341 research outputs found

    Generación de nuevos modelos animales para el estudio de la enfermedad de Alzheimer

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    Tesis doctoral inédita leída en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Facultad de Ciencias, Departamento de Biología Molecular. Fecha de lectura: 29-10-201

    La guadua como una alternativa para la construcción de vivienda de interés social mejorando las condiciones de habitabilidad de las familias con viviendas en situación de riesgo o vulnerabilidad.

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    Se presenta una monografía que plantea la combinación de Caña de Guadua con los tradicionales materiales de construcción para la edificación de casas de interés social en el corregimiento, teniendo en cuenta que es un material de rápido crecimiento, con características de durabilidad, flexibilidad y sismo-resistencia que puede contribuir eficientemente para optimizar la inversión y el tiempo de ejecución en este tipo de proyectos y así, mejorar también la calidad de vida de estas familias y poder contribuir positivamente en problemas ambientales, sociales económicos y culturales en el municipio.A monograph is presented that proposes the combination of “Caña de Guadua” with the traditional construction materials for the construction of houses of social interest in the Corregimiento, taking into account that it is a fast growing material, with characteristics of durability, flexibility and earthquake-resistance that can contribute efficiently to optimize the investment and the execution time in this type of projects and thus, also improve the quality of life of these families and be able to contribute positively in environmental, social, economic and cultural problems in the town

    The impact of winning or losing a padel match on heart rate variability

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    Padel is an intermittent sport that has significantly increased its practice in the past years. Previous studies showed that physical demands significantly differed depending on the results of the match (win or lose). However, no previous studies have investigated the effects on the heart rate variability (HRV) of padel players. The present study examined the impact of winning or losing a padel match on the player’s HRV. A total of 27 players, with a mean age of 37.26 (9.42) years old and a body mass index (BMI) of 26.26 (3.21) participated in our study. The participant’s HRV was assessed before, during and after a padel match. The match results were used to divide the sample between winners and losers. Time domain, fre- quency domain and non-linear measures were extracted. Results showed that both groups significantly decreased their HRV during and after the match. However, significant differences (p > 0.05) were not found between winners and losers in the HRV while playing padel or after the match. These differences could indicate that the physical load was similar in the two groups. Results highlight the importance and usefulness of analysing the HRV as an indicator of post-competitive fatigue in medium-level padel players

    Predictors of clinically significant quality of life impairment in Parkinson’s disease

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    Parkinson's disease; Quality of lifeEnfermedad de Parkinson; Calidad de vidaMalaltia de Parkinson; Qualitat de vidaQuality of life (QOL) plays an important role in independent living in Parkinson’s disease (PD) patients, being crucial to know what factors impact QoL throughout the course of the disease. Here we identified predictors of QoL impairment in PD patients from a Spanish cohort. PD patients recruited from 35 centers of Spain from the COPPADIS cohort from January 2016, to November 2017, were followed up during 2 years. Health-related QoL (HRQoL) and global QoL (GQoL) were assessed with the 39-item Parkinson’s disease Questionnaire (PDQ-39) and the EUROHIS-QOL 8-item index (EUROHIS-QOL8), respectively, at baseline (V0) and at 24 months ± 1 month (V2). Clinically significant QoL impairment was defined as presenting an increase (PDQ-39SI) or decrement (EUROHIS-QOL8) at V2 ≥ 10% of the score at baseline (V0). A comparison with a control group was conducted for GQoL. GQoL did not change significantly in PD patients (N = 507; p = 0.686) or in the control group (N = 119; p = 0.192). The mean PDQ-39SI was significantly increased in PD patients (62.7 ± 8.5 years old; 58.8% males; N = 500) by 21.6% (from 16.7 ± 13 to 20.3 ± 16.4; p < 0.0001) at V2. Ninety-three patients (18.6%) presented a clinically significant HRQoL impairment at V2. To be younger (OR = 0.896; 95% CI 0.829–0.968; p = 0.006), to be a female (OR = 4.181; 95% CI 1.422–12.290; p = 0.009), and to have a greater increase in BDI-II (Beck Depression Inventory-II) (OR = 1.139; 95% CI 1.053–1.231; p = 0.001) and NMSS (Non-Motor Symptoms Scale) (OR = 1.052; 95% CI 1.027–1.113; p < 0.0001) total scores from V0 to V2 were associated with clinically significant HRQoL impairment at the 2-year follow-up (Hosmer–Lemeshow test, p = 0.665; R 2 = 0.655). An increase in ≥5 and ≥10 points of BDI-II and NMSS total score at V2 multiplied the probability of presenting clinically significant HRQoL impairment by 5 (OR = 5.453; 95% CI 1.663–17.876; p = 0.005) and 8 (OR = 8.217; 95% CI, 2.975–22.696; p = 0.002), respectively. In conclusion, age, gender, mood, and non-motor impairment were associated with clinically significant HRQoL impairment after the 2-year follow-up in PD patients

    SMART-LAMP: A Smartphone-Operated Handheld Device for Real-Time Colorimetric Point-of-Care Diagnosis of Infectious Diseases via Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification

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    [ENG]Nucleic acid amplification diagnostics offer outstanding features of sensitivity and specificity. However, they still lack speed and robustness, require extensive infrastructure, and are neither affordable nor user-friendly. Thus, they have not been extensively applied in point-of-care diagnostics, particularly in low-resource settings. In this work, we have combined the loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) technology with a handheld portable device (SMART-LAMP) developed to perform real-time isothermal nucleic acid amplification reactions, based on simple colorimetric measurements, all of which are Bluetooth-controlled by a dedicated smartphone app. We have validated its diagnostic utility regarding different infectious diseases, including Schistosomiasis, Strongyloidiasis, and COVID-19, and analyzed clinical samples from suspected COVID-19 patients. Finally, we have proved that the combination of long-term stabilized LAMP master mixes, stored and transported at room temperature with our developed SMART-LAMP device, provides an improvement towards true point-of-care diagnosis of infectious diseases in settings with limited infrastructure. Our proposal could be easily adapted to the diagnosis of other infectious diseases

    Acute effect of a padel match on the body composition in amateur padel players. Differences according to match result

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    The aim of this study was to analyze the changes in body composition and water content in amateur padel players, after a padel match. A total of 24 players (age= 36.87±8.74 years) with an experience in padel ranged between 1 and 2 years, as well as with a practice frequency of 1 to 2 times a week participated in this cross-sectional study. Body composition was assessed using electrical bioimpedance, recording data on weight, fat mass (kg and %), fat-free mass (kg and %) and body water (total, intracellular and extracellular), before and after a padel match. The results did not show signifi cant changes in any of the variables after the padel match. Furthermore, no differences were observed between winners and losers. In conclusion, a practice of padel match in novice players does not cause changes in body composition parameters, probably due to a lack of intensity

    Staging Parkinson’s Disease Combining Motor and Nonmotor Symptoms Correlates with Disability and Quality of Life

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    Malaltia de Parkinson; Qualitat de vidaEnfermedad de Parkinson; Calidad de vidaParkinson's Disease; Quality of LifeIntroduction. In a degenerative disorder such as Parkinson’s disease (PD), it is important to establish clinical stages that allow to know the course of the disease. Our aim was to analyze whether a scale combining Hoehn and Yahr’s motor stage (H&Y) and the nonmotor symptoms burden (NMSB) (assessed by the nonmotor symptoms scale (NMSS)) provides information about the disability and the patient’s quality of life (QoL) with regard to a defined clinical stage. Materials and Methods. Cross-sectional study in which 603 PD patients from the COPPADIS cohort were classified according to H&Y (1, stage I; 2, stage II; 3, stage III; 4, stage IV/V) and NMSB (A: NMSS = 0–20; B: NMSS = 21–40; C: NMSS = 41–70; D: NMSS ≥ 71) in 16 stages (HY.NMSB, from 1A to 4D). QoL was assessed with the PDQ-39SI, PQ-10, and EUROHIS-QOL8 and disability with the Schwab&England ADL (Activities of Daily Living) scale. Results. A worse QoL and greater disability were observed at a higher stage of H&Y and NMSB (). Combining both (HY.NMSB), patients in stages 1C and 1D and 2C and 2D had significantly worse QoL and/or less autonomy for ADL than those in stages 2A and 2B and 3A and 3B, respectively (; e.g., PDQ-39SI in 1D [n = 15] vs 2A [n = 101]: 28.6 ± 17.1 vs 7.9 ± 5.8; ). Conclusion. The HY.NMSB scale is simple and reflects the degree of patient involvement more accurately than the H&Y. Patients with a lower H&Y stage may be more affected if they have a greater NMS burden

    Heart Rate Variability Monitoring during a Padel Match

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    Padel, an increasingly popular sport, presents some associated cardiovascular risks, which can be prevented by heart rate variability (HRV) monitoring. However, there is no study worldwide that characterizes HRV during padel games. Therefore, this study aims to monitor HRV responses and characterize them using linear and non-linear metrics at three time points: at baseline, during a game, and during recovery. Twenty-seven amateur participants had their HRV monitored before, during, and after a 90 min padel game. We extracted time, frequency, and non-linear measures with MATLAB for baseline, rest period, and at three periods of 5 min during the game. The differences in measures were assessed through an ANOVA. The autonomic modulation was affected by the padel match in amateur players. In this regard, the root mean square of successive differences between normal heartbeats (RMSsd), Poincaré plot (perpendicular standard deviation (SD1) and horizontal standard deviation (SD2)), sample entropy (SampEn), low frequencies (LF), and very low frequencies (VLF) were significantly reduced during the game, whereas alpha-2, high frequencies (HF), and the ratio between low and high frequencies (LF/HF) increased during the game. Furthermore, an abrupt change was found in the autonomic modulation between game and recovery assessments, which suggests the need to rethink the practices of cool-down protocols. The multiple timepoints analyzed during this study allow us to investigate the evolution of different HRV measures in the time, frequency, and non-linear domains, clarifying the interpretation of the variables, especially the less-investigated ones such as the non-linear measures.Grant from the Universities Ministry and the European Union (NextGenerationUE) (MS-03)

    Regeneration dynamics in fragmented landscapes at the leading edge of distribution: Quercus suber woodlands as a study case

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    [EN] Aims We studied the regeneration dynamics of woodlands and abandoned old fields in a landscape dominated by Quercus suber in its lower limits of rainfall and temperature. Two hypotheses were established: (1) regeneration of Quercus species is strongly favored by the presence of tree cover; and (2) growth of Q. suber is driven by the climatic variables that represent the lower ecological limit of its leading distribution edge. Methods We selected woodlands and old fields with and without tree remnants (n = 3 per type), and analyzed stand structure, soil parameters and tree growth. Results Succession was arrested in old fields without tree remnants. By contrast, remnant trees were accelerators of forest recovery in old fields. Tree cover played a fundamental role in Quercus recruitment throughout seed dispersal and facilitation that mitigate the effects of summer drought on seedlings. Also, tree cover improved soil parameters (e.g., organic matter) that are important factors for understanding differences in regeneration. Winter/spring precipitation exerted a positive effect on tree growth, as well as temperatures during winter/spring and September. Conclusions Regeneration dynamics are modeled by the density of tree cover in the cold and dry edge of the distribution area of Q. suber where Q. ilex is increasing in abundance. Although temperature has a positive effect on the tree growth of Q. suber, when demographic processes are considered, decreases in water availability likely play a critical role in Q. ilex recruitment. This in turn changes dominance hierarchies, especially in abandoned areas with little or no tree cover.This study was funded by project SA013G19 from “Junta de Castilla y León” and by research grants awarded for final projects directed in the Master’s degree in Biology and Conservation of Biodiversity at the University of Salamanca, Spain.Publicación en abierto financiada por el Consorcio de Bibliotecas Universitarias de Castilla y León (BUCLE), con cargo al Programa Operativo 2014ES16RFOP009 FEDER 2014-2020 DE CASTILLA Y LEÓN, Actuación:20007-CL - Apoyo Consorcio BUCL

    QUIJOTE scientific results - III. Microwave spectrum of intensity and polarization in the Taurus Molecular Cloud complex and L1527

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    ABSTRACT: We present new intensity and polarization observations of the Taurus Molecular Cloud (TMC) region in the frequency range 10–20 GHz with the multifrequency instrument (MFI) mounted on the first telescope of the Q-U-I-JOint TEnerife (QUIJOTE) experiment. From the combination of the QUIJOTE data with the WMAP 9-yr data release, the Planck second data release, the DIRBE maps, and ancillary data, we detect an anomalous microwave emission (AME) component with flux density SAME,peak = 43.0 ± 7.9 Jy in the TMC and SAME,peak = 10.7 ± 2.7 Jy in the dark cloud nebula L1527, which is part of the TMC. In the TMC the diffuse AME emission peaks around a frequency of 19 GHz, compared with an emission peak about a frequency of 25 GHz in L1527. In the TMC, the best constraint on the level of AME polarization is obtained at the Planck channel of 28.4 GHz, with an upper limit πAME < 4.2 per cent (95 per cent C.L.), which reduces to πAME < 3.8 per cent (95 per cent C.L.) if the intensity of all the free–free, synchrotron and thermal dust components are negligible at this frequency. The same analysis in L1527 leads to πAME < 5.3 per cent (95 per cent C.L.) or πAME < 4.5 per cent (95 per cent C.L.) under the same assumption. We find that in the TMC and L1527 on average about 80 per cent of the H II gas should be mixed with thermal dust. Our analysis shows how the QUIJOTE-MFI 10–20 GHz data provide key information to properly separate the synchrotron, free–free, and AME components.This work has been partially funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) under the projects AYA2007-68058-C03-01, AYA2010-21766-C03-02, AYA2012-39475-C02-01, AYA2014-60438-P: ESP2015- 70646.C2-1-R, AYA2015-64508-P and the Consolider-Ingenio project CSD2010-00064 (EPI: Exploring the Physics of Inflation)