24 research outputs found

    Median Regression Analysis of Gender-wise Income Gap in Punjab, Pakistan

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    This paper primarily examines the impact of gender on the monthly income of the working class in Punjab, Pakistan. The relevant data have been obtained from Pakistan Labour Force Survey (2008-9). A special case of quantile regression i.e. the median regression is used for the desired investigation. In addition to gender, the other covariates are marital status, area of residence, level of education, job type and status etc. As in many other regions and countries, the male workers in Punjab tend to have higher average income and the income tend to increase with increase in level of education. The workers with permanent jobs earn more as compared to temporary job holders

    Median Regression Analysis of Gender-wise Income Gap in Punjab, Pakistan

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    This paper primarily examines the impact of gender on the monthly income of the working class in Punjab, Pakistan. The relevant data have been obtained from Pakistan Labour Force Survey (2008-9). A special case of quantile regression i.e. the median regression is used for the desired investigation. In addition to gender, the other covariates are marital status, area of residence, level of education, job type and status etc. As in many other regions and countries, the male workers in Punjab tend to have higher average income and the income tend to increase with increase in level of education. The workers with permanent jobs earn more as compared to temporary job holders

    “Compete OR Leapfrog: Creating Blue Ocean through Entrepreneurial Orientation”

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    Abstract: The study analyzes the role of entrepreneurial orientation with mediating effect of knowledge creation process to creating Blue Ocean in corporate sector in Pakistan. Objectives/Value There is an increasing competition among companies due to globalization and technological advancements. Thus, it requires a study to measure the multifaceted influence of entrepreneurial orientation on knowledge creation process and Blue Ocean besides the actual paradigm of this terminology. Prior Work This concept has been well discussed in this research arena since its inception in 2005. Numerous such initiatives have already been taken, however this concept invites a lot more addition, related companies are still in pursuit to materialize the research concepts. Approach We highlight the contingencies in the shift from a red ocean to Blue Ocean. The study uses exploratory approach; primary data is collected from 391 professionals working in different sectors of Pakistan. The study uses structural equation model (SEM) technique to test the hypotheses. Results The study found a positive relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and Blue Ocean, entrepreneurial orientation, knowledge creation process, and Blue Ocean. Implications The study throws light on the importance of entrepreneurial orientation and knowledge creation process to head on this fast-paced competition.&nbsp

    Evaluation of Methods and Tools for Interactively Visualizing and Exploring Traffic Data

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    Arbeit an der Bibliothek noch nicht eingelangt - Daten nicht geprĂŒftAbweichender Titel nach Übersetzung der Verfasserin/des VerfassersIncreased traffic is becoming a growing problem in today’s cities and to enable efficient traffic management, decision makers need to be supported with valuable information. This requires functional visualizations that are capable of interactively exploring large amount of spatio-temporal traffic data and support identification of traffic congestion. The thesis evaluates methods and tools to visualize line based traffic data over the road network. The evaluated visualization concepts have been implemented in a web GIS traffic visualization prototype, developed using the visualization framework deck.gl. The dashboard based prototype incorporates a traffic attribute to measure traffic congestion (Travel Time Index), different visualization styles combining two visual variables and the ability for dynamic data exploration through data filtering, multiple temporal and spatial aggregates. These features are integrated in an interactively linked user interface allowing an overview of the data, as well as multidimensional traffic data exploration, to help in visual analytics tasks of domain experts. The developed prototype’s ability to spatially and temporally explore traffic congestion is demonstrated in the thesis. Additionally, the multiple interactive features are also evaluated through a user evaluation study with traffic experts and GIS professionals. The user study yielded positive results, which has increased confidence in the developed prototype and it’s capability to investigate traffic congestion. The combined use of two visual variables (color and width) for road based traffic visualization was specifically appreciated by the users. The developed prototype is presented as an example of a powerful and functionally capable traffic data visualization, which can be applicable to other cities as well.10

    Process Modeling, Optimization and Cost Analysis of a Sulfur Recovery Unit by Applying Pinch Analysis on the Claus Process in a Gas Processing Plant

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    The Claus process is one of the promising technologies for acid gas processing and sulfur recovery. Hydrogen sulfide primarily exists as a byproduct in the gas processing unit. It must be removed from natural gas. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) notices that increasing SO2 and CO2 in the air harms the environment. Sulfur generally has an elemental content of 0.1–6 wt % in crude oil, but the value could be higher than 14% for some crude oils and asphalts. It produces SO2 and CO2 gases, which damage the environment and atmosphere of the earth, called primary pollutants. When SO2 gas is reacted with water in the atmosphere, it causes sulphur and nitric acid, called a secondary pollutant. The world countries started desulphurization in 1962 to reduce the amount of sulfur in petroleum products. In this research, the Claus process was modeled in Aspen Plus software (AspenTech, Bedford, MA, USA) and industrial data validated it. The Peng–Robinson method is used for the simulation of hydrocarbon components. The influence of oxygen gas concentration, furnace temperature, the temperature of the first catalytic reactor, and temperature of the second catalytic reactor on the Claus process were studied. The first objective of the research is process modeling and simulation of a chemical process. The second objective is optimizing the process. The optimization tool in the Aspen Plus is used to obtain the best operating parameters. The optimization results show that sulfur recovery increased to 18%. Parametric analysis is studied regarding operating parameters and design parameters for increased production of sulfur. Due to pinch analysis on the Claus process, the operating cost of the heat exchangers is reduced to 40%. The third objective is the cost analysis of the process. Before optimization, it is shown that the production of sulfur recovery increased. In addition, the recovery of sulfur from hydrogen sulfide gas also increased. After optimizing the process, it is shown that the cost of heating and cooling utilities is reduced. In addition, the size of equipment is reduced. The optimization causes 2.5% of the profit on cost analysis

    Detecting Monkeypox in humans using deep learning

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    The monkeypox virus is an orthopox virus that causes a contagious illness of the same name. The most visible symptom, along with fever, headache, and muscular pains, is a broad rash that develops into fluid-filled blisters. In the event of a monkeypox outbreak, swift response and efficient public health management depend on an early and accurate diagnosis. In this study, the feasibility of using deep keep learning techniques to diagnose monkeypox in humans is investigated. Long short-term memory (LSTM) networks are used to analyse time-series recordings of symptoms or patient data, whereas convolutional neural networks (CNNs) are used to process medical images of skin lesions. These models need to be trained on a large and reliable data set so that they can identify patterns and attributes that are specific to monkeypox

    Is Islam Responsible for Under-Development of the Muslim World?

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    Post World War II, with the emergence of nation states – the need for development of Islamic economics as an academic discipline, and thereby politico-economic institutionalization emerged. This can primarily be attributed to the socio-political will of the polity to form economic system both for public and private finances which are aligned with their religious aspirations. Notwithstanding, Islam has long been criticized of impeding growth and economic development by the advocates of modernist capitalism (most prominently Weber). Furthermore, the development of Islamic economics discipline has also been criticized for being a rushed measure to Islamize knowledge resulting in an incoherent co-optation of the capitalistic economic system. In this pretext, this paper seeks to present a comprehensive account of the scholarly criticism and subsequent rebuttal posited around the conceptualization of Islamic economics. We explore the ontological and epistemological foundations of Islamic economics, to explicate the role of ‘actors’ and the ‘mould’ as delineated by the ‘Maqasid-e-shariah’- to contextualize the Islamic world view of economic development and growth. The findings of this paper not only responds to the criticism levelled against Islam as anti-development, but also identifies the potential causes, rationale and context of such criticism. Gaps and future research directions are also identified to inform the stakeholders and scholarly research for coherent development of Islamic economics