214 research outputs found

    Student Performance and Perception of the Teaching Methodologies Implemented by COVID-19

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    The 2007 London Communiqué Towards the European Higher Education Area: responding to the challenges of a globalized world confirms that a major effect of this globalization process will be a transition to student-centered higher education. This methodological transition in teaching processes has been accompanied in all cases by technological innovation, but it is the health crisis caused by COVID-19 that drives and accelerates it. Given this, we ask ourselves how student performance has been affected as a result of the accelerated emergence of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in teaching processes, for which the results of the continuous evaluation of students of a certain subject before and after the pandemic. The achievements show that both at a quantitative level and in the perception of the students, the changes have been positive and should have been carried out earlier, that progressivity in teaching innovations loses its meaning due to the volatile and uncertain environment in which we operate and that we learn and teachers are able to adapt quickly, even if this forces them to leave our comfort zone

    Importance of sustainable training for the employment of the future

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    Purpose: University learning of a group of competencies, also proposed by Bologna, is currently gaining importance: transversal competencies, already included in the OECD Competencies Report (2019) which, common to all university degrees, bring the student closer to a new reality and to a diverse professional future, where sustainable leaders will be one of the fundamental axes of any decision. Design/methodology/approach: The results of a massive survey that was carried out on how university students perceive and value these skills are analyzed, together with a series of qualitative interviews with employers, analyzing what deficiencies exist. Findings: The results show that soft skills are essential for the professional future of students and that they understand and value it. Likewise, it was observed that it is essential to establish a common system of certified recognition of these competences and that universities must develop instruments that facilitate their accreditation in the workplace through digital badges. implications: For its effective development, it is necessary to incorporate in the different degree studies a type of training anchored in the values and attitudes necessary to achieve a fairer and more balanced society, in line with what the Sustainable Development Goals 3, 4 and 8 mark. Originality/value: This study provides a vision of the need for training in certain skills to achieve a rapprochement between the labor market and the universityPeer Reviewe

    Aprendizaje de soft skills con retos sociales

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    Es presenta un projecte d’innovació educativa realitzat en els cursos 20-21 i 21-22 de primer i segon del Títol Propi de Lideratge de la Universidad de San Pablo CEU de Madrid. Durant aquest curs acadèmic s’ha engegat en ambdós cursos un nou projecte educatiu basat en la docència virtual mixta (híbrida), on les masterclass o sessions més teòriques s’han complementat amb un Challenge Based Learning o Aprenentatge Basat en Reptes (ABR) vinculat a les matèries d’ambdós cursos, aplicant la metodologia Design Sprint, per a la realització de la qual s’ha emprat la plataforma Teams. L’objectiu era fer participar l’alumne del seu propi procés formatiu, en pretendre un aprenentatge experimental de les soft skills, pròpies de qualsevol curs de lideratge, aplicant mètodes àgils de treball, que són cada vegada més utilitzats a les empreses. En aquest sentit, l’aprenentatge basat en desafiaments ha suposat una experiència on els participants han desenvolupat solucions que requereixen un enfocament interdisciplinari i creatiu per al desenvolupament d’aquestes habilitats toves.An educational innovation project carried out in the first and second courses 20-21 and 21-22 of the Leadership Title of the San Pablo CEU University of Madrid is presented. During this academic year, a new educational project based on mixed virtual teaching (hybrid) has been launched in both courses, where the masterclass or more theoretical sessions have been complemented with a challenge based learning linked to the subjects of both courses, applying the Design Sprint methodology, for which the Teams platform has been used. The objective was to make the student participate in their training process, by seeking an experiential learning of soft skills, typical of any leadership course, applying agile work methods, which are increasingly used in companies. In this sense, challenge-based learning has been an experience where participants have developed solutions that require an interdisciplinary and creative approach for the development of these soft skills.Se presenta un proyecto de innovación educativa realizado en los cursos 20-21 y 21-22 de primero y segundo del Título Propio de Liderazgo de la Universidad San Pablo CEU de Madrid. Durante este curso académico se ha puesto en marcha en ambos cursos un nuevo proyecto educativo basado en la docencia virtual mixta (híbrida), donde las masterclass o sesiones más teóricas se han complementado con un Challenge Based Learning o Aprendizaje Basado en Retos (ABR) vinculado a las materias de ambos cursos, aplicando la metodología Design Sprint, para cuya realización se ha empleado la plataforma Teams. El objetivo era hacer partícipe al alumno de su proceso formativo, al pretender un aprendizaje experiencial de las soft skills, propias de cualquier curso de liderazgo, aplicando métodos agiles de trabajo, que son cada vez más utilizados en las empresas. En este sentido, el aprendizaje basado en desafíos ha supuesto una experiencia donde los participantes han desarrollado soluciones que requieren un enfoque interdisciplinario y creativo para el desarrollo de estas habilidades blandas

    Action semantics at the bottom of the brain: Insights from dysplastic cerebellar gangliocytoma

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    Recent embodied cognition research shows that access to action verbs in shallow-processing tasks becomes selectively compromised upon atrophy of the cerebellum, a critical motor region. Here we assessed whether cerebellar damage also disturbs explicit semantic processing of action pictures and its integration with ongoing motor responses. We evaluated a cognitively preserved 33-year-old man with severe dysplastic cerebellar gangliocytoma (Lhermitte-Duclos disease), encompassing most of the right cerebellum and the posterior part of the left cerebellum. The patient and eight healthy controls completed two semantic association tasks (involving pictures of objects and actions, respectively) that required motor responses. Accuracy results via Crawford's modified t-tests revealed that the patient was selectively impaired in action association. Moreover, reaction-time analysis through Crawford's Revised Standardized Difference Test showed that, while processing of action concepts involved slower manual responses in controls, no such effect was observed in the patient, suggesting that motor-semantic integration dynamics may be compromised following cerebellar damage. Notably, a Bayesian Test for a Deficit allowing for Covariates revealed that these patterns remained after covarying for executive performance, indicating that they were not secondary to extra-linguistic impairments. Taken together, our results extend incipient findings on the embodied functions of the cerebellum, offering unprecedented evidence of its crucial role in processing non-verbal action meanings and integrating them with concomitant movements. These findings illuminate the relatively unexplored semantic functions of this region while calling for extensions of motor cognition models.Fil: Cervetto Manciameli, Sabrina Fabiana. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Houssay. Instituto de Neurociencia Cognitiva. Fundación Favaloro. Instituto de Neurociencia Cognitiva; Argentina. Universidad de la República; UruguayFil: Abrevaya, Sofia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Houssay. Instituto de Neurociencia Cognitiva. Fundación Favaloro. Instituto de Neurociencia Cognitiva; ArgentinaFil: Martorell Caro, Miguel Angel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Houssay. Instituto de Neurociencia Cognitiva. Fundación Favaloro. Instituto de Neurociencia Cognitiva; ArgentinaFil: Kozono, Giselle. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Houssay. Instituto de Neurociencia Cognitiva. Fundación Favaloro. Instituto de Neurociencia Cognitiva; ArgentinaFil: Muñoz, Edinson. Universidad de Santiago de Chile; ChileFil: Ferrari, Jesica. Instituto de Neurología Cognitiva; ArgentinaFil: Sedeño, Lucas. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Houssay. Instituto de Neurociencia Cognitiva. Fundación Favaloro. Instituto de Neurociencia Cognitiva; ArgentinaFil: Ibáñez Barassi, Agustín Mariano. Australian Research Council; Australia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Houssay. Instituto de Neurociencia Cognitiva. Fundación Favaloro. Instituto de Neurociencia Cognitiva; Argentina. Universidad Autónoma del Caribe; Colombia. Universidad Adolfo Ibañez; ChileFil: García, Adolfo Martín. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Houssay. Instituto de Neurociencia Cognitiva. Fundación Favaloro. Instituto de Neurociencia Cognitiva; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo; Argentin

    Características de los tensores de esfuerzos activos entre la Dorsal Centroatlántica y la Península Ibérica.

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    The orientation of the principal stresses and the principal stress difference ratio has been determined along the southwestern boundary of the Euroasiatic plate with Northamerican and African plates by inversion method of focal mechanisms of earthquakes. The ridge push (30~ to 65Q N) ranges from E-W to ESE-WSW, with R values that show a triaxial extensional stress. The state of stress changes to strike-slip regime in the transform fault zones, and the Shmax strike turns clockwise to NW in the dextral strike-slip faults and counterclockwise to the NE in the sinistral ones. Along the margin between the Euroasiatic-African plates, from the Azores triple junction to Algeria, Shmax keeps a constant NW-SE strike but the stress ratio values range from triaxial extensional stress state, to the West, to uniaxial compresive stress state, to the East, passing through a strike-slip regime in the middle zone. In this context and with a widely NWSE Shmax, strike-slip and extensional stresses prevail in most Iberian peninsula, whereas southwards it is dominated by uniaxial compresive stresses

    Comments and remarks over classic linear loop-gain method for oscillator design and analysis. New proposed method based on NDF/RRT

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    Abstract. This paper describes a new and original method for designing oscillators based on the Normalized Determinant Function (NDF) and Return Relations (RRT)- Firstly, a review of the loop-gain method will be performed. The loop-gain method pros, cons and some examples for exploring wrong solutions provided by this method will be shown. This method produces in some cases wrong solutions because some necessary conditions have not been fulfilled. The required necessary conditions to assure a right solution will be described. The necessity of using the NDF or the Transpose Return Relations (RRT), which are related with the True Loop-Gain, to test the additional conditions will be demonstrated. To conclude this paper, the steps for oscillator design and analysis, using the proposed NDF/RRj method, will be presented. The loop-gain wrong solutions will be compared with the NDF/RRj and the accuracy of this method to estimate the oscillation frequency and QL will be demonstrated. Some additional examples of plane reference oscillators (Z/Y/T), will be added and they will be analyzed with the new NDF/RRj proposed method, even these oscillators cannot be analyzed using the classic loop gain method

    Diplexor TETRA-GSM basado en Líneas D-CRLH

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    In this paper the use of Dual-Composite Right/Left Hand (D-CRLH) transmission lines is proposed for the design of diplexers. The D-CRLH diplexers present advantages over conventional diplexers such as smaller size. The design procedure and the design equations are presented in this paper. The non-linear phase response of a D-CRLH transmission line has been used to design arbitrary diplexers. An example illustrating the synthesis procedure is presented. Finally, the simulation results are compared with the measurement showing good agreement. These results confirm the excellent performance of the proposed circuit. These types of diplexers are particularly useful at the low microwave and UHF bands. g

    Microdeformation of lacustrine laminite sequences from Late Miocene formations of SE Spain: an interpretation of loop bedding.

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    Lacustrine laminated sediments (laminites) present in Late Miocene formations of the Híjar Basin, SE Spain, display well developed loop bedding, a structure consisting of bundles of laminae that are sharply constricted at intervals, giving a morphology of loops or links of a chain. The laminite sequences, which are interbedded with turbidite marlstones, were accumulated on the bottom of a permanently stratified lake developed in a rapidly subsiding basin limited by 010° and 105° normal faults. As deduced from both macro‐ and microdeformational analyses, the basin evolved under an extensional stress field throughout the Late Miocene. Four main types of loops, simple and complex loops with subcategories, have been recognized within the laminite sequence. Simple loops of type 1 show the best definite pattern, quite similar to ‘pinch and swell structures’, a type of boudinage typical of stretching of alternating beds where the competence contrast is not strongly marked. The remaining loop types display contortion and occasional breakage of laminae (microfaulted edges) indicative of microdeformation near the boundary between the ductile‐brittle deformational fields. The distribution of the various loop types across the laminite sequence reflects an interplay between progressive lithification of the laminites as sedimentation progressed and tectonic stresses which affected the sediment sequence. Accordingly, a mechanism of deformation under an extensional stress field, ultimately related to the creep movement of the main basin faults which resulted in successive seismic shocks of low magnitude, is proposed to explain the formation of loop bedding in the laminites

    Relación entre la complejidad estructural frágil y la distribución espacial de la sismicidad en tres regímenes tectónicos diferentes (Sur de Centro América)

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    Fracturation process is the main geological mechanism for earthquakes generation as well as their magnitude and spatial distribution. In this work we analyze the correlation among a geometric, cinematic and dynamic fault-slip analysis with the magnitude frequency distribution (Ms) and the epicentral setting into three different tectonic areas. In order to compare all these parameters these areas have the same surface (2°x2°) and a similar number of epicentres. The brittle structural complexity has been defined by means an index which depends on the number of active structures as well as the different type of active faults under the present-day stress tensor. The obtained results seem indicate that a bigger index of brittle structural complexity has a good relationship with an increasing of the "b" value and with a bigger complexity in the spatial distribution of earthquakes defined by the fractal dimension (capacity dimension, Dcap)