1,012 research outputs found

    Pragmática de la desinformación. Un estudio del leak de Prism a través de las reacciones de los gobiernos de Estados Unidos, Alemania y Venezuela

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    En este trabajo se exponen las técnicas de desinformación más comunes que se evidencian en el leak sobre el proyecto Prism de la NSA y sus inmediatas reacciones por parte de los gobiernos de Estados Unidos, Alemania y Venezuela. Para lograr este objetivo, se ha realizado un análisis cualitativo de base interpretativa al discurso de los mandatarios de los tres países, a través de las informaciones recogidas en medios digitales, mediante la localización, criba especializada, métodos de criterio de fuentes y selección aleatoria por metodología de semana construida. Los resultados evidencian el uso de al menos 11 estra- tagemas de desinformación

    3D human pose estimation from depth maps using a deep combination of poses

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    Many real-world applications require the estimation of human body joints for higher-level tasks as, for example, human behaviour understanding. In recent years, depth sensors have become a popular approach to obtain three-dimensional information. The depth maps generated by these sensors provide information that can be employed to disambiguate the poses observed in two-dimensional images. This work addresses the problem of 3D human pose estimation from depth maps employing a Deep Learning approach. We propose a model, named Deep Depth Pose (DDP), which receives a depth map containing a person and a set of predefined 3D prototype poses and returns the 3D position of the body joints of the person. In particular, DDP is defined as a ConvNet that computes the specific weights needed to linearly combine the prototypes for the given input. We have thoroughly evaluated DDP on the challenging 'ITOP' and 'UBC3V' datasets, which respectively depict realistic and synthetic samples, defining a new state-of-the-art on them.Comment: Accepted for publication at "Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation

    The videoconference system as a way to serve students with absenteeism for medical reasons

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    This educational innovation is aimed at students who are forced to interrupt their schooling process for a period of time due to a medical issue. Its goal is to minimize students’ loss of knowledge, skills or abilities. To achieve this goal, we propose the use of a classroom videoconferencing device whereby different sessions can be viewed, either from home or from the hospital, by students who cannot attend class. Sessions can be watched either synchronously (online or live display), enabling students to follow the overall progress of the sesión and participate in different activities in real time; or asynchronously (display on demand) when real-time display is not an option, by recording the session so that students watch it once the class is over. This system can be integrated into any learning platform so that students can self-organize and do assignments all activities more easily

    On the effect of random power availability in wireless power transfer systems with physical layer security

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    In this paper, we evaluate the performance of wireless powered communication systems from a physical layer security perspective. Our aim is to determine under which conditions the random power availability due to wireless power transmission using a dedicated power beacon impacts the maxi- mum secrecy rate, compared to its deterministic counterpart. We also investigate the effect of line-of-sight condition on the system performance. Analytical expressions are derived for some specific scenarios, which are combined with Monte Carlo simulations. We see that under a moderate line-of-sight condition in the wireless power transfer link, the secrecy performance is barely affected.Becas colaboración con departamentos Ministerio de Innovación (TEC-2017-87913R

    Economic impacts of solar thermal electricity technology deployment on Andalusian productive activities: a CGE approach

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    Solar thermal electricity is a type of renewable energy technology of special interest for Andalusia (southern Spain) because of the large number of annual sunshine hours. This paper estimates the impact on productive activities of increasing the production capacity of the installed solar thermal plants in Andalusia. Using a computable general equilibrium (CGE) approach, estimates of the changes in the economic sectors’ activity under two different scenarios are obtained: i) based on two types of solar thermal electricity plants currently in operation and ii) based on an increase from 11 MW in 2007 to 800 MW installed capacity by 2013 to comply with the ‘Plan Andaluz de Sostenibilidad Energética (PASENER)—Sustainable Energy Plan for Andalusia’. For the case of a parabolic trough solar collector power plant, results show that compliance with the PASENER goal would increase the level of the productive activities by around 30%. For the alternative technology—a solar tower power plant—results show that activities would increase by around 5% for 30 years, the estimated lifetime of this type of plant. Thus, the impact of the solar thermal electricity plants on the productive activities of the PASENER compliant production goal would be remarkable

    Innovative Methodologies in a Pandemic: The VESS Model

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    The VESS (Meaningful Life with Balance and Wisdom) model is considered to be a learning method based on the construction of knowledge through critical and visible thinking, with a neuroeducational base. The aim of the present work is to conduct a psychometric study of a measurement scale about the learning of the VESS model created for teachers-in-training. This article presents two survey-based descriptive studies conducted at the University of Cordoba (Spain). The data were subjected to descriptive, correlational, reliability and validity analysis through exploratory and confirmatory analyses, respectively. It is an instrument with high goodness-of-fit indices and suitable validity and reliability values. This instrument is applicable to similar study contexts

    La energía solar termoeléctrica como factor de desarrollo en Andalucía

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    La energía solar termoeléctrica es un tipo de energía renovable de interés especial para Andalucía tanto por las horas de sol de esta región como por los costes de producción por kw/h, especialmente reducidos en comparación con otras energías renovables con implantación en el mercado. A partir de dos centrales tipo y mediante un Modelo de Equilibrio General basado en la Matriz de Contabilidad Social para Andalucía, 2008, este paper estima el impacto sectorial de esta tecnología sobre la hipótesis de alcanzar el objetivo fijado en el Plan Andaluz de Sostenibilidad Energética (PASENER) 2007-2013. Para el caso de centrales con tecnología de cilindro parabólico, el efecto total sobre los sectores económicos considerados sería de un aumento del 30.81 %, mientras que para centrales con tecnología de torre el aumento sería del 4.57 % para el total de vida útil de las plantas tipo

    Impact of COVID-19 on liver disease: From the experimental to the clinic perspective.

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    Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has caused a global pandemic unprecedented in over a century. Although severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is a predominantly respiratory infection, various degrees of liver function abnormalities have been reported. Pre-existing liver disease in patients with SARS-CoV-2 infection has not been comprehensively evaluated in most studies, but it can critically compromise survival and trigger hepatic decompensation. The collapse of the healthcare services has negatively impacted the diagnosis, monitoring, and treatment of liver diseases in non-COVID-19 patients. In this review, we aim to discuss the impact of COVID-19 on liver disease from the experimental to the clinic perspective. Gato S, Lucena-Valera A, Muñoz-Hernández R, Sousa JM, Romero-Gómez M, Ampuero J. Impact of COVID-19 on liver disease: From the experimental to the clinic perspective. World J Virol 2021; 10(6): 301-311 [PMID: 34909404 DOI: 10.5501/wjv.v10.i6.301

    Pragmatics of misinformation. A study of the Prism leak through the reactions of the governments of the United States, Germany and Venezuela

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    En este trabajo se exponen las técnicas de desinformación más comunes que se evidencian en el leak sobre el proyecto Prism de la NSA y sus inmediatas reacciones por parte de los gobiernos de Estados Unidos, Alemania y Venezuela. Para lograr este objetivo, se ha realizado un análisis cualitativo de base interpretativa al discurso de los mandatarios de los tres países, a través de las informaciones recogidas en medios digitales, mediante la localización, criba especializada, métodos de criterio de fuentes y selección aleatoria por metodología de semana construida. Los resultados evidencian el uso de al menos 11 estratagemas de desinformación.Lan honetan NSAko Prism proiektuari buruzko leak-en agerian dauden desinformazio-teknika ohikoenak azaltzen dira, bai eta Estatu Batuetako, Alemaniako eta Venezuelako gobernuen berehalako erreakzioak ere. Helburu hori lortzeko, hiru herrialde horietako agintarien diskurtsoaren azterketa kualitatiboa egin da, oinarri interpretatiboa duena, hedabide digitaletan jasotako informazioen bidez. Lokalizazioa, galbahe espezializatua, iturrien irizpidearen metodoak eta eraikitako astearen metodologiaren bidezko ausazko hautaketa egin da. Emaitzek agerian uzten dute, gutxienez, desinformaziorako 11 amarru erabili direla.This paper will present the most common disinformation techniques that are evident in the leak of the NSA Prism project and their immediate reactions from the governments of the United States, Germany and Venezuela. To accomplish this goal has been carried out qualitative interpretive analysis based on the speech of the leaders of the three countries in reference to the information collected through digital media, by locating specialized sieve test methods and sources random selection constructed week methodology. The results show the use of at least 11 stratagems of disinformation

    Economic impacts of solar thermal electricity technology deployment on Andalusian productive activities: a CGE approach

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    Solar thermal electricity is a type of renewable energy technology of special interest for Andalusia (southern Spain) because of the large number of annual sunshine hours. This paper estimates the impact on productive activities of increasing the production capacity of the installed solar thermal plants in Andalusia. Using a computable general equilibrium (CGE) approach, estimates of the changes in the economic sectors’ activity under two different scenarios are obtained: i) based on two types of solar thermal electricity plants currently in operation and ii) based on an increase from 11MW in 2007 to 800MW installed capacity by 2013 to comply with the ‘Plan Andaluz de Sostenibilidad Energética (PASENER)—Sustainable Energy Plan for Andalusia’. For the case of a parabolic trough solar collector power plant, results show that compliance with the PASENER goal would increase the level of the productive activities by around 30%. For the alternative technology—a solar tower power plant—results show that activities would increase by around 5% for 30 years, the estimated lifetime of this type of plant. Thus, the impact of the solar terma