125 research outputs found


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    Pemikiran politik Islam dan teologi merupakan bentuk wajah lama dalam dunia Islam dalam mengakselerasikan kemajuan Islam dengan formatnya sendiri. Sistem kenabian yang dicetuskan Muhammad saw dalam bernegara merupakan potret masa depan terbentuknya pemerintahan sampai pada masa khalifah. Namun, potret itu menjadi suram dan berubah drastis setelah sistem khilafah diangkat dipermukaan, pro dan kontra mulai bermunculan dalam sistem pemerintahan dan berujung pada pengambil alihan kekuasaan yang dilakukan oleh oleh kelompok Muawiyah melalui arbitrasi sehinga menjadi cikal bakal munculnya para teoloq aliran beragama. Namun kesuksesan dapat diraih dengan adanya gagasan cemerlan yang dimotori oleh pemerintahan Abbasiyah. Melalui ekspansi wilayah dan pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan, Islam mendapatkan kejayaannya sehingga mampu menyaigi dunia Barat


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    The controversy referred to in this paper is not to find a clash with the qath'i texts, but to find a common perception of the two propositions so as to find the point of truth. The controversy surrounding the issue of text versus context will never be resolved because the existence and urgency of the Qur'an revealed are global in nature so that a broader interpretation is needed to give benefit to humans to be able to be applied in human muamalat problems. In understanding the propositions that are already qath'i, sometimes it is found groups who use the text approach and then use the context approach in different situations. So it is considered confusing among Muslims. Whereas the existence of the Qur'an as a revealed book is very adaptive to various problems so it must be elaborated based on the demands of the circumstances and time. Keywords: Controversy; Text; Context; Al-Qur'a


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    The aim of this research is to determine the map of Shiite power in the religious understanding that developed in the Islamic world. Shia as a religious sect in the Islamic world plays an important role in theology and politics. Shia doctrine developed as a result of the Islamic revolution in Iran which sought change through a rationalism-based religious doctrine approach. The understanding of fanaticism developed by the Shiites became an encouragement in spreading the teachings of Islam. They idolized Ali Radiyallahu anhu as the successor to the throne because they considered him very close to the Prophet.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui peta kekuatan syiah dalam paham keagamaan yang berkembang pada dunia Islam. Syiah sebagai salah satu aliran keagamaan dalam dunia Islam mengambil peran penting dalam teologi dan politik. Doktrin syiah berkembang akibat revolusi Islam di Iran yang menginginkan adanya perubahan melalui pendekatan doktrin keagamaan berbasis rasionalisme. Paham fanatisme yang dikembangkan oleh syiah menjadi penyemangat dalam menyebarkan ajaran Islam. Mereka mengidolakan Ali Radiyallahu anhu sebagai penerus tahta pemerintahan karena menganggap sangat dekat dengan Nabi saw

    PKM pelatihan penulisan Karya Tulis Ilmiah pada HMJ Penjaskesrek FIK UNM

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    The problem of community service is as follows: the correct knowledge and understanding of scientific writing techniques (KTI) is not yet known by the administrators of HMJ Penjaskesrek FIK UNM Makassar. Therefore, through this Scientific Writing Writing training can provide an overview as well as knowledge about writing scientific papers correctly The activities of the community partnership program are divided into two activities, namely: (1) theoretical explanatory activities carried out for one day, namely explaining the correct scientific writing techniques, (2) practical activities, carried out for 3 days practicing directly writing techniques scientifically trained. The results of community service show that: what is proposed in the formulation of the problem can be carried out properly and directed. From the results of the implementation of this activity found the answer that the interest of the Board of Supervisors of the Department of Social and Political Sciences UNM to find out additional training knowledge on the rules of writing the latest scientific papers (KTI) was very high, even though in previous activities they had understood and mastered the material in the research methodology course. So that their enthusiasm in following the material, both at the time the theory and practice of the writing was maintained and never lowered their motivation in participating in the training activities because the training was considered very useful for themselves. Keywords: scientific writing, KT


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    With the war against terrorism and increased attention on the Muslim around the globe, this article aims at explore the efforts of Muslim students in Indonesia at higher education to understand their role to take a part in radicalism prevention in peace making, and contribute to create harmony. The students as participants of this study are to work in areas of religious deradicalisation and promote religious tolerance activities. Despite the post terrorist suicide bombings in Bali in October 2002; at the Jakarta Marriott Hotel in August 2003; and at the Australian Embassy in September 2004, Indonesian government, Islamic organizations, and other civil society organizations have conducted many programs on counter-terrorism campaigns, anti-radicalism ideology, and methods in religious radicalism prevention. There were fifty three participants in this study. The participants of the study comprised students from 4 universities based in Makassar, Indonesia. These were Universitas Negeri Makassar (UNM), Hasanuddin University, Bosowa University (Unibos), Universitas Muslim Indonesia (UMI), Universitas Muhammadiyah (Unismuh) Makassar. The participants of the study were the members of Pesantren Kilat “Place of the Santri”. The results of the study revealed that Pesantren Kilat at mosque campus is potential place for preventing terrorism and religious radicalism. The data of the study obtained from questionnaire and interview reveal that the students’ religious studies at mosque campus are far from radicalism and terrorism practices

    Implementation Of Islamic Teachings Against Education Physical and Healt at Heatly Heart Club Mosque Al-Markaz Al-Islami Makassar

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    Implementation Of Islamic Teachings Against Education Physical and Healt at Heatly Heart Club Mosque Al-Markaz Al-Islami Makassa

    Analysis of Vollyball Playing Skills Index for Extracurricular VolleyBall Students at SMP Negeri 1 Maniangpajo, Maniangpajo District, Wajo Regency

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    Analysis of the Volleyball Skills Index for Volleyball Extracurricular Students at SMP Negeri 1 Maniangpajo, Maniangpajo District, Wajo Regency. Research on the volleyball skill index of students participating in volleyball extracurricular activities at SMP Negeri 1 Maniangpajo, Wajo Regency, aims to find out how good the volleyball skill index is. with a survey method on all students participating in volleyball extracurricular activities, with a sample of 20 people. Using a volleyball skill test instrument Age 13-15 Years Center for Physical Refreshment and Recreation of the Ministry of National Education in 1999. These include: Passing down, Passing up, serving down, serving up, and Smash. Furthermore, data analysis using descriptive statistics are percentages. The result is the volleyball skill index of the volleyball extracurricular students of SMP Negeri 1 Maniangpajo, Maniangpajo District, Wajo Regency. "Medium" category with the highest frequency of 13 (65%). Keywords: Index, skills, volleyball gam


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    The controversy referred to in this paper is not to find a clash with the qath'i texts, but to find a common perception of the two propositions so as to find the point of truth. The controversy surrounding the issue of text versus context will never be resolved because the existence and urgency of the Qur'an revealed are global in nature so that a broader interpretation is needed to give benefit to humans to be able to be applied in human muamalat problems. In understanding the propositions that are already qath'i, sometimes it is found groups who use the text approach and then use the context approach in different situations. So it is considered confusing among Muslims. Whereas the existence of the Qur'an as a revealed book is very adaptive to various problems so it must be elaborated based on the demands of the circumstances and time


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    The reorientation introduced by Muhammadiyah aims to understand the purification doctrine that was developed. The entry of Islam into South Sulawesi cannot be separated from cultural influences that can affect the religious activities of the community. The strong understanding of syncretism that is implemented is a record for the organization to carry out restoration so that people can return to the Qur'an and the Sunnah of the Prophet so that the religion that is practiced is not mixed with superstition. In the context of globalization, the reorientation developed by Muhammadiyah must be free from the shadows of tradition because it has the potential to damage the foundation of faith because Islam is a straight religion, so it must be carried out in totality. Differentiation should not occur in social institutions because a society must be treated equally. In the field of education, Muhammadiyah takes a moderate path with the freedom of the curriculum which was developed due to the demands of globalization so that the orientation developed becomes a reorientation. However, lately, the purification movement has begun to be abandoned and tends to blend with the culture of the community in the religious field. Ritualism carried out by the community is always responded to even though it does not directly justify the law that has been caused but at least gives acknowledgment. Kata Kunci: Reorientation, Religion, Muhammadiyah, Globalizatio
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