1,446 research outputs found


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    Lembaga pembiayaan konsumen seakan-akan menjadi suatu alternatif lain bagi calon konsumen yang memilih keterbatasan untuk memperoleh barang yang di inginkan, hal ini akan semakin mudah apabila didukung cepatnya proses permohonan kredit pada perusahaan pembiayaan, kemudian ditawarkan menggunakan layanan pembiayaan dengan berpengaruh pada jumlah permohonan pembiayaan diajukan semakin meningkat. Kondisi ini cukup menjanjikan keuntungannya dan akan semakin bertambah calon konsumennya, akan tetapi peningkatan jumlah konsumen akan menjadi resiko, semakin meningkat terjadinya wanprestasi. Hak dan Kewajiban antara debitor dan kreditor telah dituangkan dalam klausul perjanjian, ini berarti klausul hak dan kewajibannya telah terpenuhi, namun klausul yang dibuat oleh PT. Mitra Dana Top Finance masih terdapat kalausul yang tidak seimbang dan masih merugikan salah satu pihak yaitu debitor. Wanprestasi yang di alami PT. Mitra Dana Top finance ini masih banyak dan PT. Mitra Dana Top Finance dalam hal mengeksekusi barang hanya memakai SP. 1, SP. 2, dan SP. 3 (surat kuasa) untuk mengeksekusi objek jaminan di tangan debitor tanpa menggunakan akta jaminan Fidusia

    Industry 4.0 or Pharma 4.0?

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    This chapter examines the convergence of Industry 4.0 and Pharma 4.0 in the context of healthcare supply chains. It investigates the potential applications of these industrial revolutions to enhance the flexibility, benefits, challenges, and opportunities of healthcare supply chains. This chapter highlights the application of state-of-the-art technology to create intelligent, adaptable, and personalized supply chain systems for the healthcare and pharmaceutical sectors. The literature on “Pharma Industry 4.0” is reviewed, with a focus on the opportunities for sustainable value creation and pharmaceutical supply chain research. Healthcare supply chain has some serious issues like counterfeit drugs, non-transparent supply chain, unfear track and trace system of medicines and biomedical instruments. The authors identified the potential solutions for these issues with the help of current innovative technologies and practices


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    Beberapa studi tentang distribusi sumber daya negara di Provinsi Banten menunjukkan bahwa kerap terjadi politik distributif dalam distribusi hibah dan bansos dengan berbagai pola, terutama pola pork barrel, dimana distribusi hibah dan bansos dilakukan dengan pertimbangan politik balas budi pasca kontestasi politik. Penelitian ini hendak menindak lanjuti beberapa  temuan dalam studi sebelumnya tentang kecenderungan politik distributif dalam distribusi hibah dan bansos di Provinsi Banten. Penelitian ini ingin memfokuskan studi pada pola politik distributif dalam distribusi hibah Kesejahteraan Rakyat (Kesra) di Provinsi Banten pada tahun 2019. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode kualitatif dengan cara menganalisis data-data primer yang didapatkan, dan melakukan wawancara mendalam dengan narasumber yang dibutuhkan. Penelitian ini kemudian menemukan pola baru dalam distribusi hibah Kesejahteraan Rakyat Provinsi Banten tahun 2019, yang berbeda dengan pola yang ditemukan dalam beberapa penelitian sebelumnya.Kata Kunci : Politik Distributif, Kebijakan, Hibah Provins

    Effectiveness of lake remediation towards water quality: application in Varsity Lake, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur

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    Surface water quality monitoring is an important tool for enhancing the water body management system. This study focuses on the water quality of a lake based on rehabilitation work completed in 2014. This lake suffers from eutrophication and water quality degradation due to the increase in pollution rates and water source scarcity. Nine points were selected to represent the water quality status for the study area. Two river tributaries that pass through the University Malaya (UM) campus have been considered due of its potential as a water source for the lake. Field and laboratory analysis were conducted to understand the transport of water quality parameters. The data variations were analyzed using a multivariate statistical method to determine the significant differences between the lake and river. Based on the Malaysian Water Quality Index (WQI) and cluster analysis, the results indicated that the lake and river have different physico-chemical characteristics and the lake water has a better quality than the river. Comparison of the concentration for BOD, TSS, PO43- and NO3- between year 2009 and current study proved that the water quality has improved by 99.8% proving that the lake remediation is effective

    Effects of Mangifera pajang Kostermans juice on plasma antioxidant status and liver and kidney function in normocholesterolemic subjects

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    The effects of a bambangan juice powder (BJP) drink on plasma vitamin and antioxidant enzyme levels and liver and kidney function were investigated. Thirty-two healthy subjects (12 male and 20 female) ages 24–28 years were recruited from the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences of University Putra Malaysia, Malaysia. Compared with consuming the placebo, consumption of the BJP drink daily for 9 weeks significantly increased the concentration of plasma β-carotene and ascorbic acid. Plasma total antioxidant status was increased, but liver and kidney functions were unaffected after consumption of the BJP drink. The consumption of a BJP drink resulted in a significant improvement in certain cardiovascular biochemical parameters and thus reduced the risk of cardiovascular disease

    Comparative histological evaluations of the sublingual salivary glands of EBN swiftlets (Aerodramus fuciphagus) in man-made houses and natural caves

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    One of the most precious edible bird's nests (EBN) is constructed by the white-nest swiftlet (Aerodramus). However, different swiftlet populations might have different food intakes as a result of their different habitat sources. This situation will likely influence the secretion of the salivary gland. EBN is built from the saliva of the swiftlets. The major function of the salivary gland is to secrete saliva. This study was conducted with the aim of defining and comparing the histological structures of the sublingual salivary gland and its mucin content found in two separate populations of house-farm and cave white-nest swiftlets. Samples were collected from Seri Iskandar, Perak, Malaysia (04°20.824´N, 100°52.826´E) and Gomantong caves, Sabah, Malaysia (5°31.46.5´N, 118°4.29.6´E). It was found that the largest visible salivary gland present in both populations was the sublingual gland. The glands were stained with hematoxylin and eosin (H & E) stain and a combination of Alcian blue (AB) with periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) stain. The H&E stain displayed a broad range of cytoplasmic, nuclear and extracellular matrix features. The parenchyma of the cave swiftlet population appeared foamy due to high mucous secretion whereas the cells of the house-farm population could clearly be seen to be separated because of less mucous secretion. There was a clear difference in density and abundance of mucous acini cells in which the samples from the cave population were compacted with these cells. AB-PAS stains revealed full complement of tissue proteoglycans and acidic-mucin, neutral-mucin and mixtures of acidic and neutral mucins. The cave population exhibited higher concentrations of acidic, neutral, and mucins mixture compared with those from the house-farm. This is probably caused by several combinations of factors such as difference in dietary habit, habitat preference and age of the swiftlet

    Ameliorating drought effects in wheat using an exclusive or 2 co-applied rhizobacteria and ZnO nanoparticles

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    Simple Summary Wheat is a vital source of food, and its production is increasingly threatened by drought episodes. Moreover, its cultivation under water deficit situations along with zinc deficient soils is a major concern of declined wheat grain quantity and quality. Drought-linked changes in nutrient use efficiency, photosynthetic mechanisms, and chemical composition of wheat plants ultimately led to poorer harvest. Therefore, we aimed to understand the drought-ameliorating and grain nutritional improving effects in wheat by rhizobacteria (Azospirillum brasilense) and ZnO nanoparticles (NPs) under various growth stage-based drought stress episodes. Rhizobacteria colonized the host plant rhizosphere and provided growth promotion and stress amelioration. ZnO NPs were recognized as a potential water and zinc deficiency alleviator, and general growth promoter by triggering nitrogen metabolism, chlorophyll synthesis, membrane integrity, and grain zinc biofortification activities. Physio-biochemical observations indicated significantly higher positive effects under co-application over the sole use of either microbial or nanomaterials. Based on our research, it was concluded that co-applied Azospirillum brasilense and ZnO NPs generally increase wheat productivity under drought episodes with low operational cost to growers. Further, plausible synergistic physiological enhancement by NPs and rhizobacteria interaction may contribute towards sustainable wheat crop management under abiotic stresses. Drought is a major abiotic factor and affects cereal-based staple food production and reliability in developing countries such as Pakistan. To ensure a sustainable and consistent food supply, holistic production plans involving the integration of several drought mitigation approaches are required. Using a randomized complete block design strategy, we examined the drought-ameliorating characteristics of plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) and nanoparticles (NPs) exclusively or as a combined application (T-4) through three stages (D-1, D-2, and D-3) of wheat growth (T-1, control). Our field research revealed that Azospirillum brasilense alone (T-2) and zinc oxide NPs (T-3) improved wheat plant water relations, chlorophyll, proline, phenolics and grain quality, yield, and their allied traits over the stressed treatments. Specifically, the best outcome was observed in the combined treatment of PGPR and ZnO NPs (T-4). Interestingly, the combined treatment delivered effective drought mitigation through enhanced levels of antioxidants (15% APX, 27% POD, 35% CAT, 38% PPO and 44% SOD) over controls at the grain-filling stage (GFS, D-3 x T-1). The 40% improvements were recorded under the combined treatment at GFS over their respective controls. Their combined usage (PGPR and ZnO NPs) was concluded as an effective strategy for building wheat resilience under drought, especially in arid and semi-arid localities

    Pelatihan Daur Ulang Sampah Dengan Metode Takakura (Takakura Home Composting Method) Di Lingkungan Siswa MAN 2 Wanasaba

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    Masalah sampah telah menjadi salah satu isu utama dalam konteks pelestarian lingkungan. Jumlah sampah yang dibuang dilingkungan tidak sebanding dengan upaya penanggulangan, pengelohan, maupun daur ulangnya. Kegiatan ini bertujuan mengurangi intensitas sampah organik khususnya limbah rumah tangga yang dibuang secara sembarang dengan cara mendaur ulang sampah sampah organik yang dihasilkan oleh rumah tangga menjadi pupuk kompos menggunakan Metode Takakura. Kegiatan ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode sosialisasi dan pelatihan dalam pembuatan pupuk kompos dari sampah organik rumah tangga dengan Metode Takakura. Kegiatan pelatihan daur ulang sampah dengan Metode Takakura dapat dikatakan berhasil. Hal ini diukur dari komponen yang telah ditentukan seperti : (1) target jumlah peserta (2) tujuan (3) ketercapaian materi yang direncanakan (4) penguasaan materi. kegiatan pelatihan daur ulang sampah dengan metode Takakura ini membuka wawasan siswa MAN 2 Wanasaba tentang cara mengelola sampah organik hasil rumah tangga yang dapat diaplikasikan di lingkungan masing-masin

    Influence of Periodic Administration of Garlic Extract on Blood Parameters of Grazing Lambs

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    The study was carried out to investigate the effects of periodic  administration of garlic extract drench on haematology and serum biochemistry of grazing lambs. Twelve West African dwarf sheep with an average weight of 12.00 ±0.77 kg were allotted to 3 treatment groups with 4 animals per group in a completely randomized design which lasted for 10 weeks. Treatment 1 (T1) served as control with no garlic extract, Treatment (T2) were given 5ml garlic extract weekly and Treatment T3 received 5ml garlic extract every 2 weeks. Results of haematological analysis showed that PCV significantly (P<0.05) differs among treatment groups while RBC, MCV, WBC, LYM and GRA all show no significant (P>0.05) difference. The lowest PCV of 19.68% was observed in T1 while T2 recorded the highest PCV of 29.68%. The results from serum biochemical indices shows that cholesterol and ALT differ significantly (P<0.05) among treatment groups while total protein, albumin, globulin, glucose, urea and AST all show no significant (P>0.05) difference among treatment means. The lowest serum cholesterol value of 0.78 was observed in T2 while the control group  recorded the highest value of 1.30. The study suggests that garlic extract could be used to reduce the level of serum cholesterol in grazing lamb thereby improving meat quality.Keywords: Garlic Extract, West African Dwarf Sheep, Haematology, Biochemistry