168 research outputs found

    High allelic diversity in the methyltransferase gene of a phase variable type III restriction-modification system has implications for the fitness of Haemophilus influenzae

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    Phase variable restriction-modification (R-M) systems are widespread in Eubacteria. Haemophilus influenzae encodes a phase variable homolog of Type III R-M systems. Sequence analysis of this system in 22 non-typeable H.influenzae isolates revealed a hypervariable region in the central portion of the mod gene whereas the res gene was conserved. Maximum likelihood (ML) analysis indicated that most sites outside this hypervariable region experienced strong negative selection but evidence of positive selection for a few sites in adjacent regions. A phylogenetic analysis of 61 Type III mod genes revealed clustering of these H.influenzae mod alleles with mod genes from pathogenic Neisseriae and, based on sequence analysis, horizontal transfer of the mod–res complex between these species. Neisserial mod alleles also contained a hypervariable region and all mod alleles exhibited variability in the repeat tract. We propose that this hypervariable region encodes the target recognition domain (TRD) of the Mod protein and that variability results in alterations to the recognition sequence of this R-M system. We argue that the high allelic diversity and phase variable nature of this R-M system have arisen due to selective pressures exerted by diversity in bacteriophage populations but also have implications for other fitness attributes of these bacterial species

    Dam inactivation in Neisseria meningitidis: prevalence among diverse hyperinvasive lineages

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    BACKGROUND: DNA adenine methyltransferase (Dam) activity is absent in many, but not all, disease isolates of Neisseria meningitidis, as a consequence of the insertion of a restriction endonuclease-encoding gene, the 'dam replacing gene' (drg) at the dam locus. Here, we report the results of a survey to assess the prevalence of drg in a globally representative panel of disease-associated meningococci. RESULTS: Of the known meningococcal hyper-invasive lineages investigated, drg was absent in all representatives of the ST-8 and ST-11 clonal complexes tested, but uniformly present in the representatives of the other hyper-invasive lineages present in the isolate collection (the ST-1, ST-4, ST-5, ST-32 and ST-41/44 clonal complexes). The patterns of sequence diversity observed in drg were consistent with acquisition of this gene from a source organism with a different G+C content, at some time prior to the emergence of present-day meningococcal clonal complexes, followed by spread through the meningococcal population by horizontal genetic exchange. During this spread a number of alleles have arisen by mutation and intragenic recombination. CONCLUSION: These findings are consistent with the idea that possession of the drg gene may contribute to the divergence observed among meningococcal clonal complexes, but does not have a direct mechanistic involvement in virulence

    The Macrophage Scavenger Receptor A Is Host-Protective in Experimental Meningococcal Septicaemia

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    Macrophage Scavenger Receptor A (SR-A) is a major non-opsonic receptor for Neisseria meningitidis on mononuclear phagocytes in vitro, and the surface proteins NMB0278, NMB0667, and NMB1220 have been identified as ligands for SR-A. In this study we ascertain the in vivo role of SR-A in the recognition of N. meningitidis MC58 (serogroup B) in a murine model of meningococcal septicaemia. We infected wild-type and SR-A−/− animals intraperitoneally with N. meningitidis MC58 and monitored their health over a period of 50 hours. We also determined the levels of bacteraemia in the blood and spleen, and measured levels of the pro-inflammatory cytokine interleukin-6 (IL-6). The health of SR-A−/− animals deteriorated more rapidly, and they showed a 33% reduction in survival compared to wild-type animals. SR-A−/− animals consistently exhibited higher levels of bacteraemia and increased levels of IL-6, compared to wild-type animals. Subsequently, we constructed a bacterial mutant (MC58-278-1220) lacking two of the SR-A ligands, NMB0278 and NMB1220. Mutation of NMB0667 proved to be lethal. When mice were infected with the mutant bacteria MC58-278-1220, no significant differences could be observed in the health, survival, bacteraemia, and cytokine production between wild-type and SR-A−/− animals. Overall, mutant bacteria appeared to cause less severe symptoms of septicaemia, and a competitive index assay showed that higher levels of wild-type bacteria were recovered when animals were infected with a 1∶1 ratio of wild-type MC58 and mutant MC58-278-1220 bacteria. These data represent the first report of the protective role of SR-A, a macrophage-restricted, non-opsonic receptor, in meningococcal septicaemia in vivo, and the importance of the recognition of bacterial protein ligands, rather than lipopolysaccharide

    The Development of a Vaccine Against Meningococcus B Using Reverse Vaccinology

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    The discovery of vaccine antigens through whole genome sequencing (WGS) contrasts with the classical hypothesis-driven laboratory-based analysis of microbes to identify components to elicit protective immunity. This radical change in scientific direction and action in vaccine research is captured in the term reverse vaccinology. The complete genome sequence of an isolate of Neisseria meningitidis serogroup B (MenB) was systematically analyzed to identify proteins predicted to be secreted or exported to the outer membrane. This identified hundreds of genes coding for potential surface-exposed antigens. These were amplified, cloned in expression vectors and used to immunize mice. Antisera against 350 recombinant antigens were obtained and analyzed in a panel of immunological assays from which 28 were selected as potentially protective based on the -antibody dependent, complement mediated- serum bactericidal activity assay. Testing of these candidate vaccine antigens, using a large globally representative strain collection of Neisseria species isolated from cases of disease and carriage, indicated that no single component would be sufficient to induce broad coverage and that a “universal” vaccine should contain multiple antigens. The final choice of antigens to be included was based on cross-protective ability, assayed by serum bactericidal activity and maximum coverage of the extensive antigenic variability of MenB strains. The resulting multivalent vaccine formulation selected consisted of three recombinant antigens (Neisserial Heparin Binding Antigen or NHBA, Factor H binding protein or fHbp and Neisseria Adhesin A or NadA). To improve immunogenicity and potential strain coverage, an outer membrane vesicle component obtained from the epidemic New Zealand strain (OMVNz) was added to the formulation to create a four component vaccine, called 4CMenB. A series of phase 2 and 3 clinical trials were conducted to evaluate safety and tolerability and to estimate the vaccine effectiveness of human immune responses at different ages and how these were affected by various factors including concomitant vaccine use and lot-to-lot consistency. 4CMenB was approved in Europe in 2013 and introduced in the National Immunization Program in the UK starting from September 2015 when the vaccine was offered to all newborns using a 2, 4, and 12 months schedule., The effectiveness against invasive MenB disease measured at 11 months after the study start and 5 months after the second vaccination was 83% and there have been no safety concerns

    Genomic surveillance of 4CMenB vaccine antigenic variants among disease-causing Neisseria meningitidis isolates, United Kingdom, 2010–2016

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    In September 2015, 4CMenB meningococcal vaccine was introduced into the United Kingdom infant immunization program without phase 3 trial information. Understanding the effect of this program requires enhanced surveillance of invasive meningococcal disease (IMD) Neisseria meningitidis isolates and comparison with prevaccination isolates. Bexsero Antigen Sequence Types (BASTs) were used to analyze whole-genome sequences of 3,073 prevaccine IMD N. meningitidis isolates obtained during 2010−2016. Isolates exhibited 803 BASTs among 31 clonal complexes. Frequencies of antigen peptide variants were factor H binding protein 1, 13.4%; Neisserial heparin-binding antigen 2, 13.8%; Neisseria adhesin A 8, 0.8%; and Porin A-VR2:P1.4,10.9%. In 2015−16, serogroup B isolates showed the highest proportion (35.7%) of exact matches to >1 Bexsero components. Serogroup W isolates showed the highest proportion (93.9%) of putatively cross-reactive variants of Bexsero antigens. Results highlighted the likely role of cross-reactive antigens. BAST surveillance of meningococcal whole-genome sequence data is rapid, scalable, and portable and enables international comparisons of isolates

    Haemophilus influenzae Type b Vaccine Failure in Children Is Associated with Inadequate Production of High-Quality Antibody

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    Background. Despite the excellent immunogenicity of Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) conjugate vaccines, breakthrough cases of Hib disease still affect a small proportion of vaccinated children in the United Kingdom. We performed a retrospective study to compare the avidity of antibody directed against the Hib polysaccharide capsule (PRP) in children who experienced Hib vaccine failure in the United Kingdom among 3 historical cohorts and with age-matched healthy control subjects. Methods. Serum samples from vaccinated children with invasive Hib disease were collected beginning in 1992 as part of enhanced surveillance for Hib disease following vaccine introduction. A total of 251 children who experienced Hib vaccine failure were identified from 3 historical cohorts (1992-1995, 1996-1999, and 2000-2003). The anti-PRP antibody concentration and avidity from healthy age-matched control subjects was obtained for the 3 contemporary time points (1995, 1999, and 2002). Serum anti-PRP antibody concentration was measured in each of the samples using a standard Hib ELISA, and antibody avidity was determined using thiocyanate elution. Results. Within the first 60 days after disease onset, there was no change in the anti-PRP antibody avidity, and there was no statistically significant difference in the geometric mean Hib antibody avidity over the 3 study periods. However, the children who experienced Hib vaccine failure had significantly lower Hib antibody avidity than did healthy control subjects, despite a marked antibody response following infection. Conclusions. Children who experience Hib disease despite vaccination appear to have a defect in immunological priming, leading to a qualitative difference in Hib-specific memory B cells. Low anti-PRP antibody avidity decreases the functional activity of anti-PRP antibody in the sera of these children experiencing vaccine failure, leading to disease susceptibilit

    Distribution of Bexsero® Antigen Sequence Types (BASTs) in invasive meningococcal disease isolates: Implications for immunisation.

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    Serogroup B is the only major disease-associated capsular group of Neisseria meningitidis for which no protein-polysaccharide conjugate vaccine is available. This has led to the development of multi-component protein-based vaccines that target serogroup B invasive meningococcal disease (IMD), including Bexsero®, which was implemented for UK infants in 2015, and Trumenba®. Given the diversity of meningococcal protein antigens, post-implementation surveillance of IMD isolates, including characterisation of vaccine antigens, is essential for assessing the effectiveness of such vaccines. Whole genome sequencing (WGS), as realised in the Meningitis Research Foundation Meningococcus Genome Library (MRF-MGL), provides a rapid, comprehensive, and cost-effective approach to this. To facilitate the surveillance of the antigen targets included in Bexsero® (fHbp, PorA, NHBA and NadA) for protective immunity, a Bexsero® Antigen Sequence Type (BAST) scheme, based on deduced peptide sequence variants, was implemented in the PubMLST.org/neisseria database, which includes the MRF-MGL and other isolate collections. This scheme enabled the characterisation of vaccine antigen variants and here the invasive meningococci isolated in Great Britain and Ireland in the epidemiological years 2010/11 to 2013/14 are analysed. Many unique BASTs (647) were present, but nine of these accounted for 39% (775/1966) of isolates, with some temporal and geographic differences in BAST distribution. BASTs were strongly associated with other characteristics, such as serogroup and clonal complex (cc), and a significant increase in BAST-2 was associated with increased prevalence of serogroup W clonal complex 11 meningococci. Potential coverage was assessed by the examination of the antigen peptide sequences present in the vaccine and epidemiological dataset. There were 22.8-30.8% exact peptide matches to Bexsero® components and predicted coverage of 66.1%, based on genotype-phenotype modelling for 63.7% of serogroup B isolates from 2010/14 in UK and Ireland. While there are many caveats to this estimate, it lies within the range of other published estimates

    Identification of a bifunctional lipopolysaccharide sialyltransferase in Haemophilus influenzae - Incorporation of disialic acid

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    The lipopolysaccharide (LPS) of non-typeable Haemophilus influenzae (NTHi) can be substituted at various positions by N-acetylneuraminic acid (Neu5Ac). LPS sialylation plays an important role in pathogenesis. The only LPS sialyltransferase characterized biochemically to date in H. influenzae is Lic3A, an alpha-2,3-sialyltransferase responsible for the addition of Neu5Ac to a lactose acceptor (Hood, D. W., Cox, A. D., Gilbert, M., Makepeace, K., Walsh, S., Deadman, M. E., Cody, A., Martin, A., Mansson, M., Schweda, E. K., Brisson, J.R., Richards, J.C., Moxon, E.R., and Wakarchuk, W.W. (2001) Mol. Microbiol. 39, 341-350). Here we describe a second sialyltransferase, Lic3B, that is a close homologue of Lic3A and present in 60% of NTHi isolates tested. A recombinant form of Lic3B was expressed in Escherichia coli and purified by affinity chromatography. We used synthetic fluorescent acceptors with a terminal lactose or sialyllactose to show that Lic3B has both alpha-2,3- and alpha-2,8-sialyltransferase activities. Structural analysis of LPS from lic3B mutant strains of NTHi confirmed that only monosialylated species were detectable, whereas disialylated species were detected upon inactivation of lic3A. Furthermore, introduction of lic3B into a lic3B-deficient strain background resulted in a significant increase in sialylation in the recipient strain. Mass spectrometric analysis of LPS indicated that glycoforms containing two Neu5Ac residues were evident that were not present in the LPS of the parent strain. These findings characterize the activity of a second sialyltransferase in H. influenzae, responsible for the addition of di-sialic acid to the LPS. Modification of the LPS by di-sialylation conferred increased resistance of the organism to the killing effects of normal human serum, as compared with mono-sialylated or non-sialylated species, indicating that this modification has biological significance

    Global Genetic Structure and Molecular Epidemiology of Encapsulated Haemophilus influenzae

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    A collection of 2,209 isolates of six polysaccharide capsule types of Haemophilus influenzoe, including 1,975 serotype b isolates recovered in 30 countries was characterized for electrophoretically demonstrable allele profiles at 17 metabolic enzyme loci. Two hundred eighty distinct multilocus genotypes were distinguished, and cluster analysis revealed two primary phylogenetic divisions. The population structure of encapsulated H. influenzae is clonal. Currently, most of the invasive disease worldwide is caused by serotype b strains of nine clones, Strains producing serotype c, e, and f capsules belong to single divisions and have no close genetic relationships to strains of other serotypes, Serotype a and b strains occur in both primary phylogenetic divisions, probably as a result of transfer and recombination of serotype-specific sequences of the cap region between clonal lineages. A close genetic relatedness between serotype d isolates and some strains of serotypes a and b was identified, There are strong patterns of geographic variation, on an intercontinental scale, in both the extent of genetic diversity and the clonal composition of populations of encapsulated strains, The analysis suggests that the present distribution of clones is, in part, related to patterns of racial or ethnic differentiation and historical demographic movements of the human host population