87 research outputs found

    Desarrollo y combinación de procesos catalíticos de oxidación e hidrodecloración para el tratamiento de aguas contaminadas con clorofenoles

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    Tesis doctoral inédita. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias, Departamento de Química Física Aplicada, Sección de Ingeniería Química. Fecha de lectura: 19-09-201

    Comunidades de aprendizaje: perspectiva del docente

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    En este Trabajo de Fin de Grado se presentan las Comunidades de Aprendizaje, desde el punto de vista del personal docente que trabaja en ellas. Se trabaja en profundidad, qué es una Comunidad de Aprendizaje, cuáles son sus antecedentes, como es la puesta en marcha y cuáles son sus principales estrategias de éxito llevadas a cabo en las aulas.El objetivo general de esta investigación es conocer el funcionamiento de las Comunidades de Aprendizaje, la visión de los docentes que trabajan en ellas y cuál es la implicación de los mismos en el funcionamiento de los centros. Concretamente de los centros CEIP Mosaicos de Santiponce (Sevilla) y del CEIP Fernando Feliú de Gerena(Sevilla).Para llevar a cabo la investigación la metodología empleada ha sido un estudio cualitativo (ya que el objeto de análisis es medible y preciso) que consta de una entrevista realizada a un total de once docentes de ambos centros. De esta forma obtenemos una visión general acerca del funcionamiento de estos centros.Con los resultados que hemos obtenido en las entrevistas, es importante destacar que para el buen funcionamiento de una Comunidad de Aprendizajelos docentes ven necesaria una mayor implicación de la familia y de voluntarios que colaboren con el centro. Partiendo de estos, la mayoría está a favor de la metodología empleada y de acuerdo con la forma de trabajoIn this final Project the learning communities are presented, from the point of view of the teaching staff that work in them. We work in depth, what is a learning community, what are their antecedents, as is the start up and what are their main success strategies carried out in the classrooms.The general objective of this research is to know the functioning of the communities of learning, the vision of the teachers who work in them and what is theirinvolvement in the functioning of the centres. Specifically of the Centers CEIP Mosaicos of Santiponce (Sevilla) and CEIP Fernando Feliú de Gerena (Sevilla).To carry out the investigation the methodology used has been a qualitative study (since the object of analysis is measurable and precise) that consists of an interview made to a total of eleven teachers of both centers. This way we get an overview of how these centers work.With the results that we have obtained in the interviews, it is important to emphasize that for the good functioning of a learning community the teachers see necessary a greater involvement of the family and of volunteers who collaborate with the center. Based on these, the majority is in favor of the methodology employed and according to the form of workUniversidad de Sevilla. Grado en Educación Primari

    Mediation in schools. The rol of the Social Education

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    Este artículo forma parte de una más amplia investigación llevada a cabo en centros escolares con una muestra seleccionada de adolescentes de Educación Secundaria, distribuidos en grupos de discusión. La finalidad es conocer la perspectiva que ellos/as tienen sobre la violencia escolar en su propio hábitat. La muestra está compuesta por 1795 adolescentes de ambos sexos (52% chicos y 48% chicas) con edades comprendidas entre los 11 y 18 años, procedentes de la Comunidad Autónoma de Andalucía. Los resultados indicaron que el clima escolar y la satisfacción con la vida se asocian de manera positiva con la victimización. Además, la integración comunitaria y el clima familiar se relacionan con la victimización a través de la satisfacción con la vida. El análisis multigrupo en función del sexo indicó que la relación entre el clima escolar y la reputación social, así como entre implicación comunitaria y reputación social resultó significativa únicamente para los chicos.This article is included in a more extensive research done in schools with a selected sample of adolescents of Secondary Education, distributed in groups of discussion. The purpose is to know the perspective they have on schoolviolence in their own habitat. The sample is composed of 1795 adolescents of both sexes (52% boys and 48% girls) aged between 11 and 18 years, from the autonomous community of Andalusia. The results indicated that the school climate and the satisfaction with the life are positively associated with the victimization. In addition, community integration and the family climate are related to victimization through satisfaction with life. The gender-based Multigroup analysis indicated that the relationship between school climate and social reputation as well as between community involvement and social reputation was significant only for children

    Aproximación científica a las encuestas de calidad en la universidad española

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    Se ha de partir de que toda sociedad democrática debe tener como uno de sus objetivos la evaluación de los servicios que presta a la sociedad. El servicio público de la educación superior, mediante la investigación, la docencia y el estudio lo realiza la universidad, por consiguiente la docencia en la Universidad debe ser evaluable y, ante ello, caben preguntas como: ¿qué se evalúa de la docencia?, ¿cómo hay que evaluarla? Para responder a estas cuestiones, entre otras, puede recurrirse a distintos documentos, como son los elaborados por la Agencia Nacional de la Calidad y Acreditación (en adelante ANECA), las Comunidades Autónomas y por las Universidades, respectivamente. En lo que sigue se valora la documentación elaborada por la ANECA, la del Consejo de Universidades de la Junta de Andalucía y la de la Universidad de Sevilla, ello no supondrá restricción alguna en lo que se plantea sobre las encuestas de calidad en la Universidad española, ya que las universidades tienen un comportamiento más o menos similar sobre las citadas encuestas. Respecto a las encuestas de calidad de la docencia que se imparte, se pone de manifiesto a lo largo de los apartados que siguen las incongruencias que se observan, y que van desde la ambigüedad que se plantea en los fines y objetivos de la encuesta hasta el análisis de los datos, pasando por la discusión que puede plantearse sobre la población objeto de la encuesta. También se propondrán posibles soluciones para mejorar la calidad de la información que se obtenga desde las encuestas. Se finaliza mostrando la necesidad de debatir y conocer determinadas cuestiones en torno a la calidad de la docencia y del profesorado de la Universidad con el fin de diseñar un proceso de encuestación más científico y riguroso


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    Resumen: Se presenta parte de una actividad llevada a cabo en el marco de un proyecto extensionista universitario. En esa intervención se realiza la contención y supervisión de los alumnos tutores de dos escuelas de nivel medio. Estos tutores son adolescentes que efectúan apoyo escolar a niños de dos escuelas públicas. La intervención que aquí se describe, es previa al ejercicio de su práctica. El objetivo fue recuperar los recuerdos escolares de los adolescentes, que les permitan construir su futuro rol de alumno tutor. Se trata de un trabajo cualitativo, donde se implementaron actividades individuales y grupales con los jóvenes. Se observó que pudieron recuperar tanto recuerdos positivos como negativos de su trayecto escolar. Pudieron nombrar a aquellos maestros significativos y el motivo de su importancia. Los adolescentes empezaron a delinear las características deseables de su rol como alumno tutor, en base a esas huellas relatadas. Palabras-clave: Experiencia Escolar, Escuela Primaria, Adolescentes, Extensión Universitaria, Supervisión      Recovered stories, stories to write - reflections for the construction of the student tutor role Abstract: It present part of an activity carried out within the framework of a university extension project. In this intervention, the containment and supervision of the tutor students of two primary schools are carried out. These tutors are adolescents who provide school support to children from two public schools. The intervention which described here is previous to the exercise of its practice. The objective was to recover school's memories of adolescents, to let them build their future role of tutor student. It is a qualitative work, where individual and group activities with young people were implemented. It was observed that they were able to recover both positive and negative memories of their school journey. They could name those significant teachers and the reason for their importance. The adolescents began to delineate the desirable characteristics of their role as a tutor, based on those traces reported. Keywords: School Experience, Elementary School, Adolescents, University Extension, Supervision   Histórias recuperadas, histórias para escrever - reflexões para a construção do papel aluno tutor Resumo: Este trabalho apresenta de uma atividade realizada no âmbito de um projeto de extensão universitária. Nesta intervenção é realizada a participação e supervisão dos alunos tutores de duas escolas de nível médio. Esses tutores são adolescentes que oferecem apoio escolar a crianças de duas escolas públicas. A intervenção aqui descrita é anterior ao exercício de sua prática. O objetivo era recuperar as memórias escolares dos adolescentes, que lhes permitiam construir seu futuro papel de aluno-tutor. É um trabalho qualitativo, onde as atividades individuais e grupais com jovens foram implementadas. Observou-se que conseguiram recuperar memórias positivas e negativas da jornada escolar. Eles poderiam nomear esses professores significativos e o motivo da sua importância. Os adolescentes começaram a delinear as características desejáveis de seu papel como aluno tutor, com base nesses traços relatados. Palavras-chave: Experiência Escolar, Escola Primária, Adolescentes, Extensão Universitária, Supervisã

    Professional Life Quality and Burnout Among Substance Abuse Technicians: A Comparative Analysis with other Professional Groups

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    Artículos originales[ES] Introducción: Es comúnmente aceptado que el grado de satisfacción o bienestar de los trabajadores en su entorno profesional se relaciona de forma directa con la productividad y calidad del servicio prestado. En el caso de los técnicos de drogodependencias los estudios realizados sobre calidad de vida profesional son particularmente escasos, siendo ésta una población sometida a importantes estresores laborales relacionados con la carga emocional de la tarea, tipo de pacientes, necesidad de trabajo en equipo, etc.Objetivo: El objetivo principal es analizar la relación existente entre la calidad de vida profesional y el desgaste profesional en técnicos de drogodependencias, comparando este grupo profesional con otros profesionales sanitarios que realizan su labor en otros campos y con profesionales no sanitarios. Material y método: Se ha realizado un estudio transversal y descriptivo en una muestra total de 233 sujetos. El 33% (n =77) desarrollan su actividad laboral en el ámbito de las drogodependencias, 79 sujetos (33.3%) ejercen su profesión en el área sanitaria, y las 77 personas restantes (33%) pertenecen al grupo de población general trabajadora. Todos ellos contestaron de forma anónima el Cuestionario de Calidad de Vida Profesional (CVP 35) y el Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI). Resultados y conclusiones: Los profesionales de drogodependencias presentan menores puntuaciones de de calidad de vida profesional y mayores de desgaste profesional que otros grupos profesionales, siendo ésta diferencia significativa respecto al grupo de trabajadores no sanitarios. Aspectos de la calidad de vida profesional tales como la carga de trabajo, la motivación intrínseca y el apoyo directivo tienen efectos directo sobre algunos de los componentes del desgaste profesional, confirmando la importancia de la misma en la prevención de un riesgo psicosocial del trabajo como es el desgaste profesional.[EN] Introduction: It is widely known that employees’ job satisfaction and well-being is related to its productivity and quality of work. In the case of drug dependence technicians, existing research about its professional quality of life is scarce, being this a group exposed to several job stressors linked to emotional workload, patients, work team, etc. Aim: The main purpose is to analyze the relationship between professional quality of life and burnout in drug dependence technicians, compared to other sanitary and no sanitary professionals groups. Material and method: A descriptive and cross-sectional study was carried out in a sample of 233. 33% (n =77) are workers of drug dependence sector, 79 subjects work at sanitary area, and the rest of the sample (n =77) are general working population. All participants completed anonymously the Professional Quality of Life Questionnaire and the Maslach Burnout Inventory. Results and conclusions: Drug dependence professionals showed lower professional quality of lifescores and higher of burnout than other groups. Several aspects of professional quality of life such as workload, intrinsic motivation, and supervisor support showed a main effect on burnout, confirming its importance in preventing burnoutN

    Insights on the removal of the azole pesticides included in the EU Watch List by Catalytic Wet Peroxide Oxidation

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    The aim of this work is to evaluate the feasibility of the Catalytic Wet Peroxide Oxidation (CWPO) process using the inexpensive and environmentally friendly Fe3O4-R400 catalyst for the removal from water of a representative group of azole pesticides recently listed in the European Union (EU) Watch Lists (penconazole (PEN), prochloraz (PCZ), tebuconazole (TEB), tetraconazole (TET), metconazole (MET)). The complete removal of these pollutants (1000 μg L−1) was achieved in <1 h reaction time under ambient conditions using a catalyst concentration of 0.5 g L−1 and the stoichiometric dose of H2O2 (3 – 5 mg L−1) at a slightly acidic pH (pH0 = 5.0). To further demonstrate the effectiveness of the process, the ecotoxicity abatement was also considered. The initial toxicity of the pesticides and the CWPO effluents were evaluated with the brine shrimp Artemia salina and the bacterium Vibrio fischeri. Remarkably, the effluents were non-toxic for V. fischeri and a decrease of more than 80% in mortality was achieved for A. salina. Furthermore, the versatility of the system was proved in real water matrices (surface water and WWTP effluent), although a slight decrease on the oxidation rate was found due to the occurrence of organic matter and inorganic salts. The reactivity of the azole pesticides was finally compared with the achieved for other groups of pollutants included in the EU Watch Lists (pharmaceuticals, hormones, and neonicotinoid pesticides). Clearly, azole compounds showed the least reactivity to oxidation, suggesting that they can be used as general indicators of the overall efficiency of the proposed catalytic system for the removal of EU Watch Lists micropollutantsThis research has been supported by the Spanish AEI through the project PID2019-105079RB-100 and by the CM, Spain through the project P2018/EMT-4341. M. Munoz, N. Lopez-Arago and J. Nieto-Sandoval thanks the Spanish AEI for the Ramón y Cajal postdoctoral contract (RYC-2016-20648), the FPI predoctoral, Spain grant (PRE2020-09452) and the FPI postdoctoral, Spain grant (BES-2017-081346), respectivel

    Application of catalytic wet peroxide oxidation for sunscreen agents breakdown

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    Sunscreen agents are chemical compounds widely used nowadays for skin protection from UV sunlight. Recently, their ubiquitous occurrence in aquatic systems has been evidenced, which poses a high risk for the environment and human health as they are associated with endocrine disrupting activity, reproductive toxicity, and genotoxicity. In this work, the feasibility of an economically and environmentally friendly catalytic system based on the thermally modified natural magnetite and hydrogen peroxide (Fe3O4-R400/H2O2), has been evaluated for the degradation of two representative sunscreen agents: benzophenone-3 (BP-3) and 4-aminobenzoic acid (PABA) in wastewater. The experiments were conducted under circumneutral pH (pH0 = 5), with temperature control (25 ◦C). Both compounds (500 μg L− 1 ) were successfully removed from water by using a relatively low catalyst concentration (0.5 g L− 1 ) and the theoretical stoichiometric H2O2 dose for their complete oxidation (~2.3 mg L− 1 ). Afterwards, a complete operating condition study was performed with BP-3, given its predominant occurrence in fresh waters, analysing the influence of H2O2 dose (1.2–4.6 mg L− 1 ), catalyst concentration (0.1–0.5 g L− 1 ), and temperature (25–45 ◦C). From the evolution of the identified by-products, a reaction pathway was proposed according to which oxidation of BP-3 gives rise to several aromatic intermediates, which finally evolve to short-chain organic acids. The generation of such aromatic by-products led to a considerably ecotoxicity increase in the initial stages of the reaction, but non-toxic effluents were ultimately achieved. Notably, the mineralization yield reached was above 60%. As a proof of concept, the feasibility of the system was finally demonstrated in real water matrices (WWTP effluent and surface water)PID2019-105079RB-I00, P2018/EMT-434

    Catalytic hydrodehalogenation of the flame retardant tetrabromobisphenol A by alumina-supported Pd, Rh and Pt catalysts

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    Tetrabromobisphenol A (TBBPA) is one of the most used BFRs, being characterized by a strong persistence and leading to negative effects on both the environment and human health. The aim of this work is to evaluate the feasibility of aqueous-phase catalytic hydrodehalogenation (HDH) for the fast and environmentally-friendly degradation of the brominated flame retardant TBBPA. Pd, Rh, and Pt on alumina commercial catalysts (1% wt.) were tested and reactions were performed under ambient operating conditions. TBBPA (1 mg L−1) was completely removed in short reaction times ( 95%) in 15 min using Pd/Al2O3. Nevertheless, employing Rh and Pt alumina-supported catalysts debromination of TBBPA increased progressively requiring much longer times and only 83% and 78% debromination yields were achieved after 2 h reaction, respectively. Bisphenol A (BPA), a well-known endocrine disruptor, was generated as reaction intermediate but it was further hydrogenated with both Pd and Rh catalysts, whereas it remained as reaction product with the Pt catalyst. A series reaction pathway considering both hydrodebromination and hydrogenation steps was proposed based on the obtained results. The experimental data obtained with the Pd/Al2O3 catalyst were successfully described by a pseudo-first order kinetic model, obtaining an apparent activation energy of 36 kJ mol−1. Notably, this catalyst showed a reasonable stability after three consecutive HDH run

    Application of catalytic hydrodechlorination for the fast removal of chlorinated azole pesticides in drinking water

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    Catalytic hydrodechlorination (HDC) is regarded as a promising purifying technology for drinking water treatment. So far, it has proved to be highly effective for the removal of different groups of chlorinated micropollutants including pharmaceuticals, neonicotinoid pesticides, personal care products or chloroacetic acids. The azole pesticides, recently included in the EU Watch Lists (Decisions 2020/1161 and 2022/1307), are a group of micropollutants of particular concern for drinking water given their high toxicity, persistence, and bioaccumulation potential. In this work, the feasibility of HDC for the removal of a representative group of chlorinated azole pesticides tebuconazole (TEB), tetraconazole (TET), prochloraz (PCZ), penconazole (PEN), metconazole (MET) and imazalil (IMZ)) is demonstrated, and their reactivity is compared with that observed for other halogenated micropollutant groups. Notably, all the pesticides investigated in this work (100 μg L− 1 ) were completely dechlorinated within 30 min under ambient conditions using a 1 wt% Pd/Al2O3 catalyst concentration of 0.25 g L− 1 and a H2 feeding of 50 mL N min− 1 . The experimental data were accurately described by a pseudo-first order kinetic equation and rate constant values in the range from 1.08 to 2.60 L gcat − 1 min− 1 were obtained. These values are quite close to those achieved for the most reactive neonicotinoid pesticides and significantly higher than the obtained for chloroacetic acids and most pharmaceuticals (e.g. diclofenac, sertraline or chlorpromazine). From the identification of the generated reaction intermediates and the final nonchlorinated products, sequential reaction pathways were proposed for each pollutant. Remarkably, despite the high toxicity exhibited by the azole pesticides tested, with LC50 values within the 0.4–7.0 mg L− 1 range using A. salina, HDC effluents were non-toxic in all cases. Furthermore, the catalyst showed a remarkable stability upon three consecutive runs. Finally, the versatility of the process was demonstrated in the treatment of real aqueous matrices such as DWTP and tap water, where no significant differences were found either in terms of activity or stabilityThis research has been supported by the Spanish MINECO through project PID2019-105079RB-I00 and by the CM through project P2018/ EMT-4341. J. Nieto-Sandoval and M. Munoz thanks the MINECO for the FPI contract (BES-2017-081346) and the Ramon ´ y Cajal postdoctoral contract (RYC-2016-20648), respectively. R. B. del Olmo thanks the Operational Program for Youth Employment and the Youth Employment Initiative (YEI) of the CM for his contract as Research Assistant (PEJ2020-AI/AMB-19161