680 research outputs found

    Analisis Kebutuhan Pangan Di Kecamatan Rumbai Pesisir Kota Pekanbaru

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    Pangan merupakan salah satu kebutuhan manusia yang mendasar. Penganekaragaman pangan merupakan suatu langkah strategis untuk mewujudkan ketahanan pangan dalam rangka meningkatkan kualitas sumberdaya manusia.Permintaan pangan meningkat seiring dengan pertumbuhan penduduk. Peningkatan jumlah penduduk serta penurunan luas lahan pertanian produktif akibat konversi lahan untuk kepentingan sektor non-pertanian, menyebabkan pangan tidak cukup. Oleh karena itu perlu dilakukan perhitungan kebutuhan pangan.Penelitian dengan judul : Analisis Kebutuhan Pangan Di Kecamatan Rumbai Pesisir Kota Pekanbaru, memiliki tujuan : a) Menganalisis kebutuhan pangan Kecamatan Rumbai Pesisir Kota Pekanbaru.b). Menganalisis potensi pengembangan tanaman pangan Kecamatan Rumbai Pesisir Kota Pekanbaru.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pangan yang dibutuhkan untuk memenuhi kecukupan gizi dengan standart PPH belum dapat dipenuhi dari produksi pangan dari wilayah setempat. Oleh karena itu dengan memanfaatkan sumberdaya yang ada diharapkan dapat ditingkatkan produksi pangan, antara lain ubi kayu, jagung, padi, kacang tanah, kacang hijau. Diperlukan dukungan dari berbagai pihak untuk mewujudkan hal tersebut, baik dari pemerintah, akademisi serta peranserta masyarakat

    Analisis Agroindustri Nenas Ud Berkat Bersama Di Desa Kualu Nenas Kecamatan Tambang Kabupaten Kampar

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    Pineapple (Ananas comosus L) is a fruit crop coming from Brazil. Besides pineapple can be eaten directly can be further processed into chips pineapple, pineapple dodol, jam, syrup and others. In the village there Nenas Kualu agro-industrial raw material, namely pineapple pineapple chips, diamonds pineapple and pineapple dodol. Pineapple chips are most widely refined products developed by craftsmen in the village Kualu pineapple processing pineapple. Processing of agricultural or agro-industry is a subsystem of agribusiness very big role in increasing the added value of agricultural products. Employers will also seek to do business with a decent order to obtain the maximum revenue to improve their welfare. In connection with this condition, this study aims to conduct feasibility analysis, Break Even Point (BEP), and the added value that can be produced by the pineapple industry. The results showed that the Agro-Industry Pineapple "Thanks to the Joint Enterprises in May 2016 to produce pineapple chips of 651 Kg. With a production cost of Rp. A sum of 45,475,122, - and the revenue generated Rp. 13,114,878, -. Results BEP analysis shows that this business in the breaks even when producing pineapple chips 60 kg with admission of Rp. 5,371,598, -. If the expected profit of Rp. 20.000.000, -, sales of chips should reach 902 Kg. the added value generated by effort "Berkat Bersama" is Rp. 872, - /kg of fresh pineapple

    Magnetoelectric coupling in MnTiO3

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    We give general arguments that show that the linear magnetoelectric effect in antiferromagnetic materials gives rise to a magnetocapacitance anomaly—a divergence of the dielectric constant at the magnetic ordering temperature TN that appears in an applied magnetic field. The measurement of magnetodielectric response thus provides a definitive and experimentally accessiblemethod to recognize antiferromagnetic linear magnetoelectric materials, circumventing the experimental difficulties often involved in measuring electric polarization. We confirm this result experimentally using the example of MnTiO3, which we show to exhibit the linear magnetoelectric effect. No dielectric anomaly is observed at TN in the absence of an applied magnetic field. However, a sharp peak in the dielectric constant appears here when a magnetic field is applied along the c axis, reflecting a linear coupling of the polarization P with the antiferromagnetic order parameter L. In accordance with our theoretical analysis, the dielectric constant close to TN increases with the square of the magnetic field.

    Rancang Bangun Sistem Pemanggil Darurat Pada Situasi Perampokan Berbasis Android

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    Pada tahun 2012 media masa cukup sering memberitakan adanya perampokan di berbagai wilayah di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (DIY). Kasus perampokan di DIY sebanyak dilaporkan sebanyak 222 laporan kasus kriminal yang terjadi sampai dengan akhir Nopember tahun 2012. Adapun kasus perampokan di instansi sebanyak 39 kasus. Dalam situasi perampokan umumnya korban akan panik dan bahkan boleh jadi dalam keadaan disandera, sehingga sulit untuk meminta bantuan menggunakan perangkat komunikasi secara normal. Sistem ini dibangun untuk membantu korban perampokan untuk dapat segera meminta bantuan kepada Polisi melalui perangkat Android mereka. Sistem ini mampu mengirimkan data lokasi kejadian perampokan via internet ke server yang ada di kantor polisi dan ke HP polisi via SMS dengan menekan sebuah shortcut. Sistem ini bekerja dengan memanfaatkan sinyal GPS. Sistem telah teruji oleh beberapa responden dengan hasil yang baik


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    This article discusses the views of Sheikh H. Ali Imran Hasan regarding tarekat moderation. This paper departs from the development of the tarekat and the attitude of exclusivity in charity, which is often a moderation process in the tarekat. According to Sheikh H. Ali Imran Hasan, knowledge and charity are two important aspects in studying the tarekat as well as monitoring the development of the tarekat. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative. The conclusions of this study include: (1) the importance of a complete and comprehensive understanding in studying the tarekat (2) a rational and open attitude can eliminate boredom in thinking for students (3) the need to pay attention to public acceptance of the tarekat to avoi

    Pola Penalaran Ilmiah dan Kemampuan Penyelesaian Masalah Sintesis Fisika

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    Scientific reasoning pattern and problem solving ability has an important role in learning physics which associate multiple concept. The study was conducted to describe the change in the pattern category reasoning, problem solving ability level synthesis of physics, and investigate the relationship between the pattern of scientific reasoning and problem solving abilities synthesis of physics students. This study uses a mixed method embedded experimental design. The research instrument used is the treatment and measurement instruments. Changes in the student category intuitive reasoning patterns influenced by the knowledge and experience of students in daily life. Student's Problem solving ability level of synthesis problem at most are novice level. Novice student solve the problem without recognizing the concept and have a tendency to plug and chug limited to the equation they remembered. The pattern of scientific reasoning and problem solving abilities synthesis of physics has a positive relation.Pola penalaran ilmiah dan kemampuan penyelesaian masalah memiliki peranan penting dalam pembelajaran fisika yang mengaitkan lebih dari satu konsep. Penelitian dilakukan untuk mendeskripsikan Perubahan kategori pola penalaran, tingkat kemampuan penyelesaian masalah sintesis fisika, dan mengetahui hubungan antara pola penalaran ilmiah dan kemampuan penyelesaian masalah sintesis fisika siswa. Penelitian ini menggunakan embedded mixed method desain experimental model. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan adalah instrumen perlakuan dan pengukuran. Perubahan kategori pola penalaran intuisi siswa dipengaruhi oleh pengetahuan dan pengalaman siswa di lingkungan. Tingkat kemampuan penyelesaian masalah sintesis fisika siswa paling banyak adalah novice. Siswa novice menyelesaikan masalah tanpa mengenali konsep dan memiliki kecenderungan plug dan chug sebatas persamaan yang mereka ingat. Pola penalaran ilmiah dan kemampuan penyelesaian masalah sintesis fisika memiliki hubungan yang positif

    Problem Solving Approach in Electrical Energy and Power on Students as Physics Teacher Candidates

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    In agreement with students' conceptual understanding, identifying of problem solving is an important part of physics. This article is to identify the approach used by students in solving a physics problem. The subject of the research were students of physics education year 2014 in Jambi University who had joined basic physics class. The instruments used in this research were DIRECT (determining and interpreting resistive electric circuit concept test) (Engelhardt & Beichner, 2004). Based on the result, 34,1% students still used the memory based approach in problem solving, 52,3% of them used no clear approach, 4,5% used structured manner, 6,82% used unstructured manner and only 2,27% students used a scientific approach to solving the problem. The result showed that many students used no clear approach and memory based approach to solve the problem. It mean that they did not use physics concept in solving the problem and generally they only used the equation they memorized related to the problem they ever did before
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