how anomalous oceanic temperatures respond to the atmosphere to cause coupled variability.In order to understand the enigmatic influence of temperature advection by tropical instability waves (TIW), I examined the influence of anomalous currents and temperatures associated with the waves. Results show that TIWs advect temperatures zonally and warm the Gulf of Guinea during the boreal summer, and at the central equatorial Atlantic, they advect temperatures to the north. The EUC, represented by salinity maximum is investigated from four regions to cover the northern, central and southern branches of the current. West of the Gulf of Guinea, anomalous northward currents associated with TIWs destabilise the vertical positioning of the EUC core during the boreal summer. In the Gulf of Guinea, where bathymetry, river discharge and winds vary seasonally, vertical fluctuations are apparent every three months and the shallowing of the EUC affects the upper layer temperatures.The Gulf of Guinea SST correlates well with variability of rainfall over West Africa and the Sahel, where cold (warm) temperatures in 2005 (2007) explained the causes of drought (flooding) that occurred in those years respectively. Strongest intraseasonal SST variability is observed at the Guinea Dome and the Gulf of Guinea region and both occur due to seasonally varying northeasterlies and southeasterlies. However, north of 18N, zonal tropospheric winds associated with Madden-Julian Oscillation appear to alter the changes on surface winds. This connection between surface and atmospheric winds explains the inability of the winds to covary interannually with SST at the TIWs frontal zones. Investigations presented in this thesis increase our understanding of tropical Atlantic variability and results therein are useful as background conditions for coupled ocean-atmosphere models

    The Mughal contribution to Persian epistolography: from Babur to Shah Jahan (932/1526 - 1068/1657-58)

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    It is a significant fact in the history of the Persian language and literature that India has played as great a Ale in producing a mass of literature as her sister - country, Persia, the original home of that language. It is equally significant to note that, whereas our knowledge of the history of Persian literature produced in Persia is quite up-to -date ,the great contribution of India is sinking into oblivion. Even though the private libraries of Indians contain works, ranging from the unique manuscripts down to the bazaar editions of the works of their own ancestors, the knowledge of the average Indian student covers only a few monographs and biographical works in Urdu or English on the poets and prose -writers of that country. The Shi'r al -'Ajam of Shibli Nu'mani, written in Urdu is the only critical study,but as the title indicates,it deals with the poets of Persia and includes only two poets of Indian origin, Amir Khusrau Dihlavi and Faydi ,to the exclusion of even Mas'úd- i- Sa'd -i- Selman ,the Rudegi of India. The only work in English which deals with the Persian Literature of 1ughal India is , A History of Persian Language and Literature at the Mughal Court, Babur- Akbar, by Muhammad 'Abdu'l Ghani . It is more descriptive than critical, and therefore, approaches the standard of the College text book,and as such it is very useful.I am not aware of any published work in English which deals with the 'Ilm al- Insha', or more precisely, with Epistolary Composition in Persian, and that, so far as I could discover,has formed a systematic study of that art. But the present dissertation,it is submitted, is the first humble attempt in that direction. " The Mughal Contribution to Persian Epistolography, Babur- Shah Japan ",is as much an original topic, as it is the first of its kind to fill a long gap in the history of Persian literature produced in Mughal India. At the same time it forms a systematic study of the Secretarial Art,the development of Dar al-Insha and the long -felt discussion of the Sabk-i-Hindi or the Indian style of Persian prose. Owing to the growing tendency to unearth materials from the original documents and State papers sunk into the dust of centuries,for the re- orientation of the knowledge of I uslim History in India, it becomes at the same time a more urgent task to examine those materials in the correct light. The main need is for a systematic study to ascertain the correct position, classification and denomination of the rescripts and epistles, original or copies. One often meets a Nishán, the princely Order,introduced in the garb of a Royal Farman of the Emperor. It is,therefore, hoped that the present work may form a guiding link for a further study in that direction in India

    Unequal citizens: Cairo between gated and informal

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    The conception of citizenship which accompanied the emergence of the nation-state, in essence, relates to ‘a territorially bounded population with a specific set of rights and duties.’ Such a conception of citizenship assumes that all the members of the nation have exactly the same set of rights and duties. I am interested in studying Cairo. Unfortunately, it is particularly far from this normative definition of citizenship, as its citizens are not equal. For that reason, I am keen on studying citizenship in practice, as a relation between citizens and state. I argue that state practices, represented in urban planning, are constructing distinct communities based on spatial segregation and inequality which constitute different citizenships within the same society. These different conceptions of citizenship imply that the citizens of the same nation have distinct visions on their roles as citizens and the role of the state towards them. Consequently, the state-society relations are framed differently by both the citizens and the state, based on the citizens’ discrete social, economic and political realities. I am specifically interested in answering the question of how does state-citizen relations differ from gated communities to informal areas? And what are the implications of these different conceptions of citizenship? In an attempt to answer this question, fieldwork has been conducted in two selected neighboring areas; Uptown Cairo representing a gated community and Manshīyat Nāṣir representing an informal area


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    In this paper, using the fractional difference operator and a modulus function we introduce the concepts of (2Δβα~,f)({}^{}_{2}{\Delta_{\beta}^{\tilde{\alpha}}},f)- statistical convergence, (2Δα~,f)({}^{}_{2}{\Delta^{\tilde{\alpha}}},f)- statistical Cauchy and p-strongly (2Δα~,f)({}^{}_{2}{\Delta^{\tilde{\alpha}}},f)- Cesàro summability, (0<p<)(0<p<\infty) for double sequences. We also give some inclusion relations between (2Δα~,f)({}^{}_{2}{\Delta^{\tilde{\alpha}}},f)- statistical convergence and p-strongly (2Δα~,f)({}^{}_{2}{\Delta^{\tilde{\alpha}}},f)- Cesàro summability (0<p<)(0<p<\infty)

    Long term currency forecast with multiple trend corrected exponential smoothing with shifting lags

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    In the current global economy, exchange rate forecasting is critical for investors and businesses seeking to make informed investment decisions and manage risk. While many short-term exchange rate forecasting methods exist, long-term forecasting methods are limited and often fail to account for the complex macroeconomic factors that influence exchange rate trends. However, investors need to have an analytically examined basis for deciding to invest, which requires knowing more about the future values of the related market currency. This paper proposes a new Multiple Trend Corrected Exponential Smoothing with Shifting Lags model to forecast long-term exchange rates, which incorporates multiple trend corrections and shifting lags to provide more accurate predictions of future currency values. We apply the proposed method to six currency pairs (USD/EUR, USD/NOK, USD/TRY, USD/CNY, USD/XOF, and USD/MGF) from 2006 to 2018 and compare its performance to existing methods, such as moving average, weighted moving average, and exponential smoothing. Our results show that the proposed model provides more accurate long-term exchange rate forecasts for developed countries than existing methods. Our findings have important implications for investors and businesses seeking to manage currency risk and make informed investment decisions in the global economy

    Requirements analysis for transformation of urban district into smart city-a case study of Sri Gading

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    Sri Gading is an urban district located in Batu Pahat, Johor. Sri Gading has few elements that can be used to transform the place into smart city. This paper presents the requirements analysis of the survey at Sri Gading for realization of transforming an urban district into a smart city. The model of smart city consists of four elements which are infrastructures, IOTs, environment and culture. This paper will also highlight the results of the requirements analysis from the survey instrument of Sri Gading. The preliminary study for questionnaire design, sample size, pilot study and questionnaire response rate will also be discussed in this paper


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    For close to what seems a millennium, tax avoidance activities have plagued global tax jurisprudence especially in Nigeria where legislative and judicial solutions to it have remained illusory. This paper represents an attempt to analyse issues and doubts that trail the application of anti-avoidance provisions in Nigeria

    All-pass section with high gain opportunity

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    Minaei, Shahram (Dogus Author) -- Conference full title: 33rd International Conference on Telecommunications and Signal Processing, TSP 2010; Baden near Vienna; Austria; 17 August 2010 through 20 August 2010 -- Paper published in Radioengineering, 20 (1) pp. 3-9. Fultext accessible via https://hdl.handle.net/11376/1383In this paper, a new circuit configuration for realizing voltage-mode (VM) all-pass section (APS) is presented. The circuit is cascadable with other VM circuits because of its high input and low output impedances. It consists of two differential difference current conveyors (DDCCs), one grounded resistor and one grounded capacitor. The proposed circuit can be slightly changed by using two additional grounded resistors to provide high gain. Moreover, a quadrature oscillator with minimum number of active and passive elements is derived from the proposed APS. SPICE simulations are performed to verify the theory.Motorol