250 research outputs found

    Evaluasi Status Hara Tanah Berdasarkan Posisi Lahan Di Kebun Inti Tanaman Gambir (Uncaria Gambir Roxb.) Kabupaten Pakpak Bharat

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    Evaluation of soil nutrient status is one way to be able to determine the nutrient needs of the soiland the management techniques that will be performed on an area of land. This study aimed toevaluate the nutrient status of the soil (pH, N, P, K, Ca, Mg) based on the position of the land in thecore Gambir Garden Pakpak Bharat District. It was conducted at the core Gambir Garden PakpakBharat District, North Sumatra on March 2013 until June 2013. The method used in this research isdescriptive method by conducting surveys and soil sampling based on the position of the land whichis on the top of the hill, hillside and valley side. The results showed soil nutrient status of N in CorePlant Gambir Garden Pakpak Bharat District. is likely to increase in the valley compared to the topof the hill and hillside. As for the value of pH and P are highly the same, while the value of K, Caand Mg rate tends to decrease

    Post-infarct cerebellar cognitive affective syndrome: a case report

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    Post Infarct cerebellar cognitive affective syndrome is a rare disorder, characterized by cognitive impairment in the domains of memory, language, visuo-spatial functioning and affect after cerebellar stroke. We report a case of young female who developed mood alteration and cognitive disturbance following isolated cerebellar infarct. We, therefore, advocate a potential role of cerebellum in regulation of cognition and behaviour in humans

    Video Surveillance-Based Intelligent Traffic Management in Smart Cities

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    Visualization of video is considered as important part of visual analytics. Several challenges arise from massive video contents that can be resolved by using data analytics and consequently gaining significance. Though rapid progression in digital technologies resulted in videos data explosion that incites the requirements to create visualization and computer graphics from videos, a state-of-the-art algorithm has been proposed in this chapter for 3D conversion of traffic video contents and displaying on Google Maps. Time stamped visualization based on glyph is employed efficiently in surveillance videos and utilized for event detection. This method of visualization can possibly decrease the complexity of data, having complete view of videos from video collection. The effectiveness of proposed system has shown by obtaining numerous unprocessed videos and algorithm is tested on these videos without concerning field conditions. The proposed visualization technique produces promising results and found effective in conveying meaningful information while alleviating the need of searching exhaustively colossal amount of video data


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    Sistem jaringan air bersih adalah suatu sistem suplai air bersih yang meliputi sistem transmisi, dan reservoir serta sistem distribusi atau perpipaan yang dioperasikan sedemikian rupa sehingga mendapat tekanan yang cukup setiap saat pada seluruh bagian sistem perpipaan dan dapat digunakan untuk pemakaian setiap saat. Kelurahan Gurabunga terletak di Kecamatan Tidore Kota Tidore Kepulauan. Saat ini belum ada sistem jaringan untuk kebutuhan air bersih oleh PDAM di kelurahan Gurabunga, disebabkan karena wilayah tersebut berada pada daerah ketinggian yang secara teknis sulit dilayani dari sumber air yang ada, disamping itu wilayah tersebut juga terpisah dari pusat kota,sehingga perlu direncanakan sistem jaringan baru agar pendistribusian air bersih di daerah tersebut dapat terlayani.Sistem jaringan air bersih direncanakan dapat memenuhi kebutuhan air bersih di wilayah studi sampai tahun 2032. Kebutuhan air bersih dihitung berdasarkan proyeksi jumlah penduduk yang pertumbuhannya dianalisis dengan menggunakan analisa eksponensial. Sumber air akan dimanfaatkan melalui sumur milik PDAM yang ada pada dataran rendah, awalnya air akan ditampung terlebih dahulu pada bak penampung 1, yang kemudian dipompa melalui pipa transmisi menuju pada bak penampung 2, selanjutnya air dipompa menuju reservoir, dan melalui pipa distribusi air akan dialiri secara gravitasi menuju ke hidran umum yang tersebar di daerah layanan.Dari hasil perhitungan analisis kebutuhan air bersih di Kelurahan Gurabunga pada tahun 2032 dengan jumlah penduduk 704 jiwa mencapai 0,381 liter/detik. Reservoir bertipe ground reservoir dengan ukuran 3 m x 2,5 m x 2 m. Sistem distribusi menggunakan sistem kombinasi antara sistem pemompaan dan gravitasi, dengan hasil perhitungan diameter pipa transmisi adalah 75 mm dan pipa distribusi bervariasi antara 15 mm – 25 mm. Untuk mendesain sistem penyediaan air bersih digunakan software EPANET 2.0.Kata kunci : Air bersih, Perpipaan, Sistem Penyediaan

    A Dynamic Analysis of the Relationship among Human Development, Exports and Economic Growth in Pakistan.

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    This study investigates the econometrically empirical evidence of both the short-run and long-run interrelationships among human development, exports and economic growth in an ARDL framework for Pakistan. This study also examines causal linkages among the said variables by applying the Augmented Granger Causality test of Toda-Yamamoto (1995). By using data on Pakistan’s real GDP, real exports and Human Development Index (HDI) for the period 1970-71 to 2008-09, three models have been estimated. The results show cointegration between economic growth, physical capital, real exports and human development when human development is taken as dependent variables. Furthermore, unidirectional Granger causality running from real GDP to real exports has been found in Bivariate, Trivariate and Tetravariate causality framework. The inclusion of HDI as a measure of human development reduces the physical capital share in real GDP whereas it improves the robustness of the regression model. Real GDP seems to provide resources to improve human development in only the long-run while human capital accumulation does not seem to accelerate real GDP both in the short-run and the long-run. The empirical results of the study do not support ‘export-led growth hypothesis’ and human capital-based endogenous growth theory in case of Pakistan, however, it does support ‘growth-driven exports hypothesis’ in case of Pakistan. JEL classification: O11 Keywords: Human Development, Exports, Economic Growth, ARDL, Causalit

    Applicants\u27 interview experience of family medicine residency match: Reflections from a quality improvement initiative at a community hospital

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    Background and objective: Both family medicine applicants and programs dedicate significant resources to the interview process, a time for both parties to make an impression on the other in an attempt to find their best match. Despite the importance of this process, little research has been completed to ensure the process efficiently addresses applicant preferences on interview day and the surrounding process. This study aimed to determine the factors influencing the family medicine applicant preferences regarding the pre-interview, interview, and post-interview ranking process. Methods: The study method was a cross-sectional electronic survey utilizing anonymous questionnaires that assessed demographics, pre-interview, interview, post-interview ranking preference, and applicants\u27 experiences applying to a community-based family medicine residency program after their interview for the 2020 application cycle.Results: Out of the 106 family medicine applicants, 48 responded; 52.08% were males, 52.5% were married, 58.33% applicants were from the osteopathic medical school, 33.33% were from the allopathic Liaison Committee on Medical Education (LCME) non accredited medical school/international medical graduates (IMG\u27s), and 8.33% were from the allopathic LCME accredited medical schools. Free hotel accommodation was not offered from half of the programs to 27.8% of the applicants in the 2020 match cycle (pre-pandemic). Respondents favored electronic means of scheduling interviews with a positive experience with the online self-scheduling Electronic Residency Application Service (ERAS) calendar. A significantly higher proportion of IMGs applied to a higher number of family medicine programs followed by the osteopathic applicants. There was no statistical difference found between osteopathic and allopathic applicants for the number of programs they got invited to; however, the difference was significant for osteopathic and allopathic LCME accredited applicants who interviewed and ranked programs in the range of 11-20 (62.96%, p=0.0013 and 66.67%, p=0.0018, respectively). The respondents\u27 most important experiences were interviewing the program director, faculty members, and tour the hospital facility. When ranking programs, these family medicine applicants considered the strength of program training, the quality of current residents, and the program\u27s geographic location as the top three most significant factors, with mean importance ratings of 5.08, 5.02, and 4.35, respectively. Applicants also considered how the current residents perceive the program director, prior teaching experience, and program diversity with mean importance ratings of 3.42, 2.89, and 2.09, respectively.Conclusion: Although applicants\u27 preferences for family medicine residency programs are similar to generally reported by The National Resident Matching Program (NRMP) surveys, some key differences do exist. The program leadership should consider these preferences from the candidates’ perspective for a successful match in family medicine residency on both sides

    Kajang Traditional House Outside And The Physiological Comfort Of Its Occupants

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    The traditional architecture of south Sulawesi has the same shape in terms of the shape of the stage house. The building's facade no longer exists because of the modern material so that the owner's house can be in the form of a facade. In addition, the social and economic level influence in the form of houses. The lack of greening in the Kajang Luar Area than Kajang Dalam make.the Kajang Luar community needs the air conditioning like fan. This research is qualitative research with field studies method. Keywords: kajang, traditional house, the physiological comfor

    Detecting exosomes specifically: a multiplexed device based on alternating current electrohydrodynamic induced nanoshearing

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    Exosomes show promise as non-invasive biomarkers for cancers, but their effective capture and specific detection is a significant challenge. Herein, we report a multiplexed microfluidic device for highly specific capture and detection of multiple exosome targets using a tuneable alternating current electrohydrodynamic (ac-EHD) methodology - referred to as nanoshearing. In our system, electrical body forces generated by ac-EHD act within nanometers of an electrode surface (i.e., within the electrical layer) to generate nanoscaled fluid flow which enhances the specificity of capture and also reduce nonspecific adsorption of weakly bound molecules from the electrode surface. This approach demonstrates the analysis of exosomes derived from cells expressing human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) and prostate specific antigen (PSA), and exhibits a 5-fold detection enhancement compared to hydrodynamic flow based assays. The device was also sensitive enough to detect approximately 2750 exosomes/µL (n = 3) and also capable of specifically isolating exosomes from breast cancer patient samples. We believe this approach can potentially find its relevance as a simple and rapid quantification tool to analyze exosome targets in biological applications
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