30 research outputs found


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    The main objective of this study is to identify the link between fiscal adjustment and dynamic economic performance in Malaysia using time series data for entire period of 1980-2009. To examine the long-run relationship between fiscal adjustment and economic performance, this has study employed the Gregory-Hansen cointegration approach to capture the endogenous structural breaks in long-run equilibrium relationship with three different specifications. The finding of this study indicates that there is long-run positive cointegration relationship between fiscal adjustment and economic performance in Malaysia. Therefore, the finding of this study clearly shows that the dynamic and continuous economics performance is a key element of the successful of the stability of Malaysia’s economic in Southeast Asian region, although have faced several economic crisis.Fiscal adjustment, Economic performance, Gregory-Hansen

    Quantifying Factors Affecting Willingness to Communicate in English: Understanding Young Learners at Perhentian Island

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    Perhentian Island is a renowned islands by the locals and the tourists around the world. The island receives a high number of tourists every year. The high number of tourism activities has influenced the English communication skills among the locals who are using their own local dialect as a medium of communication. Nevertheless, based on the school yearly assessment, the proficiency among the pupils in the one and only school in Perhentian Island did not show any significant effect. It has brought up the question of how much the tourism activities could influence the English proficiency of the pupils. This research investigated the pupils’ willingness to communicate in English as a Second Language by applying the variables extracted from Theory Reason Action (TRA) and the variables from willingness to communicate (WTC). The respondents involved in this research (N=107) were the pupils at the Perhentian Island. The findings showed that the willingness of communication in L2 has influenced the pupils’ attitude and behavior in using English language during the school hours. The results reveal that perceived attitude is the main factor that influenced pupils’ readiness in Perhentian Island to communicate in English as a second language. The implications of the results and future research directions are also discussed

    A review of seating arrangements towards the 21st century classroom approach in schools / Norsafiah Norazman ... [et al.]

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    This article articulates a framework suitable to use when making a decision about student seating arrangement in the classroom at school level as a research aim. The decision makers should establish what are the potential types of seating arrangement? Then evaluate them in terms of its contribution, significance, and impact to the student learning development. The problem of a seating arrangement is usually related to the seating student position selection that is usually decided by teachers or students that can freely choose their own seating. There are three (3) objectives covered in this article; objective 1: to justify the main factors influencing classroom seating arrangement at school building, objective 2: to identify the common patterns of seating arrangement applied for school level and objective 3; to determine the best practice of seating arrangement for 21st century classroom approach at school building. The article articulates a theory of seating arrangement in reference to five (5) common forms of seat arrangement, namely Traditional (columns and rows), Cluster, U-shaped, Stadium, and Runaway. The performance of students might drop especially weak students who are sitting at the back of the classroom if the students are not judiciously arranged. Thus, seating arrangements should be set properly to ensure optimal quality of learning in a classroom. The technique of comparative analysis was used in this study. The findings had shown that cluster seating arrangement is relevant with the 21st century learning approach, which provides more availability of collaborative learning, where it contributes to student-centred learning in a classroom

    High-isolation and low-loss RF MEMS shunt switches

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    This paper presents the design and simulation of a radio frequency (RF) microelectromechanical system (MEMS) shunt switch using a three-dimensional RF simulator, Em3ds10 (2008 version) software for the frequency range of 1-40 GHz. The shunt capacitive switch is electrostatic actuated and designed with a meander beam support to lower the pull-in voltage. Fast simulations of complex structures based on a method-of-moment approach allow for optimal design of MEMS switch. The switch has a simulated pull-in voltage of 2.5 V and the RF performances of insertion loss and isolation are less than -0.2 dB and -50 dB at 12 GHz, respectively

    A game theory and application of power strategy to attract voters in GE 14

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    A Stable political power can help a legitimate government to maintain the economic stability, and social harmonious of the country. On the contrary, instability of a political power of a country may influence the economic uncertainty due to internal biolence, rebel and distruption of power. This could result in losing the democratic transition of power. This study was conducted to gain an in-depth understanding of the political power and the political game practiced by the key political parties in Malaysia namely, BN and PR/PH. Game theory analytical method was utilised to explain the political strategies of both parties. The findings of this study revealed that the political power used by BN was Hard Power whereas PR/PH adopted soft power which is based on perception compared to BN that implemented coercive methods of legislation. As the conclusion based on the analysis of game theory BN had applied the game theory that combined hard and smart political power, while on the other hand, PR/PH had utilised combined soft and smart political power in the previous two GEs. Keduadua parti politik, BN dan PR/PH mengamalkan pendekatan teori permainan yang berbeza. Both of the political parties, BN and PR/PH practiced a different game theory approach

    Teori permainan dan aplikasi strategi kuasa untuk memikat pengundi dalam PRU 14

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    Kuasa politik yang stabil boleh membantu sebuah kerajaan yang sah untuk mengekalkan kestabilan ekonomi dan keharmonian social sesebuah negara. Manakala kuasa politik yang terumbang ambing membawa kepada ketidakstabilan ekonomi yang menjadikan kuasa yang dimiliki pudar dan hilang hingga mengakibatkan peralihan kuasa secara demokrasi mahupun secara kekerasan. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk memahami kuasa politik yang digunakan serta permainan politik oleh parti politik utama di Malaysia, BN dan PR/PH. Kaedah analisis teori permainan digunakan untuk menjelaskan strategi politik yang dipilih oleh BN dan PR/PH. Hasil analisis mendapati kuasa politik yang digunakan oleh BN adalah kuasa keras dan pintar manakala PR/PH menggunakan kuasa lembut yang berteraskan persepsi berbanding BN yang menggunakan paksaan menerusi kuasa yang dimiliki. Kesimpulannya, berdasarkan analisis Teori Permainan, BN menggunakan teori permainan dengan gabungan kuasa keras dan pintar manakala PR/PH pula menggunakan teori permainan yang menggabungkan kuasa lembut dan pintar dalam dua PRU yang lepas. Perincian kajian dinyatakan dalam artikel kajian ini

    Satira politik: analisis Internet trolling di Malaysia

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    Satira politik merupakan satu bentuk komunikasi politik terdiri daripada pelbagai jenis. Satira politik melalui pendekatan Internet trolling pula dilihat semakin berkembang di Malaysia. Internet trolling boleh didapati dalam bentuk gambar (memes) atau rakaman (video) dan merupakan salah satu medium yang menarik digunakan dalam media sosial sebagai alat menyampaikan maklumat. Fenomena ini telah menular dalam kebanyakan aplikasi media sosial. Internet trolling seringkali digunakan terhadap para pemimpin politik sebagai bahan sindiran. Fenomena ini semakin rancak kerana rakyat kini dilihat cenderung untuk mendapatkan maklumat berkenaan berita politik menggunakan media baharu. Ini kerana medium ini mudah untuk diakses dan lebih bebas. Artikel ini memberi tumpuan kepada penyertaan pengguna media sosial dalam komunikasi politik berbentuk satira. Reka bentuk kajian ini adalah berdasarkan sorotan kajian yang terbatas dan pembacaan teori mobilisasi sosial dan teori penggunaan dan kepuasan media. Analisis kualitatif kandungan pula dipilih sebagai metodologi kajian. Media sosial Facebook menjadi medium analisis manakala komenkomen pengguna Facebook digunakan sebagai unit analisis. Kajian ini merumuskan bahawa fenomena trolling politik dalam media sosial menjadi indikator bahawa corak kebebasan bersuara dalam kalangan masyarakat kian berubah. Sungguhpun trolling politik yang selama ini tersebar melalui pelbagai aplikasi media sosial ini dilihat agak keterlaluan, namun pemimpin-pemimpin ini masih meneruskan tugas masing-masing tanpa menghiraukan bahan satira yang keterlaluan tersebut

    Impak satira politik terhadap internet trolling di Malaysia

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    Political satire of the internet trolling has been growing in Malaysia. Malaysians seek political information news using new media because they are easy to access and free. Internet trolling can be found in the form of pictures (memes) or recording. This phenomena has taken place in any types of social media. Most of the internet trolling reflected on the political leaders as the satire material. Hence, this article focuses on the effectiveness of political troll in shaping the opinion towards the political leaders. Qualitative content of analysis has been carried on the new media. The comments from Facebook users has been used as unit of an analysis. The findings have found that political troll is a medium among the users to participate in political communication. Thus, theory of mobilization supported the research findings on the function of political troll that provides an indicator of users political knowledge. The study has found that political knowledge among the users through their political trolling on the social media. Interestingly, the trend of trolling in Malaysia has shaped the new phenomenon of social media usage. However, the analysis on each trolling discussed are based on the type of political trolling such as the image of the leaders, theme and concept used

    BF Enterprise: Banana Peel Flour / Siti Nur Hazimah Ibrahim...[et.al]

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    Entrepreneurship is a dynamic process that involves change and creation. Entrepreneurship can be defined as the identification, evaluation and exploitation of previously unexploited opportunities. The focus is on creation of a new enterprise or business as well as wealth associated with it. Essential dimensions or ingredients include willingness to take calculated risk. The skill to apply creative solutions and new ideas and finally, being pro-active to act on opportunities while others are still confused or unaware of the potential at hand. Banana peel flour is a new invention that had been created in Malaysia. It is a healthy flour that enriched with calcium, vitamin Band C. It is involving the simple processes which are cutting, drying, grinding and packaging. All the cost that involves had been properly calculated. The product been distributed in three state in Malaysia which are Melaka, Negeri Sembilan and Johor. BF ENTERPRISE is the name of our company. The name was choosing based on our product create where 'B' is a stand for the banana while 'F' is a stand for the flour. So, our product is banana flour. Our company product is about the flour that made from the banana. Banana flour is a manufacturing business in Malaysia especially in the southern region that produces banana flour. The goal of this company is to make sure the product create will be acceptance by this country especially for the consumer. Banana flour is made from the organic fruit which is banana peel. The banana flour is differing from the other floor because it contains vitamin C, vitamin B, calcium and protein. Nowadays, we are the first company that produce flour from the banana fruit. Current in the market we must produce the different product from the existed product. So, we create flour from the banana to extract the nutrient and taste from the banana. This product can supply nutrient toward consumer when using this product for their cooking

    Intelligent guidance parking system using modified Dijkstra's algorithm

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    Parking system is one of the main important facilities that should have in any infrastructure or building especially for the place of interest and place of people’s attraction. The best parking system is the system that provides customers the ease of finding the available spaces, user friendly and less time consuming. This paper presents the intelligent parking system which apply Dijkstra’s algorithm in finding the shortest path. The proposed intelligent parking guidance system is a system that assigns the nearest vacant bay to drivers with necessary direction printed on the ticket so that drivers are able to find the 'best' lot with the minimum amount of time. The system will automatically check for the nearest empty lot and reserve the lot for the user so that the next user will not get the same lot again. Software and hardware implementations have been carried out. Few electronic components such as PICs, IR sensors, push buttons, LEDs, LCDs, counters, comparators, and servo motors have been used to realize the system. Personal computer and DAQ cards are used to communicate and interface with the monitor to display the GUI which has been developed using Lab View. It will also present the real time simulation of the parking system and validate any information regarding the parking status