10 research outputs found

    O’zbekiston Respublikasidagi kichik biznes faolyatida qurilish sohasining ulushi va uning tahlili

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    Mazkur tezisda O‘zbekiston Respublikasi va mamlakat iqtisodiyotida qurilish sohasida kichik biznesdagi ulushi va qurilish sohasining tahlili bayon qilingan hamda u mualliflar xulosasi orqali yakunlangan

    Design of Car Service Workshops

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    In the article, you will get a lot of useful and necessary information about the design of car service workshops. Special emphasis is placed on what to pay attention to when designing car service workshops and what kind of instruments are placed in the workshops. The main reason why the demand for car service workshops is increasing today is that the world car industry is growing year by year and millions of cars are produced every year


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    Biz ushbu maqolada ishning materiali sifatida dukkakli don ekinlarining asosiy so’ruvchi va kemiruvchi zararkunandalari va ularga qarshi kurashda tabiiy entomofaglar faoliyatidan foydalanildi va ekologik jihatdan zararsiz bo’lgan suvda ho’llanuvchi oltingugurt preparatini oldik. Bundan tashqari, suvda ho’llanuvchi oltingugurt preparatiga mikrobiologik preparatlardan denrobasillin, bitoksibasillin aralashmasidan tayyorlanadigan kombinirlashgan preparatni g’o’za va boshqa qishloq xo’jalik ekinlari so’ruvchi va kemiruvchi zararkunandalariga qarshi kompleks ishlov berish borasida qilingan ishlarni ham o’rganib chiqdik

    Evaluation of the Effect of Collecting Plants with Medicinal Properties on the Course of Hemolytic Anemia in the Study Conditions

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    As a direct continuation of scientific research on the study of the antianemic activity of tinctures prepared on the basis of the collection of medicinal plants, the activity of TCMP against anemia caused by the introduction of 25 ml/kg of phenylhydrazine hydrochloride under the skin of experimental animals was studied. At the same time, the digestibility of the studied tincture and the specific drug Coamide was evaluated by such indicators as the survival of animals, their general condition and activity of movements, as well as changes in the general blood test. Based on the studies conducted, it can be concluded that TCMP has a positive effect on hemolytic anemia, such as the drug coamide, which is widely used in medicine, but its effect on this anemia occurs at a level lower than that of the drug coamide. This means that the effect of the tincture on the course of hemolytic anemia was significantly slower than the antianemic results in other models of anemia. Although the studied drug has little activity in relation to the existing drug, it lays the foundation for large-scale scientific research on the preparation and introduction of biologically active additives based on it in the future, which allows it to be used with the main drugs in the treatment of various anemic diseases

    Evaluation of the Effect of Collecting Plants with Medicinal Properties on the Course of Hemolytic Anemia in the Study Conditions

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    As a direct continuation of scientific research on the study of the antianemic activity of tinctures prepared on the basis of the collection of medicinal plants, the activity of TCMP against anemia caused by the introduction of 25 ml/kg of phenylhydrazine hydrochloride under the skin of experimental animals was studied. At the same time, the digestibility of the studied tincture and the specific drug Coamide was evaluated by such indicators as the survival of animals, their general condition and activity of movements, as well as changes in the general blood test. Based on the studies conducted, it can be concluded that TCMP has a positive effect on hemolytic anemia, such as the drug coamide, which is widely used in medicine, but its effect on this anemia occurs at a level lower than that of the drug coamide. This means that the effect of the tincture on the course of hemolytic anemia was significantly slower than the antianemic results in other models of anemia. Although the studied drug has little activity in relation to the existing drug, it lays the foundation for large-scale scientific research on the preparation and introduction of biologically active additives based on it in the future, which allows it to be used with the main drugs in the treatment of various anemic diseases