65 research outputs found
Antennas parameterization for the detection of partial discharges
Partial discharge (PD) detection is a widely extended technique for electrical insulation diagnosis. Ultrahigh-frequency detection techniques appear as a feasible alternative to traditional methods owing to their inherent advantages such as the capability to detect PDs online and to locate the piece of equipment with insulation problems in substations and cables. In this paper, four antennas are thoroughly studied by means of their theoretical and experimental behavior when measuring electromagnetic pulses radiated by PD activity. The theoretic study of the band of frequencies in which the pulse emits and the measurement of the parameters S11 are complemented with the frequency response and wavelet transform of a set of 500 time signals acquired by the antennas, and the results are analyzed in detail.This work was supported by the Spanish Science and Technology Ministry under Contracts DPI 2009-14628-C03-02 and TEC 2011- 29006-C03-03.Publicad
Torque Teno Virus in Nasopharyngeal Aspirate of Children With Viral Respiratory Infections
Background: Torque teno virus (TTV) is a ubiquitous anellovirus responsible for persistent infections and is considered a marker of immune function. The role of TTV as a facilitator of respiratory infections (RIs) is unknown. Objectives: Our aim was to estimate, in a prospective study, the prevalence of TTV in the nasopharyngeal aspirate (NPA) of hospitalized children <5 years old, with RIs and correlate them with outcomes and immune response. Patients and methods: NPA was taken for testing of 16 respiratory viruses by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (PCR), TTV PCR, and immunologic study. Results: Sixty hospitalized children with an RI were included. A total of 51/60 patients had positive common respiratory viral (CRV) identification. A total of 23/60 (38.3%) children were TTV+ in NPA. TTV+ patients had other CRVs in 100% of cases versus 78.3% in TTV- ( P = 0.029). The TTV+ patients tended to be older, have fever, and to need pediatric intensive care unit admission more often than TTV- patients. Abnormal chest radiograph was more frequent in the TTV+ patients, odds ratios 2.6 (95% CI: 1.3-5.2). The genetic expression of filaggrin (involved in epithelial barrier integrity) was lower in TTV+ patients; however, the levels of filaggrin in the NPA were increased. Conclusions: TTV infection is common in children with RI and could be associated with abnormal imaging in radiograph, greater severity and an alteration in filaggrin gene expression and protein release.Funded by projects PI18CIII/0009, PI18/00177, and PI21/00377, funded by Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII) and co-funded by the European Union. There are no conflicts of interest.S
Constraining the preservation of organic compounds in Mars analog nontronites after exposure to acid and alkaline fluids
The presence of organic matter in lacustrine mudstone sediments at Gale crater was revealed by the Mars Science Laboratory Curiosity rover, which also identified smectite clay minerals. Analogue experiments on phyllosilicates formed under low temperature aqueous conditons have illustrated that these are excellent reservoirs to host organic compounds against the harsh surface conditions of Mars. Here, we evaluate whether the capacity of smectites to preserve organic compounds can be influenced by a short exposure to different diagenetic fluids. We analyzed the stability of glycine embedded within nontronite samples previously exposed to either acidic or alkaline fluids (hereafter referred to as “treated nontronites”) under Mars-like surface conditions. Analyses performed using multiple techniques showed higher photodegradation of glycine in the acid-treated nontronite, triggered by decarboxylation and deamination processes. In constrast, our experiments showed that glycine molecules were preferably incorporated by ion exchange in the interlayer region of the alkali-treated nontronite, conferring them a better protection against the external conditions. Our results demonstrate that smectite previously exposed to fluids with different pH values influences how glycine is adsorbed into their interlayer regions, affecting their potential for preservation of organic compounds under contemporary Mars surface conditionsEuropean Commission | Ref. FP7 n. 307496European Commission | Ref. H2020 n. 818602Ministerio de Economía | Ref. MDM-2017-0737Ministerio de Economía | Ref. ESP2017-89053-C2-1-
El desastre de Chernóbil: una historia por contar
El accidente ocurrido en Chernóbil provocó daños irreparables al medioambiente y a todo ser vivo que habitaba en el lugar del suceso. Nuestro objetivo es informar acerca de lo ocurrido y cómo la radiactividad afectó el mismo. A partir de estos conocimientos queremos encontrar y explicar mediante una fórmula la radiactividad y cómo esta se manifestaría en los próximos años.
Al darse la explosión, el núcleo del reactor emitió una gigantesca masa radioactiva y gran cantidad de gases contaminantes en toda Ucrania: el yodo-131, dióxido de uranio, xenón, grafito, entre otros. Dichos elementos causaron múltiples repercusiones a todos los seres vivos, especialmente cáncer en los seres humanos.
La radiación es la desintegración espontánea de los átomos, la cual produce la emisión y propagación de energía en forma de ondas electromagnéticas o partículas. Las dosis elevadas de radiaciones ionizantes (RI) producen daños en las cadenas de ADN, pues los seres humanos mostraron una sensibilidad interme dia de las mutaciones a la radiación en comparación con otras especies. Con la investigación realizada se pudo determinar con la siguiente fórmula exponencial r(t) = ro ∗ e^kt una aproximación de la disminución de la radiación que se ha ido suscitando con el paso de los años. Con la cual concluimos que con el paso del tiempo la radiactividad se ha ido reduciendo por diferentes factores que existen en el medio
La ciencia de la destrucción
El uso de la bomba atómica es considerado la violación más grande de derechos humanos registrada a través de la historia y la cuna del arma más letal, dentro de la ciencia de la destrucción. Las consecuencias de una bomba atómica son devastadoras y destructivas a corto y a largo plazo. Se considera a la explosión de una bomba atómica como un fenómeno físico de gran complejidad, ya que se libera una gran cantidad de energía en forma de radiación y calor. El impacto de la misma se basa en la energía nuclear, la cual, se libera desde el núcleo de un átomo, y puede producirse mediante fisión o fusión nuclear. Ambas emiten una gran cantidad de energía, en forma de explosión, la energía nuclear, liberada por la reacción en cadena de la fisión, calienta a decenas de millones de grados los materiales de la bomba y alcanza presiones millones de veces más altas que la presión atmosférica. Calcularemos el calentamiento a volumen constante y la presión final de la semiesfera de una bola de fuego, para así conocer más acerca de la explosión de la bomba atómica llamada «Gadget»
Influence of crop load on the expression patterns of starch metabolism genes in alternate-bearing Citrus trees
[EN] The fruit is the main sink organ in Citrus and captures almost all available photoassimilates during its development. Consequently, carbohydrate partitioning and starch content depend on the crop load of Citrus trees. Nevertheless, little is known about the mechanisms controlling the starch metabolism at the tree level in relation to presence of fruit. The aim of this study was to find the relation between the seasonal variation of expression and activity of the genes involved in carbon metabolism and the partition and allocation of carbohydrates in 'Salustiana' sweet orange trees with different crop loads. Metabolisable carbohydrates, and the expression and activity of the enzymes involved in sucrose and starch metabolism, including sucrose transport, were determined during the year in the roots and leaves of 40-year-old trees bearing heavy crop loads ('on' trees) and trees with almost no fruits ('off' trees).
Fruit altered photoassimilate partitioning in trees. Sucrose content tended to be constant in roots and leaves, and surplus fixed carbon is channeled to starch production. Differences between 'on' and 'off' trees in starch content can be explained by differences in ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase (AGPP) expression/activity and alpha-amylase activity which varies depending on crop load. The observed relation of AGPP and UGPP (UDP-glucose pyrophosphorylase) is noteworthy and indicates a direct link between sucrose and starch synthesis. Furthermore, different roles for sucrose transporter SUT1 and SUT2 have been proposed. Variation in soluble sugars content cannot explain the differences in gene expression between the 'on' and 'off' trees. A still unknown signal from fruit should be responsible for this control.The authors thank Dr. E. Primo-Millo for critically reviewing the manuscript. We also thank the staff of the ANECOOP experimental station in Museros (Valencia, Spain) for their support and assistance in the field management of the citrus orchard, and Helen Warburton for revising the language in the manuscript. This work has been partially supported by the Conselleria de Cultura, Educacio i Esport de la Generalitat Valenciana [GV/2007/213 and GV/2009/034], Comision Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnologia [BIO2010/18239] and Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional [IIM01491.RI1].González Nebauer, S.; Renau Morata, B.; Lluch Gomez, YP.; Baroja Fernandez, E.; Pozueta-Romero, J.; Molina Romero, RV. (2014). Influence of crop load on the expression patterns of starch metabolism genes in alternate-bearing Citrus trees. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry. 80:105-113. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.plaphy.2014.03.032S1051138
Future voyages to the solar system
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